Ch 784

"This is a big gift I have prepared for you for a long time."

Gu Changge looked at the figures who had killed the Northern Dipper Star Territory, and finally smiled at the corner of his mouth.

As his heart moved, the power of the entire universe was pressing downward.

All the star fields became like Wang Yang, undulating there.

The dark prison is present in the world, it is said to be a prison, but from the outside, it is more like a dark temple condensed by the dark god of gold, just suspended in the sky and the earth.

The black light is shining, and there is a thick gray mist around it, surging like a big wave.

Around these ancient temples, there are dark avenue runes circulating, as if they contain the most mysterious Dao laws and magic of the heavens, and they are doing their utmost to suppress them.

The entire Kunji Universe shuddered. The chains of avenues condensed by the power of the law spread from all directions, bound to them, dragging them to the cages of "Seven-Five-Three".


The sky trembled, and the four pillars rising from the seas and wastes all trembled.

One by one, the ancient words "sin" were lit there and then flew out.

The brilliance reflected was too bright, causing the spirit sea and spirit in their bodies to corrode with trembling.

"Who on earth are you, and what is the connection between JueYin Tian and you?"

The expressions of the emperor and the others changed drastically, feeling that these dark cages were like specially set up for them, waiting for them to show up here.

What are you trying to do? Trapped them in a dark cage?

Moreover, these "sin" words that were integrated into their bloodline spirit sea unexpectedly had the breath of absolutely cloudy, extremely rich, it was like the origin of absolutely cloudy.

You must know that the absolutely cloudy sky that plagues the entire upper realm has not been sealed by Samsara Gu Tianzun?

At least for now, it is stable, and there will be no accidents, but where does the absolutely cloudy weather come from?

Because of these absolutely overcast weather, they even feel that their own source of Tao Guo, Cultivation Base, which has not changed for so many years, is actually being corroded, swallowed by this kind of breath, and to be assimilated and dissolved.

They were even a little horrified, worried that their own mentality would be corroded by this absolutely cloudy breath and reduced to an absolutely cloudy creature, and then they would no longer be themselves, and become another creature.

This method really made them feel horrified and uneasy.

"Could it be that you are Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign? The real Lord of the God Market is Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign. It is he who has not died, so he is calculating me and the entire upper realm?"

The figure with the background growled, looking at the chains of the avenues, and piercing through him, no matter what method he used, it was difficult to resist, and he was extremely unwilling.

"It's definitely not Samsara Ancient Heavenly Sovereign, but it must be someone from the upper realm. He has been there since ancient times."

"This era tree was also stolen by him at the beginning, and blamed the matter on the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and made me wait for countless years to fight in that world."

Another figure of the background roared, his eyes like a torch, very bright and brilliant, staring at the land of the gods that was shrouded in the vast chaos and mist.

Although he didn't know the truth, he felt that he had already touched part of it.

Because of the Taboo Era, the world behind it was absolutely connected, and the Era Tree was stolen and disappeared. For so many years, the rules of heaven and earth in the upper realm have been incomplete.

If it is the people of the world, it is certainly not possible to achieve this level.

So he was suspecting that the Lord of the God Ruins must be a figure after the Forbidden Era of the Upper Realm, even older than Samsara Gu Tianzun.

He has never been seen in front of the world in the world, and no one even knows his existence, but he is like a shadow, always behind every epoch. , Eternal death.

Even if he is a character of the background, he has been fighting the world since he was born, stepping on the bones of countless peers, Dao heart is so powerful, but at this moment there is also a sense of horror.

"It's really interesting.

Hearing this, Gu Changge's voice sounded, and he couldn't help showing a chuckle. He really didn't expect these figures from the background to think of it there.

But this is of little significance to him, and all the big fish have not yet entered the net.

He did not intend to reveal his true body, it was too early.

"Who on earth are you? The ancient ancestor behind the absolutely cloudy sky?"

The emperor spoke again, while urging the immortal device to suppress the meaning of the absolute cloudy sky in the body, while staring at the depths of the gods, wanting to know the origin of Gu Changge.

But the original meaning of the cloudy sky has long been entangled in the depths of the soul like a maggot of bone.

Even if it is their Cultivation Base, it can't be said to get rid of it. It needs to be suppressed with incomparably powerful force.

As a result, they were unable to exert their peak strength. After stepping into this Universe from the beginning, the aura of absolute Yin permeated, contaminating them silently.

At the beginning, this was something they didn't expect at all.

Now only anger is left in my heart.

"Who I am, it doesn't matter, what's important is that the Era Tree is not qualified for you to be a triumphant ship."

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and shot again, the dark and terrifying big palm, protruding from the land of the gods, like the palm of the era, has the potential to crush everything.

The darkness suddenly collapsed, and the chain of the road in front, like a long whip, directly drew on a few of the characters in the background, causing their bodies to begin to collapse, and their auras were rapidly languishing.

The entire universe is suppressing them, even if they are, at this moment they also feel great heart palpitations.


The light of the fairy weapon bloomed again, and the emperor roared and shot, trying to break the chain of the road in front of him.

However, above the sky, there is a terrible will manifestation, that is like the eyes of Heavenly Dao, cold and ruthless, instantly suppressing the light of the immortal way, even if the fairy is trying to erupt, it is instantly suppressed.

In the next instant, more chains, flavors, flavors, and flavours spread towards the emperor, and finally, amidst his frightened voice, dragged him into the dark prison that had been condensed a long time ago.

The rest of the details existed, but when they saw it, their complexion changed drastically.

They thought that it was already the limit of the Lord of the God Ruins to contend against several people at the same time. At that moment, the ending is doomed.


The darkness collapsed, and the gray mist shrouded in, covering the darkness, and their panic and uneasy voices gradually disappeared.

Gu Changge prepared these dark prisons, which are themselves condensed by the power of this big universe, and their sturdiness is even comparable to that of the Great Daoist. The Daoist is unbreakable.

Moreover, because of the relationship between Absolute Yin Origin, they had to separate their strengths to fight, which made it difficult for them to exert their peak strength, even if they were the characters of the inner roots, but the strength was weakened most of them, and compared with the enlightened person, it was not much worse.

In Gu Changge's eyes, they are naturally no different from Big Fish. .