Ch 683

The scene where Gu Changge got up and left was noticed by almost everyone in the arena.

Many people will come here tonight. In fact, they still learned the news of Gu Changge's appearance. Now he is not interested in staying any more, so naturally everyone does not want to stay longer.

Judging from Gu Changge's attitude tonight, many people have speculated that he should be here to select some death row prisoners or servants who have experienced battles.

After all, in terms of Gu Changge's current status and status, the average follower of Tianjiao, I am afraid~ he would look down upon it.

The followers he chooses are at least the holy realm, or the quasi-superior realm above it.

Even in the battlefield of this hundred realms, the quasi-extreme realm cultivator is also rare and extremely difficult to find.

Of course, this is everyone's opinion, and no one knows how the truth is.

After Gu Changge left, the host in charge of the arena moved his eyes slightly and quietly passed the order, so that the death row behind did not have to be on stage.

"The lord has left?"

The group of people in the ancient world of Qinghong were also surprised. Gu Changge and them were not people in the same world, and they did not dare to have other illusions in their hearts.

It's just that she can't help looking at the girl Xue Yan, very envious of her.

Soon, news about this place was passed back by the eyes of various forces in secret.

Many Tianjiao who feel that they are powerful have also started gearing up, eager to try, and want to participate in this gladiatorial fight, so they are attracted by Gu Changge and become their followers.

An undercurrent that Gu Changge deliberately swept across the entire Hundred Realms battlefield in an instant.

In addition to Vermillion Bird Square, the rest of the squares, Azure Dragon Square, White Tiger Square, and Underworld Square were also the first to get the wind.

"Could it be that this surname Gu is just here to pick followers? Is it because I waited too cautiously?"

"Or did he do it just to cover people's eyes? Have ulterior motives?"

In the depths of the battlefield of Hundred Realms, in a very gloomy palace.

Several horrible figures shrouded in the monstrous fog stood tall, their eyes disillusioned, among them there were terrible scenes evolving, the moon sinking and the stars were ruined, and the world collapsed.

Their Cultivation Base is extremely terrifying, and the vast and endless fluctuations are like being in an abyss of Wang Yang, endless and boundless.

Under their feet, a vast pile of white bones, there are ancient skulls of Sage, as well as supreme corpses of recent eras, and hand bones of enlightened persons.

Each piece is crystal clear, and the texture is hard, like divine iron, with the divinity that has never been dissipated.

For the killer assassin walking in the dark, every bone here once represented a brilliant record.

The owner of each piece of bone has a Xuanhe position and origin, otherwise it is not qualified to be listed in this hall as a collection.

The Underworld has ten halls in total, each of which is generally located in a mysterious space.

Even the respective hall masters can't find each other's space coordinates.

This is also where The Underworld has been able to avoid siege and annihilation by all forces since the ancient times.

But like today, the ten temple masters gathered a full six people, and it is also one of the few in the history of The Underworld since its existence.

Moreover, every time it is because of a major event that has a bearing on the life and death of The Underworld.

"We can't worry about this. We don't know what Gu Changge's purpose is, so it's better not to act rashly.

"The energy contained behind Gu Changge is really terrifying. If we head-to-head with it, in the end there is only one way to choose.

A terrifying figure wrapped in a thick black fog opened his mouth, and there was endless bloody murderous air all over his body, his eyes were very deep, but he appeared extremely cautious.

The Underworld has survived to this day and has made countless enemies. If the headquarters is suddenly exposed, it will inevitably be crushed and suppressed by all forces.

This is not the situation they want to see.

"If he just came here to select followers, it's okay. I'm afraid that he has another plot. If Chunfeng Biyulou has no contact with him, the old man will not believe it."

Another hall master opened his mouth, and his figure was also shrouded in the thick fog. He couldn't see his true face. There were vast Magic power fluctuations and the will to kill intertwined beside him.

The ten Great Hall masters of The Underworld, everyone is a killer, and there are countless cultivators who died in their hands.

Everyone who has come to this step will naturally not be simple, be extremely cautious, and will not take risks easily.

If they were replaced by others, they would naturally have the means to make them disappear into the battlefield of Hundred Realms silently.

But this person is Gu Changge, who is so strong, and today's upper realm, I am afraid that there are not many people who can compete.

Even in the case of heavy injuries, it can resist several black-clothed enlightened persons in the Dayu Immortal Dynasty.

They didn't dare to think like that at all.

"It's a pity, but the Cultivation Base has not yet reached that point. Otherwise, I will wait for ten people, and we will work together to set up the Heaven Destroying Prison Immortal Array, and I will definitely be able to fight Gu Changge."

"If I can kill Gu Changge, I can definitely return to the peak of The Underworld, so why should I be so afraid of him.

At this time, a palace master who had never spoken, shook his head with some regret, his eyes were cold, and a terrible murderous aura was permeating.

The great formation of the immortal evil spirits in the sky is the unspoken secret of The Underworld, which has been passed down since the ancient era.

However, the sacrifice must be maintained by the combined efforts of ten hall masters. Its power is unimaginable, and it can even kill immortals.

But 30 million years ago, the former head of the palace was ambushed, and he was suspected of being severely injured, but he was later missing.

Today's one hall master, Cultivation Base is still a lot worse than any previous hall master, and it is difficult to support the operation of the Great Array of Heaven Extinguishing Prison Immortal Fiend.

Of course, before the end, they did not want to conflict with Gu Changge.

And just when the Lords of The Underworld discussed how to solve this trouble.

To the east of Vermillion Bird Square, in a pavilion and palace.

The group of people from the ancient world of Qinghong who had returned from the arena, after explaining with a few Elders behind them, also returned to their respective courtyards, intending to rest.

After Lu Ming returned to the own house, he carefully looked around.

After confirming that there was no one, the doors and windows were cleared, and Restrictions were placed to prevent prying eyes.

"You promised me that after I come to the upper realm, you will give me a great opportunity."

Lu Ming's face became very calm, as if he was muttering to himself, but it was more like talking to another person.

"I didn't expect that I would have such a day to return to the upper realm. I didn't expect it.

And at the moment when Lu Ming's words fell, a cloud of brilliance suddenly lit up under his sleeves.

Immediately after a piece of broken stone shaped like a crystal, like amber emerged, it was extremely dazzling and splendid.

There are unpredictable fluctuations in this rubble, and the void that reflects here is crystal clear, very mysterious.

At the same time, the voice of a middle-aged man came out of it, which seemed very plain, but also very vicissitudes of life, who had experienced the red dust in the world.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ming had already taken the blame, and his expression was very calm and calm, "Senior promised me that if I could come to the upper realm, he would give me a great opportunity. Senior shouldn't be. Forgot?"

This rubble was when he was young, when he suddenly passed under the night sky one day, like a meteor, then he smashed into the backyard and was found by him.

At first, this mysterious gravel will attract his spiritual Qi, and then it will give him more pure and profound Magic power.

Because of this relationship, Lu Ming, who was born in a small place, has laid a very solid foundation for his practice since he was a child.

Even if he faced those great teachers disciples later, such as the girl Xue Yan, there was a battle.

It is unceremonious to say that he can have today's achievements, which is inseparable from this mysterious gravel.

Later, in an accidental situation, he discovered that the inside of this mysterious gravel actually contained space.

In this mysterious space, time flows very slowly.

It usually takes him several months, or even a year, to thoroughly study the Cultivation Technique cheats.

After delving into this mysterious space, the outside world only came here for less than half a month.

Because of this kind of relationship, Lu Ming's cultivation is like a divine help, and he has risen to fame and become a famous genius in their place.

As a result, he later worshipped Sect where the girl Xue Yan was, and got the qualification to go to the upper realm to participate in the Hundred Realms War.

Of course, he also learned that there was still a trace of remnant soul hidden in the gravel space after he visited the Sect where the girl Xue Yan was not long ago.

...For flowers…

At that time, this remnant soul tried to seize him, but later it was because his body was too weak to accommodate the remnant soul, so he had to give up taking it.

Although Lu Ming survived fortunately, he was very vigilant towards the remnant soul later on.

Although the other party said many words and promised many conditions, he did not agree.

Only bringing it to the upper realm is something that Lu Ming seems to be more reliable.

"Haha, little guy, when I moved across the upper realm back then, your ancestors hadn't been born yet? You still dare to question my words?"

The middle-aged man in the mysterious gravel felt the extremely long-lost rules of heaven and earth here, and couldn't help laughing.

His appearance is very indifferent and it is difficult to maintain his original appearance.

However, I can still see that he was a bit stalwart, tall, with deep eyes, and a breathtaking majesty.

Even if it is a ray of remnant soul, there is still the invincible spirit of late spleen.

At the peak, his Cultivation Base didn't talk about Qi swallowing the eight wilds, but it was definitely easy to sweep the heavens in the upper realm.

"Junior did not dare to question Senior's words, but hoped that Senior would keep his promise and give Junior the opportunity he promised to Junior.

Lu Ming is still neither humble nor overbearing.

He knew that the other party had the means to kill his life easily.

But at the time, the other party swears by Dao heart, which is related to the life of the soul, so Lu Ming is not worried that the other party will regret it.

"Don't worry, I was a figure of the Holy Lord at any rate. Even if I was attacked and killed by an enemy later, I survived the greatest crisis in this life. With this opportunity, will you be missing?"

The middle-aged man's voice was still very flat, full of heroic spirit, and he was extremely disdainful of Lu Ming.

Lu Ming just didn't say a word about this, and stood there silently.

He understands that in today's upper realm, the middle-aged man in front of him may be the only opportunity he can grasp.

After experiencing tonight's arena, he even felt that Senior Sister Xue Yan, who was very close to him before, was also becoming unfamiliar and would eventually leave him.

Therefore, he must become stronger in order to grasp everything that belongs to own.

"The broken stone in your hand was found in a barren star field back then. It contains the god pattern of the years. It was later refined by me and became a Divine Armament. It originally had seven layers. When I encountered that life and death battle, I was shattered, and only the last piece was left."

"Since you got it by a fluke, I will tell you the method of stimulating this rubble today.

The middle-aged man looked at the gravel still floating in the void, and suddenly spoke to Lu Ming.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand a little, and a bright golden light fell into the center of Lu Ming's eyebrows.

An extremely obscure and ancient ancient scripture stretched out in Lu Ming's heart, and every word appeared dazzling, with the majesty of brilliance that cannot be directly looked at.

His eyes widened in shock, and it was the first time he had come into contact with such a profound scripture.

When he was in the ancient world of Qinghong, the most profound scriptures he came into contact with were just general ideas, not deep.

"If I had obtained this scripture earlier, would this be different?"

Seeing all this, Lu Ming was extremely shocked, followed by a burst of joy and ecstasy.

"Don't be too happy, I want to give you more than just this."

"I remember I told you no before. After I came to the upper world, I went to find an organization called The Underworld and found the contact person in it. I will give you even greater opportunities at that time.

"This is a huge battle of hundreds of realms, what's the point?"

Seeing Lu Ming's shocked expression, the middle-aged man seemed quite proud, then his expression was slightly restrained, and he began to talk about something else.

Thirty million years ago, he had an identity that everyone was afraid of, even the great patriarchs were extremely afraid of him.

At that time, he was in the upper realm, and the Tianjiao, the ancient sage, and even the supreme, the quasi emperor, were countless. Everyone he passed was Yan Li. superior.