Ch 703

"It's Xian'er Big sis, Xian'er Big sis, she is back."

Tao Village is not very big. The children playing at the entrance of the village saw Gu Changge and Gu Xian'er who appeared at first sight.

They cheered in surprise, and hurried over to greet Gu Xian'er.

Although Gu Changge has only been here once, they are no strangers to Gu Changge~.

When Gu Changge came to Tao Village last time, he also gave them many toys and spirit-fruits to help them practice.

So for this young man who looks like an immortal,-they have a good impression.

"Xiaohua, Xiaohu, you all grow taller."

After Gu Xian'er returned to Tao Village, she changed her previous cold appearance, with a groaning smile on her face, and greeted several children.

Several villagers at the entrance of the village also came over, very pleasantly surprised, and greeted Gu Xian'er.

It has been a long time since Gu Xian'er returned to Tao Village last time.

They also miss Gu Xian'er very much.

"Xian'er, this girl still knows to come back and see some of our old men."

Several old people all gathered around, with kind smiles and some kind of ambiguity in their eyes, and they kept turning around Gu Changge and Gu Xian'er.

This made Gu Xian'er feel somewhat embarrassed in her heart, and gave them a few glances.

"I have seen Master Gu.

However, they also knew the identity of Gu Changge, so they didn't dare to be too presumptuous and treated him slightly.

"You are all relatives of Xian'er, so you don't have to be polite.

Gu Changge looked indifferent to this, with a slight smile on his face.

Soon, from the village, several of Gu Xian'er's masters also appeared.

They are still the same unpredictable look before, whether they are tumor or blind, and each person has a different injury.

In fact, at this level, the powerful Cultivation Base can easily be reborn from the blood.

Only some extremely serious road injuries that have been lost to their origins will cause the injuries to persist and make it difficult to regenerate after severed limbs.

However, these masters of Gu Xian'er all have their own stories, and they don't want to let the broken limbs heal in this way.

"Master, Second Master, Third Master Xian'er came back to see you.

Gu Xian'er obediently bowed to each master one by one, changing the arrogant and cold appearance in front of Gu Changge.

"Xian'er, your Cultivation Base has grown a lot

"It seems that there are a lot of opportunities during this period."

Several masters looked at Gu Xian'er with admiration on their faces, and they confirmed that she hadn't slackened at Cultivation Base during this period and was extremely satisfied.

As for Gu Changge on the side, in their opinion now, they have reached the point where they can't see and understand, and need to be afraid.

I think when Gu Changge first came to Tao Village, Cultivation Base was not yet in the supreme state.

But only a few short years have passed, and he has stood at the pinnacle of the upper realm, and even the enlightened person is no longer his opponent.

This makes them feel incredible.

Even if they have seen a lot of Tianjiao, but they have never seen a monster like Gu Changge that shocks the past and shines.

"I have met several seniors."

Gu Changge also behaved very naturally, cupped hands slightly to the masters of Gu Xian'er, and then looked at the village seriously again.

Compared to the last time I came.

Now he can more clearly perceive the strength of the masters of Gu Xian'er, almost the strength of enlightened people.

Among them, the village chief, Gu Xian'er's master, has the most terrifying strength.

Compared with The Underworld's four hall masters, Jianluo, that is, Ah Er, he did not do too much.

This is a figure of the same generation as Elder of Celestial Immortals.

If the environment permits, we can definitely take the last step.

There are many Immortal Great Religions and supreme orthodoxy in the outside world. It is estimated that it is impossible to imagine that in the deepest part of this immortal abandoned land, there is still such a terrifying village hidden.

Not to mention the charming and mysterious peach tree at the entrance of the village.

"Master, Master,

And at this moment, in Tao Village, a little girl wearing a small jacket was rushing in surprise.

Her features are exquisite and picturesque, her skin is white as porcelain, her horns braided, and a pair of black and crystal eyes, expressing the meaning of Chu Chu, are even more clever.

It was when he was in the Lower Realm that Gu Changge received his apprentice every day.

After he brought Tiantian to the upper realm, he was fostered in Taocun, and he didn't take care of it anymore.

Of course, the big reason is also because Tiantian and the Tao Yao at the entrance of the village are of the same origin.

The two are like sisters, living together here is also a peaceful and happy thing for Tiantian.

Seeing running towards me, compared with before, I still haven't grown up much every day.

Gu Changge showed a gentle expression on her face, squatted down, stroked her head, and said, "I haven't had time to see Tiantian. Tiantian doesn't blame Master, right?"

"No, no, every day there is no blame for Master. Although Tian Tian misses Master, but knows that Master is very busy, I have never had time to see Tian Tian."

"Every day in Tao Village is very good. Aunt Uncle in the village is very kind to me, and there is Big sis here every day, and life is very happy every day."

The little girl's face is still as good and sensible as ever, with a happy smile, saying so, it is pitiful.

"Just like being here every day.

"Look at what Master has brought you."

Gu Changge smiled gently, his hands flashed as he spoke.

-There are many gadgets, trinkets, and various delicious pastries in front of you.

Looking at these things, Tian Tian's eyes suddenly brightened a lot, happily bending into a crescent shape.

"Thank you, Master."

She is not interested in practice, and life is her only pursuit.

Therefore, Gu Changge did not bring her many things about practice.

Later, the little girl shared with Gu Changge many of the many joys she had had in her life in Tao Village in recent years, and by the way, she shared the various little things Gu Changge had brought her to many children in Tao Village.

Gu Changge could tell that she really had a great time in Taocun, and everyone treated her very well.

During her stay, Tao Yao also took her to the lower realm of Life before and found the mother-in-law who had adopted her.

It's a pity that Tiantian's mother-in-law didn't want to come to the upper realm. At the beginning, her relatives were slaughtered by the enemy. Later, after the revenge, she guarded the grave for her relatives.

Because of the arrival of Gu Changge and Gu Xian'er, Tao Village has become extremely lively.

Many old people and aunts took out their own Jiazhen wine to entertain the two of them.

Although the land of Xiancai is desolate, the most indispensable thing outside is all kinds of fierce beasts and meat.

Although Gu Changge and Gu Xian'er have long been used to all the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, the fairy delicacies.

But in Tao Village, you can taste the meat cooked by another method, and it has a different flavor.

The peach trees at the entrance of the village are swaggering, and their petals are shining and glamorous. When the breeze blows, strands of fairy margins hang down.

When night fell, when the fire was faintly, even Gu Xian'er drank a lot of wine, showing a delicate expression, rolling up her skirt sleeves, revealing white and tender Saixue's flawless arms, tearing those fierce beasts and meat, how can it be revealed to the world on weekdays The coldness in front of him looked like an immortal.

The big eyes seemed to be flooded with water, reflecting the bonfire and Gu Changge's face.

She seemed to be looking at Gu Changge blankly, as if thinking of something, there was an unconcealable glow on her little face.

"Gu Changge, you are not allowed to bully me anymore

The words were unclear, as if they were whispering.

When many villagers around heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

Even the masters of Gu Xian'er smiled.

Because of the miserable experiences in their childhood, they loved Gu Xian'er very much.

The last time Gu Changge returned to Tao Village with her, they were still worried whether Gu Xian'er was threatened by Gu Changge.

Gu Changge dug out the bones of her avenue when she was young, and almost killed her culprit.

She didn't care about it at all, but was very close to Gu Changge.

Although later, from the mouth of Tao Yao, they learned that Gu Changge had the Xiantian Demon Heart, and what he did in his childhood was actually not under his control.

But they are still wary of Gu Changge and are very worried.

"You guy is drunk, right?"

Seeing Gu Xian'er who was leaning on him, Gu Changge shook his head speechlessly.

"I'm not drunk."

Gu Xian'er glared at him, seemingly dissatisfied with Gu Changge's dislike of own.

Gu Changge sighed, took out the clean Supa, and gently wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth.

"I warn you, you are not allowed to bully me in the future." She closed her eyes slightly, muttered again, and found a comfortable position to lean against Gu Changge.

"Maybe, don't provoke me." Gu Changge smiled.

However, Gu Xian'er ignored him, and soon let out a slight and steady breathing, still holding a greasy beast thigh in her hand, and then grabbed Gu Changge's sleeve without any consideration. The oil stains are all smeared on it.

Everyone in Tao Village looked at this scene, really frightened.

...For flowers…

Although they have never been to the outside world, they can occasionally encounter some Rogue Cultivators while hunting, and learn some news about the outside world from their mouths.

How terrifying is Gu Changge's power now?

Enlightened people will also tremble and fidget in front of them.Who dares to be so presumptuous like Gu Xian'er?

But Gu Changge has long been accustomed to this, drinking with a calm expression.

The night is getting darker and the moon is dark, making Tao Village more quiet and peaceful.

When the fire dissipated, many villagers returned to their own homes one after another.

Gu Xian'er was taken to rest by several aunts. She was still asleep. After returning to Taocun, the whole person was in peace. There was no need to think about or worry about anything. It was rare to have a good rest.

"Don't you come out to see you?

Gu Changge did not rest. Instead, he held the wine glass in one hand and the jug in the other, and walked towards the entrance of the village unhurriedly.

Then, regardless of the surprised gazes of Gu Xian'er's masters, she sat down on the stone beside her.

He seemed to be talking to himself, but he was actually talking to Tao Yao.


Under the breeze, the leaves flew lightly, making a wave-like sound. The peach tree looked more and more crystal clear, and each petal of the peach blossom was concealed with chaos.

Fog formed here, and it soon enveloped the surrounding areas, making the old monsters in Taocun suddenly unable to see the sights here.

They also withdrew their gazes wittily, not looking.

Tao Yao's Cultivation Base is even more unfathomable. As the patron saint of Tao Village, it is definitely not something they can snoop.


On weekdays, even the village chief treats Tao Yao with great respect.

A fascinating and majestic figure slowly emerged from the peach trees. His figure was slender. There seemed to be three thousand gods around him. It was hazy and sacred, with a strange feeling.

"Long time no see, don't come without problems."

Peach demon appeared, her long black hair was shining with radiance, and the light could reflect people, and her glazed eyes looked at Gu Changge, revealing complex meanings.

Gu Changge felt that there seemed to be other meanings in her words.

This sentence does not come unharmed,-the next moment, many pictures flashed through his mind like a spark.

To be precise, it is not a picture, but a figure.

This is not a person, but a fairy.

She hugged her knees and sat on the endless wilderness with a dead peach tree behind her.

She gave birth beautifully.

The long hair of dai cyan, like a bright mirror, can be seen by others.

She looked at the sea of ​​clouds from afar, her pupils reflected the clear sky and mountains, but her expression was lonely, as if she was waiting for someone.

Gu Changge knew that this figure was the peach demon in front of him.

She is a rare friend of Chan Hongyi. She was once brought back to the mountain where the devil lived by Chan Hongyi and planted beside a blue stone.

Before the Taboo Era, because Chan Hongyi blocked a blow from the Demon Lord, he suffered heavy damage and almost fell.

Afterwards, all kinds of coincidences made it possible to become the patron saint of Taomura.

Perhaps because of the relationship between the days, compared to the last time Gu Changge saw her, Tao Yao seems to remember a lot of things now.

However, Tao Yao is different from Chan Hongyi, and does not seem to have too deep hatred for the demon master.

"Aren't you going to meet your old friend?"

Gu Changge poured a glass of wine with a calm expression and drank it to himself.

Tao Yao looked at him with a little complicated, knowing that the old friend Gu Changge said was the Chan Hongyi who had escaped from the burial of the Demon Abyss.

Until now, she actually didn't know the identity of Gu Changge, it was the reincarnation of the demon master, or what?

If it is really the devil.

Then why is the demon master who pushed everything horizontally and buried the entire era in darkness, and will eventually reincarnate?

You know, when she was just an extremely weak little demon.

The Demon Lord stands at the pinnacle of the entire world, and Cultivation Base is unpredictable and unspeakable.

Even if she went further in this Realm after Immortal Ascension, she still felt that she was tiny in front of the Demon Lord.

In fact, if the demon master really wants to kill the cicada red clothes, it doesn't take much effort at all.

Her strength is absolutely impossible to stop the demon master's blow.

How many secrets does this hide?

Tao Yao really wants to ask Gu Changge about all this in person.

But she still doesn't know what identity Gu Changge is talking to her.

She was able to get to this point, and she said it all depends on the guidance of the demon lord.

Otherwise, she is just a little ordinary peach demon, and she doesn't have much talent, let alone being able to touch the fairyland, and go so far in this Realm. superior,