Ch 719

In these personally shaped son of luck.

Gu Changge also met Wang Qi, who was betrayed by his childhood sweetheart and Dantian was destroyed.

The son of luck that he had high hopes for, has now been revenge, and is full of vigor in the original world.

For Wang Qi, the existence of the Dark Heaven Court not only helped him avenge his grievances, but also became his biggest reliance on stepping out of the original world.

Of course, for Gu Changge, such a son of luck is nothing more than leeks that are growing strong and waiting to be slaughtered.

Compared with ordinary cultivator, the power of faith that son of luck can provide is more pure and profound, and even contains the power of luck in the original world.

The darkness Heaven Court is like a shadow, constantly infiltrating every corner of the heavens in the upper realm.

"After solving the overcast sky, I can do it from Samsara Gu Tianzun."

"He should be in Insight these days for the profound meaning of the origin of the ancestral well fragments.

Gu Changge's thoughts came back, and his eyes suddenly became very dark.

He is not anxious to start Samsara Gu Tianzun, and he is not sure about it at the moment.

Of course, the main reason is that Gu Changge doesn't know what Samsara Gu Tianzun's plan is.

After a few days, the news that Gu Changge appeared in the Changsheng Gu family quickly spread, causing shocks from all sides.

Of course, the existence of Samsara Gu Tianzun was not revealed under the intentional orders of many Gu family elders.

Many cultivator creatures are speculating about the whereabouts and whereabouts of Gu Changge during this time.

Some rumors about Gu Changge insisting on hiding and avoiding the limelight for a period of time are also self-defeating.


On the edge of the eruption of the absolutely cloudy sky, the universe rumbled, and the void was torn apart.

The ancient warships descended, and the flag tree "seven and seven" stood up. The big "Gu" on it was swayed, attracting the attention of all the cultivators around, and their expressions were shaken.

On these ancient warships, many powerful figures appeared, with blood surging to the sky, like a chaotic dragon energy that would penetrate through the sky.

And at the head of these ancient warships, a young man stood with his hand in his hand, hunting in mysterious clothes, his face was clear and handsome, and his mouth had a gentle smile, as if he was in the dust.

The hazy and vague fairy light appeared all around him, like the ups and downs of three thousand ancient worlds, revealing a breath of heart palpitations and tremors.

The moment I saw this person, all the cultivators around on the cloudy sky were shocked, seemingly unbelievable.

The surrounding area was like a stormy wave, sweeping across all the forces.

"Gu Changge"

Many young giants such as the Tianhuang Girl, the six-crowned King Junyao, the ancient enchanting Jin Yun, and the Golden Cicada Buddha's son, all their complexions changed, and they were extremely shocked.

They did not expect that at this time, Gu Changge would dare to face the gaze of the entire upper realm and appear on the edge of the absolutely cloudy sky.

So calm and casual, as if he didn't care about all the rumors before.

Now he is in the dark of the inheritor of magic skills.

They knew that all of this was a plan by the various disciplines to get rid of Gu Changge.

But ordinary cultivators don't know this. They will only follow the general trend of the world and regard Gu Changge as the real inheritor of magic.

How many dangers Gu Changge will encounter here, can anyone tell?

"He is really bold. Isn't he afraid of being besieged here?"

Sixth crown king Junyao gently shook his head and said, and the words were also emotional or complicated.

"He really dared to come. Isn't he really afraid of the sun setting here? It seems that he didn't care about the rumors before."

"Gu Changge doesn't put me in his eyes."

In the depths of the void, the vast and majestic breath is filled, and it seems that chaos can evolve and open up the world.

Enlightened ancestors of many Taoist forces appeared here. Seeing this scene, his face looked a little difficult, but Gu Changge didn't expect Gu Changge to show up.

At this time, they actually wanted to take action to get rid of Gu Changge, a disturbing factor that threatened them and the forces behind them.

But the consequences of doing so are no different from huge and terrifying, deeply involved, and even lead to longevity war and Immortal calamity.

So they are very cautious, even if they want to take action against Gu Changge, they will plan first before doing it.

Thinking of this, their eyes moved slightly, their spirit passed down, and they ordered a few strong men to go and test Gu Changge's current attitude.

"Is this the edge of the eruption of absolutely cloudy sky?"

At this time, Gu Changge did not care about the gazes of all the surrounding cultivator creatures. Standing on the ancient battleship, looking at the vast gray fog in front of him, he said as if to himself.

He naturally asked knowingly.

After all, why the cloudy sky suddenly broke out and swept the heavens of the upper realm, he knew the bottom line, and all this was even caused by him.

"I have seen Young Master Changge. In the past few days, the spread of the absolutely cloudy sky has been unstoppable. In a short period of time, it has swept through nearly a million miles of territory. The domain spreads away."

A veteran strong man around, hearing Gu Changge's words, couldn't help but explain, with respect.

Although the heavens of the upper realm are saying that Gu Changge is the real inheritor of magic arts, many wise people can see at a glance that this is just a framing.

They know very well that this is a unified trick of the major Immortal Dao, just to have a logical reason to deal with Gu Changge.

There is nothing to blame for the crime.

If Gu Changge is really the inheritor of magic power, how can he dare to show up at this time?

"If this scourge is not stopped, I am afraid that more lives will be killed in it. Something has been delayed during this period, I hope I haven't arrived too late."

Gu Changge shook his head when he heard the words, and seemed to sigh rather.

"It turns out that Young Master Changge was delayed by some things during this period, not because of rumors.

"I'll just say that Young Master Changge, how could he be afraid of these rumors.

"Yes, with Young Master Changge as a person, how could it be possible to retreat because of this kind of thing? It is obvious that someone insists on framing Young Master Changge. I don't believe that Young Master Changge will be the inheritor of magic power. This is framed, pouring black water. "

The surroundings suddenly boiled, and all kinds of noises were extremely loud.

In particular, the young talents are even more excited and regard Gu Changge as a role model in their hearts.

The Heavenly Phoenix Girl, Sixth Crown King Junyao and the others also looked at each other, and they were all speechless.

They actually know Gu Changge well, and they always feel that he is not such a magnificent person.

The gentle and humble appearance that appears in front of the world on weekdays is nothing more than a mask.

It's just the inheritor of magic power, it's too ridiculous, and there is no evidence to prove it at all.

"Justice is in the hearts of the people, and Gu always has a clear conscience in his actions, and he is not afraid of some conspiracies and weird conspiracies.

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he saw it, and his figure slowly walked off the battleship since ancient times.

The majestic breath of absolute Yin rushed toward him, almost completely swallowing the cultivator's spirit.

The surrounding void is becoming distorted, and even collapsed because of this breath, becoming extremely blurred.

However, as Gu Changge slapped his palm forward, the mist in front of him began to collapse continuously, showing signs of fading.

Everyone was shocked when they watched this scene, and their eyes were all attracted to the past.

The ancestors of enlightened people of various races standing in the depths of the Heavenly Palace frowned, feeling that Gu Changge had something else to do.

"This time, the absolute mist seems to be more domineering than before, no wonder the sweeping situation is so terrifying.

Gu Changge frowned and stretched out his hand.

A wisp of extinct mist lingered on his hand, making a terrible sneer that was palpitating.

The flesh and blood was rapidly dissipating and melting, corroded by this thread of extinct mist, and soon the white bones of the hand were exposed.

He didn't use Magic power, it seemed to be to test the terrible corrosiveness of this absolutely cloudy mist.

This scene was too horrible, making everyone feel numb and cold. I couldn't believe it.

"If I remember correctly, Young Master Changge's strength is far superior to ordinary enlightened beings, and even his physical body has been corrupted.

"If we don't know, we will pass, I am afraid that in the first place, we will be swallowed up by the mist, and we will be completely wiped out.

"Thanks to Young Master Changge, otherwise I will only die for no reason."

Many cultivators swallowed their saliva and were a little scared.

"What the hell is this guy doing? Is it really going to explore the composition of these absolutely cloudy mists?"

"Although these absolutely cloudy mists are terrifying, they are not yet to the point where they can corrode the bodies of enlightened persons."

The enlightened ancestors of all races looked at this scene, and their hearts were full of doubts, and they couldn't figure out Gu Changge's intentions.

But at this time, Gu Changge was still frowning, ignoring the terrible pain of corrosion, and seemed to be exploring the composition of these absolutely cloudy mists.

"Only by understanding the source of these substances can we completely solve this disaster." Gu Changge said softly, seeming to explain.

These breaths that even enlightened people don't want to be infected with, but he is willing to be happy, without fear.

Many cultivators beside them stood up in awe. I didn't expect Gu Changge to come here for nothing else, just to stop this disaster, so as not to destroy more innocent cultivators and creatures.

The responsibility of taking common people's righteousness as their own responsibility makes them have to be in awe.

Some older cultivators who have criticized Gu Changge before.

At the moment, the expressions are also complicated. Anyway, they dare not touch these absolutely cloudy mists like Gu Changge.

Prior to this, only the Holy Maiden Jiang Chuchu of the Ancestral Hall, took a huge risk and went deep into it.

The rest of the people just waited and watched from the marginal part, and if necessary, they would take action to stop the spread of these mists.

"There is nothing to detect in this way, and it seems that I can only get in.

Gu Changge shook his head lightly, and the corroded fingers were shining brightly and quickly recovered.

After all, in his current Realm, rebirth from a drop of blood is just a matter of thought.

Even if the body is divided and buried in the four poles of the world, it can heal quickly as before, and it is difficult to kill.

"This guy appeared here at this time, I'm afraid it is to stand on the side of common people's righteousness and gain a reputation for himself. With his strength, how could he be corroded by these mists?"

"In the end, if he is allowed to solve the scourge of this absolutely cloudy sky, I am afraid that the rumor that he is the inheritor of magic power will be self-defeating.

The enlightened people of all races glanced at each other, and some understood Gu Changge's intentions, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

At this moment, among the cultivator crowd in the distance, there was a sudden roar.

Then the murderous aura rushed into the sky, turning into a terrible Sword Qi, and slashed towards Gu Changge.

"Everyone who inherits the magic power is condemned. Gu Changge, you are frantic and slaughtered many arrogances. Today, you will have to pay the price.

A middle-aged man screamed and killed him, his eyes were red, and he seemed to have a different hatred from Gu Changge.

Behind this middle-aged man, there are other cultivators who also yelled and killed.

Their Cultivation Base is not strong, and they didn't even reach the Holy Land, but they dared to attack and kill Gu Changge.

"Kill, kill the inheritors of magic arts, and you will get peace in the world."

"I want to avenge my younger brother, and kill Gu Changge, kill this magic inheritor."

This scene shocked everyone, many cultivators have not yet reacted, never expected that at this time, someone would rush forward like this and want to kill Gu Changge.

Some cultivators who didn't know the truth suddenly stared and didn't know what to do.

"Hehe, what is Gu Changge going to do at this time? If he is not a real inheritor of magic skills, but now kills these cultivators, then his whitewashing performance in front of everyone just now will be a match. ."

"But if there is no killer, then this dark loss, he has to eat it himself."

Several enlightened people of various races are all playful and mocking, which has long been expected.

After all, these cultivators are all arranged by them, and their purpose is to test Gu Changge's reaction, but also to make Gu Changge sick.

"I don't know the strength of the holy realm, but I want to kill Gu Changge. This looks like a dead soldier of some forces." 3.7

"It's not cruel, but it's really disgusting. If Gu Changge is indifferent, it will only be disheartening."

Some young supreme sages, such as the six crown king Junyao and the Tianhuang girl, also reacted quickly at this moment, with different expressions and extremely complex expressions.

"Looking for death! How can the son be humiliated by you."

And just when all the cultivators watched these people kill Gu Changge.

An indifferent voice sounded in the void, and then the invisible ripples spread.

The breath of horror is like a mountain and sea dumping, crushing and covering it down.

At this moment, almost all cultivators felt that they were about to breathe, and their physical bodies felt like they were about to break apart.

Puff puff…

A burst of blood mist collapsed and spread in the void. The dead men did not even scream in time, they already exploded, and their bodies and spirits disappeared.

Yan Luo, the Lord of the Four Temples of The Underworld, who was Ah Er, appeared behind Gu Changge.

He was wearing a mask, a tall figure, and a dark iron suit. There was a thrilling and horrible atmosphere all over his body, and the void seemed to collapse.

"This turned out to be"

"A Remnant Immortal"

There are many enlightened persons hidden in the dark, and all of them have changed at this moment, feeling terrified, and scalp numb.

Gu Changge didn't seem to be surprised either, his expression was calm and calm from beginning to end.

He smiled faintly, then turned to look at some places in the void around him, and then spoke unhurriedly, saying,

"This time the absolutely cloudy sky suddenly erupted, and no one went to explore the root cause? And now the enlightened people of all the great lines are just waiting and watching, indifferent?"

"Don't use these little tricks for sending dead men in front of Gu."