Ch 785

The four characters of the background, even if they tried their best to resist these absolutely yin source substances, they were unable to do anything. In the end, they gradually returned to the gray fog, bound by the chains of the avenue, and imprisoned in a dark cage.

After Gu Changge processed all this, he looked beyond the distant Universe, where there was still a mighty army, and he had never followed these characters to enter the Universe.

In the army, there are enlightened persons and quasi-emperors, and there are many other supreme figures.

However, as soon as the inner characters were suppressed, they were no different from the ants, and Gu Changge didn't even plan to take control.

"The army behind hasn't been killed yet, only four foundations exist, which is far from enough for me to be promoted to Realm."

Gu Changge whispered softly, still waiting for the opportunity. His goal is all the characters from the upper realm who have come for the opportunity of Immortal Ascension. Naturally, they are definitely not the four people in front of him.

However, although he intends to let go of the mighty army outside Kunji Universe, they don't know what is good or bad, and they want to rush in and rescue the four insiders.

In their eyes, these four background figures seem to have been attacked by evil, and they have not exerted their strength as a background figure at all.

Those gray fogs swept from unknown places, shrouded the entire universe, and dragged them into it, silently.

Outside of Kunji Universe, they were extremely shocked, and they didn't see the course of this battle at all.They didn't know what happened, which caused the existence of these four foundations, just like a mud cow entering the sea 24, and they disappeared without even moving and quiet. It has to be so thorough.


Outside the Kunji Universe, a crack was torn once again.

With a bang, the sky broke and the earth broke, and these mighty army slew in.

At the forefront, the enlightened person shot, the brilliance is dazzling, the world's emperor is pouring, and the rules of the avenue are trembling.

Never before have so many emperor-level figures exploded in the first life, working together, taking action together, shocking the world, and overwhelming forever!

In that big crack, various laws are intertwined, which can smash the quasi-emperor and be able to fight the emperor. They rushed in, not like the four original characters at the beginning, and went directly to the Northern Dipper star field.

Their goal is the dim star field that is obscured by the vast gray fog, where four pillars can be seen.

There were endless chains hanging down, spreading from that place, accompanied by the sound of hanging down, making their souls frozen.

Gu Changge was in the land of the gods, watching this scene, his expression did not fluctuate.

Afterwards, he took a shot and explored, the horrible fluctuations, like an extinction of the world, almost destroying that place.

The large-scale cultivator of creatures was directly erased by this palm, and it disappeared without even making a sound.

The stars of the heavens are falling, and the tens of thousands of domains are trembling, and they are about to fall all together, but in the end they collapsed.

Enlightened people are like building ants at this time. They can't hold on for too long. They explode under that kind of breath. The rain of blood and wine in the sky dyes the entire universe red.

"At this moment, why choose to die?"

Gu Changge's expression was still indifferent, he sighed, and his voice spread from the land of the gods, echoing throughout the Kunji Universe.

All the army and creatures heard his words and felt their hairs horrified, as if there were gods standing in the ages, looking at them indifferently, as if looking at a building ant.

"Who are you on earth?"

Some enlightened people are screaming, trying their best to break the sky apart, to disperse the surrounding gray mist.

But in the end, he was exhausted, and there was no way he could burn the original source or perform a peerless forbidden technique.

This made him feel desperate, and this was simply an enemy that could not be resisted.

Gu Changge didn't say a word, but looked at them quietly, and then looked at the Universe in the distance. He felt that the characters of the upper realm were approaching, and the number was much larger than before.

More and more big fish are rushing into the net.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the Epoch Tree behind him suddenly glowed, extremely bright, like a ray of light, reflected from this era, through the past and the present, reflecting the future.

In a daze, above the sky behind him, a phantom of a fairy road appeared, extremely solid and not vague.

And on that fairy road, there are avenue rules emerging, the ghosts of gods and demons are condensed, extremely terrifying, one after another, standing there, wearing a stomach, horrible, as if in the myth, guarding the fairy road Of heavenly soldiers.

As soon as this immortal road appeared, it spread to the entire universe with a wave, radiating to the surroundings there, causing the entire Kunji Universe to be flooded with the brilliance of Immortal Ascension.

The scene here, revealing this universe, spread to other places, as if telling the heavens and domains that the road of Immortal Ascension has really come.

That kind of strong Immortal Ascension light is so bright, it reflects the entire universe in it, and there is even a long and fuzzy river of time, which is beginning to manifest itself.

Of course, all of this was condensed by Gu Changge's laws, not the real Immortal Ascension road. He did this only to make the characters with the background even more crazy.

"More and more people from the background are coming."

Tao Tian was also talking, standing in the land of the gods, looking at the depths of the distant Universe.

Only the female emperor Huang Yu felt trembling, and with her state of mind, it was difficult to settle down. She felt that all this was too terrible. Enlightened people were inferior to dogs. Only people with deep roots were qualified for a battle and qualified as a big fish.

This senior, what kind of shocking situation is Boo?

She never expected that she could witness such a scene with her own eyes, and her mind was full of horror and fear.

In her mind, Gu Changge is an easygoing and supernatural character, but she did not expect him to be so ruthless and ruthless, and regard all beings in the world as black dogs and ants.


Kunji Universe was blasted open again, terrible cracks spread, and the world seemed to be broken.

The world-famous fluctuations came from outside the split Universe, unconcealed, and unparalleled.

Eight terrifying figures, like a magic mountain, stood in that direction, their eyes gleaming like lightning.

"This Universe is weird. The creatures who rushed here before were all buried, and there was even the aftermath of the remnants of the immortal artifacts. An extraordinary event happened.

"But what is certain is that the opportunity for Immortal Ascension is now."

Now that the eight great background figures stand together, it is really heaven-defying, the roads that cannot coexist are squeezed together, and there is a violent explosion between them.

Everyone is standing in a starry universe, surrounded by a hanging Galaxy Cluster. Everyone is the master of the universe. They are using force to separate themselves from others.

A person can be compared to a real big Universe. Even so, they are chaotic and there was a big explosion. They all used supreme means to push the fluctuations here to Kunji Universe.

The space barrier in front broke open in the first place, and the boundless fluctuations were like the Tianhe bursting dyke, rushing like a torrent.

"Could it really be a fairyland there, or just a phantom, not really coming to the world?"

Thousands of troops and horses are galloping, in the gap of the void, looking at a longevity world is shining, floating in front of them, they are approaching extremely fast.

And at this time, hundreds of thousands of suspected fairy shadows appeared, as if they were emerging from a flying fairy, coming over the sky and condensing in that illusory world.

It was a splendid rain of light, which turned into eternity and destroyed everything. If the Emperor Zhun was here, there would be millions of people who would immediately be turned into blood and blood here.

As long as it is touched by the rain of light, it will inevitably disappear.

They tried their best to open the Kunji Universe. They were eager to touch the shining world, but they were afraid of the weirdness and didn't dare to take the initiative to go deep into it.

"Don't want to come in? Then I will help you again."

Gu Changge sat down in the sacred ruins and screamed, with the rules of kendo condensed in front of his eyes.

His whole body was glowing, the colorful fairy qi overflowed from his body, and the chaotic qi enveloped all over his body was shaken away, revealing a handsome face, but his expression was indifferent, and there seemed to be no mood swings.

The void in front of him exploded 753, and the rules of kendo condensed into a bronze fairy sword, which was extremely solid.

Then, with a buzzing sound, the fairy sword flew up, and with a single sword, the Universe Galaxy Cluster was eclipsed.

With a puff, the fairy sword swept across, the light and shadow flew across, and all the fluctuations in front were chopped up, becoming regular fragments and children's powder in the sky.


"What a terrifying existence, is it that he killed the rest of the characters in the background?"

The eight characters from the background all shot together, trying to penetrate the Kunji Universe, but at this moment, they were all vomiting blood, and their faces were full of shock.

The terrifying Sword intent seems to fall from the top of Nine Heavens, boundless and boundless.

They feel the creeps. If they are outside the universe, they can't reach each other at all, let alone blast through the universe and get close to the glowing ancient world.

The next moment, they looked at each other, and the eight great foundations decided to join forces. Their respective ways were pervading, sending out a terrifying momentum, crushing forward, colliding with each other, and directly stepping into the Kunji Universe.

A terrifying war broke out here again, sweeping through the endless star field, the endless universe, and the heavens and the universe far away, all felt it, and couldn't help trembling.

"No matter how many you have, it is useless in front of me."

Gu Changge spoke indifferently, looking at the eight people who had been killed, his eyes were as deep as the unchanging deep sea.

Undoubtedly, this battle soon ended, and the dark cage reappeared. With the sound of the chain dragging, the eight characters from the background dragged into it again, and the sound disappeared.

Kunji Universe was plunged into darkness, except for the fairy light above the land of the gods, the terrifying fog swept over, covering everything, making this place suddenly desolate and barren.

The characters who came from behind were all shuddering and stopped outside of the Universe, but they couldn't resist the temptation of Immortal Ascension and went straight in.

Without exception, they followed the footsteps of the previous figures and added a few more figures to the dark cage.