Ch 660

This night, for Dayu Xianchao, it was destined not to be peaceful.

Emperor Yu died, the world is in sorrow, the endless rain of blood, falling from the depths of the sky, fluttering, with endless sadness and sorrow.

In the imperial capital, all the cultivator creatures are crying, with sadness on their faces, it is hard to believe that this will be true.

Yu Huangna was the lord of the Great Yu Immortal Dynasty. He added billions of dragon spirits and participated in good fortune. He was profound and unimaginable.

How could he fall here?

But this is a true fact, it happened in front of everyone and cannot be changed.

At this time, many forces and traditions felt that something unpredictable had happened, otherwise, with Yu Huang's means and strength, they would not fall so easily.

But now in Dayu's imperial capital, the fog is so deep that everyone can't see the surrounding scene at all.

There are older generations trying to figure out the origin of the fog, but The next moment was affected by backlash, his face changed drastically, blood was vomiting at the mouth, and he flew out, almost lost his soul.


"Who is setting up the situation? If it is to explore the day, it will cause great terror, and it will be full of physical and spiritual.

The older generations were all pale, showing fear and fear.

They really can't imagine that Dayu Immortal Dynasty has survived to this day, Immortal and ancient, who on earth has such courage to calculate it like this.

"Dae Yu Xianchao has been in a mess during this period of time.

The high-level officials of the various forces sighed lightly, planning to leave this land of right and wrong as soon as the water is still not muddy.

twenty four

"Yu Tianyong is dead, you should give up."

At this time, a loud laugh rang through Tianyu.

At the top of the imperial capital, Yu Tianzheng, with blood on his body and scattered hair, slowly walked out. Although he was seriously injured, his breath made everyone horrified and horrified, and couldn't help but retreat back.

"The sword of town country is in his hands."

A minister recognized the Chaos Dao Sword in Yu Tianzheng's hand, and his voice trembled.

This is the tool of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty to suppress the country. It is condensed from the gathering of Qiyun beliefs. It can suppress the immortal heritage. If it is fully recovered, it can overwhelm hundreds of thousands of miles of territory in one blow.

This kind of state-of-the-art weapon can't be used by Dayu's master.

Now that it fell in the hands of Yu Tianzheng, it has already explained the situation of that battle, which made many cultivators who had the last chance to lose their faces, and completely wiped out the illusion.

If Huang Yu didn't fall, how could he allow this weapon to fall into Yu Tianzheng's hands?

"Kill him, take revenge for your majesty!"

Before the imperial capital, a minister had red eyes and roared angrily, instructing the men behind him to take action to besiege Yu Tianzheng.

In the other direction, a large number of soldiers also emerged, with brilliant silver armor and dazzling brilliance.

At this moment, the entire Emperor Dayu was in complete chaos, and there were shouts of killing everywhere. Even some of the princes couldn't help but roared forward, wanting to avenge their father and the emperor.

However, Yu Tianzheng had obviously anticipated all this long ago, sneered, and crushed the jade charm in his hand.

Outside the imperial capital, the army that had already descended, screaming to kill, swept over everything like an indestructible torrent, driving the fog of the rainbow.

In addition, the back hand that Yu Tianzheng has laid out over the years is finally revealed.

In the eyes of many people, the loyal and loyal courtiers of the Emperor Yu were all against the water at this time and killed many soldiers in the imperial capital.

This scene shocked everyone.

"Emperor Yu is dead, and the new emperor shall stand.

"Yu Huang has lost his virtue, we should support the new emperor."

Many ministers were shouting, and even a general in charge of the military power of the hall had already secretly submitted to Yu Tianzheng.

For a time, there were wars and killings everywhere, and no one was spared.

Some cultivator creatures who had not had time to escape here were also swept in.

"Why did the Restrictions of Dynasty's formation not touch

At this time, Yu Feiya and others, who stood in front of the palace, finally realized an extremely serious matter, and their expressions changed drastically.

Dayu Xian Dynasty has survived to this day, the formation Restrictions recorded in the imperial capital are simply countless.

Because of the existence of these Restrictions, even if the other Immortal Traditions are killed, they can resist it. It can be said to be solid.

But today, all the formation Restrictions seem to be silent.

"It seems that he has been arranging all this a long time ago, and the person responsible for maintaining the operation of the formation has long since submitted to him.

"Why does a Yu Tianzheng have such a method? There must be other people behind him…"

Yu Feiya's face turned cold, and she reacted.

And just when there was a big battle and chaos in Dayu's imperial capital.

The peak powerhouses of various traditions who went to chase the people in black also noticed something was wrong and stopped in place.

This place has been out of the scope of Dayu Imperial Capital. The four wilds are desolate, the stars are flat and wide, the vast Galaxy Cluster is surging, and there is fog in the surrounding area.

Above the sky, it can even be seen that the Star is slowly turning, with a pounding aura ups and downs.

This is a desolate star field, there are many unmanned Stars around, lacking vitality.

"How come there is something wrong?"

"Those people in black escaped so fast, they won't catch up." A peak powerhouse in Tianhuang Mountain frowned and stopped and stood on the sky.

With the strength of his enlightened person, it is also easy to step across the star field.

However, after chasing the few people in black, they quickly lost their tracks, and I don't know where they fled.

This speed really surprised him.

He has been cultivating for millions of years, his instincts are very accurate, and he has even saved his life several times.

So he soon felt wrong. The people in black were obviously going to take the life of Yu Tianzheng, but why did they escape trial after they attacked Gu Changge?

If it is a real killer, even if it is a miss, it will stay away, but it will not leave such a big movement.

It's as if you are deliberately trying to lead them away and come here to hunt them down?

"It's not good, it's hit."

The complexion of the peak powerhouse at Tianhuang Mountain changed, and an endless chill suddenly appeared.

The real purpose of this group of people in black may not be to attack and kill Gu Changge at all, but to draw them all out.

"As for the purpose of eliciting ours, is it to kill me here?"

The peak powerhouse of Tianhuangshan quickly figured out all this, and the majestic and vast divine spirit swept away, like a turbulent ocean, about to flood this star field.

"It seems that there are still clever

"It was actually noticed by you.

A faint voice suddenly sounded in this silent star field.

"It's you "

"How is it possible, aren't you seriously injured?"

The peak powerhouse of Tianhuangshan, his face changed again, his eyes widened, and he looked in that direction in disbelief, showing a bit of horror.

A white-clothed man walked slowly, unhurriedly, with crystal clear hair, scattered at will, his eyes like the sea, and his body as clear as jade.

It is Gu Changge.

He didn't come fast, but the space seemed to shrink under his feet, and he crossed the endless mountains and seas in an instant.

"So, you are not injured at all, everything is arranged by you?

The peak powerhouse of Tianhuang Mountain stared at the flawless man in front of him, his voice trembling slightly.

It is completely different from the paleness and weakness that I saw before. Today's Gu Changge, Transcendent is refined, full of gods like jade, and beautiful and flawless, so that heaven and all women will be jealous. The body is long, black hair is flying, and the whole body is flowing. The whole body is blended with the universe, as if standing in the immortal realm of endless distance.

This look doesn't seem to be hurt.

At the peak powerhouse of Mt. Tianhuang, endless vigilance and anxiety rose in the heart.

"Naturally, I am not injured. There is no one who can hurt me in this world." Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, just shook his head slightly.

"The person behind Yu Tianzheng is also you? You arranged all of the Dayu chaos this time?"

"That group of people in black are also your subordinates. Did you deliberately lead me out?

The peak powerhouse on Mt. Tianhuang was cold. Hearing this, he figured out many things in an instant.

His voice trembled involuntarily. Since enlightenment, he hasn't felt this kind of fear for a long time.

How big of ambitions and means are there to dare to do this?

You must know that they are enlightened, but the existence that stands at the pinnacle of the upper realm.

Is it just being played in the palm of your hand?

"It's not too late for you to understand at this time."

Gu Changge smiled and said, the expression in his eyes was like looking at a dead person.

"Why do you want to do this, you are not reconciled when things are exposed, will you be the enemy of the world?"

The peak powerhouse of Tianhuang Mountain was horrified and couldn't help but shouted, "Even if you are the future head of the Gu family, you can't use your own strength to counter all the powers of the Taoist line."

"Since I dare to do this, I am naturally not reconciled that things will be exposed.

"What's more, as far as the world is hostile to me, it's nothing more than that." Gu Changge still smiled slightly, his expression very natural.


The peak powerhouse of Mt. Tianhuang looked terrified, like looking at an unimaginable monster.

"It just happens that I still lack a few puppets of the enlightened state, and you just happened to send them to the door."

Gu Changge shook his head and said, explaining his own purpose to him.

With his current strength, it was easy to separate a few strands of soul, control a few cultivators, and then pretend to be a man in black to create this chaos.