Ch 682

The scope of the arena is very large, there is room for the universe, and the fluctuations of Restrictions are permeating.

There are seats on both sides, full of cultivators from all sides, all staring excitedly at the fighting field ahead, which is extremely lively.

Although the seats are isolated by a layer of special formation, in the eyes of the deep cultivator of Cultivation Base, this layer of barrier is naturally in the form of a dummy, and it is easy to observe every move of the surrounding cultivator.

But if you do it this way, it is easy to be regarded as a provocative move in the eyes of some old monsters.

So if it is not necessary, no cultivator would be so stupid.

Upon learning of Gu Changge's appearance, the person in charge of the arena here personally came over and arranged the best seats for him, allowing him to view all the situations in the arena.

In the elegant room, the brilliance is intertwined, the fragrance of tea is permeated, and many beautiful and moving maids come to serve tea and pour water, and deliver a variety of crystal clear spiritual fruit food.

Many big figures not far away also consciously or unconsciously approached his seat, wanting to understand the purpose of Gu Changge's coming to the Battlefield of Hundred Realms.

In their eyes, Gu Changge's every move has extraordinary significance and needs to be carefully studied.

"After a while, the person in charge here will open the entrances on both sides of the arena, release the condemned prisoners or criminals who participated in the fight, and let them start the fight below."

"Sometimes he will introduce the origin and general strength of the two murderers to the audience, so that the audience can bet and bet, or some disciples of the master will offer a price to directly buy those death row prisoners or sinners."

"However, the main purpose of many people participating in the gladiatorial fight here is to gain points on the opponent."

"Behind the Vermillion Bird Square, Azure Dragon Square, and White Tiger Square, there are points halls that specialize in redeeming various magical power Cultivation Techniques with points. Many ancient forbidden techniques that have been lost to the outside world can be found here. , So many cultivators will try their luck here, maybe they can change to a holy scripture or supreme law."

In the elegant room, celestial mist loomed around, concealing the surrounding sight with a curtain.

Gu Changge sat behind the curtain, holding the white Wangyu tea cup, blowing lightly on the surface of the heat, his expression was extremely leisurely.

Qing'er explained to him while looking at the arena below.

Tell the person in charge here to get the list of people who will participate in the death fight tonight.

The Hundred Realms War has not yet begun.

Therefore, many lower realm princes, even if they appeared here, would not participate in this fight, just to mention the cruelty that 687 experienced here.

"The headquarters of The Underworld, the Buddha, will really hide here?"

Gu Changge heard what Qing'er said, but he was thinking of other things in his mind.

The purpose of his coming to the Battlefield of Hundred Realms was to find the headquarters of The Underworld and the Buddha, thereby completely destroying them.

As for the results of these many lower bounds, they are not in his consideration.

"My son, the cultivators on these lists are all people who are going to participate in this battle tonight. Some are death row prisoners in Vermillion Bird, and some are from the outside world who come here to seek tempering."

Soon, Qing'er got all the lists of Vermillion Bird's main city arena.

She presented this Jade Slip to Gu Changge.

The territory of the entire Hundred Realms battlefield is extremely wide, and the cultivator is even more mixed.

Although she is the big Miss of the Ten Thousand Dao Business League, she can't guarantee that the list in her hands must be complete.

So after Gu Changge glanced roughly, he put it down.

This list alone is not enough for him to determine the location of The Underworld and the Buddha, let alone find its contact point, and then find the headquarters.

Such difficulty is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"Perhaps we need to change the method. If The Underworld and the Buddha are smart now, they should be wary of my intentions and not show the slightest injustice."

"At this time, the deeper you dig, the less clues you will find.

Gu Changge frowned and suddenly thought of another possibility.

The spring breeze jasper building has risen like a prairie fire in recent years, and it is difficult to stop.

The Underworld and the Buddha, the two killer organizations since ancient times, have long regarded them as thorns in the eyes and thorns in the flesh, and they can't wait to get rid of them.

So they must have investigated the origins of Chunfeng Biyulou, and even figured out how to infiltrate it.

During this period of time, the Wandao Commercial League was extremely closely related to Chunfeng Biyu Tower. The Underworld and the master behind the Buddha will definitely connect the two.

Behind the Wandao Business League, there are too many shadows of him.

"Actually, when I appeared here, The Underworld and the Buddha had noticed too much investigation, but it would be counterproductive, so it is better to follow the current and go the other way."

Gu Changge shook his head lightly and sighed in his heart.

He thought of a loophole that he hadn't noticed before, so he thought things too simple.

After all, since many epochs, The Underworld and the Buddha have been able to evade the revenge of countless Taoist forces, and naturally have their own ways to settle down.

He underestimated these two forces too much.

That's why it came here so rampantly, but ignored its cautious foundation of life.

Take The Underworld as an example. The Underworld is said to have ten temples, each of which performs its duties and is in charge of the dark trading of assassinations in the upper world.

Thirty million years ago, the lord of The Underworld, the King of Qin Guang, was attacked by an enemy in Zhongyin Mountain and suffered heavy losses.

Because of this incident, The Underworld generally almost fell apart.

Even the judges in one hall, Granny Meng, black and white impermanence and other high-level leaders in charge of life and death, were also killed by the other halls of The Underworld.

Because of this incident, the various traditions in the upper realm discovered that the original interior of The Underworld itself was not a solid one, and each had differences and was not united.

Of course, this is what Gu Changge saw in Gu's classics.

Later, the lord of The Underworld is said to have re-established the rules and re-established a hall. Even King Qin Guang was personally selected from among his disciples.

Now that 30 million years have passed, if the palace of The Underworld had not changed its ownership, the King of Qin Guang Cultivation Base would have long surpassed the average enlightened person.

The lord of the other halls, Cultivation Base is even more unfathomable, let alone the lord of The Underworld who has never transposed.

"The Lord of The Underworld has survived at least several epochs. Such a character is unlikely to act recklessly.

"Any disturbance that affects his plan will fall into his eyes."

Gu Changge put down his cup, and he became more interested for a while.

He underestimated the master of The Underworld, and now the opponent is probably already tightening the handwriting placed in the battlefield of Hundred Realms.

If you just want to follow the vine, I am afraid it will be difficult to solve this matter before the wedding date.

"It just so happens that all the forces are speculating about my intentions, so it's good for us to play a game.

Gu Changge smiled suddenly and looked at the arena outside.

The fence made of special god gold on both sides was slowly pulling up, and the next two figures, under the gaze of everyone, slowly walked onto the arena, and began the next horror fight.

In the surrounding auditorium, all the cultivator creatures are staring at this scene, their eyes flashing bloodthirsty, excitement, excitement, or showing anxiety or worry, it is different.

As the host on the arena announced the rules for everyone, and the two had their own wishes, the fight finally began.

The splendid and dazzling brilliance permeated, spreading like an array pattern like Restrictions,-the next child blocked the surrounding void.

All kinds of terrifying killer moves criss-cross, including the surging fire of the gods, and the cracking of the Sword Qi, the blood and fog are filled, the scene is extremely terrifying.

If it weren't for the strong formations recorded here, just this wave of fighting would be enough to destroy the space here.

I have to say that the cultivators who dare to step into this arena are not general, at least under the Realm, it is difficult to find an opponent.

The two killed hundreds of back and forth, you come and me, it is extremely tragic.

The body of one of them was torn apart, and the blood was gushing out like spring water, but he did not change his face in his old face, and was fighting with his opponent.

Such a shocking and tragic scene caused many Tianjiao who came here for the first time to tremble in their hearts, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

In the front of the auditorium, there is also the person in charge behind the arena playing gambling.

Piles of Spirit Stones, holy medicines, and even Cultivation Technique cheats were all put up. The light was radiant and reflected in all directions, making the eyes of many cultivators flushed, extremely eager.

The fight between the two in the arena is not only about the life and death of the two, but for them, it is an indescribable horrible wealth.

"How could the two people in today's game be so terrible in strength? In the past, they were all over the place."

"Could it be that Young Master Changge, the master behind the arena, arranged these strong men in advance?"

Looking at the horror fighting in the arena, many big men frowned slightly.

They are regular visitors here, and they have long been accustomed to such fighting.

But in their opinion, it was supposed to be compared to the fight in the last game, but I saw it in the first game today.

This made them suddenly feel a bit of speculation, is it possible that Gu Changge came to the battlefield of Hundred Realms, but actually selected death row prisoners?

"Is this the fight we will face next?"

The group of people in Qinghong Ancient Realm, watching the terrifying battle in the arena at this moment, looked a little sluggish and couldn't believe it.

Many people even swallowed quietly to stabilize their minds.

Under such a terrible battle, they have no chance to survive, let alone get a good ranking and win the luck of the world.

This is simply unrealistic.

At this moment, they even wanted to just give up and return to the original world sooner.

The Upper Realm is too terrifying and cruel, and it doesn't belong to their group of frogs at the bottom of the well.

"I just need this kind of tempering to be stronger."

However, compared to everyone's fear, Lu Ming, who has recovered a lot from his injuries, is full of fighting spirit and clenched fists.

He thought of a lot. The reason why Gang オ was humiliated and despised and slaughtered by others was because he was too weak.

In the face of this opportunity to temper his own, how can he easily give up?

"Sister Xueyan"

With thoughts in his mind, Lu Ming couldn't help turning his head to look at the girl beside him, Xue Yan, who still looked a little dazed.

Since being saved just now, Junior Sister Xueyan has been in a state of unwillingness, and has a lot of thoughts on her mind.

Lu Ming knew it was because of the big man named Gu Changge.

From the mouths of the Rushan men, they already knew a lot about Gu Changge, and it was impossible to say that they were not shocked in their hearts.

Until now, the scalp is still numb.

Lu Ming also understood why the group of disciples of the Taikoo royal family who showed such a domineering attitude would end up with such an attitude.

Because such a character stands at the top of the upper realm, overlooking the eternal heavens.

One word can determine the birth and death of the ten thousand realms Samsara, one word can change the upper realm.

It is unceremonious to say that a single thought from the other party is enough to destroy the Qinghong Ancient Realm behind them thousands of times.

And this kind of character has an intersection with them, and even said a few words with Junior Sister Xue Yan.

This is simply unimaginable, like a dreamlike thing.

You must know that before this, the Confucian shirt men had an indifferent and supreme attitude towards them.

But now she is flattering to Junior Sister Xue Yan to the extreme.

Those big figures in the Vermillion Bird Square also sent a lot of good things to Junior Sister Xueyan just now to show their kind attitude.

The news of this place has been sent back to the station behind them. I believe that several Elders are also on the way over, which can be described as ecstatic.

"Senior Lu Ming, are you calling me?"

The girl Xue Yan, who had always been in a trance, heard Lu Ming's voice, recovered her senses, looked at him and asked.

Up to this moment, she still felt a little unreal.

Even in the ancient world of Qinghong, she is the daughter of the Sect Leader who is sought after by countless people.

But I still think all this is dreamy, incredible, and unbelievable.

"Sister, you"

Lu Ming was a little stunned, then a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he went silent.

He had a lot of things he wanted to say, but for some reason he couldn't say it all at once.

It seems that the younger sister in front of him has been separated by an infinite distance, and has become no longer familiar.

"Miss Xueyan, let me tell you, since that person has noticed you, you must find a way to contact him again, that pair of you, and the Sect behind you, and even the realm you are in. That said, there are endless benefits."

"You don't even need to participate in this hundred world battlefield, you can easily get the luck of the world."

The man in Rushan didn't notice the change in Lu Ming's expression. He still had a pleasing smile, making suggestions for the girl Xue Yan.

However, hearing these words, Lu Ming couldn't help clenching his fist under his sleeve.

What are you doing with Junior Sister Xueyan? Is she planning to please her to approach that adult?

Soon, the first fight in the arena is over. The winner will live and the loser will die, and all the points of the opponent will be won.

Behind the fence, another condemned prisoner appeared again and started the second killing, and so on.

Gu Changge has been watching the fourth game, and after the end, it seemed that he shook his head with regret. The people who had been paying attention to his actions were also shocked. They felt that Gu Changge was here to choose something. .