Ch 689

"Is the The Underworld contact person finally coming out?"

In the quiet courtyard, when I learned about Lu Ming.

Gu Changge is drinking tea leisurely, his white clothes wins snow, his hair is like a waterfall, he is bound with a simple hair band, dust and dirt, and looks transcendence, as if standing out of the red dust.

The Hundred Worlds Battlefield was extremely restless during this time, and the chaos became more and more unclear, but he seemed extremely leisurely and contented.

Every day, I drink tea and listen to music in the courtyard, and then order people to go to various places to pick young seeds and confuse the audience.

Now, standing in front of him are Qing'er and many high-level leaders of the Ten Thousand Dao Commercial League in the Battlefield of Hundred Realms.

"According to the news from Miss Xue Yan from the jade talisman."

"Lu Ming has been walking around in the arena during this period, seeming to be looking for someone.

"Especially tonight, after the duel, there was no immediate return to the residence.

Qinger held a Jade Slip, and said truthfully and respectfully according to the news.

"If this is the case, then my big net should begin to tighten.

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words, put down the cup in his hand, and got up.

The voice fell, and in the void behind him, a faint wave of terror emerged, and then it seemed that a vague space portal was torn open.

Ah Da and several figures shrouded in the black mist emerged and stepped out.

Except for Ah Da, these vague figures are all the strength of enlightened persons.

Everyone standing here, there is a kind of terrifying coercion of heaven and earth.

The complexion of everyone in the courtyard changed drastically, with anxiety and horror.

If it weren't for Gu Changge to show it in person, they would not dare to imagine that so many enlightened persons would be hidden in the dark, and they could listen to Gu Changge's dispatch at any time.

This force alone, "Six Nine Zero", is enough to easily sweep the entire battlefield of Hundred Realms.

Only when the masters behind the big houses show up, I am afraid that they are qualified to compete with one of them.

Of course, they did not know that these enlightened persons were all puppets refined by Gu Changge.

Although the original Realm is maintained, there is still a big gap compared with real people.

"It's also time for the army to come here."

Gu Changge raised his head and glanced at the vast sky, his tone was somewhat meaningful.

Now that the liaison of The Underworld has surfaced, it is time for him to deploy an army here.

After all, this is a good opportunity for everyone to push the wall down.

Since The Underworld and the Buddha have existed, there have been a lot of enemies. How many Taoist forces have penetrated the bone.

If it weren't for its headquarters to hide in, I'm afraid it would have dispatched an army of masters and killed it.

Over the years, the number of encirclements and suppressions experienced is countless.

"My son, since it is certain that The Underworld and the world where the Buddha is hidden, why not announce this news?"

"I think The Underworld, and the many epochs of the Buddha's Survival World, have absolutely unfathomable heritage. In a short period of time, they will never give up or move away.

Knowing that Gu Changge is going to deal with the two ancient killer organizations, The Underworld and the Buddha.

Qing'er and the others still have many doubts in their hearts, and they don't understand why Gu Changge wants to determine the realm of his hiding before doing it.

After all, the news of The Underworld test and the place where the Buddha is located will be announced earlier. All the forces are in line, and they can also be prepared earlier.

"If it is too early, The Underworld and the Buddha will be prepared. All I want is to catch them off guard.

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words.

Outside the battlefield of Hundred Realms, he had already ordered good people to wait in secret.

Now that he only needs to give an order, this army will be able to slay the Hundred Realms battlefield, the hidden realm of The Underworld, the Buddha.

At the same time, on the other side.

According to the secret method taught by the middle-aged man in the mysterious gravel, Lu Ming, the skinny man in The Underworld was found.

Following the other side, avoiding many eyeliners all the way, he headed towards a group of palaces in the depths of Vermillion Bird Square.

Both sides are full of palaces and pavilions, carved with beams and painted buildings, extremely brilliant,

An extremely spacious river, flowing quietly in the middle, shimmering, glowing, misty and misty.

There are many cultivator creatures around, some people hang around in Fengyue place, and some people splurge in casino and wine shop.

Lu Ming didn't squint, try to conceal the abnormality on his body and avoid attracting the attention of others.

He knows that this place is like a master, and a carelessness can cause unnecessary trouble.

Soon, under the leadership of the thin man in front, Lu Ming boarded a very tall Shenzhou, magnificent and brilliant, and among them there were even more powerful figures.

A faint mist floated all around, and when it was blown by the breeze, it spread.

Many jade boats floated on the river, and there were a few singing voices, like weeping like complaints, like resentment like thoughts, sultry.

"This is "

Seeing the scene in Shenzhou, Lu Ming was accustomed to the big wind and waves, and was a little shocked, and couldn't help but look away.

Many male and female cultivators gathered together, Yingying Yanyan, powder puff noodles, fragrant and rich.

The thin man who led the way in front of him couldn't help but sneered.

Lu Ming's complexion changed slightly, but he recovered quickly.

He has been cultivating for more than ten years, and he has indeed never experienced men and women. In particular, these cultivators are still unconcealed, talking, laughing, and flirting just above Shenzhou.

"Why did you bring me here to the Land of Wind and Moon?"

He couldn't help but ask the thin man leading the way.

"Aren't you looking for a contact person? Didn't I bring you here?" The thin man laughed somewhat mockingly.

Hearing this, Lu Ming also had some understanding.

From the outside, this is indeed the land of wind and moon, who would have thought that the contact point of The Underworld is hidden here?

"Be careful, don't think that if you have the inheritance of my The Underworld, the adults of The Underworld will approve of you.

"The one I'm going to take you to meet in a while, but the cruel person who takes his life when he talks and laughs.'

Seeing Lu Ming's expression, the skinny man worried that he might bump into the adult soon, so he exhorted him a few more words.

Lu Ming nodded with a solemn expression, feeling nervous and expectant.

"From the arrangement here, he should take you to meet Granny Meng's men."

The mysterious gravel under the sleeves glowed slightly, and the middle-aged man's voice sounded in Lu Ming's ears.

Granny Meng?

Lu Ming's expression moved slightly. He knew there were ten Great Halls in The Underworld.

In addition to the ten great Yan Jun, there are also ten Yin Shuai and four judges

Granny Meng is another special figure besides the four judges, not inferior to the four judges, and extremely mysterious.

Of course, above the top ten Yan Jun, whether there are five ghost emperors, and the legendary cloudy sky.

He has no way of knowing this.

The middle-aged man in the mysterious gravel never told him this.

A long time ago, The Underworld was actually called the Underworld.

But then somehow, it seemed that it had violated a taboo in the dark and had to change the name to The Underworld.

And just when Lu Ming's mind was full of thoughts.

The thin man in front had already taken him to the box on the bottom floor of Shenzhou.

Here he smelled a strange fragrance, like orchids like musk deer, with a sultry drunkenness, and the blood circulation speed was speeded up inexplicably.

"I heard you want to see me?"

A charming and moving voice came from the front, and it seemed that there was mist spreading around a few distances away.

Lu Ming's heart shuddered, but thinking of the middle-aged man's explanation, he calmed himself down.

He lifted his head and looked, only then did he discover that there was something else in this place, and there was room for fluctuations, which seemed to cover everything around him.

In the distance, a curtain fell, obscuring everyone's vision.

I could only vaguely see a figure of Miao Man lying on his side, half propped his head, seeming to be smoking some kind of spiritual smoke, appearing extremely lazy.

"If you dare to look indiscriminately, dig it out."

The charming voice sounded again, without the slightest killing intent, as if only talking about a trivial matter.

Lu Ming was shocked, and hurriedly returned his gaze, then bowed his head respectfully and said, "The villain asks to see the adult, in fact, there is something to say.

"What's the matter?" The voice behind the curtain rang again without any impatience.

"The villain once got the biography of a big man in The Underworld."

Lu Ming remembered the middle-aged man's explanation, and he dared not conceal anything, so he repeated it word by word.

He didn't directly say that he had all the inheritance.

It's just that those inheritances are still left somewhere, and he doesn't have the ability to get them all.

Otherwise, he is worried that the senior of The Underworld in front of him will covet his inheritance and kill him.

And hearing Lu Ming's words, the figure behind the curtain also slowly sat up, his face a little uncertain.

"Can you say it is true? If there is a false statement, do you know the consequences?"

Her voice was no longer the charming voice, on the contrary, it contained a bit of chill.

Because from Lu Ming's words, the inheritance he got was probably from the Great Hall Lord who fell 60 million years ago.

Regarding this matter, in fact, the entire top of The Underworld is secretive.

Back then, the Great Hall master was unfathomable.

If it hadn't been for someone in The Underworld to leak its traces, it would not have been attacked and killed by the rest of the Daoists, so it would fall.

Therefore, this matter, The Underworld's Great Sky Extinguishing Prison Immortal Array, is also difficult to lay down.

Otherwise, during this time, why should he be so afraid of Gu Changge and choose to hide

"Don't dare to deceive adults. If adults don't believe me, you can take a look at this thing.

Lu Ming had guessed the opponent's reaction very early.

Therefore, he took it out of his arms, and the middle-aged man gave him a broken stone fragment before.


Void trembles, followed by a palm that is as white as jade, leaning over from behind the curtain, grabbing the fragment of the stone realm.

"It turned out to be this thing

The woman behind the curtain looked for a long time.

There was a long silence before a sigh sounded there.

Lu Mingchui stood there with his hands and didn't say much.

He knew that since the other party had recognized this thing, he would definitely not doubt him.

"You go back first. If the matter is true, someone will come to you in three days."

Soon, the woman behind the curtain issued an order to leave.

But the tone was much calmer than before.

She is the disciple of the extremely mysterious Granny Meng of The Underworld, and can be regarded as a high-level figure of The Underworld.

She also knows more about some secret things than ordinary people.

Hearing these words, Lu Ming was also relieved, feeling that he was one step closer to the heirs of The Underworld.

But just when he planned to leave here and return to his residence.

Outside the room, there were sudden footsteps and knocks on the door.

"Master Qi, the big thing is not good

"Outside the painting, many strange figures appeared. There was an unimaginable presence in the dark that blocked all the space in this place, let alone a cultivator. At this moment, even the divine mind can't be passed on."

A pale-faced man ran up staggeringly, his expression extremely flustered.


Hearing this, not only the woman behind the curtain was stunned, but even Lu Ming's expression changed.

"Are you calculating me?"

Almost for the first time, the expression of the woman behind the curtain became cold, her eyes filled with murderous intent and chill, and Lu Ming stayed stubbornly.

At this time, she couldn't tolerate her not to think so.

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence in time?

Lu Ming had just searched for the front foot, and there was a strong player on the back foot to block the world here?

"The villain has absolutely no intention of calculating the adult, the villain is willing to guarantee his life."

Lu Ming only felt a terrifying murderous aura engulfing him, causing him to breathe quickly, and his skin felt painful, as if he was about to crack.

He felt that if he didn't explain, he would collapse under this breath and become a cloud of blood.

"Who the hell is that?"

The woman behind the curtain appeared, wearing a long green dress, her glamorous and exquisite face, and she was uncertain.

She didn't think Lu Ming dared to deceive herself.

But at this time, there was no time for her to think.

Because of a terrifying and majestic spirit, it was like the world was overturned, and it was crushed down all at once.

The void in a radius of hundreds of miles appeared stagnant and seemed to be included in a certain piece of Realm.

"Enlightened 3.7 person?"

The face of the woman in the green dress changed again and became pale, with a feeling of chills and trembling all over.

She knew that some unimaginable horror had come here, and in order to prevent the news from spreading out, she took action to turn this place into its Realm.

Such a method can only be achieved by the existence of The Underworld Ten Great Hall Lord.

"Could someone follow me?"

Lu Ming thought of this possibility. In fact, these days, he has this feeling of being stared at.

But he asked the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man also said that he didn't notice it.


At this moment, the entire Shenzhou was shaking.

The terrifying energy poured down, and the big black hand fell across, covering and crushing it all at once.

Countless array patterns engraved on the wall glowed, trying to counter this power.

But it hasn't lasted for a while, just like snow meets the scorching sun, it quickly dissolves and collapses.

All the cultivator creatures did not dare to move, trembling and terrified to the extreme.

"Void Forbidden Art"

Feeling this fluctuation, the woman in the green dress in the painting boat looked paler and filled with fear.

She already understands.

The other party must have come prepared, and specifically for The Underworld.

That's why this place was isolated for the first time, just to prevent the news from leaking out.

Thinking of this, she didn't hesitate to stretch out her hand, she was about to break the spirit platform, so as not to leak the news about The Underworld.

But faster than her was a burly figure shrouded in a dark iron suit, directly tore the space, appeared beside her, and then lifted her to suppress her.

This is really too fast, it happened between the lightning and the stone fire, and the woman in the green dress was almost desperate, and she couldn't resist this force at all.