Ch 718

The absolutely cloudy sky erupted very quickly, and swept towards the surrounding star field with a terrifying spread.

Large tracts of stars may be decayed, and Stars will fall.

The sky is covered with gray mist, like lenses stained with rust on each side, constantly collapsing and falling.

Although all parties have made countermeasures in the first time, they have dispatched a large number of powerful men and ancient warships to the surrounding star field to lay formations in an attempt to stop the spread of the cloudy sky.

But under this weird and terrifying power, it still seems insignificant.

Everywhere is a scene of crumbling creatures, mountains are collapsing, the continent is torn apart, and there is almost no living person.

The cultivator is almost extinct, or it is contaminated by the mist, and the soul is corroded.

Either it was torn apart by other dead-yin creatures, and their form and spirit were destroyed.

The eyes of all cultivators and orthodoxy in the upper realm are now gathered together to fight this catastrophe together.

The major Immortal orthodoxy and supreme masters, after discussing, finally sent the enlightened existence to the edge of the overcast sky, trying to explore the source of the outbreak.


A divine light tore through the world, and the ancient warship rumbled-crushed the Universe and descended.

Many younger generations, such as the Heavenly Phoenix Girl, the Golden Cicada Buddha, the Sixth Crown Prince, the ancient taboo Tianjiao Jinyun, and the Taoist Alliance Daozi Lan Yifei also came from all over the world.

For them, the sudden eruption of this absolutely cloudy sky is not only a chance, but also a trial.

Whether it is hunting and killing Jueyin creatures, or contending with Jueyin mist around them, it can help them become famous in the world and accumulate common people's will.

"Holy Maiden of the Ancestral Hall and entering the absolutely cloudy sky, where does she have the courage?"

The six-crowned king Junyao stood tall in a barren star field, his complexion seemed extremely calm, and he said to himself.

Many followers followed him.

There are also a few powerful guardians, the guards are around him, worried that he will have an accident here.

As far as the Immortal Orthodoxy and Supreme Master are concerned, the six crown kings and others are the seeds of hope for the future and should not be missed.

No one can be sure that his descendants will become the next Gu Changge, targeted by all forces.

At this time, all forces are very close to their own successors, for fear of accidents.

"Amitābha, Holy Maiden of Human Ancestor Hall is afraid this time is reckless.

The Golden Cicada Buddha was riding on a golden nine-headed lion.

"Holy Maiden and Gu Changge have a very close relationship. She will go to the absolutely cloudy sky alone. Is it related to the recent disappearance of Gu Changge?"

The Tianhuang girl was wearing a long red dress and her face was beautiful. She stared at the terrifying and terrifying mist in front of her, a little thoughtful.

Can't let them think otherwise, because Gu Changge has been in the upper realm for some time.

Many people have speculated that he should show up one day before the wedding date with Yuemingkong.

Now the undercurrents of the upper realm are surging, and there are rumors everywhere that Gu Changge is the inheritor of magic arts, making people panic.

He just disappeared for a while, avoiding the wind.

There are actually quite a few cultivators with this idea, even some enlightened people are guessing like this.

Many Immortal masters, such as Tianhuang Mountain, Zixiao Valley, and endless fire country, are discussing how to solve Gu Changge.

At this time, who is not heart palpitations?

At this time, in the Changsheng Gu family, Gu Changge was talking to several clan elders about the identity of Samsara Gu Tianzun.

On the way back to the clan, he had already spoken to Samsara Gu Tianzun, how to explain.

Many Gu families always know the identity of Gu Changge Samsara as the successor of Gu Tianzun, but they never expected that this giant figure in the immortal ancient period would actually be present today.

Many ethnic people were shocked and couldn't believe it.

The ancestors of several enlightened people showed up together, and their moods were difficult to calm.

"Since Tianzun, you are Changge's master, then you are the guest of my Changsheng Gu family."

Several clan elders treated Samsara Gu Tianzun very politely, but they didn't have much awe.

After all, this is in the territory of the Changsheng Gu family, no matter who is not qualified, and has no ability to run wild.

Samsara Gu Tianzun is no exception.

Hearing this, Samsara Gu Tianzun smiled and said, "At that time, I have troubled you all.

He looked quite calm on the face, but his heart was already shaking the sky.

Although in the Xiangu period, he had heard of the mysterious of the Changsheng Gu's family, but only when he really stepped into this place, would he understand the vastness and profoundness of its secrets.

Even he felt a kind of shock and unnaturalness.

Especially in the deepest part of the Changsheng Gu family, it seems that there is some strong aura hidden in the deep sleep, which can crush the heavens forever.

There is more than just one such breath.

He understood that this was the foundation of invincibility, which could be based on the heavens and the confidence of Immortal.

This is also incomparable to any Immortal Orthodoxy or Supreme Master.

Thinking about it this way, even if it was Samsara Gu Tianzun, at this time he had to feel a sense of awe for the Changsheng Gu family, and did not dare to spy on him at will.

"Changge, you suddenly disappeared during this period of time. Did you go to find Samsara Gu Tianzun?"

Soon, Samsara Gu Tianzun was taken by the attendant to the sleeping quarters.

Several clan elders and ancestors all surrounded Gu Changge and couldn't help but ask.

They are really curious about the origin of Samsara Gu Tianzun.

After all, the immortal ancient period is too far away, I don't know how many epochs are apart.

Who would have thought that Samsara Gu Tianzun actually existed in the world and lived to this day.

If it hadn't been for Gu Changge's solemn explanation, they would still be hard to believe that this Daoist is the legendary Samsara Gu Tianzun.

This is incredible.

"It's actually a long story.When I got the inheritance of Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign in the Ancient Continent, I felt that he never seemed to fall. Some time ago, I just heard Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign call, saying that he was trapped somewhere. ."

Gu Changge shook his head and explained softly.

This rhetoric is actually very similar to the saying that Yinshiji's family went to Kunshan to rescue their ancestors.

So there is a precedent, and the elders do not doubt it.

They also felt that Gu Changge would not choose to hide somewhere because of rumors outside.

"That's it, I'm embarrassing you."

After hearing this explanation, several enlightened ancestors suddenly nodded, feeling a lot in their hearts.

Even in their time, I have heard of the legend of Samsara Gu Tianzun. Who would have thought that I could see a real person today?

They have no doubt that once the news of Samsara Gu Tianzun's life is spread, it will inevitably trigger an incomparable wave and cause a major earthquake.

Afterwards, some clan elders began to analyze the current situation, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Samsara Gu Tianzun was present at this time. In fact, it is also a good thing for you and me, and for the entire Gu family."

The other elders nodded, and so comforted Gu Changge.

"Now that there are many rumors out there, Changge, you don't have to take it seriously. I'll all understand that they are the forces of various traditions, and they insist on pouring dirty water on you."

"There is nothing wrong with wanting to add crime, as long as people with a discerning eye can see their purpose. Really my Gu family is so easy to bully? It's bullying to my Gu family descendants? This time, even if it is to upset the upper realm and kill it. The sea is flowing for hundreds of thousands of miles, and it is also not hesitating.

Speaking of the back, their faces are even more difficult to conceal murderous anger and anger, and they can't wait to lead their troops to fight with all the gangs.

"Thank you for your concern. In fact, Changge provoked this matter himself. The family was implicated by me."

"If I don't insist on destroying The Underworld, I won't attract such a big reaction from all the powers.

"It was so reckless at the time."

Gu Changge smiled warmly when he heard the words, and apologized slightly.

...For flowers…

"Changge, what are you talking about? What do you mean by being implicated in the family? Your business is a family business. How can you and your family be separated from each other?"

"When you say this, don't you rely on your family as a solid backing? Since my birth, the Changsheng Gu family has never feared anyone or any force.

Upon hearing this, the elders frowned and looked extremely unhappy.

"Anyone with a discerning eye knows, where do you get in touch with the inheritors of magic power? On the contrary, you have been following the traces of the inheritors of magic power all the time, and those people insist on blackening the white."

"Since the ages, so many dazzling Tianjiao have not grown up in the end, they are actually destroyed at this step.

"This happened to my Gu's family, and no one can bear it."

Several clan elders were filled with righteous indignation and saw the hypocritical faces of the various orthodox forces.

They didn't even believe that Gu Changge would be the inheritor of magic power, and they never thought about it from beginning to end.

"Actually, I really don't want the family to be involved in this matter. I have a solution long ago.

"The meaning of family care, Changge understands."

Gu Changge shook his head helplessly, smiled and said.

Unless there is really no other way, he will use the family heritage.


But at that time, I am afraid it will cause more trouble.

The longevity Gu family's heritage is not as simple as the world thinks.

At that time, the many secrets Gu Changge had been hiding would probably be exposed, with pros and cons.

Seeing Gu Changge said so, several clan elders couldn't help it.

They know what Gu Changge means, but don't disturb the things of Gu's heritage before the critical moment.

"Since you have other arrangements, Changge, then I will wait according to what you said.

Several enlightened ancestors glanced at each other, nodded, and agreed to Gu Changge's request.

After leaving the main hall, Gu Changge returned to the God Island where he lived on weekdays, and ordered no one to disturb him.

At the same time, he was also laying a deceiving array pattern around him to prevent Samsara Gu Tianzun from being restless and spying.

"It broke out on an absolutely cloudy day, and all the traditions gathered there, and I haven't seen my face in front of the world for a long time.

"At this time, I should also go around and stand by the way."

"I don't want to recite the black pot of the inheritor of magic arts, by the way, I will release the news of Samsara Gu Tianzun's emergence."

Gu Changge closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the futon.

The Avenue Aquarius floated above the head, and wisps of gray mist wafted down from it.

These gray mists seem to have life, floating in the surrounding void, containing extremely terrifying corrosive power.

The void keeps collapsing, becoming nothingness, and then like falling into Samsara, it begins to reshape, repeating itself again and again, which is creepy.

The substance in the ancestors of Jue Yintian origin, even the enlightened person avoids like snakes and scorpions.

Even if it is just a thread, it contains unimaginable destruction, which can destroy an ancient world.

After Dao Aquarius swallowed the two origin ancestral wells, the gray mist that it condensed was many times more terrifying than the gray mist that Gu Changge encountered on an absolutely cloudy day.

There are thousands of strands of terrifying gray fog like this in the Aquarius on the Avenue.

If Gu Changge is willing, he can easily destroy many Immortal Masters with the help of these gray mists, and even let the universe of all parties go to exhaustion and death, and there will be no vitality for eternity.

But he was not in a hurry, waiting for the big fish to jump out and throw himself into the net.

"These lower realms are far from good

Afterwards, Gu Changge opened his eyes, and many pictures flashed in his eyes.

The vast power of faith, turned into a silver Wang Yang, appeared around him.

Although the Dark Heaven Court was born not long ago, it has accumulated a lot of believers.

These believers come from the heavens of the upper realm and the lower realms of hundreds of millions, among which there is even the son of luck created by Gu Changge himself. superior.