Ch 725

"This Immortal Cave seems to have been searched for in the early years. Some Restrictions have decayed and become extremely incomplete."

"Aren't we a step late? This place has already been swiftly boarded?"

At this time, the Upper Realm was in an open Minor World not far from the place where the overcast sky erupted.

The purple mist is transpiring, the sun is permeating, and the vast expanse of ancient trees spread and stretch, which is extremely magnificent.

The sacred mountains and ancient mountains are majestic and majestic, like an ancient giant standing in the sky.


A rainbow of gods swept across the sky, and many young Tianjiao and cultivators, either driving the Flying Sword, or driving the Magical Item, Dao Ding, explore this side of Minor World.

Near some stone cracks or caves, you can often see some aura xenon hydrogen, ancient medicinal materials, which are of great value and are extremely difficult to find in the outside world.

Of course, there are many fierce beasts here, either in the shape of a hill, or spreading their wings and spitting poisonous mist, which are extremely hideous and terrifying.

This Minor World is hidden in the void on weekdays and is blocked by many Restrictions.

Now that the cloudy sky broke out, the many Restrictions outside were torn away, which led to the leakage of the atmosphere here, attracting many cultivators to come here to search for treasures.

Many people have guessed that this is the Closed Door Training Immortal Cave of a certain immortal before Xiangu, and there is still a very ancient vicissitudes of life lingering.

Of course, if it were the real immortal Immortal Cave, I am afraid that even enlightened people would be alarmed.

On the contrary, many older generations feel that this is only the Immortal Cave where a certain fairy lived, not the place where Closed Door Training practiced.

Nevertheless, it can be contaminated with a little fairy rhyme, and what can be learned from it.

For them, it will be useful for a lifetime.

Some young supreme, after showing up here, also began to look for many ancient monuments.

Or go to some stone cliffs or cliffs, feel the traces left by the fairy, and try to deduce something from it, so as to help yourself Cultivation Base go further.

Of course, if you can get 24 moments of the fairy by chance, that would be great.

"How can the things left by the immortals be found by ordinary people?'

"If there is a chance here, it can only fall into my hands."

A tall, tall, golden-robed young supreme with golden hair that seems to be shining, is walking in the mountains and rivers, the pace is not hurried, but with a certain rhythm, shuttled here.

Behind him followed many followers, from all ethnic groups, with powerful strength and amazing energy.

This person is the ancient freak Jinyun of Zixiao Valley.

He is extremely conceited and feels that very few of his peers are his enemies.

Therefore, he did not want to explore this place alone with several other young supreme, Tianhuang Girl, Sixth Crown Prince and others.

Moreover, he also has a talented pupil technique, called the Golden Eye pupil, which can clearly see the direction of the flow of various qi between heaven and earth.

Living beings have anger, dead things have dead aura, and spiritual things naturally have Spiritual Qi.

The things left by the fairy are naturally immortal.

When entering this piece of Minor World, Jin Yun noticed that there was an extraordinary aura circulating somewhere.

Jin Yun is very smart, and he deliberately separated from several other young supreme, and then walked around for a while, and then walked to that special place.

There are not many cultivators in this direction, and no one is in his eyes.

As an ancient freak, he is extremely confident in his own strength.

Except for Gu Changge's invincible existence that cannot be judged by common sense, he is confident that he can win.

Soon, the sky dimmed, and in this Minor World, there were also stars and moons circulating, day and night.

The sky and the earth are in a cloud, and there are many brilliances intertwined and circulated.

Many young Tianjiao find a place to rest and sit cross-legged, waiting for Tianming to explore this place again.

Unlike the quiet during the day, the Minor World at night seems a little restless.

"It seems that it is indeed an excellent time to go here."

"It's a very suitable prey, the ancient freak of Purple Cloud Valley."

At a certain camp, the Lanshan men who were with many fellow apprentice brothers sat cross-legged on a rock, seeming to be resting.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, his face was elegant and clean, his eyes were clear, and from time to time there would be strands of golden light, which flashed away.

Even the hair is drenched with brilliance, and the whole person has a breath of detachment flying.

Harmony with the heaven and earth, natural with Taoism, peace of mind, and even breathing seems to have a special Taoist rhyme.

As Dao Yuan Zhen's body, this extremely mysterious physique has not appeared in the upper realm several times since ancient times.

He does have such confidence.

This physique is innately compatible with Tao, and even at the time of birth, the true essence of Tao is born in the body, which can draw the power of everything in the world.

As long as there is no end to the spirit, the magic power is endless, it can be called endless, Xiantian is invincible.

What's more, he still possesses a magic seed of Gu Changge in his body. There is no need to think about whether he can kill the young supreme peers.

Lan Yifei looked around for a week and saw that all the brothers were closing their eyes and resting. The disciple who was in charge of patrolling did not notice the abnormality on his side.

"A quarter of an hour should be enough. Take his roots and return."

His eyes suddenly became extremely deep, and he seemed to sigh with some helplessness.

Then the sleeves shook slightly, leaving an indistinguishable Dao body in place, and the real body turned into a phantom, quickly swept away and disappeared.

On the other side, a slender girl dressed in a fairy dress with wide sleeves, cold as an immortal, was walking towards a place in Minor World with a big red bird taking advantage of the moonlight.

Her eyebrows wrinkled tightly from time to time, as if arguing with the big red bird next to her, and muttering something in her small mouth.

"Is there really that kind of elixir in this place?"

Outside of the absolutely cloudy sky, a vague spatial passage was torn apart.

The figures of Gu Changge and Jiang Chuchu emerged from it.

The robes of the two of them were washed and slender, like a couple of gods and goddesses. They didn't seem to have walked out of a terrifying land full of countless crises, and they didn't see the slightest injury. Their aura was calm and natural.

The pupils of the enlightened persons of Tianhuang Mountain, the endless fire country, and the Zixiao Valley all shrank slightly, and then looked away calmly.

They did not expect that Gu Changge would escape from the overcast sky in such a short time.

He also brought out the Holy Maiden Jiang Chuchu.

"It's Young Master Changge!"

"Young Master Changge! He also brought out Chu Chu Holy Maiden."

Looking at the figures of Gu Changge and Jiang Chuchu, on the contrary, many cultivator creatures around couldn't help but exclaim.

The creatures of all the Daoist forces all looked over and were extremely shocked.

"Great, Holy Maiden has come out, fortunately she is safe and sound."

"If there is an accident in Holy Maiden, what face shall I wait to face the ancestors."

"Thanks to Young Master Changge, it's great, great."

The many elders who were waiting here in the Ancestral Hall became excited and surrounded one after another.

All the cultivators here are also extremely exciting.

I was pleasantly surprised by the appearance of Gu Changge and Holy Maiden Jiang Chuchu.

Absolutely cloudy is a place of great danger and danger, and enlightened people dare not get involved easily.

Holy Maiden of Human Ancestor Hall is willing to risk his life to step into it, seeking a solution for the common people.

This kindness is enough for all beings to remember and be grateful.

You should know that the Holy Maiden of Daoist Ancestral Hall is only the younger generation, and the Cultivation Base is not even in the Quasi-Supreme realm.

The enlightened people of Immortal Orthodoxy and Supreme Great Sect around them exist, but they stop here and dare not go.

In such a comparison, a judgement is made.

In the eyes of many cultivators, even those who are enlightened are far inferior to the Holy Maiden Jiang Chuchu.

Moreover, even if Gu Changge is framed as an inheritor of magic arts, he risked being an enemy of the world and rushed to this place to seek a solution for all living beings.

The appearance of the two willing to go through fire and water for the common people made everyone moved and admired.

"Holy Maiden, are you okay?"

Jiang Chuchu looked at the familiar scenes around him with a trance.

Compared with the peace of the outside world, there was a dark and dead silence in the absolutely cloudy sky, with a heart-palpitating breath, extremely depressing.

This made her feel like seeing the sky again.

Seeing a group of elders in Renzu Temple rushed over and asked with concern.

Her beautiful and cold face also showed a soft arc, and gently shook her head. The mouths of those absolutely yin and fierce beasts are reduced to their rations.

Speaking of this, a trace of fear and fear appeared just right on her face.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little bit sorrowful, and did not doubt the words of Holy Maiden Jiang Chuchu.

Needless to say, they can also guess the degree of danger in the overcast sky. If ordinary people go deep into it, there will be no bones left, and the body and spirit will be wiped out in an instant.

Holy Maiden of the Ancestral Hall can last for so long, until Gu Changge goes to bring her out, it is already a gift.

"Thank you, Young Master Changge.

Hearing that, the elders of the people's ancestors are also grateful to the Gu Changge cupped hands on the side.

Although it is claimed that Gu Changge is the reincarnation of human ancestors, only they know whether it is true or not.

"It's okay, Chu Chu Holy Maiden has a relationship with me, how can I see her in crisis?

Gu Changge smiled, Qingjun's face was full of spring breeze.

"The rumors say that Holy Maiden of the Ancestral Hall is the beauty of Young Master Changge. It seems that this is true.

"Willing to take such a big risk, I will go and rescue her. If there is one person, what do you want in this life?"

Many female cultivators around, seeing the sight of 720, their eyes are full of amazing splendor and envy.

They are naturally envious. They really want someone to come forward and rescue them in such a crisis.

Of course they also know that it is just an extravagant hope.

Gu Changge is the banal immortal of Nine Heavens, and they are just the dust of the mud, they can only look up, not touch.

Holy Maiden of the Ancestral Hall is not only an identity, but a beauty alone can throw away their countless distances, enough to eclipse countless beautiful girls in the upper realm.

And at this moment, Jiang Chuchu, who had been reminiscing about the old with the ancestors, suddenly became cold.

The blue silk fluttered, the whole person swept away the meaning of coldness and transcendence, and even with a cool sorrow, coldly glanced in the distance where the Emperor Mountain, Zixiao Valley, and the endless fire country were in the distance. The voice was flat, but it spread clearly.

"From today onwards, any orthodoxy that framed Young Master Changge as the inheritor of magic arts will be regarded as opposed to my ancestral hall.

Her voice was very cold, without the coldness and peace of the past, and with more killing intent.

The tone is beyond doubt and allows no rebuttal.

Hearing this, all cultivators have a cool feeling, like a layer of goose bumps, their eyes widened, and they seemed to doubt their own ears.

This place directly aroused a tumult, and it became boiling, like a meteorite hitting the deep sea, setting off a stormy sea.

"what "

"Holy Maiden what are you talking about?"

The elders of the people's ancestors also stared suddenly, and they couldn't believe it.

However, some people quickly reacted, knowing the meaning of Jiang Chuchu's words in front of all the cultivators here.

It is not only an attitude, but also informs the Taoist traditions such as the endless fire country, Tianhuang Mountain, and Zixiao Valley.

Gu Changge is not the inheritor of magic skills, but is framed by others.

The position of Renzu Temple is extremely detached, and there are almost unlimited believers in the entire upper realm.

No matter what kind of orthodox forces, they are actually unwilling to have disputes with Renzu Temple and cause unprovoked troubles.

For countless years, the Temple of Human Ancestors has solved many disasters and dangers for all living beings, even in some remote lower realms, it is also full of believers.

At this moment, the Holy Maiden of the Human Ancestor Hall said this to everyone, which is tantamount to telling the common people that Gu Changge is not the inheritor of magic arts, but was framed by others.

Its influence is simply unimaginable.