Ch 792

In Gu Changge's inner universe, all the characters in the background are crazy, and they all kill him, like crazy.

No one thought that all these efforts would be in vain in the end.

Immortal Ascension is fake, Immortal Gate is fake, and even the flying fairy aura of this Universe is also fake. Immortal Ascension is a conspiracy. The Era Tree is only used as bait to attract them to come.

They really hate Gu Changge for penetrates the bone, and they can't wait to cramp and pull him to pieces.

Many characters from the background have already ignored them, burning their own true souls, offering immortal weapons, and bombarding Gu Changge who was smashed by the halberd.

However, the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd just swept in the direction where they were, all the rules were exploded, and even the fluctuation of the fairy weapon was eliminated and became dim.

All the attacks are like mud cows entering the sea, and it is impossible to harm Gu Changge.

This scene made them even more desperate. They couldn't feel the slightest vitality. The real world outside was right in front of them, close at hand, but they couldn't escape, and they exploded here one after another.

"who are you?"

A figure with a background that looked like a golden giant roared and slew in front of Gu Changge. With a punch, the golden light was surging, and he could blast the Universe, but he couldn't even touch Gu Changge's robes.


The sky fell apart, and the icy light of the halberd fell horizontally, swept down, and directly split the eyebrows of this golden giant, including the soul, instantly torn apart.

Gu Changge's expression was indifferent, without the slightest emotion. Looking at them was like looking at ants struggling under their feet.

In his eyes, these characters are destined to escape from the inner universe. In the end, they can only be the nourishment for him to take that step. Naturally, there will be no mercy or mood swings.

After all, this 757 has been doomed from the beginning, and there can be no changes.

"It's sad.

Someone miserably tried to break through the fake fairyland, but there was endless thunder from the sky and the earth, and every blow hit the top of his head, causing him to cough up blood and stumble, unable to support it for long.

In order to get to this fairyland and break through the immortal gate, they have expended a lot of effort and no longer peaked.

And the current inner universe, under the control of Gu Changge, unless the Immortal Dao is revived, it is impossible to destroy it. The Universe in the square just shakes.


In the Universe in this area, there was an abnormal movement, a chaotic hole emerged, and the Blood Qi was permeated around it, and it continued to spread, shrouding the fallen characters.

Even if they were dead, they did not escape their fate as a nourishment. They were just swallowed up by the Chaos Cave. There was real fire around them, and they began to burn.

Some weapons that were swallowed in, even collapsed and exploded, turning into children's powder in the sky.

A figure of the background, who couldn't bear this kind of sight, roared and killed the chaos hole.

But without exception, it was swallowed in just an instant, and suddenly there was no sound.

The next moment, there was a loud noise in the chaotic hole, blood was splashing, brightly dazzling, and the tip of the heart was shaking, and the pores all over the body were like needles.

The bright red blood splashed like red diamonds, and the wine came up from the chaotic cave. The fog needed to be filled, and the white bones all fell out, shockingly shocking.

The speed at which this man from the background has fallen has made the rest of the people desperate. When did they become lambs to be slaughtered.

They are the most powerful and invincible figures in the upper realm since the ages.

"It's your turn, the one-eyed Daoist of Tianhuangshan.

Gu Changge's gaze fell on a group of people with heritage.

Especially with the one-eyed Daoist who is extremely panic, Gu Changge has been paying attention to this person very early, and naturally will not let him go.

On the day of his marriage to Yueming Sora, Tianhuangshan dispatched enlightened persons to intercept and try to cause trouble.

On that day of great joy, I deliberately disgusted myself.

Gu Changge has long regarded Tianhuang Mountain as a dead person, and when the matter here is resolved, he will step on Tianhuang Mountain.

The one-eyed Daoist in front of him has repeatedly planned secretly, wanting to get rid of himself.

Gu Changge ignored it before and was busy arranging the overall situation, but it didn't mean he wouldn't care.

"You know me, who are you?"

Seeing that his whole body was covered with chaos and mist, and he seemed to be sitting at the end of the long river of time, he suddenly looked at himself.

The one-eyed Daoist was cold and frightened. His spirits were all in Yan Li, and there was a feeling of being seen through, and the heavenly spirit cover seemed to be uncovered.

However, Gu Changge did not answer him, only a big hand came from there.

The Chaos Qi spread and directly shot at the one-eyed Daoist, causing him to cough up blood and fly upside down. His body almost fell apart, and he couldn't avoid it at all.


The one-eyed Daoist spouted blood, horrified but terrified, and felt that the breath was very familiar. He had seen it with his own eyes.

Who the hell is it?

Who the hell is it?

He can't remember it wrong. The Lord of the Gods Market in front of him is definitely a person he has seen before, and he can't be borrowed from an unknown person.

"It's you "

"Gu Changge!!!"

Suddenly, thinking of something, the one-eyed Daoist coughed and trembled, his words were incomplete, and an unprecedented sense of fear enveloped him.

His eyes grew sharply, an unimaginable horror idea grew in his mind, his whole body was chilly, and his limbs were cold.

How could this be possible? Obviously, when he left the upper realm, he had inquired about Gu Changge's traces. After knowing that he was married, he was staying at the Changsheng Gu's house and never left.

Then how did he come to the Kunji Universe and become the Lord of the God Ruins, killing all the Daoist forces in the (cedh) world?

This is too scary and incredible, the one-eyed Daoist can't believe all this will be true at all.

The rest of the characters in the background were also horrified to the extreme at this time. They never expected that at this time, the one-eyed Daoist would actually call out a character that they would not even dare to imagine.

That forbidden era supremely existed the reincarnated junior?

The big black hand behind all this is actually him?

"You, how did you do it?" The one-eyed Daoist's voice was full of fear, and his face was trembling.

He knew that Gu Changge would definitely not let own, he had planned many times in secret to harm him and wanted to kill him.

With such a deep hatred, Gu Changge would definitely kill him.

Gu Changge didn't expect that the one-eyed Daoist would recognize himself, but at this time, it doesn't matter whether he recognizes it or not.

The fairy mist on his face dissipated, revealing his true face, and the whole person was indifferent like a god sitting at the end of the world, overlooking them.

That terrifying Chaos Cave, floating above his head, filled with endless Blood Qi, and then a number of avenue runes fell and condensed into a avenue bottle.

"Let's talk about it, how do you want to die this time?"

He opened his mouth indifferently and looked at the one-eyed Daoist. The Eight Devil Halberd was in the air, and a ray of aura fell, directly causing the one-eyed Daoist to burst and the colorful blood flowed out, and his half-life was immediately gone.

"This is the weapon that appeared in the Forbidden Era. A demon who has a demon heart in later generations has imitated the power of the demon and can kill everything."

"You are the culprit of the Taboo Era, you have been reincarnated to this day!"

At this time, the figure with the background recognized the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd, his pupils shrank directly, his voice trembled, and he was shocked to the extreme.

I thought it was scary enough to know that Gu Changge was behind all this today.

But still did not expect that before he was reincarnated, he turned out to be the culprit of Taboo Era.

The reason why the upper realm has changed drastically, the rules are broken, and the Immortal Ascension cannot be immortal, are actually caused by him.

This kind of thing has never been revealed before, and no one even dared to think about it.

"He is the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons?"

"No wonder, no wonder, everything that happens in the upper realm is dominated by you behind your back. You hide so deeply."

One-eyed Daoist was shocked by the news again, pale and desperate.

This news is definitely more horrifying than Gu Changge's plan for the entire upper realm, because it represents the truth of the separation between the fairyland and the upper realm, and even attracts the existence of the real fairyland and attracts attention.

But he also knows that even if this matter will have any impact, they will not be able to see it.

Everyone is horrified but desperate at the moment. Being contrived by such characters, it seems that they have nothing to regret.

Gu Changge didn't say much, and there was really nothing to say. They would not be useful if they understood the truth, let alone have any influence on him.

The next moment, that chaotic cave bloomed with endless light, it was like a flying fairy cave, completely enveloped this world, everyone collapsed in it, like a grid, became bright, and then photochemically Falling away, it becomes a flood of light and rain in the sky.

In the end, all here belonged to a real dead silence, only some immortal artifacts that could not be refined were scattered all over the place, and the gods in it were already asleep, not empty shells.

Of course, there are also some gods and gods who were sacrificed by the inner figures in the end, trying to pose a threat to Gu Changge, but they did not play any role.

"This is the real light of Immortal Ascension, but unfortunately you can't appreciate it anymore."

Gu Changge whispered, bathed in this rain of light, the primordial spirit sitting in the soul palace walked out and began to condense the light of Immortal Ascension.

The vast ocean-like energy surging in the inner universe, gathered towards him, as if blessing him, forging him the foundation of immortality.