Ch 702

The mountains are peaceful and peaceful, the fairy mist is slowly fading, the Lingquan is miming, and the silver waterfall is hanging down.

Many auspicious beasts and birds sing, drink the clouds and swallow their breath, and their feathers reflect on the chain of gods, and the sun shines brightly, just like the fairy family's backyard in the myth.

Gu Xian'er traveled through many islands all the way to the God Island where Gu Changge rested on weekdays.

The guard in charge, seeing her coming, did not dare to stop it, and did not go to tell her.

Because Gu Xian'er is the only exception to the longevity Gu family, he does not need Gu Changge's answer to travel from Tathagata to this sacred island.

The other exception is Gu Qingyi.

"Gu Changge is not in the palace?"

Gu Xian'er came all the way to the bedroom of the Closed Door Training where Gu Changge practiced, but did not see him here.

She was a little stunned, wandering around, for a while, she couldn't figure out where Gu Changge had gone.

Could it be that he quietly left the Changsheng Gu's family without telling everyone, and is now planning a major event somewhere?

Gu Xianer's expression suddenly became a little depressed after guessing this way.

On the way she came, she had already made plans to find Gu Changge and how to speak to him.

Because it takes a lot of courage to say those words.

But now I can't even see a figure of Gu Changge.

The words she wanted to say could only be hidden in her heart. The next time she saw Gu Changge, she didn't know if she had the courage to say it to him.

"If in the near future, Gu Changge is really a disaster to the heavens of the upper realm, then what should I do?"

I think of the many future pictures seen in Wangshengtan.

Gu Xian'er shuddered and felt uneasy.

She couldn't believe that in the near future, Gu Changge would plunge the entire upper realm into a dark era.

All beings and spirits live in his fear and shadow.

At least Gu Changge, whom she knew, could never do such a thing.

It's more like that of Gu Changge who was controlled by the demon heart in his childhood and was full of terrifying demon nature.

This made her heart both painful and entangled 697.

Wangshengtan lets her know the fate of the entire upper realm in advance, what is its significance?

"Do you want me to stop this?"

Gu Xian'er couldn't help muttering, sadness appeared in her crystal clear eyes.

She still remembers the scene when she was in Taocun until now.

Tao Yao told her about Gu Changge's Demon Heart and explained that Gu Changge is the Xiantian Devil Heart.

Gu Changge needs to suppress demonic nature to stay awake, just as he would dig out the bones of her avenue before.

Although it is dominated by demons, many things are actually done subconsciously by Gu Changge.

In the Nirvana pool of Changsheng Gu's family, Gu Changge returned the bones of the avenue to her, which could not suppress the demonic nature and almost caused catastrophe.

But at that time Gu Changge would rather destroy her arms by himself than hurt her at all.

Gu Xian'er is still vividly remembering this scene.

When she insisted on digging out the fairy bones behind Nirvana when she was in Taocun, she suppressed the magical nature of Gu Changge.

Gu Changge showed unprecedented gloom and violence, and threatened her to prevent her from doing so. She must take good care of the fairy bones, otherwise she would understand what life is better than death.

Gu Xian'er understood that it was Gu Changge's words threatening her, not the truth. The original intention was not to tell her not to do such stupid things.

"He also said at the time that he would rather die by himself than to get me injured like this.

Gu Xian'er whispered to herself.

For a moment, a faint glow of rosy appeared on the beautiful face of the bright white and fine fu, and the heart was full of thoughts.

Before she knew it, she left this palace and headed towards the top of the mountain.

The clouds and mists rolled there, as if hidden in the deepest part of the clouds, far and wide, overlooking Changsheng Gu's house.

"Gu Changge."

Suddenly, Gu Xian'er was stunned, and saw a familiar figure beside a bluestone on the top of the mountain.

Xuanyi with black hair and handsome facial features are better than banished immortals.

Gu Changge actually closed his eyes slightly and fell asleep leaning against the blue stone.

Such tranquility is detached, without the slightest dust.

"Why did he fall asleep, he is still here."

Gu Xian'er looked at Gu Changge quietly, but didn't make a sound, and went to disturb Gu Changge.

Gu Changge with such appearance is really rare, and she can't bear to break this tranquility.

The last time I fought in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, it seemed that it was the same. Gu Changge was against several enlightened people, and suffered serious injuries.

When she went to visit Gu Changge, he fell asleep so quietly, leaning on her shoulder.

Gu Xian'er still remembers the clear and steady breathing sound.

"Taste the splendor of the world, he should be very tired on weekdays."

At this moment, Gu Xian'er couldn't help but feel pity.

In front of people, Gu Changge has infinite scenery, overwhelming the ages, and is extremely splendid.

Who is qualified to see this side of Gu Changge?

For a while, scenes from the Goshentan reappeared in her mind.

Although her final ending was very tragic, Gu Changge should have been unable to control himself by then?

"If I dig out the fairy bones for him, will that be able to suppress his demonic nature and prevent everything in the future?

This thought emerged unchecked in Gu Xian'er's heart, making her look at Gu Changge in a daze, not knowing what to do for a while.

If her fairy bones can really rewrite the future, then is it not a blessing?

She was able to survive when she was dug out of the bones of the avenue when she was young.

Now that there is a fairy bone, what does it count?

"What's wrong? Xian'er, do you look at me with this kind of eyes?"

Just when Gu Xian'er was startled, an unhurried voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

Gu Changge opened his eyes, looked at her and asked with a faint smile.

Although he took a nap, it didn't mean that he closed his five senses.

So the moment Gu Xian'er stepped onto the top of the mountain, he had already sensed it and woke up.

"Am I disturbing you until you rest?"

Gu Xian'er didn't expect Gu Changge to wake up at this moment, her eyes were a little flustered, and she hurriedly looked to the side.

He seemed to feel guilty about seeing Gu Changge just staring at Gu Changge.

"Then am I good-looking? Since you have been staring at me for so long, how can I not notice (cedh)?"

Gu Changge got up and walked towards her with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, who stared at you for so long?"

Gu Xian'er was a little anxious, with a glow on her face, and she was panicked by Gu Changge, and she quickly denied it.

She had a lot to say in her mind.

But I was teased by Gu Changge so that I couldn't say anything.

"That may be my mistake."

Gu Changge smiled and looked at her up and down.

Seeing her at Cultivation Base is much deeper than when I saw her last time.

It can be seen that there are many opportunities during this period, and the Ascension is great.

Today's younger generation, I am afraid that there are not many people who are her opponents.

"You must have read it wrong, sleeping confused." Gu Xian'er snorted.

Gu Changge ignored her careful thoughts and smiled, "By the way, where did you go during this time? If you don't come back, I'm afraid I have to send someone to find your whereabouts."

Although this was a joke, he was indeed a little curious about what Gu Xian'er had encountered.

Why do you look at yourself with such complicated eyes after returning to Gu's house?

"You don't care where I go, it's not comparable to you, and destroyed The Underworld."

Gu Xian'er would not mention the matter of the Past Life Lake, her expression returned to the coldness of the past, and she didn't want to pay attention to Gu Changge.

She hasn't figured out how to explain to Gu Changge.

Although the pictures in the Past Life Pool foretell, Gu Changge will be enemies all over the world in the future.

He was even framed as an inheritor of magic power and was conquered by all forces.

But that can't help Gu Changge.

On the contrary, it is the fact that all the forces are unified, and they will pay a heavy price for this. In the future, the entire upper realm will also be shrouded in the shadow of Gu Changge's terror.

"Fine, since you don't want to say it, just forget it.

"I'm too lazy to force you, just because you're back, I'm going to the airport village in a few days, and it's a lot more convenient to have you follow."

Gu Changge smiled, and did not continue to ask.

It just so happened that he planned to go to Tao Village before the wedding date and ask Tao Yao something about it.

At the same time, take a look at his cheap little apprentice Tian Tian brought up from the Lower Realm.

Of course, Gu Changge still remembers that there is an old stone in Zhenxian Academy, who was also a contemporary figure of Tao Yao, Chan Hongyi, and Demon Lord.

"Back to Tao Village?"

When Gu Xian'er heard this, her eyes were a little dark, thinking of the future picture seen in the lake of Wangshengtan.

In order to avenge her, her masters were brutally killed by Gu Changge.

Even Peach Demon Big sis ended up with only a charred peach stump, standing at the head of the desolate village.

The thoughts in her heart shook again.

If the scenes manifested in Qianshengtan are all true.

In the near future, not only her, but even Gu Changge's fiancee Yueming, her master's relatives, too many people, will face a tragic fate.

Tao Village is located in the depths of Immortal Abandoned Land, and there is a barren zone in the middle, where many terrifying and fierce beasts have been born since ancient times.

Especially in recent years, great changes have taken place in the upper realm, and many ancient enlightened people have recovered.

The degree of danger in that savage zone is more than ascending thousands of times.

The strength of the Great Sacred Realm in the past can be traversed.

But now even the supreme is frightened, afraid to step in.

It's very quiet here, as if isolated from the world, with little sunshine and mist.

There is a small emerald lake with long green grass and many deer looking down for food.

A group of children in the village were playing around, and a few old men gathered around, smoking dry cigarettes, very leisurely.

An extremely luxuriant and splendid peach tree, blooming in the village, peach blossoms, with a rouge-like color, beautiful and moving, you can see the strands of Shenxi hanging down, there is chaos looming, Sacred and glamorous.

Some fierce beasts with extremely terrifying auras couldn't help but cast fear and awe at this small village when they passed by in the distance of the village.

Except for the terrifying and unfathomable peach tree.

For many elderly people in the village, Cultivation Base is also difficult to guess.

It is definitely not a problem to slap the supreme to death.

But today, above the sky beyond the entrance of the village, a divine light descended, and two figures of a man and a woman slowly fell down. .