Ch 735

The gray-clothed old man was covered with cold sweat, his complexion was pale, and he was trembling in place, already terrified to the extreme.

He suddenly reacted at this moment. Since Gu Changge dared to be in front of everyone, even in the city of God, he slapped the young leader of the Wanbao Merchant League to death.

How would Gu Changge care about him as a quasi-emperor?

Although the Emperor Zhun sounds like he has stood at the pinnacle of the upper realm, he can overlook the endless territory.

But in today's great world, even enlightened people are at risk of falling.

What is he up to?

The gray-clothed old man was full of regrets, where did he have the courage to say such words to Gu Changge?

Everyone in the courtyard looked at the fearful expression of this quasi-emperor, and their thoughts were really complicated.

"Gu Changge, don't come unharmed.

At this time, it was Jiang Luoshen, who looked at Gu Changge and greeted him first.

Gu Xian'er glanced at Gu Changge, and then quietly withdrew her gaze, returning to the cold and immortal appearance in front of the person.

In front of everyone, she didn't want to talk to Gu Changge either.

Gu Changge looked at Jiang Luoshen and said with a smile, "Luoshen hasn't been seen for a long time."

Seeing that Gu Xian'er didn't pay attention to himself, he also ignored her.

This girl was like this when she was in front of people. She always likes to have a sullen face and look like a frosty little fairy.

Jiang Luoshen glanced at him slightly, "We don't seem to be so close, right?"

Except for her parents, no one would call her so intimately. When the world saw her, they would call her Princess Luoshen respectfully.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, "What do you think?"

Hearing his meaningful words, Rao Jiang Luoshen's face also had a faint dizziness, and then he snorted as if nothing had happened.

Upon seeing this, Gu Xian'er's eyes lightly, glanced at Jiang Luoshen, and then quickly moved away quietly.

She naturally knew the identity of Jiang Luoshen.

I had seen her when I was in the tomb of Taixu God.

But she didn't know if something happened between Jiang Luoshen and Gu Changge.

The scene before her suddenly made her feel a little uncomfortable for some reason.

Especially Gu Changge didn't even speak to herself. Instead, she greeted 24 Jiang Luoshen well, which made her feel jealous for no reason.

"Gu Changge, don't you care about the dirty water that people throw on you maliciously?"

Jiang Luoshen himself is also a master who is not too big of a problem.

Just now I saw Wang Shun casually slapped to death by Gu Changge, and I couldn't help but aroused the attention of the quasi-emperor in front of me.

The golden eyes squinted slightly, revealing a sense of danger with great interest.

Hearing this, the gray-clothed old man stretched all over, his complexion became paler, and he felt a chill coming, just wanting to curse Jiang Luoshen in his heart.

"Since it's dirty water, there will be a day of cleansing. After all, Gu is kind to people and doesn't like fighting. This is understandable.

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words, "Unless you really meet and want to take the initiative to find death, otherwise Gu will still be merciful."

Jiang Luoshen gave him a faint glance, "Such words come out of your mouth, but it really doesn't look like you I know.

However, she had seen Gu Changge's shamelessness a long time ago, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, it's one thing to say it, but it's another thing to do it.

When everyone saw this, there was a lot of speculation and discussion.

Many young men are envious in their hearts.

After all, Jiang Luoshen would choose to lead Gu Changge just now, which has actually explained something.

If there was no unclear relationship between the two, would Jiang Luoshen do it?

Seeing that Gu Changge was still neglecting herself, Gu Xian'er couldn't help but glanced at him with a little dissatisfaction.

"Cough cough"

But at this moment, a soft cough suddenly came from a distance.

"Agreement is the most important thing in all things. You can be forgiven and forgive. Why should Young Master Changge hold on to this matter?"

"The Wanbao Merchant League does have a lot of offense, but now it has paid its due price.

An old man with a waistless waist appeared, skinny and wearing a shabby robe.

Half of his eyes are blind, only the whites of his eyes are left, and the whole person seems to be blown away by the wind at any time.

However, the identity of the people behind him should not be underestimated. Many cultivators here have changed dramatically, and they seem to be unbelievable.

"The Lord of Tianhuang Mountain!"

There was a low cry from the cultivator, which was extremely shaking.

It was an extremely tall man, his eyes were like magnificent divine stones, with strange brilliance flowing.

The figure is vague and hazy, and there seems to be beating light and shadow intertwined with order around it, revealing a depressing atmosphere of terror.

There is no doubt that he is not a human race, but his appearance looks very similar to a human race, and even his skin is silvery white.

The true master of Mt. Tianhuang, Cultivation Base, is unfathomable and unfathomable. He is in charge of the huge Mt.

Such a character, even following behind this old man in Taoist robe, seemed a little respectful.

In addition to the lord of Mt. Tianhuang, there are other peak powerhouses and Cultivation Bases that are unfathomable, like a deep sea.

They looked at Gu Changge, with no expression on their faces, and they looked very cold.

But there was still deep fear in the depths of his eyes.

"This person should be the one-eyed Daoist of Tianhuang Mountain. It is said that he is a one-eyed dragon enlightened. He was an enlightened person many years ago. He is the protector of Tianhuang Mountain."

An older generation of cultivator noticed the sight here and couldn't help but whispered, recognizing the identity of the one-eyed Daoist.

In terms of generation, the lord of Tianhuang Mountain is also his junior.

On Cultivation Base, it is far inferior to the one-eyed Daoist, who will choose to follow behind him, which is quite normal.

"One Eye"

This quasi-emperor of the Wanbao Merchant League, seeing the one-eyed Daoist appear, also showed a surprised expression, and couldn't help but speak respectfully.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, as if suddenly found a backer.

He would suddenly appear before and prevent Gu Xian'er from continuing to act on the young leader Wang Shun. Obviously someone was guiding him from behind.

Since the one-eyed Daoist appeared here, he would definitely be able to save his life.

"Little friend at such an age, he has reached such an old age, which really makes the elders envious."

The one-eyed Daoist walked with a smile and took the initiative to speak, with a strong tendency to shake hands with Gu Changge.

"Senior is right. It is true that harmony is the most important thing in everything."

Gu Changge glanced at the one-eyed Daoist, with an easy-going look, and smiled faintly.

A quasi-emperor exists, even if it is killed, it will not have much effect.

And now Gu Changge's goal is also the existence of these foundations in front of him.

The big net he wants to lay is to capture the background figures of these various races and traditions.

These characters Cultivation Base have reached the pinnacle of enlightened people, leaving the fairyland is just a short shot, which is commonly known as the remnant immortal.

The appearance of the one-eyed Daoist caused a great sensation. Many cultivators turned into divine rainbows and flew in this direction.

After all, the foundations that appeared in the city of God existed, and they have not yet appeared.

Many cultivators are guessing, they are waiting for Samsara Gu Tianzun to appear.

Today, the one-eyed Daoist of Tianhuang Mountain appeared, in the eyes of many people, it was more like a signal.

The upper realm of this world is definitely a well-deserved prosperous age.

Not only is Tianjiao shining like a star, but many ancient figures have appeared one after another.

In previous times, the enlightened people were not able to come out.

But now, the enlightened person can no longer control the place, and he needs the inner person to live.

"I heard from the little friend that Samsara Gu Tianzun will show up in God City. I wonder if this is true or not?"

The one-eyed Daoist looked extremely kind, and asked with a smile.

His words are also the doubts in many people's hearts, and they really want to see the legendary character.

Gu Changge smiled upon hearing this, and said, "This matter is naturally true. Master will appear in the city of God tomorrow, and then you seniors can come and see it."

After getting his affirmative answer, everyone here showed excitement and joy, and no longer doubted it.

The one-eyed Daoist is also the first to say, "If the little friend said so, the old man will be relieved.

"Then wait for the coming of Gu Tianzun tomorrow."

After that, he glanced at the quasi-emperor of the Wanbao Business League, turned around and led the people of Tianhuangshan away, and did not stay in this courtyard for a long time.

It seems to be here just to get an exact answer from Gu Changge.

Seeing the one-eyed Daoist and others leave, Gu Changge smiled lightly, his eyes were a little different, but there was no sound.

He could see that the one-eyed Daoist in front of him wanted to test his own strength.

It's just that, as a figure of the background level, he represents the face of Mt. Tianhuang.

At this time, bullying the small with the big, it's impossible to justify anything.

Moreover, this is not just a test of Mt. Tianhuang.

The rest of the Daoist forces, such as the Zixiao Valley and the endless fire country, are watching in secret.

The entire upper realm probably wants to know how far he Gu Changge's Cultivation Base strength has reached.

The hat of the inheritor of magic power, but it was already shaky.

Besides, he still has a cheap master.

That cheap master is related to a major matter of resolving the scourge of absolutely cloudy skies.

"Gu Changge, me.""

After everyone left at Tianhuang Mountain.

Gu Xian'er, who had been waiting for Gu Changge to take the initiative to speak to herself, finally couldn't help but couldn't help but speak.

"If you have anything, wait until there is no one."

Gu Changge took a look at the girl when he heard the words, and saw the undisguised resentment in her eyes. He couldn't help but smile lightly and stretched out his hand and rubbed her head.

"you "

Gu Xian'er grinds his teeth a little, and in a panic, knocks out his salty pig hands.

There were a lot of things I wanted to say, but I could only swallow it.

She had been looking for a chance to confirm the scenes she had seen in the Lake of Wangsheng.

However, after returning to Tao Village, I was afraid that asking those things would destroy the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in Tao Village, so I abruptly held back.

In the end, who would have thought that Gu Changge would seize the opportunity to leave quietly without saying hello to her.

This made Gu Xian'er full of resentment.

Later, she learned that Gu Changge had appeared near the absolutely cloudy sky, so she rushed over.

In the middle of the journey, Da Hong sensed that there was an immortal cave that was about to be born, hiding some good things.

After weighing it for a while, Gu Xian'er felt that this matter would not delay any time, and she simply entered the Immortal Cave.

But who knew that she would bump into the so-called magic inheritor killing the ancient freak Jin Yun in the Purple Cloud Valley.

Coincidentally, the so-called inheritor of magic skills would say many suspicious words.

The true inheritor of magic power is actually someone else.

All the evidence and appearances point to 727, and Gu Changge seems to be really like the magician inheritor mentioned in the rumors.

This thought made Gu Xian'er very entangled in her heart, and she didn't know what to do.

If Gu Changge really concealed this identity.

Then how will she choose? And how should she deal with herself?

Do you pretend not to know? Or do you pretend not to know? Or do you still pretend not to know?

On the surface, Gu Xian'er looked indifferent and cold as an immortal, but in fact she was so upset in her heart that she wished to draw out her own Dao Sword and pierce a few blood holes in Gu Changge's body.

If he really dares to lie to himself

Afterwards, many young sages in the courtyard, the Sixth Crown Prince, Tianhuang Girl, Golden Cicada Buddha, and a group of old Gu Changge, all came forward to say hello.

Although I don't want it in my heart, I still have to do enough on the surface.

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he saw this, but also patiently, and recounted the old times with them.

The news of his appearance in the city of God must be spread out soon today. Of course, this is what he wants to see.

The bigger the trouble, the bigger the disturbance.

For Gu Changge's subsequent plan, it is naturally more favorable.

"Gu Changge, don't worry, our ancestors are very optimistic about you. If there is an accident in God City, she will be on your side.

Before leaving, Jiang Luoshen's eyes fell on Gu Changge's face and said these meaningful words.

The ancestor in her mouth is not an ordinary ancestor, but the old Ji who walked into the city with her walking stick in person.

That is also the character of the Taixu God Race. The Cultivation Base is unfathomable, much more unfavorable than the one-eyed old man who appeared just now.

"Then Gu would like to thank the Taixu Protoss for the kindness." Gu Changge smiled slightly.

Soon in the courtyard, the cultivators of all races also left one after another.

Jin Chan, Fozi and others, also said goodbye long ago and did not stay long.

"Brother Dao, please stay.

Gu Changge smiled suddenly and stopped Lan Yifei who was about to leave.

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er, who had been full of resentment and kept poking Gu Changge with a small sword in his heart, was suddenly agitated.

Normally speaking, Gu Changge didn't seem to be familiar with Lan Yifei before, and there was no intersection.

He just stopped him suddenly?

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would certainly not think too much.

But Gu Xian'er witnessed Lan Yifei's attack and murdered the ancient freak in Zixiao Valley, and realized that he was the inheritor of the rumored magic skill.

Moreover, she also knew that Lan Yifei was involuntarily involuntarily, just a poor chess piece manipulated by others.

There is another leader behind him.