Ch 710

The battle was extremely tragic, and the entire universe was collapsing and turned into an ancient battlefield.

The big stars shattered into ashes, and there were too many corpses in the surrounding broken star field.

"Kill this monster!"

"Kill, don't let countless years come, and all the contributions of the senior ancestors will be in vain.

"This is our last chance this time.

Under this broken sky.

All the powerhouses and creatures are roaring, burning all over, surrounded by light.

Illuminate the entire sky, and kill the figure standing in an unknown latitude.

But that figure was too huge, and its whole body looked like cast of Immortal Immortal Gold, standing at the end of the heavens and the earth.

The golden light is brilliant, the face is blurred, and the five senses cannot be seen clearly.

There are only a pair of indifferent and ruthless eyes, showing the coldness of looking at all things in the common people like a black dog.

It looks very similar to the human race, but it has three heads and six arms.

Each head is different, like a dragon and a phoenix, with six stubborn arms, holding a variety of heavenly soldiers, with long hairs of various colors, which makes the heart trembling.

Just sweeping downward, the entire universe is collapsing and disintegrating.

Countless strong men screamed, collapsed and exploded, disappearing in form and spirit, and vanished in smoke.

But even so, someone rushed forward desperately.

Even if it only caused a small amount of damage to this terrifying monster, it would not hesitate.

As if there was only the idea of ​​destroying this terrifying monster in his heart.

This is a crazy and shocking scene.


Too many powerhouses, like moths to the fire, slaughtered that terrifying monster.

Then they burst into pieces in the void, and disappeared in smoke together with the spirits.

The horrible monster seems to have no emotions, and six arms can tear this universe apart.


The next moment, it leaned out and grabbed it downward. Its sharp claws were like blades. It easily cut through all the rules and orders. It rubbed the most powerful aura among the group of creatures, and then crushed it with a pop.

The body collapsed, the bones were thick, the blood mist scattered in the sky, accompanied by the broken 24 rules of rain, fluttered and wine fell.

The existences with the most powerful auras of these names even burst their weapons.

The deity screamed and followed its master.

"Even Wushuang Emperor and Hengyu Emperor have fallen."

"Ah ah monster and fight."

Seeing this scene, the remaining creatures screamed in horror, their faces full of despair.

Someone couldn't stand the huge blow even more, screamed and passed out.

This scene was too horrible, and made people feel terrified. The whole body was chilled to the extreme, and he stayed in place.

Even the invincible emperor and emperor among them were wiped to death by the monster, the blood mist exploded, and the sky was scarlet.

Everyone felt a kind of despair and powerlessness, and there was no way.

It seems that all of this has always been a dream bubble, and it has long been doomed.

No matter how much they paid, it is impossible to stop all of this.

"Immortal Ascension has always been a scam. There is no immortal in this world. There is only this monster behind the immortal gate. All those who set foot on Immortal Ascension road were eaten by it."

"Everyone is its nourishment, and when it is full, it will eat this world.

"As recorded in the ancient books, it is a beast that destroys the world. It will destroy this world and then return to Samsara.

An old man was lamenting, his eyes disappeared, his body exploded, and it was extremely miserable.

For endless years, they have been cracking the mystery of Immortal Ascension, after entering that door.

For this reason, countless sages and seniors paid a heavy price to find a fairy road.

It's a pity that no more information came out and disappeared, just like a small stone sinking into the sea.

Even those ancient emperors and ancient emperors who have swept the invincible since ancient times, contended for hegemony all the way, wiped out their opponents, and reached the peak, never came back.

Some people say that they are already Immortal Ascension, go to another world,

Others said that they were trapped in the fairy road and could not look back.

But the real situation is that at the other end of the fairy gate, there is a fragmented Universe, in which an extremely terrifying monster lives.

In the endless years, the peak powerhouse that stepped onto that road was reduced to the rations of that terrifying monster, and was swallowed by it. The corpses had almost piled up the universe.

Countless latecomers have understood all of this by deciphering the many clues left by the former practitioners.

Immortal Ascension is just a scam.

In other words, it was the Immortal Ascension road they had been pursuing so hard that it didn't exist at all.

For endless years, all people have been blinded by this big lie.

Pursuing it one after another, it ended up being just the food for that terrifying monster.

"Who the hell is telling this big lie?

"Why do you deceive me to wait countless years, and finally tell us that all this is a lie, heaven and earth are just cages, and we are only raised by someone here, specializing in the rations of a monster?"

Someone is angrily reprimanding the injustice of this world, with tears in their eyes and trembling faces, desperate to the extreme.

More people are roaring and rushing to kill with that terrifying monster figure.

But as the six arms of that figure fell, boundless light and rules exploded.

The world was gloomy, the gods rushed into the sky, the rules were broken, and countless shouts of killing were drowned.

This big Universe is collapsing, it seems that the stars are trembling and about to fall.

"I waited for so many years to plan, and finally came to this side with my troops. Will the whole army be wiped out today, and it will become a mirror image?"

"I'm really not reconciled, why is it like this in the end? Can you open your eyes to heaven and earth?"

A terrifying emperor was yelling, and the imperial soldiers in his hand bloomed with immeasurable light, hanging down the boundless chain of rules, protecting the army behind him.

But The next moment, with a halberd light, slashed from the horrible monster's hand, and slammed the emperor's eyebrows with a pop.

Immediately his head exploded, and the soul fire was dimmed and extinguished in an instant.

The imperial soldier in his palm also screamed, followed by Ye Cha cracked.

In the world behind them, they are invincible emperors and emperors.

Once invincible for an era, dominate heaven and earth.

But in the hands of this horrible monster, it was as fragile as a torn paper, and it was easily torn apart.

Many of them have been waiting for such a day.

However, when the day really came, they found out in despair.

It turned out that everything was doomed long ago, and the gap was like a moat. They didn't have the slightest chance.


The sky rained blood, and a mournful cry.

In this fragmented Universe, the army that followed these emperors and emperors were all shattered and vanished.

The sore ground was flooded and filled with seas of corpses, and the sight of children was incomparable.

"Those who disobey will be killed without pardon."

The figure of that horrible monster, the three of which turned slightly, uttered ancient divine sounds.

Those eyes have been cold and ruthless, standing at the end of the sky and the earth, seeming to be waiting here specially.

Then, its six big hands traversed the world, and began to grab the corpses below and swallow them, making a chilling chewing sound.

At the end of this broken Universe, there is an extremely majestic and magnificent portal, surrounded by immortals, and it looks abnormally Sacred.

But now this door is slowly closing, being pushed by a supreme and mighty force, and then beginning to close.

It seems to isolate and seal the two universes outside and inside the door.

At this moment, in the distant unknown latitude.

The Daoist, who was sitting in the void, also shook his hand, obliterating the scene in front of him.

"In the Chiyou Ancient Realm, I thought that someone like Chiyou Tianjun had appeared in the beginning, but nowadays, even a Dao body at the level of a remnant immortal can't deal with it."

"But Immortal Ascension? A group of ants are also delusional about Immortal Ascension, achieving the impoverished status of the Immortal King is the best destination for you.

He let out a sneer, and deep in his eyes was indifferent, unmoved by the sight just now.

Since these endless years, he has traveled through the heavens and all realms.

Like a similar layout, I don't know how many vast and mysterious ancient worlds are scattered.

Although those ancient big worlds are far inferior to the upper realms, the accumulated heritage since the beginning of the world is not to be underestimated.

If given enough time to grow to a level comparable to that of the upper bound, it would not be impossible.

Since the Taboo Era, the real fairyland and the heavens of the upper realm have been connected.

The immortal road collapsed, the road collapsed, and even the avenue disappeared. No one can Immortal Ascension.

Those ancient big worlds far away from the upper realm do not know much about this matter, and they still want to pass Immortal Ascension through Dengxian Road.

Therefore, this gave Daoist an excellent hotbed to use the fairy road as a bait to attract the peak powerhouses of the ancient world to come and die.

"For Peng Dao, this is the best opportunity to verify the status of the Immortal King.

"When the real immortal road comes to the world, the poor roads are all reunited, and you can touch the Realm that was out of reach at the beginning."

Daoist got up from the spot, and his deep gaze contained huge ambitions that could not be concealed.

He was originally a figure in the ancient times, and the original peak Cultivation Base has already surpassed the fairyland.

Even if he is in control of Samsara's power, even if he is the most powerful person in the fairyland, he can't help it.

But Samsara's way is the most mysterious and vast, involving time.

Even if he studied the endless years, it was difficult to save much.

Not to mention the way of Samsara to verify the status of the Immortal King.

He was already desperate about this, feeling that he would never be able to gain a foothold in that Realm.

But I never thought that in the Forbidden Era, the world collapsed, and the years were buried in the era, immortals will be eternally separated.

He accidentally encountered six weird creatures who were contaminated by unknown gray fog, and whose soul and body had reshaped Samsara countless times.

The six creatures are obviously not strong, but they have a characteristic that is almost immortal.

From their mouths, Daoist learned of a place full of mysterious gray mist.

That place contains Immortal's secret.

And those six creatures, only a trace of aura in them, is enough to ensure that the immortal of the soul and the physical body are indestructible and coexist with the heaven and the earth.

Although the gray fog represents Immortal and decay, in this process, you will encounter unimaginable pain and torture.

But compared to Immortal, what does this count?

At that time, the rules of heaven and earth broke shortly, Dao Fa disappeared, and Daoist Cultivation Base was severely cut and it was difficult to return to the peak.

Therefore, knowing that there are big secrets hidden in the six people, he did not take the initiative to ask questions. Instead, he left a lot of calculations for later exploration.

At that time, the six people also gave him a bowl of well water, claiming to be taken from that strange and mysterious place.

"Thanks to the bowl of well water, it gave me an insight into the real life and death, the real Taoism, and gave me the opportunity to touch the Immortal King's fruit status.

"I have a hunch that the real fairy gate in this life will appear.

Daoist's eyes were bright and deep, but at this moment he was indifferent and ruthless, looking into a certain space, muttering.

Although his handwriting schemes are all over the ancient universe.

But it does not mean that he can now exert his power beyond Wonderland.

In order to hide behind the heavens like a shadow more quietly, avoid the exhaustion of life, the 700 rule order interference.

He even did not hesitate to divide the original Dao Fruit into millions, and guard it in the ancient world with the existence of Dao Body.

And those ancient worlds were the back gardens and breeding farms he carefully selected for breeding.

"Such a long time has passed. Those six guys should not have died yet. It seems that the coordinates left at the time are time to work."

Daoist showed a sneer on his face, tore open the Universe in front of him with his bare hands, took one step, and quickly disappeared.

The Upper Realm is extremely far away from here, even with his Cultivation Base, it will not take long to get past it.

But Daoist didn't care. For him, the last thing he lacks is time.

Because in the ancient times, he had a name, Samsara Gu Tianzun.

Never cloudy.

The square location in the center of the imperial court.

The rich black and white colors are intertwined here, and large tracts of raw and dead stones crack and melt under the mighty force of Gu Changge.

Then, reshape the construction in a special order and build it into a platform.

Every inch of the corner is outlined with magical and complicated Dao patterns, life and death revolve, Samsara alternates.

Even an ordinary cultivator can perceive the difficulty of this Fangdaotai.

The strands of Samsara's meaning hang down at the four corners of the platform, shrouded like a waterfall.

A mysterious and unpredictable power flows quietly on the Taoist platform, making people feel in awe. I can't help but want to kneel down and feel the power of time Samsara.

"This breath can't be wrong, it is indeed a Samsara dojo, although it is just a rudimentary form."

In the depths of the Jueyin imperial court clan, the six great ancient ancestors stared at this Fang Daotai steadily, and their mood fluctuated greatly.

They waited for this day, it was too long.

According to the words left by Samsara Gu Tianzun at that time, as long as the Samsara platform is successfully cast.

Light the fire on it to reflect the mysterious land.

Although they just strayed into it at the beginning, they had already regarded themselves as beings in that mysterious place, and they didn't want to return to it all the time.

Over the years, they have often tried to contact there in various ways, hoping that there is a presence there to lead them back.

Now, Gu Changge has cast the Samsara platform, giving them great hope again.


But at this moment, a crisp cracking sound suddenly came from the center of the square.

With expressions of joy and hope, the six great ancient ancestors also suddenly stiffened, as if they were sluggish.

The expressions of Canaan and others froze suddenly, and their smiles disappeared on their faces.

"Oh, why is it so good that it suddenly cracked?"

Gu Changge, who is swaying this stage with his mind, seems to have only noticed this scene.

He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, a little surprised. .