Ch 685

And when many Tianjiao in Qinghong Ancient World were discussing their future plans, outside the mansion, there was a knock on the door.

"Dare to ask if Miss Xue Yan is here?"

A smiling middle-aged elegant man stood outside the mansion and asked.

Behind him respectfully followed many cultivators. There were human races and ancient alien races. The strength of each cultivator creature was extremely powerful, and the blood and blood boiled like a king, breathtaking.

The subordinate who is in charge of guarding the mansion, has seen such a formation, his complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly said, "Ms. Xueyan is indeed here? Dare to ask your lord?"

From the appearance of the middle-aged elegant man, it can be seen that he must have been at the top for a long time, his identity is not simple, and his eyes are faintly majestic.

"Xia is the third shopkeeper of the Ten Thousand Dao Commercial League in the Battlefield of Hundred Realms. They came here to look for Miss Xue Yan according to the son's orders." The middle-aged elegant man smiled.

"The cabinet of the three masters of the Ten Thousand Ways of Business Alliance?"

After hearing the report from the next person, the people in the ancient world of Qinghong rushed to the gate of the mansion, and they couldn't help taking a breath, looking shocked.

The three cabinets of the Wandao Commercial League, this identity is not necessarily lower than the master behind Vermillion Bird Square, it is extremely mysterious, and no real person can be seen on weekdays.

Who would have thought that he would show up here on 24th today and come to see Senior Sister Xue Yan?

Moreover, the son in his mouth, I am afraid that there is only that one, right?

Thinking of this, everyone in the ancient world of Qinghong was shocked and cast extremely envious eyes on Xue Yan.

"My lord, are you looking for me?"

After Xue Yan was stunned, she also understood the horror of the elegant middle-aged man's identity, and stepped forward and asked respectfully.

"It is not that I am looking for you, but the son is looking for you." The elegant middle-aged man smiled gently, "You come with me, don't let the son wait for a long time."

His tone is very easy-going, but it contains an indisputable taste, regardless of whether Xue Yan agrees.

Of course, in his opinion, no one would dare to refuse this kind of thing.

You must know that even the goddesses of the Immortal traditions in the upper realm would have to be ecstatic and excited to learn that Gu Changge wanted to see them.

This little girl from the Netherworld, how can it be that He De can make Gu Changge send someone to look for it like this?

"That adult is looking for Junior Sister Xue Yan?"

The arrogances of the ancient world of Qinghong are even more envy and hatred at this moment.

In these days, they have heard a lot of news about Gu Changge through the side-by-side method.

It's such a figure who holds the most powerful power in the upper realm who wants to see Sister Xue Yan. What does it mean? They can't even think about it. The whole person is crazy with envy.

"Sister Xueyan, go quickly, don't let that adult wait for a long time."

"You will develop in the future, don't forget us

All the arrogances of Qinghong Ancient Realm all spoke up, and they were all flattering.

"Sister Xueyan"

I was determined to ask the remnant soul in the mysterious gravel for Lu Ming, the supernatural power of the Cultivation Technique, but now seeing this scene, it is also a pot of cold water pouring down from the beginning, and the whole person is a little bit cold and stunned.

This night, that big man came to see Junior Sister Xue Yan?

In an instant, he had imagined countless possibilities in his mind, and finally some unimaginable images appeared.

Suddenly, the fists under the sleeves clenched and made a creaking sound.

Lu Ming took a deep breath, but it was difficult to calm himself down.

He knew that no matter what angle it was, Junior Sister Xue Yan couldn't refuse, even if she didn't want to go, she didn't dare to refuse.

Such a big man can destroy the ancient world of Qinghong behind them thousands of times with just one sentence.

Faced with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it is estimated that no woman can refuse.

And just as the thoughts in Lu Ming's heart were full, Xue Yan already smiled happily, and said to the elegant middle-aged man's cupped hands, "I'm tired of adults, when will we set off? Gu Gongzi summoned the little girl, he was really sincere and frightened, and he didn't dare to make Gu. The son will wait for a while."

"Let's go now."

The elegant middle-aged man nodded, and he did not expect that Xue Yan's performance was neither humble nor overbearing, and there was no such performance as being hit by a huge surprise.

This made him take another look. It can only be said that he is worthy of Gu Gongzi, and the people he values ​​are all extraordinary.

Soon, the elegant middle-aged man left here with Xue Yan, his figure gradually disappeared at the end of the long street, and stepped into the depths of the main city of Vermillion Bird, the most glorious place of the palace.

Lu Ming watched this scene with a slight livid expression-he felt that something belonging to his own had been taken away, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Boy, find the contact person for The Underworld, I can help you regain your love.

At this time, a slight chuckle suddenly sounded in Lu Ming's ears.

His pupils shrank, and then he recovered quickly, realizing that it was a middle-aged man among the mysterious gravel, speaking to himself.

"How can you help me?" Lu Ming Chuanyin said solemnly.

"I can help you become a heir to this generation of The Underworld, so that your identity can be compared to that of the surname Gu."

The middle-aged man in the mysterious gravel moved his eyes slightly, smiled and said with confidence in his words.

Although he has never left the mysterious gravel for half a step, he has still learned a lot of outside news from Lu Ming these days.

The many rumors of the young man surnamed Gu, although they were shocking, but from his perspective, they felt too untrue, more like exaggerated countless times.

How can the younger generation reach such a point at such an age?

I'm afraid the classics dare not record in this way.

"The successor of The Underworld?" Lu Ming's breathing quickly rose, and he naturally knew what it meant.

"During this period of 690, many Tianjiaos in the battlefield of the Hundred Realms disappeared strangely?"

On the other side, in the deepest glorious palace of Vermillion Bird Square.

Gu Changge looked at the Jade Slip in his hand and raised his eyebrows lightly.

The eyeliner of the Wandao Business Alliance is spread all over the battlefield of the Hundred Realms, so many things that are difficult for ordinary people to detect will fall into the information network of the Wandao Business Alliance.

He did not expect that he would have unexpected gains when investigating the two forces of The Underworld and the Buddha.

"The strangely missing Tianjiao? Coincidentally, they all contain a certain special physique?"

"If Su Qingge is here, why not come to see me?"

Gu Changge frowned slightly, feeling that things were a bit unexpected.

Except for Su Qingge, he couldn't think of the existence of other inheritors of magic skills in this upper realm.

Of course, only the inheritors of magic arts can devour the original cultivation of Tianjiao, and other forces do not dare to do this.

Some strange Cultivation Techniques appear in the huge upper realm, which is similar to taboo magic skills, which is not uncommon.

But Gu Changge has a feeling that Su Qingge should have been in contact with Chan Hongyi.

She should be in the battlefield of Hundred Realms now, so she would not come to see him, but deliberately avoid him.

"So you already know the truth?"

"But this is not a well-behaved tool. It should be an idea." Gu Changge put down Jade Slip, his eyes gradually darkened. .