Ch 686

"My son, the young girl from the Qinghong Ancient Realm you were looking for has already been brought."

And just when Gu Changge put down his Jade Slip.

Outside the palace, the subordinate's report sounded.

"Brought it? Then let her in.

Gu Changge looked natural and nodded.

Soon, outside the palace, the girl Xue Yan, led by the three cabinets of the Ten Thousand Dao Business League from this place, came to the palace.

She was dressed in a red dress, her face was fair and delicate, her eyes were watery, and her hair was like clouds, but her expression was a little panicked and nervous.

As the most glorious palace group in the Vermillion Bird Square, the masters here are like a cloud, and there are too many terrifying powerhouses hidden in the dark.

The divine mind is vast like a deep sea, and the blood is rolling like a volcanic eruption, suppressing this sky and it will fall down.

Just the gazes they looked over made her want to breathe, and her spirits were trembling.

It is unceremonious to say that anyone here, like an ancient god, can easily sweep the ancient world of Qinghong behind her.

"Miss Xue Yan?"

And just when all kinds of thoughts in Xue Yan's heart were flooding, it was difficult to calm down.

Gu Changge in front of the palace smiled.

He is in white clothes and white stockings, with loose black hair, slender and tall, and looks extremely simple and clean. With a beautiful face and a spring-like smile, it is easy to calm down his complicated mind.

Looking at the white-clothed man who looked like an immortal and detached from the vulgarity in front of him, even if Xue Yan felt that she was not a layman, she still looked at it for a moment, a haze appeared on her cheeks, and it took a few breaths before she recovered.

"Xue Yan has seen Master Gu." She respectfully saluted, her eyes falling behind Gu Changge.

Qinger stood behind Gu Changge respectfully, making tea for him.

The million-year-old tree heart spring is boiling, and the enlightened tea leaves are tumbling, braving the fragrant tea fragrance, and many visions emerge.

The Tao is intertwined, the sun is shining, the golden sword, the ancient bell with the big palm, and the golden small tripod. In terms of value, this cup of tea can definitely reach a city.

Xue Yan is still in the ancient books. Seeing this legendary fetish can help the cultivator understand the way. Even if he just smells a scent of tea, the Cultivation Base will travel far and wide. I never thought I could see it one day.

Moreover, it is only used as ordinary tea for daily drinking.

Even in terms of luxury, it seems extremely powerless.

"I'm afraid that only those existences that can cover the world with their hands and sit and watch forever can do

Xue Yan's trance expression quickly recovered, and was not disturbed by these things.

"I don't know Master Gu, why did you summon Xue Yan today?"

She arched her cupped hands and asked Gu Changge.

"I'm looking for you, naturally I want to ask you for a favor.

Gu Changge smiled slightly and gestured for her to sit down.

Xue Yan hesitated,

She doesn't understand something and needs Gu Changge to come to her.

Can she do things that even Gu Changge can't do?

But she still sat down and waited for Gu Changge to speak.

Seeing this, the Qinger behind him went to pour a cup of enlightenment tea for him, then walked back and stood respectfully behind Gu Changge.

She knew that Gu Changge seemed to be in the next big chess game, and the girl Xue Yan in front of her was a very suitable chess piece.

"Enlightenment Tea"

Seeing the tea in front of her, Xue Yan was stunned for a while.

She really did not expect that one day she would be able to drink enlightenment tea.

Enlightenment tea is boiled, braving the breath of Taoism that makes people intoxicated and feathered, a palm-sized clock emerges, long and screaming, the sword is clank, and the fairy light is shining, as if it really exists.

She felt that every pore of own seemed to be relaxing, and even the spirits were absorbing this kind of enlightenment breath.

Realm, which had encountered bottleneck, also showed signs of loosening.

"This thing is too precious, Xue Yan is afraid that she will not be blessed to endure it."

However, she still looked away from her eyes with great difficulty, and didn't shake her own mind because of Enlightenment Tea.

"It's just a cup of tea, it's nothing compared to the way I asked Miss Xue Yan to help."

Gu Changge waved his hand, his eyes seemed a little appreciative, and smiled.

"Then Young Master Gu, what is it that you are looking for me? "?" Xue Yan was very curious and couldn't help but ask.

"I want you to help me keep an eye on someone."

Gu Changge smiled and tapped his fingers on the table in front of him unhurriedly, saying, "Tell me his every move and all the disturbances around him."

"one person?"

Xue Yan was stunned again, who should she stare at? And she reported her every move to Gu Changge truthfully?

"You should know this person."

Gu Changge smiled and said, not surprising to Xue Yan's reaction.

After that, Qing'er walked forward and passed a Jade Slip to her.

"This is Brother Lu Ming?"

Xueyan deliberately penetrated into Jade Slip and saw the figure manifested in it.

The whole person was stunned, his eyes widened, seemingly unbelievable.

"Miss Xue Yan, she should be no stranger to him.

Gu Changge actually didn't expect that this son of luck that he didn't care much about would have an inexplicable connection with The Underworld.

The eyes of the Wandao Business League spread across the entire Hundred Realms battlefield, and many things could not be concealed from him.

In the past few days, although Lu Ming was carefully inquiring about the many news of The Underworld, it was still extremely obvious in the eyes of the caring people.

Especially Gu Changge is also investigating the trail of The Underworld.

However, in order to prevent the snake from attacking the grass, Gu Changge did not directly send someone to arrest Lu Ming.

So he thought about it, and planned to start with the destined daughter next to Son of Luck to see if he could follow the vine and find out what Lu Ming used to get in touch with The Underworld.

"Gu Gongzi, can you tell me the reason?"

Xue Yan's expression was a little struggling, she didn't dare to refuse Gu Changge's request.

She is a smart person, knowing that she is not qualified to have an equal dialogue and bargaining with Gu Changge.

Gu Changge does not need her consent, naturally there are thousands of ways to control or threaten her.

But this person turned out to be Senior Brother Lu Ming who is very familiar with her?

On weekdays, the two of them are quite familiar, often discussing and discussing the truth, and the friendship is not shallow.

Even in her opinion, for Lu Ming, she still has an inexplicable affection in her heart.

"Because he has the mark of someone I want to find, so I want to find that person through him.

"Don't worry, I have no ill will to your brother." Gu Changge smiled and replied, drank a sip of tea.

Naturally, he would not say that he wanted to find the location of The Underworld through Lu Ming.

The girl Xueyan didn't need to know these things either.

"I see."

Xue Yan nodded with a serious expression, but did not completely believe Gu Changge's words in her heart.

She also knew that, as her own, it was impossible for Gu Changge to tell her all the reasons.

The only thing I can do is obediently follow Gu Changge's orders.

Although Gu Changge looks gentle and elegant now, judging from many rumors, its methods are absolutely no less than a world-famous monster.

Then, Gu Changge instructed Qinger behind him to give Xue Yan a contact jade symbol.

Among them are special Restrictions, which can be used to perceive her tracks and actions.

In addition, many things about Lu Ming can be passed on through this contact jade talisman.

Of course, the most important thing is that if Xue Yan dared to disclose all of this, the people on Gu Changge's side would notice it for the first time and deal with it.

"Working for the son, the benefit will be indispensable to you when the time comes."

Qinger put the contact jade symbol in front of Xue Yan.

There was a slight smile on the delicate face, although Xue Yan's mother was still the same as the ants in her eyes.

But because of Gu Changge's relationship, she can no longer despise him at will and make mockery.

"I see.

Xue Yan nodded and took the contact Yufu, but her heart was a little heavy.

Originally, she thought that Gu Changge had other intentions when summoning her at night.

After all, she thinks too much.

As Gu Changge, what kind of woman in this upper realm, I haven't seen it before, how could she be tempted because she is a lower realm woman?

"Ms. Xueyan will bring back the many pots of enlightenment tea for your seniors.

Seeing Xue Yan's promise, Gu Changge smiled, and did not intend to keep her down, and began to issue an eviction order.

Xue Yan hesitated, she couldn't imagine the value of this pot of tea.

But since Gu Changge gave it at will, it was like ordinary spirit fruit wine. She was not hypocritical. After thanking her, she took the teapot and left.

The three shopkeepers who had led her before were still waiting for her at the gate of the palace.

Seeing Xue Yan coming out with the Enlightenment Tea in her hand, she couldn't help showing a bit of envy in her eyes.

In his capacity, it would also cost a great price if he wanted to first rank enlightenment tea.

Apart from Gu Changge in the huge upper realm, I am afraid that there are few people who can be so extravagant.

Of course, except tonight, Gu Changge told Qinger to make two pots of tea. He will naturally have the opportunity to rank this tea mysteriously in a while.

After Xue Yan left, in the palace, the smile on Gu Changge's face also disappeared.

His eyes were a little deep, showing a bit of thinking, and then he told Qinger behind him,

"Everyone in the ancient world of Qinghong has been watching for me in the past few days. In addition, I want to know all the news about the Tianjiao named Lu Ming. All his relatives and friends in the ancient world of Qinghong, also Send someone to control it, and don't let it go."

After all, it is a son of luck, and there may be some accidents.

So in order to be foolproof, Gu Changge decided to control his relatives and friends first.

Even if Xue Yan's chess piece is exposed, he still has the means to make Lu Ming compromise and lead him to The Underworld.

Qinger's heart was slightly stern, and her expression was serious, and she nodded in response, "Don't worry, son, I'll make arrangements now."

The Qinghong Ancient Realm is infinitely far away from this place. It is one of the countless lower realms around it. It is like the tiny dust in the sand of the Ganges River. It controls some people in it.

"Since I appeared on the battlefield of Hundred Realms, I didn't come to see me."

"Then I will come to you."

After Qing'er went down and ordered the matter, Gu Changge also held back the rest of the palace.

He looked at the shining moon wheel outside, shook his head gently, and then took a step forward and disappeared.

Su Qingge's affairs made him quite surprised.

Now this accident naturally had to be solved by himself.

Although the territory of the Hundred Realms Battlefield is vast, if Gu Changge really wants to find someone, especially someone who has practiced forbidden magic arts, it is easy.

""The Daozi order I gave you is still easy to use. It is indeed a taboo magic technique. After only a few days of work, your aura is so strong?"

At this time, Mingluofang, the battlefield of Hundred Realms, was in a very quiet courtyard.

Lan Yifei, the Taoist son of the Dao Xian League, appeared here, his body shape was Gu Chang, and his elegant and indifferent face, with a little admiration.

"How do you know I am here?"

Su Qingge stood in the distance, shrouded in black fog, unable to see the true face, nor could he see his figure, which was extremely vague.

She looked cold and hoarse, and couldn't tell whether it was a male or a female.

"Behind Mingluofang, it happened to be my Daoxian League, so you can't hide things from me here." Lan Yifei smiled.

Su Qingge's eyes returned to calm and said, "You come to me, are you afraid that I will kill you?"

"I'm not afraid, you don't have this ability right now. I came to you, in fact, wanting to know the identity of the true magician inheritor." Lan Yifei shook his head.

During this period of time, he had studied the part of the taboo magic arts that Su Qingge had given him, and only felt that a door to practice that had never been seen before was slowly opening in front of him.

He also didn't hold back the intention of trying in his heart, and finally couldn't help looking for the corpses of a few strong men to practice.

As a result, this practice was out of control, and there was even the idea of ​​letting him destroy the previous foundation and reshape it with magic power.

Therefore, he even wanted to know the identity of the true inheritor of magic power, to get the complete taboo magic power.

"The time is right, I will tell you naturally, it is not the time yet.

Su Qingge said lightly, and had no idea of ​​telling Lan Yifei about the matter.

Lan Yifei frowned, "Do you think I really won't take action against you?"

Now he is a little doubtful whether Su Qingge knows who the real inheritor of magic is (Wang Nuo's), or even she is just a chess piece kept in the dark.

That's why she came up with such a reason to delay him.

"Then you can give it a try." Su Qingge's expression was calm, unchanged.

Although she was not Lan Yifei's opponent before, she has swallowed many Tianjiao origins in the Hundred Realms Battlefield during this time, making her Cultivation Base very diligent.

"You really don't see the coffin without weeping, unless the real inheritor of magic skills shows up, otherwise you can never be my opponent, especially on the territory of my Dao Immortal League."

The smile on Lan Yifei's face also gradually turned cold, and his tone was not polite.

"Oh, you can try and see if I can kill you?'

A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Su Qingge's mouth, but it was a pity that her absolutely beautiful face was covered in mist, and she couldn't really see it.

Lan Yifei frowned very tightly. To be honest, he didn't want to play with Su Qingge here, because he also couldn't figure out whether Su Qingge had any back hand or hole cards.

"Then why are you so delaying in telling me the true identity of the inheritor of magic power?" He had a bad tone, with a little suspicion.

Su Qingge's eyes flashed with disapproval, but he recovered quickly, and said lightly,

"You just need to know that you are not yet qualified to know who he is.

If Lan Yifei now knows that Gu Changge is the real inheritor of magic skills.

Does he still have the courage to snatch the complete forbidden magic from his hands?

I'm afraid he won't dare to give him a hundred more courage.

"you "

Lan Yifei didn't know what Su Qingge was thinking, only felt that she was despised, and his face was slightly ugly.

He almost laughed in anger and wanted to make a move to let Su Qingge understand the difference in strength between the two.

"It seems that you are planning to find me?"

But at this moment, strange spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared in the courtyard, accompanied by the voice of a young man.

Su Qingge's face under the mist changed drastically and paled suddenly. .