Ch 770

The red candle went out, and there was spring in the bridal chamber.

The night was warm and splendid, and it was unforgettable.

No matter how many years have passed, no matter when it arrives, Yue Mingkong will be unforgettable and will always be engraved in her heart and become the most precious memory.

Everything she had sought for three thousand years in the previous life was finally realized in this life, and she finally had no regrets.

As for the outside world, the huge marriage between the Changsheng Gu Family and Wushuang Xian Dynasty, which sensationalized the entire upper realm, also came to an end.

But the aftermath did not stop, and the waves caused by this joint cigarette also spread among the various universes.

Many of these details have also been talked about by countless cultivators, and some even wrote them down. They think that after a few years, they will have great research value.

Because of this marriage, Changsheng Gu's profound background revealed to the outside world has made many Taoist traditions deeply jealous.

Secondly, the fact that Gu Changge was the reincarnation of the supreme existence of the taboo era was exposed, which also caused a shocking wave, and every piece of the universe was shaking.

However, because of this news, many people no longer doubt that Gu Changge is related to the 24 Inheritors of Mogong.

After all, possessing the Dao Fruit in the previous life can naturally explain why his growth rate is so terrifying.

After the wedding ended, the fairy corpse brought by the Red Devil Chan Hong Yi and fell in the territory of the Changsheng Gu family, but it made many Taoist forces start to move their eyes, and the eyes were deliberately and long-lived. The Gu family discussed that they wanted to get a part of the fairy corpse.

Everything about immortals, even if it is an immortal corpse, is also a rare and precious resource in the eyes of those insiders.

In their opinion, this might be the opportunity for their Immortal Ascension.

As for where this fairy corpse came from, no one dared to ask the red devil, and no one dared to go into it.

Of course, for this matter, the elders of the Changsheng Gu family first asked Gu Changge for their opinions.

This fairy corpse was brought to him by the Red Devil Chan Hongyi, and Gu Changge has the right to decide.

"Since they want it, just let them take it by themselves. They can take as much as they can."

Regarding this, Gu Changge just smiled faintly, with some mockery in his eyes.

They really thought that the fairy corpse that Chan Hongyi took so hard to send was really pure big fat?

After getting a definite answer from the Changsheng Gu family, many Taoist lines hesitated, feeling whether there would be fraud.

But then I couldn't hold back the eagerness, and wanted to study the value of the corpse, and began to send a large number of powerful men with heavy treasures, and wanted to take away some of them.

In their opinion, this was the reason that the Changsheng Gu family knew that they could not hold onto the corpse, so they agreed to such a request.


A terrible breath came, sweeping the entire universe, and the world seemed to explode under such fluctuations.

Not to mention those cultivators that were close to the corpse, coughing up blood and exploded, turning into blood mist child powder in the sky.

Even though there is a bodyguard Magical Item that protects itself, it can't withstand the fluctuations that pervade the fairy corpse.

Among them, there are even quasi-emperors who have fallen, causing great waves.

Immortal corpses can't be insulted!

Although I don't know how long it has been lost, but there is still the surviving power of the world. Many forces that came with greed have paid a heavy price for this.

The corpse fell in the depths of the Universe, surrounded by a vast amount of fog, and every wisp of Qi was more terrifying than Chaos Qi.

The Daoist forces who came to explore the corpse were also a lot more cautious, and no longer dared to be as bold as before.

The outside world also started to talk scheming about this fairy corpse.

Gu Changge was also happy to see such a situation.

After getting married, he has been taking care of his family in the longevity, sitting cross-legged in the palace, and has not left half a step, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

And after the third day, Yuemingkong returned to the Wushuang Xian Dynasty to deal with many affairs of the Wushuang Xian Dynasty.

Samsara Gu Tianzun's puppet body was also left by Gu Changge by her side, just in case.

Nowadays, many Taoist traditions are focusing on the immortal corpse, and he can also concentrate on the layout.

"According to the penetration intensity of the Dark Heaven Court, time is almost there."

Gu Changge's gaze became a little deep, and then he was sent a message to inform Taotian, who was far away in the other Universe, to let her break the Restrictions except for the God Ruins.

This day should come!


And at this moment, a majestic and ancient world aura came, diffused from the extremely far away Universe, far away.

As if an invisible ancient big hand is pushing the three thousand great worlds, moving towards the upper realm, all the great worlds begin to collide, sending out a terrifying and terrifying momentum.

The upper realm shuddered because of this breath, the rules of heaven and earth seemed to be boiling, and large areas of reflection began to emerge.

Some of the incomplete parts even became crystal clear, an inexplicable aura was condensing, and began to fill those gaps.

"what is this "

"The environment of heaven and earth has changed

The entire upper world was in turmoil.

All cultivators, no matter what kind of Cultivation Base, were all in shock.

"This is a sign that the immortal road is coming, absolutely can't be wrong! This day has really come!

"At the beginning, the era tree that I had not found in the eight wilderness and ten regions was not there. This is the aura of the era tree."

"Era Dao fruit is mature and actively fills in the gaps in the rules of heaven and earth."

At this moment, the whole world was shocked, and all the background of the birth existed, and they were shocked to be difficult to add, and then they were excited to the extreme.

In their opinion, the maturity of the era fruit and filling the gap in the rules of heaven and earth means that the opportunity of Immortal Ascension has come.

This is the great world of Immortal Ascension that their 747s have been waiting for for countless years!

On this day, almost all the orthodox forces in the upper realm were in a frantic shock.

Even the ancient forbidden areas that cannot escape from the world are still shocking, and the most ancient heritage exists, starting to break out of the source, to compete for the opportunity of Immortal Ascension.

Every place has a horrible light tearing through the heavens and the earth, piercing through the ten places of Nine Heavens, shaking all walks of life with the overwhelming momentum.

The upper bound is crazy!

The tranquil situation before the storm was completely broken, and even the enlightened eyes reveal excited and extremely excited.

But for ordinary cultivators, this is the beginning of bloodshed, and they are not qualified to compete for the opportunity of Immortal Ascension.

On the contrary, it will die in this battle, become a must, and be harvested at will.

This day is like the end of the world for ordinary ethnic groups and forces. The vast majority of the creatures and cultivators in the upper realm are uneasy. This atmosphere is too depressing and terrifying, and it almost makes people feel rested.

The sky changes, and the rules are reflected. In a trance, everyone sees a vast and vast mysterious fairyland, which is emerging.

In the next few days, the craziest peak powerhouses of various forces began to find the exact location of the era tree, wanting to be the first to find the era fruit, so as to occupy the first opportunity of Immortal Ascension.

The upper bound is completely messed up. .