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The figure wearing the dark iron suit stood here like an iron tower, his eyes were cold and ruthless, and there was a kind of breathtaking coercion.

He raised his palm to suppress the woman in the green skirt, and the Killing intents that rushed into the sky were condensed into chains, which locked her hands and feet together, making it difficult to move.

"Protect your lord!!"

Outside the room, a large number of figures roared and rushed over, holding swords and killing intent.

However, before getting close to this place, he was crushed by the mighty coercion into a blood mist, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

Realm's huge disparity cannot be compensated by quantity at all.

Ah Daguang is standing here, without any movement, just pervasive coercion, can break everything.

"Through it, it is estimated that someone wanted to do something on The Underworld, and you were used as a pawn.

The mysterious gravel was shining brightly, and the middle-aged man witnessed all this and said in a deep voice, with a bad premonition in his heart.

He was the master of The Underworld.

There are a lot of things experienced, and the cause and effect of things can be seen at a glance.

After all, it was Lu Ming who tried to find the contact person for The Underworld these days, which attracted the attention of secretly caring people.

This made him a little bit darkly annoyed, after all, he was only in a state of remnant soul.

If it is at the peak, how can you not feel it if you are secretly spying?

"Then what should we do now? Should we catch it with one's hands, or try to escape?"

Lu Ming was also very disturbed and asked the middle-aged man.

However, outside of Huahang, a more terrifying aura is coming.

The middle-aged man didn't care to answer him, and hurriedly hid his breath, hiding in the deepest part of the mysterious gravel space.

Since Lu Ming had been spotted a long time ago, if he didn't pay attention, he might also be caught by the other party.


Lu Ming continued to shout again, but no middle-aged man answered him.

His heart gradually sank.

I'm afraid it's more ill-fortune today.

The rest of the cultivator creatures in the painting, trembling and terrified, knelt on the ground, and also did not dare to move.

They can only watch Daoist shadows coming from outside Huafang Shenzhou.

The headed person, dressed in white, tall and straight, with deep eyes, and a face of 24 Yan Qingjun, looks like a young and suitable immortal, Transcendent is refined, and the whole body is full of brilliance.

Many cultivators recognize him, and his face is even more terrifying.

During this period of time, the Hundred Realms battlefield caused endless waves because of the arrival of Gu Changge.

No one thought that he would show up here tonight, and he looked like a bad person.

Behind Gu Changge, many people followed.

There are high-level members of the Ten Thousand Ways of Business Alliance, and there is also Xue Yan, a young girl from the ancient world of Qinghong, all with solemn expressions.

The girl Xueyan came here because she was worried about Lu Ming and wanted to persuade him not to go against Gu Changge.

Although Gu Changge had promised before that it would not harm Lu Ming, Xue Yan still felt a little worried.

The reason why Lu Ming's whereabouts will be exposed tonight.

The big reason is that she truthfully reported to Gu Changge Lu Ming's many actions in recent days.

"My son, how do these people deal with?"

Qing'er's eyes slowly swept across everyone in the painting boat, with a cold expression, and asked Gu Changge respectfully.

Among these people, no one is sure that there is no manpower for The Underworld.

"Grab them all and ban Zhihai and Cultivation Base."

Gu Changge casually said, not very concerned about these people.

His attention was actually still on the big fish in the painting boat.

Soon, a large swath of soldiers wearing black armor rushed from around the painting, and all the men, women and children in this area were arrested.

Because of the void forbidden technique, this place has become a Realm by itself.

Only the cultivator creatures who step into this place can know what is happening here.

Moreover, the cultivator beings here cannot pass the news.

"Lord, all of them have been taken down, what should we do now?

All the cultivators in the painting boat were silent, watching Ah Da in a dark iron suit walk out.

He was still holding a woman in a green dress with a gray face in his hands.

Lu Ming and others followed behind in advance, not daring to do anything.

"Is this the contact person for The Underworld?"

"Take her back first.

Gu Changge glanced at the woman in the green dress, but did not interrogate her in front of everyone.

"Gu Changge.."

Looking at the white-clothed man in front of him, the green-dressed woman's complexion was pale, her voice trembled, and only the last despair was left in her heart.

If it's someone else, she still feels that things tonight have turned for the better.

But the person in front of him turned out to be Gu Changge. Even if her master Granny Meng is here, she can only catch her.

"How could it be him? Why is Junior Sister Xue Yan also?"

"Could it be"

At this moment, Lu Ming naturally recognized Gu Changge, his eyes widened.

In particular, he also saw Junior Sister Xue Yan behind Gu Changge.

For a moment, he thought of many things, his face was completely bloody,-he figured it out.

"Impossible, how could Junior Sister Xue Yan be like this?

Lu Ming's eyes were a little red, covered with a lot of blood, his fists were clenched, and he wanted to rush forward and personally condemn him.

In his impression, Senior Sister Xue Yan was sensible and mature, so how could she calculate herself in secret?

Tell Gu Changge about own's many whereabouts?

However, Lu Ming hadn't had time to step up and ask questions.

After seeing him, the girl Xue Yan breathed a sigh of relief and walked straight towards him. She said with some guilt in her words, "Brother Lu Ming, I'm sorry, I have troubles, I will explain to you later."

"But you must never go against Gu Gongzi, otherwise no one can keep you."

Her words were very sincere, with deep guilt.

After all, if it hadn't been for her to leak Lu Ming's whereabouts in recent days, he would not have fallen to this point.

"why "

"Why do you want to do this? You want to calculate me this way?"

But now Lu Ming has no reason to listen to her words.

His eyes were full of disappointment and pain, and endless anger rose in his heart.

"I'm sorry, but I have to be forced."

Xue Yan's eyes were a little sad, but she was actually very guilty in her heart.

Although Lu Ming kept a lot of things from him, he never hurt her.

And her move may even push Lu Ming into the abyss of immortality.

"I see, Gu Changge must have threatened you to do this, right?"

"That night, he summoned you over for this matter?"

Lu Ming was not an ordinary person after all, and quickly guessed the ins and outs of the matter.

His angry eyes fell on Xue Yan's face, disappointed.

Hearing this, Xue Yan was at a loss for a moment and fell silent, not knowing how to explain it.

"Lord, there is a faint spirit wave on this person."

Ah Da glanced at Lu Ming, some of the urn sound was authentic.

"I know.

Gu Changge smiled, did not interrupt Lu Ming and Xue Yan's conversation, looked at him with interest on his face.

When he saw Lu Ming for the first time, he knew that this son of luck had encountered a lot of adventures, and things like gold fingers were indispensable.

Now it seems that his golden finger is probably related to The Underworld.

Perhaps the remnant soul of a certain character is hidden in it.

"Miss Xue Yan, as agreed, if you do me this favor, I will naturally not kill your senior brother."

"And I want to find someone through him, and now that person is hiding on him

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and walked towards Lu Ming slowly as he spoke.

Naturally, he just said casually, without the consent of Xue Yan at all.

Whether it is Lu Ming or Xue Yan, it is the same in his eyes.

"Senior Lu Ming, you have seen it too. Gu Gongzi said that he will not kill you."

"He just wanted to find someone."

Upon seeing this, Xue Yan also spoke sincerely, hoping that Lu Ming would not lose his life because of ignorance of good and bad.

Lu Ming is dying to Gu Changge, and his face shows the meaning of struggle.

He actually knew that Gu Changge didn't care about him, but his mysterious gravel.

Of course, to be precise, it may be the middle-aged man in the mysterious gravel.

Otherwise, he is a humble little person like an ant, how can Gu Changge care so much?

"I understand."

There was a moment of silence, and a lot of struggling flashed across his face, and Lu Ming said dejectedly.

By now, he also knew that he had no choice but to hand over the mysterious gravel.

However, just after his words fell and he made a choice.

The mysterious gravel hidden under his sleeve suddenly glowed.

The dazzling rays of sunlight intertwined, as if igniting the ordinary, extremely scorching heat.

"Damn boy, betrayed me.",

The middle-aged man's face was extremely gloomy, and he didn't want to wait for death, so he could only use the last resort, intending to fuse the soul body with this mysterious gravel.

"what "

At this moment, Lu Ming also screamed, and terrible burning pain came from the heart of his palm.

Even if he wanted to throw this mysterious gravel out, he couldn't do it.

This piece of support that has always helped him, making him step by step to the top of his peers in the ancient world of Qinghong, seemed to burn through the palm of his hand and grow into it.

Crimson's flames spread out from Lu Ming's palm, and swallowed him in an instant.

He rolled to the ground, screaming and wailing constantly, trying to alleviate the pain.

However, the mysterious gravel contains special strength, which constantly devours his flesh and blood and spirits, and must use flesh and blood to break away from this place.

"Brother Lu Ming

Xue Yan was also stunned by this sudden scene, and couldn't help exclaiming, wanting to rescue Lu Ming.

However, Gu Changge moved faster than her. His sleeves shook slightly, and a breath of fresh air shook off, like a drizzle rain, directly extinguishing the red flames on Lu Ming's body.

But Lu Ming was also burned to the point of not being an adult, breathless, and fainted a long time ago.

"Rather smart, I want to escape this way."

"Speaking of which, this can be regarded as a golden finger backlash."

Gu Changge's eyes fell on Lu Ming's palm where a terrible hole was burned out, and he smiled softly.

He naturally would not let the remnant soul escape.

The power of the vast expanse of rules emerged, and then an inexplicable aura surging in this space.

Everything has slowed down, whether it is people's thoughts or gazes, they seem to be in a static state.

Afterwards, looking back in time, the fragments of brilliance visible to the naked eye emerged from the surrounding void.

It was a broken mysterious gravel, which was fused with fragments of the remnant soul of a middle-aged man, but under the control of Gu Changge's mind, they all began to show a backward and twisted state.

Countless small light spots slowly condensed, falling towards Gu Changge's palm, and quickly turned into a palm-sized piece of gravel.

"Back in time, let everything go back to the beginning."

The many high-level leaders of the Ten Thousand Dao Commercial League who followed Gu Changge's eyes widened in amazement, unbelievable.

It's like seeing a miracle.

Even an enlightened person would never want to achieve this kind of mysterious and mysterious method.

They absolutely cannot reverse time and restore everything to the original time.

After all, time rules are one of the most mysterious and supreme rules in this world.

Of course, Gu Changge also knows that he is only in the preliminary control of this rule now, and he can only reverse it for a short time.

The real power of time is far more mysterious than anyone thinks.

"who are you?"

The remnant soul of the middle-aged man appeared on the gravel, full of horror and horror.

He didn't expect that he had already melted the remnant soul into the gravel.

For the cultivator, this is equivalent to the destruction of form and spirit.

But in the hands of Gu Changge, his remnant soul was recondensed. This method is tantamount to 690 resurrected from death.

"Touched the threshold of Wonderland"

"He's still a young man."

At this moment, the middle-aged man thought of the only possibility, and he was shocked to the extreme with stormy waves in his heart.

"The remnant soul of the enlightened person level"

Gu Changge looked at the middle-aged man emerging from the gravel, a little surprised.

It turns out that this is Lu Ming's support for contacting The Underworld.

However, instead of torturing the middle-aged man many things in front of everyone, he waved his hand and directly included it in the Sumeru space.

Gu Changge is not worried about not being able to ask.

The strength of the enlightened person is also the existence of the lord of the temple above The Underworld.

Even if there is a forbidden technique to close the town of Divine Sense, you can't reveal a lot of things.

But for him, finding the location of The Underworld is already a breeze.

Soon, this Shenzhou and all the cultivator creatures within a hundred li radius were taken away, and the place was plunged into a strange latitude void.

Unless an enlightened person shows up and explores, he will not know what is happening here.

After all, what Gu Changge wants is to be caught off guard, so as not to get rid of the grass. Naturally, he has to arrange everything here.

As long as the hidden world of The Underworld emerges, everything will be easy to handle.

What happened tonight was only spread in a small area among the top of the Wandao Business League, because Gu Changge had an order to prevent the incident from being locked up.

Of course, there must be The Underworld eyeliner in the Ten Thousand Ways Business Alliance, there is no doubt about it.

Therefore, after returning to the previous residence, Gu Changge baffled everyone.

"You spare my life, I will tell you everything I know."

The remnant soul of the middle-aged man was released by him.

He took a deep breath, looked at Gu Changge in front of him, and assured him in a deep voice.

After 60 million years of suffering, it can be seen how strong his desire to survive is, and naturally he does not want to die at this time.

"I don't need you to tell me what I want to know."

But Gu Changge didn't mean to say much to him, his expression was plain and indifferent.

Lifting the palms, a strong black light filled the streets, one by one avenue rune appeared, turned into a avenue bottle, and suddenly swallowed down towards the middle-aged man.

"This is

The middle-aged man wanted to negotiate terms with Gu Changge, but he never expected that Gu Changge would not talk nonsense with him at all.

Moreover, as the former master of a palace, he has such a profound knowledge.

I recognized this great treasure bottle for the first time, and the face was filled with fear.

Soon, the screams in the palace stopped in summer.

"The lord of a palace 60 million years ago"

Gu Changge closed his eyes and quietly flipped through the many memories of the middle-aged man.

Even in the depths of the opponent's soul, there are Restrictions left behind to prevent revealing many secrets of The Underworld.

But in the face of the swallowing power of Aquarius on the Avenue, many Restrictions still collapsed and collapsed like snow, and the pressure was useless at all.

Many memories of the middle-aged man are now in front of him, like the pages of a book, being read at will. .