Ch 681

In the depths of Vermillion Bird Square, the palace is magnificent, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

The blue lake was like a wash, glowing under the moonlight, and it seemed even more clear, but now it was completely silent.

All the cultivator creatures stared at this scene in astonishment and horror.

It's no secret that Qing'er's identity is borrowed from the large Vermillion Bird Square, and even in the entire Hundred Realms battlefield.

Many cultivator creatures who have been here for a period of time actually recognize her.

However, this is such a character who can be called Miss in the battlefield of Hundred Realms, and now he is personally accompanied by a young man.

Therefore, combined with what happened in front of the town boundary city yesterday, the identity of the white man in front of him is self-evident!

"Young Master Changge Changge"

"How could he show up here?"

Many cultivator creatures are buzzing in their heads at this moment, their eyes widened, and they think this is incredible.

No one thought that one day, under such a situation, he would meet the real Gu Changge.

"It turned out to be the real Young Master Changge, something serious happened."

Many big figures in the dark breathed even more, and then did not dare to hide their figures anymore, and hurriedly showed up with a respectful appearance.

To put it bluntly, in the upper realm today, Gu Changge is definitely the most powerful and terrifying person, there is no one!

He even only needed a word to change the upper realm.

Even those Immortal Great Sects, the Holy Lord of Supreme Orthodoxy, and ancient existences must be trembling and polite in front of him.

The ordinary cultivator is estimated to be unsteady even standing in front of it. Just now, this group of incomparable disciples of the imperial imperial family, Zhang domineering, is the best proof.

They even dared to hit the girl in the red skirt in front of Gu Changge, blocking his way into this place.

In the eyes of everyone, what is it that is not looking for death?

All of a sudden, many cultivators present showed sympathy and gloat for these Swire royal disciples.

They are so rampant on weekdays, today they finally mentioned the iron plate to see how arrogant they are.

"What happened? Why did the attitude of these disciples of the Primordial Royal Family suddenly change so much? What are the identities of this girl and the man in white?

The people of Qinghong Ancient Realm who had been waiting to die in the same place were also stunned by this sudden scene.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked behind them with all doubts.

In their opinion, this was a mortal situation, even if the teacher Elder behind them came forward, it would definitely not be able to save them.

But judging from the current situation, the group of disciples of the Taikoo royal family in front of them looked terrified, as if they had offended some extremely terrifying character.

"Unintentionally disturbed Young Master Changge."

"I also hope that Young Master Changge, your lord, have a lot, and forgive me for waiting for my life."

In front of the arena palace, all the disciples of the Primordial royal family looked at Gu Changge not far away, their expressions were pale, their faces trembled with fear to the extreme, and their souls were almost frightened.

The disciple of the Taikoo royal family who had acted on the girl Xue Yan just now was even more limp. His face was pale, he lost all his blood, and his whole body was shaking unceasingly.

Even if the patriarch behind him came forward, he wouldn't dare to save him, his face was desperate.

"You are looking for death, no one can save you today."

Qing'er looked at the Taikoo imperial disciple who had acted indifferently.

She didn't even give any instructions. The many subordinates who had followed in the dark before immediately stepped forward, turned into a shadow, swept away, and instantly took away the Taikoo royal disciple in front of her.

Accompanied by a scream of fright and despair, the clear lake in the distance resembled a mirror, there was a thump, and suddenly there was a splash of blood.

The terrible beasts resembled a shark that smelled the fishy odor. They jumped out from the bottom of the lake, opened their mouths in the blood basin, and suddenly bit this ancient imperial disciple.

The terrifying bite force is like a mountain covered by pressure, and instantly bites the bones and lungs, and wipes them out into a cloud of blood.

"It's so dead."

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help feeling cold all over.

In the depths of this lake bottom, there are probably more terrible beasts inhabiting.

Just now, the Emperor Zhang Qiangheng, who was a powerful weapon, became the ration of this group of fierce beasts in a blink of an eye, and couldn't even keep the whole body.

The other disciples of the Taikoo royal family were pale, and were equally frightened, worried that they would be caught and fed to this group of fierce beasts, just like the partner just now.

"My son, what are they going to do with them々[?"

Qinger grew up in the battlefield of Hundred Realms since he was a child. Naturally, he was not a good recommendation. I have seen all kinds of life and death.

Killing these disciples of the Taikoo royal family is nothing to her.

What's more, Gu Changge is behind him today.

Even if she killed Elder or descendants of the Primordial Royal Family, she wouldn't blink her eyes.

During the interrogation, she coldly scanned all the cultivators in front of her. Even some big people did not dare to look at her, and bowed their heads one after another.

"Forget it, because they are also unintentional. I am not a killer, so I will spare them my life.

Gu Changge shook his head lightly when he heard the words, his expression did not change much.

He had planned to watch the excitement from a distance, and didn't want to intervene in this matter.

But I never thought that the girl in the red dress would fly upside down and fell right in front of him.

If it had been before, Gu Changge had some interest in the other teenager, after all, this was a genuine son of luck.

The degree of air luck is not too low, it has reached the cyan level.

But now that his Cultivation Base has reached this point, he still really looks down on ordinary son of luck.

Even if he kills it, he won't get much luck and destiny points, and the system's sense of existence is getting lower and lower.

"Thank you, Young Master Changge, for his magnanimity and his grace not to kill."

On the other side, when Gu Changge said that he would spare their lives, all the disciples of the Primordial royal family immediately knelt down with gratitude as if they were pardoned.

He also hated the companion who was thrown into the lake to feed the fierce beast just now.

If it wasn't for the other party, I'm afraid they wouldn't offend Gu Changge so unreasonably.

The many cultivator creatures around, originally thought there would be a good show to watch, but I didn't expect Gu Changge to let this group of Primordial royal disciples so easily, which made them quite disappointed.

Then because of Gu Changge's appearance, many big people here also came over.

Regardless of whether Gu Changge was willing to talk to them or not, he came to meet them so as not to leave a bad impression.

Of course, there are also many people who are curious about how Gu Changge suddenly appeared in the battlefield of Hundred Realms, and why he suddenly came to the arena.

Could it be that he is here really to pick followers, or servants?

There was a lot of speculation in everyone's mind, and the mood was quite complicated.

Many cultivators in secret are also quietly passing on the news of this place and reporting them to those behind them.

The Vermillion Bird Square is very large, and there are many forces in the dark.

"Thank you for his life-saving grace."

The girl Xue Yan, who understood that the crisis had been resolved, quickly reacted and hurriedly thanked Gu Changge's cupped hands behind her.

She didn't know how to call Gu Changge. Originally, she wanted to call the son, but worried that the other party felt that she was close, so she hurriedly changed her name to an adult.

"Thank you, my lord, for saving my life, I can't be thankful enough."

The rest of the young Tianjiao in Qinghong Ancient Realm responded quickly when they saw it, and rushed over to express gratitude.

They are not stupid. They can see the horror of Gu Changge's identity in front of them. I'm afraid it is the big figure they saw at the gate of the city during the day.

So even if they knew that Gu Changge was doing nothing in this matter, they didn't want to let go of such an opportunity to talk to him.

"The villain was fortunate enough to be saved by Young Master Changge. This is incredible."

The Confucian man in the Confucian shirt who had a gray face and felt that he would die tragically here tonight is also extremely excited at this moment.

Everyone in the ancient world of Qinghong doesn't know Gu Changge's identity, but he knows it!

"Even saved.

Lu Ming, who was in pain in the distance and dyed red with blood, walked tremblingly, also full of incredible color.

He was already ready to fight to the death, but he never thought that the group of disciples of the Primordial royal family was so unlucky that they ran into the mysterious and terrifying adult in front of him.

"A bunch of humble bugs, don't come here to obstruct your son's eyes. Get away a bit."

"You are lucky. I happened to ran into the son here tonight, otherwise I didn't know how he died just now.

Qing'er still spoke indifferently, scanning the people of Qinghong Ancient Realm in front of him, and didn't put them on an equal status at all.

Whether it's her or the other cultivators, the attitude towards these netherworld arrogances is like treating a group of insignificant little ants, and there will be no good faces.

Even in her opinion, these little bugs are completely unqualified to talk to Gu Changge.

"Qinger must not be rude."

Hearing this, Gu Changge smiled lightly, then waved her hand to interrupt her, looked at the girl in the red dress in front of her, and said,

"This world is like this, The Weak are Prey to the Strong, natural selection."

"If you don't want to be like this one day, because you block the way of others, you will be reduced to the sword sister and let others slaughter you, then first train your own fist a bit bigger.

"At least it won't fall as badly as it is today."

While talking, he took out a clean and tidy Supa from his arms and handed it to the girl Xue Yan in front of him.

"Thank you very much for your warning.

The girl Xueyan looked at Supa who was handing her in front of her in a daze, her eyes widened.

The little face, which was originally pale because of the serious injury, suddenly blushed, suddenly feeling a little at a loss.

She didn't even think that Gu Changge would take the initiative to confess to her, even handing her a clean Supa to wipe the blood on the corners of her mouth.


All the cultivators around him suddenly opened their eyes wide, in disbelief, and couldn't believe what he was seeing before his eyes.

After reacting, everyone cast envy and jealous eyes on the girl Xue Yan, even Qinger was extremely envious and jealous.

She really couldn't figure out why Master Changge said this to such a small bug and handed her a Supa.

Is it because this head looks good? But you must know that in this upper realm, the most indispensable is beautiful and moving women.

Solution "~Sister Xueyan"

Lu Ming, who limped in the distance, was shocked when he saw this scene, and an inexplicable nameless anger was born in his heart.

It stands to reason that they were saved and survived because of Gu Changge.

He should be grateful to Gu Changge, but for some reason, there is an unspeakable hostility in his heart, as if the two were born in conflict.

Especially I still saw such a scene.

"Thanks, thank you, sir."

Under the envious and jealous eyes of many companions on the side, the girl Xue Yan who reacted hurriedly and cautiously caught the Supa handed in front of her.

In her opinion, this is not just a simple Supa.

After all, this was given to her by Gu Changge in full view.

Although she didn't know the identity of Gu Changge at all.

But judging from the looks of the people around, I also understand that after tonight, in this huge battlefield of Hundred Realms, I am afraid that no one will dare to embarrass her again.

Even those big and powerful figures now smile kindly at her.

At this time, the girl Xue Yan was a little dazed. How could he be so lucky?

And when she was in a daze, Gu Changge already took Qing'er and walked past her to the palaces in the depths, just like a little beggar who gave alms to the street.

A ghostly messenger, the girl Xue Yan didn't know where her courage came from, she turned her head and asked Gu Changge, "Dare to ask the adult's name? If there is a chance in the future, she will repay you for your great favor today.

As soon as she finished saying this, she felt her own heart, banging banging wildly, extremely nervous, as if she shouldn't ask such a thing in her humble status.

When she heard this, everyone was even more envious. Gu Changge valued this inexplicably, and she didn't even know her name.

How lucky this is, even if it is the smoke from the ancestral grave, it is far from enough.

"Oh? You don't have to pay back."

Gu Changge heard the words with a faint smile on his lips, did not look back, and said casually, "As for the name, I think someone will tell you."

(Wang Qianzhao) Then, the envoy from the arena in front came respectfully to lead them and lead them into it.

"Why does he do this?"

In the distance in the dark, a slim figure wearing a hat and black clothes had been paying attention to this scene. When Gu Changge stepped into the depths of the palace, she silently retracted her gaze.

On the girl in the red dress, she vaguely saw her original shadow.

At the beginning, she also came from the lower realm, and was looked down upon by many cultivators.

If it weren't for being valued by Gu Changge, I'm afraid I don't know how much grievance and humiliation I would suffer.

"The son

Thinking of this, the expression in her eyes became more painful and struggling, and then some hostility emerged, gradually covering the rest of Qingming.

On the other hand, under the leadership of the person arranged by Qinger, Gu Changge quickly entered the inner palace, which is not the same as the pavilion seen outside, but this place is an underground passage to move back!

Layers of stairs lead to it, with spiritual oil lamps lit on both sides, and the breath is a bit silent. The location of the arena is surprisingly underground.

"The walls here are engraved with array patterns, and they burst out at critical moments. The power is definitely not small. It can trap the cultivator of the holy realm and avoid accidental intestines."

Seeing Gu Changge's eyes fall on Qinger, Qinger explained.

"This arrangement is quite deep."

Gu Changge nodded and swept randomly. The range was thousands of miles, and the layout was similar to the Colosseum, with seats on both sides.

However, it is separated by a special barrier in the middle, and it is impossible to see the scenes on both sides.

It is such an elegant and demure island that no one would have thought of hiding such a big arena.

There are countless people on death row and cultivator who die here every day.

As for why he thought about helping the girl in the red dress just now, he just wanted to see if something interesting would happen between this destined daughter and the original protagonist through such a fusion with him.

After all, what I just did was due to Gu Changge's evil taste.