Ch 790

After the immortal gate, what will there be?

Just from the cracks revealed, it can be seen that it is a vast and vast world, glowing, with long biomass permeating out, which can delay their decay and aging, and even allow them to reshape their soul light. Mental Energy has become unprecedented. exuberant.

"The Lord of the God Ruins has died tragically under the immortal robbery, and his breath has disappeared."

"The chance of Immortal Ascension in this Universe belongs to us."

All the characters in the background are shocked and excited, killing there, waiting for the eternal anticipation, just for this last moment.

Everyone wanted to blast open the door and rush into it.

The one-eyed Daoist is even worse. His eyes are full of enthusiasm, and he does not hesitate to use the most powerful forbidden weapon. The surging aura is like a fairy sword, blasting there, making the entire universe turbulent.

The immortal calamity collapsed, the thunder sea was dispersing, and the shrouded light was also fading, as if after the Lord of the Gods Ruins was torn apart, his Immortal Ascension robbery was also dispersing, and it will not last long. live.

Seeing that all the characters in the background suddenly became blurred because of Lei Jie's dispersal, the immortal gate that seemed to be going away was even more crazy.

Their Cultivation Base is not enough for them to provoke their Immortal Ascension here.

But Xianmen is right in front of them, Xianlu is in it, 24 how can they give up?


The endless attack was killed again, like evolving everything since the opening of the sky. It was so strong that it was trembling. Throughout the ages, there has been no such horror.

Kunji Universe is constantly collapsing, the star field has already collapsed, and the eyes are full of sores.

There are aftermath everywhere, and even the chaotic energy has been washed away, permeating the tattered Universe.

The mighty army outside the Kunji Universe, watching this shocking scene, was full of excitement and shock.

Even some cultivators with a low Cultivation Base feel that they are following those backgrounds and are opening up a fairy road.

This is an unprecedented grand occasion. I have witnessed the Immortal Ascension, which is the foundation of the world's recovery, and watched them step into the legendary realm.

"After waiting for eternity, I finally saw this day, no regrets in this life

They were in Jurong, and they were so excited to tears.

"Kill, even if there is no road ahead, what if the immortal gate is not opened, I will fight a way later, no one can stop me from waiting for Immortal Ascension."

All the characters from the background are rushing into the sky at this moment, and they are almost overwhelming and swallowing the past and the present. Their eyes are like heavenly swords and immortal swords.

It was an unprecedented terrible will, condensed in the front, and moved all cultivators, enough to shock the ages and the world.

That vague portal, but now it is becoming faint, as if it will soon dissipate and cannot last forever.

But there is light in it that attracts all the characters in the background. There is a breath of immortal permeation, letting them go to it, making their pores stretched, their souls are bright, and they are going to rise all over the world.

"The fairy gate is going to disappear, today I will use the origin as a guide, and I will reconnect to the fairy road in this life."

Someone was drinking, and five colorful Taoist swords appeared above their heads, as if they were overflowing with immortal energy, it was extremely astonishing.

As the characters with the background are sacrificing their own origins, their whole bodies are shining brightly, making their own Cultivation Base height, increasing, and even reaching a terrifying point, very close to the so-called "fairy".

They are trying to lead the gateway, don't let it go.

Everyone is taking action, as the immortal gate is solidifying again, all kinds of killer moves are going to blow away there.

Until a terrible big crack appeared there, I saw the magnificent ancient city wall, fairy soldiers and generals through the door, which were condensed by the rules, but they seemed very real.

They even saw the fairy phoenix, the White Tiger, and the true dragon flying into the sky.


In the end, Guanghua was too bright, as if the sun exploded there, and the fairy gate was finally exploded. The magnificent city wall was exposed in front of all the characters in the background, and endless smoke rushed in.

However, soon after the fairy gate opened, there were signs of closing.At this point, a group of characters could no longer bear it. stand up.

The goal of everyone just now was to open the fairy gate, but when the fairy gate opened, the rest of the remaining characters were their greatest enemy.

Light and rain are flying, all over the sky, the big crack and the Immortal Ascension road are all light, brilliant and crystal, but it is also terrifying, such a light spot is enough to penetrate the supreme, the quasi emperor, etc., it is difficult to survive .

Killing here, it can be said that everyone's eyes are red, and they want to keep approaching the portal, enter the fairy road, and achieve the position of immortality.

This is the greatest desire since the ages, and no one can stop it.

"The road is ahead"

There was a figure with a background that was shrouded in colorful light, rushed to the front of the fairy gate, saw the scene, couldn't help but yelled.

However, when he rushed into it, he saw that the things condensed by the law were shattering, the city wall was collapsing, and the fairy road was breaking.

"Xianlu has disappeared, something is wrong, there is something mysterious in it, Xianlu is separated by a sea of ​​world."

The figure of the background yelled, extremely excited, the figure quickly rushed into the fairy gate, and instantly disappeared.

Behind him, many people from the background also rushed over, too fast, and rushed over in the blink of an eye, racing against time, for fear of falling behind.

The bright rays of the sun flew up, and suddenly there was light at the end of the empty void.

The magnificent world that disappeared earlier appeared faintly, and there was a force of longevity to attract everyone, but it seemed to be separated by a sea of ​​worlds.

"It's really immortal, I'm waiting for Immortal Ascension in this life."

The eyes of all the characters who entered the fairy road suddenly lit up, like a bright fire, illuminating the ages, and hurried to there.


"Just a little bit, I was able to enter it.

Outside of the fairy gate, the people with the background that have not been driven into it can only look at them unwillingly, their eyes flushed 757, and the fairy gate is slowly closing, as if to isolate them forever.

The one-eyed Daoist of Tianhuang Mountain was extremely unwilling. His speed was already very fast, but he was still not as good as the others.

Some of them specialize in speed, and even time has been involved. The others are also very good at this. With world speed, he simply can't catch up.

"Even if the fairy gate is closed, what if it can be opened for the first time just now, now it can be opened for the second time."

However, the figure with the background was never discouraged, and soon recovered, his eyes shone on the ancient portal like a fire, and he decided to open the fairy gate again.

Those who rushed in just now had fewer than 20 people, and now there are more than a dozen people out there. They regained their confidence after hearing the words, and shot again to open the fairy gate and become the second batch of people to enter.

However, when the door was blasted open again, the scene seen in it was different. There was blood shining into the sky, and even some blood flowed out along the crack of the door.


A mournful roar came, and one of the figures was roaring. The voice was stern and terrifying. It shocked Kun's Great Universe, and made people feel a desperate mood.

It can be seen from outside the door that his breath is dissipating, and the whole figure seems to have been phototransmitted, as if he could not bear the breath of flying immortals.

This horror scene changed the complexion of these characters, but the opportunity of Immortal Ascension was right in front of them, and they didn't care too much, they rushed into the fairy gate one after another, unwilling to fall behind.