Ch 709

The deepest part of Jue Yin imperial court clan soil.

The fog needs to be heavy, and wisps of gray fog are floating, casting a thick shadow, like a gloomy ghost domain.

Here the world is difficult to bury, the rules are broken, and it is gray, and there is no color other than that.

The six ancient ancestors on absolutely cloudy days, guarding three mysterious ancestral wells, stand on the highest point of the clan soil, overlooking the world indifferently.

They seem to have existed in this world since the beginning of the world.

Indifferent and ancient, the body was surrounded by an invisible gray fog, and the eyes were either cold, ruthless, or hollow, and looked dead gray.

Only on the arm that stretched out from the fog, can we see many signs of decay and corpse spots.

The entire creature in the absolutely cloudy sky felt a palpitating surrender at this moment, and wanted to kneel down and worship toward the deepest part of the clan soil.

The six ancient ancestors shaped the entire overcast sky, and at the same time contained and created all the overcast creatures.

In previous times, even though some drastic changes occurred on absolutely cloudy days, only one ancient ancestor appeared and passed away.

It is definitely the first time that the situation of the six ancient ancestors Qiqi has appeared since the sky was completely overcast.

Ordinary creatures of Absolute Yin cannot understand and imagine what this means.

Only the pure bloodlines and some profound creatures from the Cultivation Base have a premonition.

And at this time, in a palace in the Imperial Court of Absolute Yin.

Princess Canaan is frowning and dealing with some things.

Suddenly, she could not help but stand up when she sensed the huge change from "Seven Zero Zero" to the depths of the clan, and looked at that place, filled with suspicion and anxiety.

"Only a few people in the imperial court know about the birth of the ancient ancestors, and now the six ancient ancestors are all manifested together, why on earth?"

"What has disturbed them?"

Canaan frowned and hurriedly put down the things in his hands, turned into a rainbow, and rushed to the direction of the clan.

At the same time, she sent a call to inform the rest of the strongest in Jueyin Imperial Court, so that they all rushed over.

In addition to the six ancient ancestors, there are still many ancient existences in Jueyin Imperial Court.

Although the strength is far inferior to the six ancient ancestors, but they are also real enlightened people who can sit on the side.

"What happened to Xiao Jiu, Gu Changge sneaked into the clan?"

Canaan felt uneasy in her heart, worried about what Gu Changge had noticed at this time.

Soon, she passed through the layers of Restrictions and stepped into a deserted and devastated land.

Against the thick and broken gray mist, the six ancient ancestors in the clan soil were found.

"What happened to Gu Zu here?"

Canaan looked respectful and couldn't help but ask.

"There is no major incident, it should be that the younger Gu surnamed all the way to find the clan soil. After being noticed by me, he has quickly retreated."

An ancient ancestor glanced at her, said lightly, his tone was unwavering.

"Gu Changge really couldn't bear it."

Canaan's complexion was a little dark.

She had asked Jia Jiu'er to keep an eye on Gu Changge's actions, but Gu Changge still sneaked into the clan soil secretly.

"He probably didn't notice anything. When he first sneaked into this place, I was aware of it."

Another ancient ancestor said, he didn't think Gu Changge could discover anything in such a short time.

However, they did not have the slightest evidence to prove that the abnormal movement they had noticed before was Gu Changge.

After hearing this, Canaan also understood.

Gu Changge should have just stepped into the clan soil, and then he was sensed by the six ancient ancestors.

After all, they have survived almost endless years, and the perception of the six ancient ancestors is amazing, especially backed by the clan soil and the ancestral well.

Here they are almost Immortal gods, possessing immense and unimaginable power, and omnipotent.

"If so, then I'm relieved."

Afterwards, Canaan sighed with relief, and did not continue to disturb the six ancient ancestors here, and quickly quietly retreated.

In her opinion, since Gu Changge knew the existence of the six ancient ancestors, she should not dare to mess around in the next few days.

In a way, this is also a great shock.

"It turns out that there are six old guys hiding, but this breath is too rotten."

At this time, in the palace, Gu Changge also slowly got up.

At the center of his eyebrows, a vast wave emerged, and the villain Yuanshen passed through the void and quickly disappeared.

In fact, what I saw just now was a bit beyond Gu Changge's expectation.

He had long known that the Qi of Absolute Yin in Absolute Cloud was exhausting.

But I never imagined that the Qi of Absolute Yin had contained such six old monsters, and I didn't know how many years had passed since.

The stench of decay and vicissitudes is like a corpse that has decayed in a coffin for one era after another.

Of course, what surprised him the most was that the Mental Energy of these people was extremely large and vast, far beyond what the Realm of Enlightened Realm could reach.

"The aura that exudes from them has shaped the absolutely cloudy sky now, or is it the so-called instrument of origin that created everything?"

Gu Changge was lost in thought.

He always felt that there seemed to be someone who was planning all this in the midst of it.

Why is it always overcast to do everything possible to shape the Samsara station?

Before coming to Jue Yin, Gu Changge had never thought of casting a Samsara platform for it. He just wanted to take the essence of Jue Yin and left.

But judging from the current situation, this Samsara platform must be cast.

Gu Changge didn't worry that Jueyin Imperial Court would suddenly attack him. Before Samsara was successfully cast, even if they had complaints in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything.

Tonight is not destined to be peaceful for the entire cloudy sky.

The six great ancient ancestors appeared, Jiali was in the depths of the clan soil, the figure was extremely large, standing upright, shrouded in endless gray mist, it made Yan Li's heart palpitations, and couldn't help but kneel down.

Except for Canaan, no one knows what happened in the Jueyintian Clan and why it alarmed the six ancient ancestors.

Almost all Jue Yin creatures were shocked by this, and worshipped in that direction, and many people became even more panicked.

"Why did Gu Zu wake up and be alarmed?"

There are extremely powerful creatures whispering.

Jia Jiu'er was also throbbing in his heart, couldn't help but salute respectfully in the direction of the clan, and then looked towards the palace which was in a quiet state.

Ah Da still stands there like a mountain of terror, revealing the indifference and killing intent that no one should enter.

She did not dare to step forward, even if it was suspected that the six ancient ancestors were alarmed to be related to Gu Changge, she did not dare to ask for confirmation.

The next day, in the huge square in the very center of the Imperial Palace.

Pieces of black crystals carved with strange patterns and characters are stacked and placed here.

These black crystals are incomparably neat, and do not know where they came from, and there is a kind of death in the body.

Even if the creatures of Jue Yin approached, there was a feeling that their souls were frozen.

On the other side, a large number of white crystals are piled up, and they are also carved with strange patterns and characters.

Different from black crystals, these white crystals are full of vitality, lingering in the chain of vitality.

The surrounding area has been cleaned up.

Except for Canaan and others, the rest of Jueyin creatures can't get close, and can't even watch from a distance.

"Is this the material for the Samsara platform? Raw and dead stones?"

Gu Changge appeared and walked, followed by Ah Da, who was silent, and Jia Jiuer, who was a little worried.

"This is the raw and dead stones that my clan has found in these endless years. It must be enough to cast the Samsara platform."

Canaan replied, looking at Jia Jiu'er with deep meaning, but Jia Jiu'er just shook his head to avoid her gaze.

Upon seeing this, Canaan knew about letting Jiaguer Town live in Gu Changge last night, and it must have failed.

She actually didn't have much hope for this.

"Born and dead stones are hard to find. Only the Yellow Springs in the land of deadly death have the chance to see them."

"Unexpectedly, Jueyin Imperial Court actually collected so much."

Gu Changge said with a sigh, as if he had no idea what happened last night.

"After all, it is a major event involving the Samsara station. No matter how hard it is to find it, my clan will do everything to find it."

Canaan smiled and replied, with some extraneous meaning, just to tell Gu Changge that casting the Samsara platform is extremely important to never cloudy, so important that they can give everything.

On the one hand, I was also worried about what Gu Changge would do in it.

Even the other six ancient ancestors didn't know anything about Samsara's way.

"Now that the materials are all ready, let's start."

"Oh, yes, what I want, is Princess Canaan ready?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and turned his tone behind him, looking at Canaan.

"This is natural."

"This is what you want, Young Master Changge, and the rest will be served with both hands after the Samsara platform is cast."

After hearing this, Canaan was not surprised, and handed Gu Changge a pitch-black earthen jar held by the maid behind him.

She knows that Gu Changge belongs to the kind of character that doesn't see rabbits or scatter eagles.

Although today's absolutely cloudy days are already drying up.

The essence of Absolute Yin is extremely precious, but it is still possible to take out the part and stabilize Gu Changge first.

"Princess Canaan is a cheerful person.

Gu Changge still said with a faint smile, not surprising.

Just beckoning and accepting the pitch-black crock, I didn't even look at it again, and didn't seem to care about how much genius was contained in it.

"He should not dare to make tricks, unless he doesn't want to get out of the absolutely cloudy sky.

In the deepest part of Jueyintian Clan's soil, six indifferent and ruthless gazes have been chasing every move of Gu Changge in the square, divine thought surging.

For the next few days, this place was shrouded in a mysterious black and white color.

A large sacred fire burns, melts the living and dead stones, and then builds them in a certain order.

Rules collapse, time looms, and unpredictable forces are circulating.

In a daze, everyone saw a rushing Yellow Springs, emerging from an unknown latitude, which carried countless souls and bones.

In this Yellow Springs, there is a Taoist platform ups and downs, surrounded by black and white colors, Yin & Yang contrast, life and death meet each other.

"This breath can't be wrong with 3.7, really can't be wrong."

"It's really the Samsara station that Samsara Gu Tianzun said, it can reflect that place."

At this moment, even the six ancient ancestors whose moods are like the Dead Sea will not regenerate, their eyes can't help but freeze, and there is joy and excitement flashing.

At the same time, in a mysterious distant space.

A Daoist, who was sitting cross-legged in nothingness and silence, was enveloped in the enchanted Dao Qi, seemed to perceive something, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Who lights up the coordinates with this wave? Oh, it was there."

"It seems it's time to harvest."

His eyes are very clear and bright, but they seem to be extremely muddy and vicissitudes, sometimes indifferent and deep, and without emotion.

In just an instant, his eyes seemed to run through time and years, washing a certain era.

However, The next moment seemed to be suddenly aware of something.

The Daoist, who looked like an ancient god, let out a cold ridicule, "Ignorant ants, you have never won this game.

As he spoke, the void in front of him appeared layers of ripples, and then a picture emerged.

It was the same endlessly distant and ancient world, with large universes collapsing and rules and order broken.

Shouting to shook the sky, fighting spirit rushed into the sky, many blood tore through the peak powerhouse of Xiao Han, and roared desperately. . .