Ch 789

The light of the flying fairy was extremely bright, like a fairy mist emerging over the Northern Dipper star field, covering the surrounding area, which was a shocking scene.

In that place, Thunder Tribulation appeared in the world, and rays of thunder light fell from the sky, directly smashing down, containing the ultimate rule of destruction.

The smashed wave was like a big wave, splashing everywhere, and soon formed a sea of ​​thunder, which was too spectacular and flaming.

The radiant light, accompanied by the kind of fluctuation that makes the enlightened person's body explode, came from there, destroying this universe.

Vaguely, a vague and hazy fairy que, there ups and downs, there seems to be a towering and old ancient city gate appearing behind it.

From the cracks that came out, one could glimpse the vast expanse of the world.

There are tall mountains and ancient mountains, towering ancient trees, and cranes coming and going. The auspicious spirit is gushing, just like a fairy palace in ancient myths.

And at this moment, in the Northern Dipper star field, a graceful white figure appeared. He was bathing in the thunder sea, as if to push open the door and walk on the road, asking Immortal Ascension to go.

"Don't miss the chance, kill.

Looking at this scene, outside of the Kunji Universe, all the "Seven-Five-Seven" things in the background were unable to sit still, yelled, their eyes flushed, and the light of the avenue was sprayed all over, and the chaotic mist spread.

At this moment, they were tough to the extreme, showing their terrifying peak, tearing everything apart, and rushing away.

This is to prop up the horrible wave of Kunji Universe. Various avenues collide in it, and the wave of waves exploded will cause those star regions outside the territory to blast and turn into celestial powder.

These scenes are enough to be recorded in ancient history. It is too shocking. Dozens of backgrounds exist in the present world, and they work together to deduce their own Taoism.

They were once respected in a certain era, their peers were invincible, and after becoming characters in the background, they have no longer shown their former sharpness, but now they are living together and want to kill in the light of flying immortals.

All the creatures outside the Kunji Universe were shocked by this scene, and their mood became turbulent as these characters from the background entered the past.

They felt that they were about to witness the grand occasion of Immortal Ascension, and the waiting for eternity was dormant, and they had to witness at this time.

Immortal Ascension is here, and all the characters in the background will have Immortal Ascension at this time?

"The main flying immortal of the God Ruins is now. For us, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

The characters who had entered the Kunji Universe roared together.

Although when they stepped into this Universe, they felt a strange and weird fluctuation spreading, completely different from the outside world.

The heaven and earth environment here is very different from the rest of the universe, but it does not hinder their determination for Immortal Ascension.

All kinds of terrifying laws blasted and exploded there, directly bombarding the Northern Dipper star field, and the surrounding areas collapsed in the first time.

More than a dozen people from the background have taken action, unprecedented, and no existence in the same environment can resist.

Some people even sacrificed an immortal weapon, burning their own lifespan, they must fully urge the immortal weapon to forcefully and decisively, and blast into the area shrouded by the thunder sea.

The world seems to be reopened, here is extremely chaotic, chaotic air is flying in, and even time and space are becoming turbulent.

In the land of the gods, Empress Huang Yu stood next to Tao Tian. Unlike the calm on Tao Tian's face, Empress Huang Yu looked at this terrifying scene, but her heart trembled, and she was extremely disturbed and worried.

This is too scary. In her previous cognition, the enlightened person is already the most peak combat power in this universe.

Only one person can be born in one life, and the born Tao will affect other enlightened persons, resulting in the subsequent tens of thousands of years, no enlightened persons can be born again.

Therefore, the number of enlightened people in the Kunji Universe is very limited, but each one is the strongest in an era since the era of the Great Extinction, and no one can compare it.

However, with the advent of this life, all this has been changed.

The enlightened people of other universes came with a large army, and the number of them was terrifying, which made people tremble.

Afterwards, these characters from the background reappeared, and every one of them was powerful enough to shoot her before. Now there are more than a dozen such characters in front of them. They all came to the Kunji Universe. It was too shocking and terrifying.

"Don't worry, these people are just fish, they are already in the net.

Tao Tian spoke at this moment, seeming to see Empress Huang Yu's worry, and a smile appeared on her calm face.

She saw the shadow of Zeng Chan's red dress on the Empress Huang Yu, and she inevitably gave her a touch of closeness.

"They are all hit? Senior, doesn't he want Immortal Ascension now? Why is he hit?"

Empress Huang Yu was still puzzled, it was difficult to understand this, even from her perspective, she couldn't see that the catastrophic thunder tribulation would be a trap.

She felt that with her strength, as long as she stepped in there, she would instantly turn into a fan.

That kind of thunder tribulation, isn't it Immortal Ascension tribulation?

Tao Tian shook her head lightly, not talking. In fact, she couldn't see Gu Changge's plan and the next actions, but she could guess his intention.

This is a blind confidence.

After all, he never does things that are uncertain. Almost every step is through various considerations and plans, which can be guaranteed to be foolproof.

"Can't wait, are you in the game?"

Gu Changge, who was bathed in thunder, looked at those who killed himself to the extreme attack. There was no worry on his face, but a faint smile appeared on his face.

The dim and vague fairy gate appeared above his head again, and some of the ancestor patterns on it could even be clearly seen, which was extremely real.

He faced the sky full of thunder sea, ignoring the terrifying thunder, and fell on his body, walking calmly and regularly toward the front. There was no ups and downs on the slender white clothes.


The entire universe echoes the momentum of this thunder tribulation, it is almost going to penetrate the world, reflecting the past and present, and shattering everything.

"Don't let him approach that portal. When he pushes open the portal and enters it, that's when he is Immortal Ascension.

Seeing this scene, the murdered characters are all roaring and want to stop Gu Changge from entering it.

At this time, all the extreme attacks were blasted into the sea of ​​thunder, and some fell directly on Gu Changge's body.

However, the fluctuation of the fairy weapon's recovery was still too terrifying, like a beam of light, which directly shook the thunder, causing Gu Changge to lose his wings, almost unstable, and there was also a ray of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"he is hurt "

This scene immediately excited everyone, and felt that this battle was promising. The mysterious master of the ruins was not so powerful that it was completely invincible.

The one-eyed Daoist was even more excited. He felt that the flying fairy aura here was extremely rich, and even made him feel his own soul, which became more radiant. The cheekbones were transparent, and Mental Energy was more exuberant than ever.


At this time, over the Northern Dipper star field, the phantom of the fairy que was solidified again, and even the ancient portal became real.

There was fairy light all around, and many rules began to fall and condense.

Thousands of troops were galloping, suddenly appearing around the portal.

At the same time, at this time, hundreds of thousands of suspected fairy shadows appeared, as if they were feathering flying immortals, overwhelming the sky, becoming a heavenly soldier, and blocking Gu Changge's footsteps.


He screamed, and a bronze fairy sword appeared in his hand, shattering the thunder, and slashed forward.The terrifying Sword Ray suddenly smashed the fairy shadows, and even the closed door, there was a gap, that glowing The vast world of China shows a corner.

But the consequence of this is that Lei Hai became more and more terrifying, and accompanied by crimson's humanoid robbery thunder, he rushed towards Gu Changge.

Among those humanoid robbery thunder, there are even ancient Daoist, sword immortal, etc. appearing and fighting with him.

Seeing this, many characters with the background naturally did not want to let go of such an excellent opportunity. Changge, take this opportunity to wipe him out.

"At a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he wants to die by himself and chooses Immortal Ascension at this time."

"3.7 He has no choice. If he misses this opportunity, I am afraid Immortal Ascension will be hopeless."

Everyone was excited and felt that as long as Gu Changge was killed, his efforts and plans could even be replaced by him. After entering the immortal gate, he was on his way to Immortal Ascension.

This is an extremely tragic battle. In their eyes, the master of the gods needs to contend with the solid rules from the immortal gate, while bathing in the sea of ​​thunder, resisting this catastrophe, and at the same time resisting them. The attack.

Even if he is so strong that he is heaven-defying, it is difficult to sustain him, the moment he is exhausted after all.

Everyone was stunned and used the most powerful spells and spells in history.

In the end, no longer what they expected, with the revival of several immortal artifacts, the celestial Qi machine was full and rumbling over, turning into several light beams tearing Fuyu through, breaking Gu Changge's figure into pieces.

Then the light of these fairy artifacts even tore through the sea of ​​thunder and fell on the gateway, blasting open a lot of the originally small cracks.

There is a strong flying fairy light permeating it, which makes all the characters in the background moved and excited. .