Ch 772

In today's upper realm, the fall of a character with a deep heritage is an indescribable terrifying loss for any Taoist force.

Especially for some orthodoxy, in fact, there is only one insider who is in charge. As long as one dies, it means that this orthodox is destined to die.

What's more, many forces have chosen to make a desperate move, pinning all their hopes on the characters in the background, hoping that he can enter the road of immortality and achieve the position of immortality.

This requires great courage and courage, and the consequences to be faced are also unimaginable. If it fails, it will simply not be able to bear it.

After all, this is equivalent to a gamble, betting on all the future of the Sect forces.

The situation became more and more tragic and chaotic, and even the characters in the background could not guarantee the life and death of their own, let alone the rest of the creatures.

In addition, during this period of time, the appearance of the Dark Heaven Court swept through the wild at a speed that could be called terrifying, and almost no force could resist it.

There are too many enlightened people in the Dark Heaven Court, much more than those of the extremely ancient orthodoxy.

How to resist those forces that have lost their foundation and sitting in control?

At this time, only those forces with immortal tools suppressed and whose ancestors had truly born the immortal Daoist thing 747 will have the confidence and qualifications to ensure that they will not be disturbed and be independent in this chaos.

In fact, this is also a thorough reshuffle for the upper world.

Many Orthodoxy forces call themselves Immortal, but their background is far less than those of the old Immortal Orthodoxy and longevity families, and they are not at the same level at all.

Therefore, at this time, these orthodoxy without exception bear the brunt, rapidly collapse and disintegrate, and the illusory background is undoubtedly revealed.

In the following days, due to the drastic changes in the environment of the world, the rules of the upper realm began to change, some living substances began to become rich, and the peculiar energy permeated the void, and even ordinary cultivators could feel the change.

Some of the older generation's strong, who were unable to make a breakthrough, also suddenly rushed away at this time.

Even some cultivators with powerful talents have directly fallen into a strange state of epiphany. The heavenly spirit cover glows and ignites from beginning to end, just like the emergence of a myth.

"Although the upper realm is in chaos, it is undeniable that it is more suitable for cultivator practice."

"This is a disaster, but it is also an opportunity, an opportunity for everyone.,

Many experts at eyes reveal, at first thought that this Immortal Ascension world did not belong to them, but now, in fact, everyone has a chance.

The world has changed drastically, and the incomplete rules have been filled up. It is as fast as a hundred years, and as late as a thousand years, or even ten thousand years.

Once this period of time has passed, it may not be impossible to restore the prosperity of the ancient times.

At that time, based on their qualifications, it might not be possible to say that they could go further, or even achieve the supreme, or enlightenment, or even say that the immortal position is holy?

During this time, many Tianjiao also made breakthroughs one after another, courageously catching up, and began to seize this opportunity.

Of course, some forces will inevitably go on the path of extinction. In just a few months, the forces in many star regions of the upper realm have been reduced by nearly 20%.

Most of them were destroyed by civil strife and wars, which were hated before, but now they are constantly fighting, blood and fire intertwined, bleeding and drifting.

Such days lasted for several months, and then shocking news appeared again.

In the depths of the Universe, characters with heritage found a vague passage, like a fairy road in the legend, reflected across a distant space.

The path is extremely vague, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false, but it is undeniable that there is a great murder in it.

Then, after thinking about the characters, they decided to give it a try. Although their current strength can't reach Realm, the vague path is really Xianlu's words.

If it is opened up, it may not be able to prove the position of immortality in it?

Once this idea appeared, it was like weeds, and it skyrocketed in their minds. A vague path was punched through.

"If it's Xianlu, I'll wait to blow it away, even if it doesn't touch Xiandao Realm, there is a chance."


In the end, they all shot together, working together to sacrifice a weapon like a fairy sword. The moment the mighty wakes up, the fairy light washes for a long time, reflecting the time and space.

The entire universe is in turmoil, all souls are trembling, and hundreds of millions of cultivator creatures, their souls are terrified, kneeling under that kind of breath.

The terrifying momentum, as if to split the world, directly blasted on the fuzzy path, causing the chaos to explode. The surrounding space, all the rules and order, were evaporated to dryness at once, forming absolute nothingness.

The scene was too horrible, even if it was far away, it was like countless suns exploding there, dazzling and dazzling, making many cultivators tears long and unable to look directly at it.

Many ancient worlds close to that area collapsed and disintegrated for the first time, turning into nihilism.

The Upper Realm, which had been silent for countless years, finally realized what is called Xianwei. Of course, it was just a blow after the complete recovery of the fairy weapon. Compared with the real Xianwei, there was still a lot of gap.

But this kind of breath is still creepy, and the soul is almost frozen after a long distance.

Under this kind of aftermath, the enlightened people will explode in the first place and become a fan, let alone the rest of the creatures.

After this strike, the obscure passage was also cracked.

Although it was just a tiny crack, matter similar to the Arctic Light flew out of it, but it directly exploded the body of the characters close to it, and the flesh and blood flew across it, and it was impossible to dodge it.

The truncated body that fell out was directly ignited and swallowed by the chaotic flames, and fell into the depths of the Universe.

As soon as this news came out, the Upper Bound Fryer immediately boiled, and countless cultivators were shocked.

There is no doubt that it is definitely Xianlu. There is no explanation other than Xianlu. A ray of fairy light that flew out almost killed the inner characters.

"It is indeed the road of Immortal Ascension, but it is not the road of Immortal Ascension.

Gu Changge, who received this news among the Changsheng Gu family, was not surprised at all.

He knew very well that the real Immortal Ascension Road had not yet appeared, because Ji Yuan Dao Guo was in his hands, and he wanted Immortal Ascension Road to appear whenever it appeared.

What those people in the background discovered was actually only a road to the immortal realm, not the road to Immortal Ascension.

However, this news gave Gu Changge some other plans.

If the fairyland suddenly descends and starts to border the upper realm, it will greatly affect his next plan.

Originally, Gu Changge planned to wait for the upper realm to mess up for a while before releasing news about the universe where the Era Tree is located. .