Ch 724

The overcast mist collapsed, revealing a large barren star field here.

The remaining horror Sword intent still permeated the void, causing many dead-yin creatures that approached to collapse and explode.

"Changge, don't be angry anymore"

"Sorry, I am too self-righteous, I shouldn't take such a big risk, and still implicate you."

"sorry "

Jiang Chuchu looked bewildered and kept explaining to Gu Changge.

However, Gu Changge still had a cold face and his eyes were faint, and he seemed to be too lazy to take care of her.

He actually is not really angry.

I just want Jiang Chuchu to understand that this kind of thing can't be touched in the future.

Less than the quasi-supreme Realm, relying on a few pieces of body protection, he went deep into the absolutely cloudy sky, and encountered a dark moon that was comparable to a dilapidated fairy.

She is no longer as simple as looking for death, she is simply extremely stupid.

If Gu Changge hadn't rushed to the absolutely cloudy sky, she would have disappeared.

"You are not so simple anymore."

Gu Changge said lightly, and his eyes fell on her beautiful face.

"I see. I won't be so foolish next time."

Jiang Chuchu was extremely guilty of hearing this, and he was no longer the cold and arrogant appearance before.

In front of Gu Changge, she could not maintain the transcendence of Holy Maiden in front of the world, and would affect emotions because of his actions.

"July 20" at this time, she just wanted to explain clearly to let Gu Changge calm down.

If it weren't for her, Gu Changge wouldn't have come here all the way. After all, it was all her fault.

"If there is another time, I can't save you."

Gu Changge shook his head lightly, as if he was helpless to her, and the anger on his face gradually disappeared.

"I know, there won't be another time."

Jiang Chuchu hummed softly and raised Yingying's eyes to look at him, with a touch of joy and excitement that could not be concealed.

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

She remembered it and couldn't help asking.

Although I guessed in my heart that Gu Changge must have heard the news that she broke into the absolutely cloudy sky, he hurried over afterwards, fearing that she would have a life accident.

But she still wanted to hear him say this personally from him.


Gu Changge glanced at her and said, "I wanted to show up to stop the spreading rumors, but I didn't expect you to come deep here."

"Could it be that you really thought that I came here to save you?'

"Those are not rumors.

Jiang Chuchu blinked and said, directly telling the truth, looking at him with an anguish, "You are talking nonsense, you are obviously worried about my safety, so I came here desperately."

Gu Changge shrugged, looking helplessly, and said, "Why are you so easy to be affectionate."

"You're just stiff mouth."

Jiang Chuchu didn't care about this at all. On the contrary, his heart was filled with joy and touch. Gu Changge glanced at him slightly, knowing that his character has always been like this.

Of course, if it wasn't for her personality to be too arrogant, she would just like other women who had just rushed into his arms at this moment.

Gu Changge was willing to risk her whereabouts to be exposed, and the crisis of being crusaded by various orthodox forces, came to find her.

In Jiang Chuchu's view, this is more important than anything else.

Thousands of words are not worth what they actually do.

"It seems that there is no injury.

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, looked at her carefully, and saw that she was not injured, but he was really relieved.

Jiang Chuchu's physique is indeed special. Ordinary enlightened people who have gone deep into this place are crushed by the dark and full moon aura. I am afraid they are a little lost and suffer the corrosion of the mist.

But she has nothing to do.

"Before I came here, I still prepared a lot of magical items. As long as I don't encounter a beast like that dark moon watching the moon, there is no problem with saving my life." Jiang Chuchu explained.

Gu Changge nodded, then looked towards the dark place where Mochizuki escaped trial.

Prior to this, he had also subdued the Mochizuki fairy beast, which he found when he was looking for the Palm Heaven Tower among the purple mountains.

The little moon-moving fairy beast, named Xiaobai by him, followed Gu Qingyi.

In terms of size, it is far less terrifying than this dark moon watching, and can only be described as small.

Gu Changge even suspected that there was an ancient universe that was incomplete in this dark moon-watching body.

This made him suddenly feel a little heart-stirring, Zhengxu couldn't find a suitable universe, and set up a big net.

The dark looking at the moon in front of me is a very suitable choice.

Thinking of this, Gu Changge asked Jiang Chuchu to wait for him here first. His figure quickly swept away, and the entire universe quickly disappeared under his feet.

The vast expanse of the vast cloud and mist can not see the end and the edge, but it does not affect Gu Changge's perception of the dark breath of the moon.

He chased it quickly, piercing the Universe in front of him, and hurried away in the void.

"You must be careful."

Jiang Chuchu watched Gu Changge go away and couldn't help but say to him.

Knowing that Gu Changge's strength is terrifying, she has reached the point of sweeping the upper realm invincible, but she will still inevitably worry.

After all, the Mochizuki fairy beast was definitely more than just a fairyland at its peak.

Countless years have been buried in the absolutely cloudy sky, and after awakening again, it is still comparable to the deceased immortal.


In this absolutely cloudy mist, the sound of earth-shaking and terrifying waves soon sounded, as if the entire universe was trembling.

Dark Mochizuki's body is too huge and boundless, even if it wants to escape by instinct, the momentum it creates is unimaginable.

Although it is not very intelligent, it can also feel the terrible malice of the human race that it hurt just now.

This made it stand at the top of the food chain of the entire spiritual world, and it also produced a feeling of fear.

"Although the body of the Mochizuki fairy beast is huge, it is not static, and I don't know whether it can be received in the inner universe."

Gu Changge's speed was very fast, and in an instant he passed the endless distance and chased the darkness behind Mochizuki.

In front of the almost horrifying body, Gu Changge was not as small as a dust.

But he still gave the darkness Mochizuki's endless terrifying sense of breath.

In its eyes, there was a humanized fear and tremor.

In the memory of Mochizuki in the darkness, everything in this world, any matter and living beings, is its food.

But the small human race in front of it gave it a sense of fear and fear of facing natural enemies and coming from the soul.

So Dark Mochizuki only wanted to escape, but his body was too large and he didn't know the margins, it was really difficult to avoid Gu Changge's tracking.

"It seems that there is still a little sage left, so this is easier to handle."

Gu Changge didn't want to waste time and chose to do it directly.

Although Dark Mochizuki is comparable to Canxian, it is only relying on racial talent and terrifying body to swallow enlightened beings so easily.

Compared with the real Canxian, it is much weaker.


Gu Changge shot, flicked his sleeves, thousands of Sword Qi, which were arranged in all directions in the Universe, exuding a scorching and brilliant light, like thousands of stars, reflecting this place shining brightly.

These tens of thousands of Sword Qi, arranged in the order of the heavens and stars, once Hajime appeared, filled the world with infinite killing intent, as if it had been tempered for several epochs, and carried the killing will of hundreds of millions of creatures.

Celestial Immortals, the capital from The Underworld, has a huge array, although it has not reached the complete level of ten people holding swords.

But under Gu Changge's research, even if it is used alone, it can also explode with invincible majesty.

Especially in this array, you can block this universe directly, making it difficult for Dark Mochizuki to escape.

"Tong, sing,"

A sharp sound like a magic sound came from the dark Mochizuki's mouth, which was terrifying and penetrating.

Those sound waves spread out like ripples, splitting everything easily like a blade.

Those surrounding creatures who were absolutely yin screamed before they had time to scream, they collapsed and exploded, turning into a cloud of blood.

The huge mouth of the dark moon watching is like an abyss, and the fangs are sharp in the darkness, and suddenly they bite at Gu Changge fiercely.

It is not stupid. After knowing that Gu Changge was going to attack it, and there was no hope of escape, it showed a fierce and crazy side.

But Gu Changge had expected it a long time ago, not surprising.

Taste! Huh!

Thousands of Dao Huanghuang Sword Qi fell like a punishment from heaven, killing the sky, directly cutting through the body of the dark Mochizuki, piercing its bones.

This is a creepy scene.

One by one, terrifying blood holes exploded on the almost endless body, and the black rain was surging, as if to drown this universe.

Every Sword Qi is condensed by law. Although it is not Divine Armament, its sharpness far exceeds Divine Armament.

Even in the darkness, Mochizuki was painful and wailed.

The huge body is getting smaller quickly, and I want to reduce the pain.

"Sure enough, you can control your own size."

Gu Changge's eyes flashed when he saw this.

He originally wanted to subdue this darkness and Mochizuki, but considering his huge body, how to get into the Universe has become a lot of trouble.

Now Dark Mochizuki felt the pain and couldn't help shrinking his body. For Gu Changge, it was an excellent opportunity.

Thinking about this, Gu Changge summoned Ah Er and ordered him to attack the Dark Mochizuki.

On weekdays, Lia Erdu is in the inner universe, and it is not manifested in the outside world.

After Gu Changge entered the absolutely cloudy sky, he took Ah Er back into the inner universe.


A sharp spear created by the god of iron gods swept across the cyan light, and it seemed to be able to split the entire universe, and it was extremely powerful.

Ah Er is the oldest character in The Underworld except the lord of The Underworld, and his own strength is also a real demon.

Even if Gu Changge didn't make a move, it was more than enough to let Ah Er alone suppress this dark moon watching.

Dark Mochizuki was also completely unexpected. At this time, there would be a breath that made it feel terrible.

It became even more irritable, and the terrifying aura was mighty, making this universe begin to fall apart.

More and more mists of absolute darkness rushed out of those cracks in 3.7, drowning to the outside world.

This Universe was originally incomplete, and had experienced the first battle between Gu Changge, Samsara and the six ancient ancestors, and it became even more dilapidated.

Now it is even more devastated. There are terrible cracks everywhere, and the space barriers are directly shattered, resulting in an endless cloud of mist, as if suddenly found a catharsis, and rushed directly into those cracks.


The battle here didn't last long, and Dark Mochizuki couldn't resist Ah Er's terrorist attack at all.

In the almost constant pain, he wailed, and his huge body size also kept shrinking.

In the end, thousands of Dao Huanghuang Sword Ray fell, turned into the law of swordsmanship, cut into its body, turned into a chain and bound.

Gu Changge offered a space Magical Item, opened up a void in it with big Magic power, and brought darkness into it.

Then, the Magical Item of this space was collected into the inner universe.

After all, his current inner universe has not yet reached a level comparable to the upper realm. If the dark Mochizuki breaks free of those laws, it may pose a threat to his inner universe.

Then, Gu Changge turned into a divine light and went to meet Jiang Chuchu, planning to leave this absolutely cloudy sky.

On the way, he found a reason and arbitrarily explained the reason and root cause of the eruption of Xia Jue cloudy sky, so that Jiang Chuchu gave up and made her understand that this matter was beyond her ability. .