Ch 771

The upper realm was in great chaos, and there was blood and chaos everywhere in the past few days, even within the borders of some Immortal orthodoxy, there was also a big war.

At this time, there is no such thing as peace at all, and fighting for personal gain is everywhere.

In many ancient Taoist traditions, the characters of the background were born, and brought the whole family background, trying to find the era tree, and to fight for the last time in this era.

However, the most direct consequence of this approach is that the ancient orthodoxy of one party quickly went into exhaustion, and the luck of the whole clan was taken away from prosperity to decline.

Without the support of the foundation, these traditions quickly depleted, giving the rest of the forces an opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to grab resources Cultivation Technique.

For the existence of enlightened people, there is a chance for Immortal Ascension.

For ordinary cultivators, Enlightenment and Immortal Ascension have nothing to do with them, too far away.

They just want to take advantage of this great chaos to find resources and find something suitable for their own.

The vast majority of wars in various places are caused by this reason.

Countless cultivator creatures died in such a battle, and they were all destroyed.

In the past, because there was a tacit understanding between the various forces, the supreme and even the quasi-emperor and enlightened ones would not easily take action.

But now the upper realm is in chaos, and these tacit constraints naturally disappear and no longer exist.

In some incomparably ancient forbidden areas, the divine light rushes into the sky, the blood covers the entire universe, and many existences that have buried endless years have also broken the seal and were born again.

This kind of existence is even stronger than the background characters.

Even though they restrained their aura and condensed their vitality, the terrifying coercion still turbulent half of the universe, strong and powerful.

With the opportunity of Immortal Ascension, the environment of heaven and earth changed drastically.

In every star field, there can be a radiant glow, like a vision from ancient times emerges, teaching flying immortals, immortal light, and extremely holy.

"The world is in chaos, even if it's us, it's hard to be alone."

"Changge and Wushuang Immortal Dynasty were married, and such a big thing happened. Sure enough, the upper realm will not be peaceful for long. All this is actually doomed a long time ago. 々[.."

"How can Xianlu be peaceful? My ancestors said it a long time ago."

In the longevity family, many enlightened ancestors sighed with worry in their eyes.

They didn't follow the powers of other Taoist forces and went directly to find the traces of the era tree.

Because Gu Changge has already explained that if they don't get involved, their lives will be in danger.

Therefore, many strong men in the Changsheng Gu family, and even those born in the background, are also very quiet and choose to stay in the family land.

At this time, on the contrary, it was the territory where the Changsheng Gu's family was located. It was peaceful and quiet, like a paradise. There had not been a war, and there was no dispute with the world.

Except for the turbulence caused by the immortal corpse before, there is not much difference between peace and day.

Although Gu Changge is only a junior, his previous life is the supreme existence of the Forbidden Era. Cultivation Base cannot imagine. Naturally, no one dares to ignore the words he said.

"Let's fight like this, the next good show hasn't started yet.

Gu Changge stood quietly in the palace, his white clothes surpassed the snow, and there was no dust. Looking at the sky in the distance, his eyes were calm and deep.

He was whispering, not surprising at all.

Less than half a month after the breath of Era Tree emerged, the situation in the upper realm had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Many traditions are even on the verge of falling apart.

Because Immortal Ascension is too temptation for those people with deep roots.

It's so big that they can give up everything, just for the moment of Immortal Ascension.

They have been dormant for countless years, and have been waiting since the distant ages. They want to wait until the environment of the world changes, when the Immortal Ascension is coming, when all their relatives and friends are buried in the long river of years, all of them are turned into bones, and never again. Can't see.

For them, what else can't be abandoned?

As a result, they carried all the heritage in the Taoism and went to look for the opportunity to compete, which is equivalent to saying that they gave up the power behind them and made a desperate effort.

"Calculate the time. At this time, the Dark Heaven Court should also be born…

Gu Changge crushed the Jade Slip in his hand, and then passed on the orders.

This chaotic upper realm is just the best breeding ground for the harvest and growth of the Dark Heaven Court. Those Orthodox forces that have lost their heritage are the targets that Gu Changge has been focusing on early in the morning.

In the next half month, the upper bound shook again.

Just when the characters in the background were madly looking for the traces of the era tree, a mysterious and terrifying force appeared in the dark, like a torrent of horrors shuttled through the universe, and began to swallow and harvest those forces that had lost their background.

In less than half a month, the forces in many star regions fell apart and were directly swallowed up by the mysterious force.

And in this mysterious force, there are even a large number of enlightened people, all dressed in black robes, covered in the fog, and can't see the truth.

Taking advantage of the time when the background figures have no time for him to take care of them, those enlightened people are like death gods, harvested from one side of the star field, basically unstoppable.

Many cultivators felt horrified by this, feeling that the terrifying force was the mysterious organization that had appeared for a moment like a spark in Dayu Xianchao.

If they remember correctly, the mysterious organization back then even dared to assassinate Gu Changge.

Later, many enlightened people who rushed to Dayu Xianchao died, and only a few people survived.

Judging from the current situation, this mysterious organization has penetrated into many forces.

They don't even know if the Elder disciple next to him is the staff of that organization.

For a while, everyone was in danger, and even those very close to him began to doubt.

Originally, because of the drastic changes in the environment of the world, many enlightened people and characters in the background searched madly for the upper bound of the era tree.

Because of this, it became chaotic again.

At this time, almost all cultivators are living in panic and worry, and there is no idea when the crisis will come.

~ The marriage tragic seen in the Wangshengtan did not occur, but the situation in the upper realm was still as manifested in the Wangshengtan without a slight change (Zhao? Zhao).

"The upper realm is in chaos and everyone is in danger. All cultivators live under Gu Changge's shadow and fear. The owner behind the mysterious organization is actually Gu Changge."

Gu Xian'er was dressed in Tsing Yi, standing under an old tree that was already showing, and the breeze blew her skirts gently to make up.

Looking at the turbulent sky, she murmured softly, her expression was both complicated and confused.

Half a month later, one thing happened, which once again caused a sensation in the upper bound.

A character of the background has fallen!

He died tragically on the way to find the Era Tree, and was attacked by other characters in the background. The body exploded, and the debris fell from a distant place.

The whole world trembles, this terrifying breath spreads, permeates the world, making the world tremble, and it roars, terrifying, and terrifying sentient beings tremble.

It can be said that the characters in the background are definitely the closest to the existence of immortals in this era.

Especially with all the details, but still tragically dying on the road.