Ch 720

"No, Gu Changge is about to start attacking us."

Hearing this, all the enlightened people hiding in the dark, their faces became hard to look.

Many people were terrified and trembling.

They didn't expect that there should be such a terrifying remnant immortal beside Gu Changge.

Before this, they had not received the slightest relevant news, so they couldn't help but start to speculate whether this was specially sent by the Changsheng Gu family to protect the existence of Gu Changge?

Moreover, in front of everyone, Gu Changge directly said that those cultivators were actually dead men arranged by various traditions?

Doing so is equivalent to tearing the face on the bright side.

It was almost impossible to name many enlightened people.

The other cultivators around were also extremely shocked at this moment, all of them staring wide and looking towards this side.

Many people actually know that there are many enlightened people in the dark, but they never show up from the beginning to the end.

"It seems that there will be a good show in a while. Young Master Changge is obviously going to settle accounts with these enlightened people.

"The curse of utter darkness swept across all directions. These enlightened people hid in the dark, unwilling to take action to investigate the cause, but in the end, the Holy Maiden of the ancestral hall went alone."

"This is the true face of the various Immortal Orthodoxy forces. How can they take care of the lives of ordinary cultivators like us?

"They will come here, but they are only tending to the general trend. They don't really intend to control our life and death.

"I think that apart from Holy Maiden and Young Master Changge,

Many cultivators here have a lot of discussions, and they are very angry.

Compared to the Dajiao disciples, they don't have a strong background behind them, they are just ordinary Rogue Cultivators.

Or the forces behind them are not considered strong, but they are better than the number of people.

On the occasion of the eruption of absolutely cloudy days, they are also the group of people who are the easiest to lose their lives and are the easiest to be abandoned.

The major Immortal orthodoxy is aloof, overlooking everything indifferently.

Even if 24 enlightened people are sent here, they are just watching in secret.

I have never tried to explore the cause of the eruption of absolutely cloudy days, and my attitude is extremely perfunctory.

What's more, even forcibly arranged Rogue Cultivators to go to death, to resist the spread of absolutely cloudy sky with the body.

This is the most true and cruel practice world, The Weak are Prey to the Strong.

Few people can think for them like Gu Changge and Holy Maiden.

"With this alone, I feel that Young Master Changge cannot be the inheritor of magic power."

"Yes, it must be framed by these Taoist forces. If Young Master Changge is really the inheritor of magic power, I will take off my head and use it as a chamber pot."

Many cultivators are talking about it, and they are filled with righteous indignation and it is difficult to calm down.

The powerhouses of all avenues, their faces are also ugly.

Especially the cultivators of Immortal Grandmaster such as Tianhuang Mountain, Infinite Fire Country, and Zixiao Valley, all felt that the eyes around them all fell on them, making them a little uneasy.

"We still underestimated Gu Changge's status in everyone's minds. Today's move is really shooting ourselves in the foot.

The enlightened people of various races standing in the void quickly calmed down, but their faces were also extremely ugly.

At this time, they still did not show up, and they did not want to conflict with Gu Changge at this time.

Especially next to Gu Changge, there is a very mysterious Canxian.

In today's upper realm, the enlightened person is resurrected and born, it is an invincible power, but in front of the Canxian, it is still not enough.

If it weren't allowed by the environment of heaven and earth, these remnants would definitely be able to take that step and be promoted to Realm.

Among the major Immortal traditions, the Remnant Immortal is also the Immortal power that suppresses the foundation and will not be easily used.

The candid immortal that appeared next to Gu Changge really shocked everyone.

Regardless of Gu Changge's unfathomable strength, no one knows where he has reached.

The Canxian around him alone was enough to shock all Xiao Xiao.

"It seems that you are not planning to show up and discuss this together?"

Seeing a group of enlightened people still hiding in the dark and never showing up, Gu Changge shook his head lightly, seemingly not surprised.

He didn't hold on to the matter of the dead man just now, because he couldn't grasp the handle of the various traditions.

The best way at this time is to arouse the general trend of the upper realm and push the forces that are his enemies to the opposite side of everyone.

Gu Changge had a plan for this and was not worried about accidents.

"Is it possible that at this time, Gu Changge is going to do something to the ancestors?"

The many cultivators before the absolutely cloudy sky felt a faint threat of threat at this moment, and their complexion couldn't help but change, a little worried that Gu Changge suddenly moved towards them.

Those horrible ancient warships hovering in the distance had many knights standing on them, with murderous intent and great deterrence.

If Gu Changge really ordered, there will definitely be a terrifying battle here.

They were panicked and worried.

Of course, ordinary cultivators are very excited, and feel that Gu Changge is going to call the shots for them and hold justice, and his heart is even more grateful to Gu Changge.

The enlightened people of various races in the dark place frowned very tightly, and they were concerned about gains and losses.

They really don't want to show up, let alone discuss with Gu Changge to resolve the issue of overcast skies.

"If that's the case, then I can only use it rough.

"Ah two, go and invite all the seniors from all races." Gu Changge said flatly, and didn't intend to continue wasting time.

"Yes, son.

Ah Er was ordered, and the figure immediately disappeared in place, and the surrounding void suddenly became blurred. There was a terrifying field spreading, spreading around like a spider web crack.

"not good "

Enlightened people of various races hiding in the dark feel bad at the first time and want to be far away.


But Ah Er's speed is very fast, almost as if disappearing out of thin air, his big hand slapped down, slapped in the void, and exploded with a terrifying force like billions of huge waves.

Enlightened people of all races coughed up blood immediately, their bones were almost broken, and they had to show up.

The enlightened people of Tianhuang Mountain, Purple Cloud Valley, and the endless fire country, their complexion is hard to see the extreme, never thought that Gu Changge was so overbearing, directly attached to this remnant immortal, and forced all of them out.

"Directly forcing the enlightened person out, such a powerful means, is worthy of Young Master Changge!

All the cultivators looked at this scene in an uproar and were extremely shocked.

The Heavenly Phoenix Girl, Sixth Crown King Junyao, and others also secretly smacked their tongues.They are all younger generations. Compared with Gu Changge's power, one is in Nine Heavens, and the other is in the dust and mud. There is no way at all. Compare.

"Everyone has been reluctant to show up, Changge really has no choice but to make the best move.

"I hope you seniors don't want to be offended.

Gu Changge looked at the six enlightened people with ugly faces and looked extremely gloomy, couldn't help but smile faintly, and then said, seeming to be apologizing for the actions just now.

However, the six did not hear any respect from the title of senior in his mouth.

"Gu Changge, what on earth do you want to do?"

The enlightened person of Tianhuang Mountain is a dry and thin old man, with deep sunken eyes and a single horn on his forehead. There is a heart-palpitating breath that can tear everything.

"Don't forget your current identity. You are the inheritor of magic arts, and you are destined to be enemies of the world. Do you want to offend the forces behind me?"

The enlightened person of the endless fire country also opened his mouth and said with a bad tone. He was a short, red-clothed old lady with a lot of wrinkles on her face, thin lips, and her eyes were pale red and glowing with fire.

She was slapped out of the void by Ah Er's palm just now. She suffered serious injuries, and her face was ugly and extremely ugly.

The other four enlightened people were also from different Immortal forces, and they had all hidden in the dark before and never showed up.

They did not speak, but their expressions were extremely bad.

Unwilling to conflict with Gu Changge, but that doesn't mean they dare not.

Now the eyes of almost all the forces in the upper realm have gathered on the absolutely cloudy sky.

Is it possible that Gu Changge still dare to commit a crime at this time?

"Your seniors' words are not correct. Changge asked you to come out, just to discuss the overcast sky, so as to prevent this disaster, avoiding a greater threat to the common people, and the lives of all beings."

"There is no malicious intent.

"Is it possible that you are unwilling to solve the disaster of the overcast sky at this time?"

Gu Changge shook his head lightly and smiled, his tone was light and breezy.

These words made the six enlightened people speechless. They didn't know how to answer. Naturally, they didn't dare to say that they didn't want to solve the disaster of the overcast sky.

At that time, if it aroused the anger of the entire upper world, even the forces behind them would not be able to bear it.

"Gu Changge, put away your careful thoughts, who knows if you want to solve the disaster of the overcast sky, or if you have another plan?"

"Do you think I can trust the words of the inheritor of magic power?"

However, at this time, the enlightened old Ji of the endless fire country, with a sneer on her face, was the first to speak and broke the silence. First, in front of everyone, Gu Changge was labeled as an inheritor of magic arts.

When she said this, there was a moment of silence around her.

Many cultivators also stared wide-eyed, and couldn't help but shudder.

This enlightened person of the endless fire country can be said to represent the will and decision-making of the endless fire country.

In front of everyone, she directly said that Gu Changge is the inheritor of magic power, which is already showing her attitude.

Even this is the Immortal Orthodoxy, for the first time in public, the identity of the inheritor of Gu Changge's magic arts has been recognized.

What does this mean?

The cultivator who understood all this shuddered, foreseeing that in the near future, the Upper Realm will cause an endless storm of blood.

"Yes, Gu Changge, don't forget your own identity. Now you are regarded as the inheritor of magic skills by everyone. How can you let me wait to believe you? The disaster of absolutely cloudy sky must be solved, but I will wait and see. I can't be with you."

The enlightened face of Tianhuang Mountain eased, and he also smiled faintly, and recovered his calmness.

He is very smart and didn't directly say that Gu Changge is the inheritor of magic power.

Rather, it is directly said that everyone is regarded as the inheritor of magic power, which makes Gu Changge in an identity that is suspected by others.

In this way, they refused to discuss with Gu Changge to solve the problem of overcast skies, which is logical.

They are not stupid, who knows if Gu Changge and Gu Changge will encounter his poisonous hands when they enter the absolutely cloudy sky?

In fighting the eight wilderness and ten realms, Gu Changge has the strength to rival the enlightened ones.

Where is he now, who can tell?

Seeing the situation pouring toward them, the other enlightened people also smiled.

"Bold, how can you wait for the son to get black water?"

But the smiles on their faces didn't last long, and they froze quickly.

Ah Er's figure appeared again in 707, indifferent and strong, with cold eyes, with a terrifying killing intent, and directly shot at them with a palm.

The enlightened man in the endless fire country was married in red, and he showed a touch of fear on his face. He couldn't help but screamed, "What do you want to do?"


She didn't finish her words. The slap fell and slapped her face directly, causing her head to explode. The blood mixed with teeth suddenly splashed out in the void, extremely miserable.

"you "

The enlightened person at Tianhuang Mountain, seeing a bad situation, his complexion changed, and he wanted to avoid him.

But Ah Er is a real candid immortal.

The other hand reached down and continued to expand and enlarge, the Dao pattern flashed and intertwined, grabbed it directly, and strangled his neck, shaped like a little chicken, letting his face turn blue, as if he couldn't breathe. Burrow.

The other four enlightened people also showed fear and trembling on their faces. I didn't expect that the candid immortal next to Gu Changge was truly terrifying.

They are also enlightened people who have practiced for thousands of years, but in front of this person, they don't even have the power to resist.

This scene also caused everyone around him to fall into a deadly silence and shock, unable to believe what they saw.

"What's the identity of the son, and in which round will you be discussed?"

Ah Er strangled the neck of the enlightened person, Tianhuangshan, with a cold expression, as if he could pinch him to death at any time.

Of course, he did not kill the killer, and only acted according to Gu Changge's orders, only to humiliate the six people.

The old lady in red in the endless fire country reshaped her head in the distance, her expression could not hide her panic and fear.

If it hadn't been for Ah Er to control the strength, she would have really been destroyed just now, and she would have fallen here.

"It seems that the seniors still have a lot of prejudice against the status of the next. If this is the case, then I won't force you."

"What's the change in this absolutely cloudy sky? Just let me explore it alone.

Seeing this scene, Gu Changge's expression did not change at all. He smiled lightly and did not tell Ah Er to let go.

He didn't want to kill these people here, the main reason was that he was untenable, and he would even sit back and watch his identity as the inheritor of magic arts.

Originally, he didn't expect these people to be stupid and enter the absolutely cloudy sky with him.

Having said that, Gu Changge glanced at Lan Yifei in Daoxian League.

The other party seemed to have noticed his gaze too, and couldn't help but shook his whole body. His expression appeared a little bit of fear, but he was quickly concealed.

"This chess piece, at this juncture, can actually play a role.

"I hope he doesn't let me down."

Gu Changge chuckled in his heart as he went deep into the absolutely cloudy sky.

If there is a young supreme who is brutally defeated by the inheritor of magic arts, what kind of shocking waves will be set off in the upper realm?