Ch 791

After many people from the background rushed into the immortal gate, there was also beginning to heal, and they continued to close together.

However, many people look at this scene, but they feel cold all over.

What is there in the fairy gate?

Why did those people who entered it for the first time screamed desperately and screamed.

The people outside the Kunji Universe can't see the scene at all, and don't know what happened in the fairy gate, which will make the characters in the background so desperate.

The distance is too far apart. In their position, they don't even know everything in the Kunji Universe.

Moreover, that kind of surging worship and peerless aura is too terrifying, even if an enlightened person touches it, it will explode Tongfen in an instant.

Who would dare to set foot on that universe easily?

"Is this Immortal Ascension gate a conspiracy? Obviously, the master of the gods' ruins has been obliterated by the combined forces of all the existence of the foundation, and it is torn apart, and his body and spirit are destroyed."

"But why the Kunji Universe is still so dark, as if it has fallen into eternal silence, without the slightest change."

Someone's voice trembled. This was an enlightened man. It was originally Mount Tai who collapsed in front of him and did not change his face, but now it is full of fear, trembling there.

Because he thought of a possibility that all the characters in the background were actually defeated?

That is not a real fairy gate.

"If the Lord of the God Ruins did not die, his breath still exists, this is hard to imagine.,

"He is calculating the entire upper bound."

Everyone was horrified and uneasy, but the characters behind them finally rushed in, and no one stayed outside the fairy gate.

Even if someone reacts now and guesses this possibility, what can be done? They were just like those people from the background, extremely excited, and even felt that they could witness the grand occasion of Immortal Ascension with their own eyes.

The huge Kunji Universe was once again filled with darkness.

The fog that didn't know where it came from spread and swept there quickly, even coming towards the outside of the domain, covering the sky and the earth.

"It's not right. Fortunately, I just held back it. I can't stay here for a long time.

"But, what if there are other surprises? Wait a minute."

And at this moment, in another extremely barren and tattered Universe, several horrible figures shrouded in the vast chaos and mist, are looking at the scenes happening in the Kunji Universe with some lingering fears.

They are also natural figures, but they are extremely cautious.

Even if the immortal gate had been blasted open before, and the light of Immortal Ascension escaped, I never went there, and I was holding back, suppressing myself.

Now that the fairy gate is closed, those flying fairy lights are also disappearing, and even the long biomass that has appeared before has begun to become thinner.

This made them extremely shocked, and instantly realized that there must be something wrong with them.

If it is true that the road of Immortal Ascension is coming, then how can it be so erratic. Those Immortal Ascension breaths that escaped before are like bait, attracting them to go.

"When all the fish were in the net, they took away all the bait directly and resolutely."

"The Lord of the God Ruins is fishing, he must not die, all of this is his handwriting."

These characters from the background were horrified and felt deep fear. The background who rushed into the fairy gate just now existed, but there were dozens of them.

That is the strongest heritage of the Upper Realm in countless years. If it were all buried here because of this incident, it would definitely turn the Upper Realm upside down and erupt infinite waves.

"Amitābha, thanks to the golden sun goddess' reminder, this made the old monk escape."

And in the remote Universe on the other side, the ancient Buddha and others who had planned to leave before were all in cold sweat.

If it weren't for being pulled by the goddess of the golden sun just now, they could hold back.

Otherwise, when the immortal gate was closed, they had already rushed over, and almost couldn't help but rushed into it like the rest of the characters in the background.

They are not far away from Kunji Universe. In fact, they still have obsessions in their hearts. They are not reconciled and don't want to just give up.

However, these scenes made them shiver, and their whole body was chilly, and their souls would be completely frozen and cracked.

"Are they all scams?"

A character with the background became even more desperate, and his face suddenly turned gray.

There is no doubt, even if they know that the Era Tree is in the hands of the master of the gods, what can they do?

Even if you hold an immortal weapon, the Universe will also be suppressed here, and it can't be completely eliminated.How can you snatch the Immortal Ascension opportunity from its hands?

This is a mortal game that is well designed and waiting for them to come and die.

Perhaps the only lucky thing is that they are dead. They are not dead yet, they have not fallen into it, and there is a chance to escape back to the upper realm.

"If it were the Lord of the God Market, Immortal Ascension at this time."

"We are all over. Such a cruel character definitely won't keep me waiting to survive."

"If he is Immortal Ascension, I am afraid that the upper realm will completely fall, and no one can check and balance.

The voice of the inner figure who spoke just now trembled, and the indescribable sense of fear came again.

The expressions of the Golden Sun Goddess, the ancient Buddha and others all sank, and their hearts were full of yin.

"Maybe we think too much?" someone murmured.

However, no one agreed with this statement.

Kunji Universe was peaceful. Two batches of background characters entered one after another. There was no movement, like a mud cow entering the sea.

Such a flying fairy is too plain, without any waves, which makes people feel unreal.

Especially since there were screams just now, it was extremely shocking.

"~What is it in that fairy gate?"

In the Divine Ruins, the Emperor Huang Yu was shocked by those scenes just now, and she couldn't help but ask Taotian at this moment.

"Behind the fairy gate, is his world."

Taotian replied calmly, feeling that the environment of the world has become faster and faster.At this time, Gu Changge should be truly Immortal Ascension, which step has been taken?


The desperate and unwilling screams sounded, but it was impossible to spread to the real world.

Outside the fairy gate, as Taotian said, it is a world, the inner universe of Gu Changge.

He imitated Samsara's ancient heavenly respect, using immortal gate as bait, but the deity waited in it, waiting for a group of characters with the background to exhaust themselves, then stepped into it and became the nourishment for his promotion.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Changge was in the inner universe, looking at the scene outside, indifferent.

It wasn't until the first batch of background characters rushed in that he started to do it, and the result is naturally predictable. In his inner universe, his mind is heaven and earth.

Although the Kunji Universe has been refined by him (Zhao Li Zhao), how can the degree of fit compare to the inner Universe that he has evolved for so many years?

"Who on earth are you? Why do you have to work so hard to wait for me?"

The characters with the background are crazy, and I never expected that they would rush beyond the immortal gate and cross the sea of ​​the world, and they would see the master of the gods again here.

This Immortal Ascension was a fantasy, a dream.

They roared, their eyes were red, as if they were still fighting because of the beasts, they were on the verge of despair, and they fell from heaven to The Underworld, knowing that everything is empty joy, empty waiting.

Gu Changge sat there, his expression indifferent, and he turned the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd and pointed it forward, suddenly as if the most terrifying wild beast was born in the ages.

A terrifying aura surged forward, and the real world outside the inner universe was almost shattered!

In the outside world, many small stars exploded directly and turned into child fans, all of which were destroyed by this fluctuation.

The characters from the background who were about to rush to him burst into pieces, and were swept by the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd. A breath of breath was enough to collapse their bodies. .