Ch 736

"Gu Changge didn't even know that I had already witnessed Lan Yifei killing the ancient freaks in Purple Cloud Valley.

Gu Xian'er's mood suddenly became extremely complicated, and various thoughts flashed in her mind.

If it is what she guessed, how should she get along with Gu Changge?

"I have seen Young Master Changge.

"I wonder if Young Master Changge asked you to stay alone, what's the matter?"

Lan Yifei, who was on the side, was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted, and his expression returned to naturally cupped hands and asked.

He actually guessed what Gu Changge meant.

It's just that he is still a little weird in his heart, after all, there is still Gu Xian'er here.

Could it be that Gu Changge is not worried that Gu Xian'er will know the truth, or that Gu Xian'er has known it a long time ago.

So when she entered this courtyard before, she took a special look at herself?

Many thoughts flashed in Lan Yifei's mind, but his expression was calm, humble and indifferent, neither humble nor overbearing, and there was no abnormality at all.

"Actually, it's not a big event, it's just that the arrogance of the gods has gathered in the city recently, and the inheritors of the Heart's Demon merit are raging. I want to remind Dao brother."

"After all, Brother Dao's physique is still very attractive to the inheritors of magic power.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and said with some meaning.

Hearing that, Lan Yifei felt awkward, but his face was natural, "Thank you, Young Master Changge, for reminding me, I will pay more attention next time."

He knows the meaning of Gu Changge's words and intends to let him continue to do it in the city of God.

Now the gods gather in the city of God, and many young sages have come here.

It is a good time for the inheritors of magic skills to take action.

But the risk of this matter is too great.

There are many characters with backgrounds sitting in the city of God, and Lan Yifei is not very sure that he will succeed.

What's more, after the accident of the ancient freak Jin Yun in the Purple Cloud Valley, the various Taoist forces were very close to their descendants, for fear of accidents.

Lan Yifei is not good at maneuvering when he chooses.

Afterwards, he left with cupped hands and did not stay for long.

The Dao Xian League did not come to God City like the rest of the Immortal Dao traditions. Lan Yifei didn't dare to be so casual with the rest of the young supreme. He had to be cautious about many things.

After Lan Yifei left, Gu Xian'er and Gu Changge were finally left in the courtyard.

The faint smile on Gu Changge's face was also suppressed, and he sat down on the stone bench beside him.

"You girl seems to be hiding a lot of things from me, what do you want to say to me today々 "?"

He asked, picking up the teacup on the side and tasting it lightly.

Gu Xian'er didn't expect that Gu Changge would come to preemptively. She also began to ask herself if something was hiding from him.

The look on her little face sank suddenly, not as cold and pleasant as before.

"Gu Changge, shouldn't I say this to you?"

She asked, her eyes fixed on Gu Changge's face.

Before that, she was only skeptical, but after seeing what Gu Changge and Lan Yifei said today, she was very sure.

What made Gu Xian'er very angry is that Gu Changge even pretended to be unaware.

First asked if she was here.

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows lightly when he heard the words, and then put down the tea cup in his hand.

He took a close look at Gu Xian'er, and saw that she seemed to be really angry, her expression was extremely serious, not like a joke.

"What's wrong? There was such a big fire suddenly?"" He said with a faint smile on his face.

Gu Changge had guessed something in his heart.

Just now he noticed that Gu Xian'er looked at Lan Yifei's expression, which seemed to have some inexplicable meaning.

"Now, don't you plan to tell me the truth? Gu Changge, you really disappoint me."

Gu Xian'er looked at him with bright eyes, with an expression of disappointment undisguised.

"To be honest? Which aspect of the truth do you mean? It seems that I have told you everything I should tell you."

Gu Changge still smiled faintly.

Gu Xian'er was completely irritated by his casual and disapproving tone, and her eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and her whole body was frosty.

"Gu Changge, don't think I don't know the identity you have always hidden.

"Why do you lie to me like this, hiding it from me, because you are afraid that I will deal with you and that I will be so enemy of other forces? Or do you not believe me at all, afraid that I will expose all this?"

Her tone was cold and disappointed.

The matter of the inheritor of magic power is really important. If one less person knows, Gu Changge is indeed less exposed.

But for Gu Xian'er, she would rather dig out her own fairy bone to solve the evil of Gu Changge.

But Gu Changge chose to conceal her, even now, he would not tell her the truth.

This made Gu Xian'er feel that she was not trusted by Gu Changge.

He was still guarding himself.

"What are you talking about about taboo magic?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge seemed to react, showing a dazed appearance, and asked.

He did guess that it was related to this matter.

But how exactly Gu Xian'er discovered it, Gu Changge didn't know.

"~You finally admitted." Gu Xian'er stared at him with bright eyes, trying to see any change in Gu Changge's expression.

Gu Changge smiled dumbly when he heard the words, and then shook his head, "I remember I told you this a long time ago, and you didn't believe it at that time."

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er was stunned for a moment. Many of the words that wanted to blame Gu Changge were also swallowed.

"You told me a long time ago?"

"Then how can I not have any impression, such an important thing, I can not fail to remember."

She frowned suddenly and began to think about it.

Gu Changge's straightforward attitude, without any explanation or excuse, actually caught Gu Xian'er by surprise.

What she cares about is not the identity of Gu Changge's magic power inheritor, but Gu Changge's attitude towards her.

But if Gu Changge had told her about this, then she definitely has memories.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, "Then do you remember that there was a suitor named Ziyang Tianjun? (Zhao Hao) Then do you remember that he had a big brother named Qin Wuya?"

"Ziyang Tianjun?"

Hearing this seemingly impressive name, Gu Xian'er instantly reacted, her beautiful eyes staring slightly.

Many memories about the time suddenly came to mind.

Ziyang Tianjun and Qin Wuya, who claim to be seniors in her previous life, also went to fetch the water of Samsara Lake, hoping that she would drink it and restore the memories of her previous life.

He also showed her a showdown, saying that Gu Changge is actually the real inheritor of magic skills.

Sooner or later, he would attack her and devour her origin and everything.

At that time, Ziyang Tianjun even used his own Tian's eye power to evolve a fragment of the future, saying that it was own destiny and future.

Then, Gu Changge rushed to solve the two of them. When he asked him about this matter, he did admit it frankly without any explanation.

"Indeed, you told me a long time ago, Gu Xian'er suddenly figured it out.