Ch 793

Gu Changge sits in the depths of the inner universe, and the majestic origin of the fog has enveloped the entire Kunji Universe.

The vast energy rushed to him frantically, turning into a vast Wang Yang beside him, constantly pounced and beaten, so that his Tianling Gai became bright and translucent.

And his primordial spirit walked out of the soul palace, sat cross-legged there, swallowing these energy, and constantly tempered.

In the land of the sacred ruins, the era tree emits a thousand zhang divine light, where there is a fairy light blooming, and the era fruit is manifested, directly like a bright sun, reflecting the heavens and the universe, following Gu Changge's thoughts, ~ Chong To the high altitude.

At this moment, his primordial spirit is being tempered by Jiyuan Daoguo, meditation is realizing, being washed by the light of flying immortals in it, with the aura of immortal Dao, condensing above the primordial spirit.

The drop of Demon Lord's true blood that had been condensed in the Burial Demon Abyss before spread out like a blood mist of a group of xenon, and merged into Gu Chang-ge's body.

Every inch of his pores are spraying with fairy light, and they are shining to the extreme.

The terrifying and majestic power is surging, it is as if a punch can blast through the eternity, and a ray of blood can shatter the Universe.

Of course, Gu Changge knows very well that he is only Realm now, and the rules of the era fruit have made up for the incomplete rules of heaven and earth, so that his soul has entered the level of realm belonging to the immortal realm.

However, if you want to truly achieve the immortal position, you must also have the tempering of the immortal thunder tribulation, so that the physical body will be transformed, and the true immortal will be achieved.

Gu Changge is not worried, because he knows where the real fairy road will manifest.

When I was still in the Celestial Immortals Palace, there was a fairy road in the ancient continent.

He used the hands of Yuemingkong to grab food from the tiger's rook, and won many faeries.

Although the times have changed, if Xianlu wants to manifest itself, it will definitely not be far away from that area.

He is now just letting the primordial spirit achieve the position of immortal Dao first. Of course, in terms of Gu Changge's current physical horror, even if it is a real immortal physical body, it may not be able to rival his current physical body.

When he thoroughly refines this drop of true blood, he then condenses his physical body with the meaning of good fortune, which can be immortal, the universe collapses and he is Immortal.


"It's finally here."

Gu Changge got up, the air of the immortal Dao between his mouth and nose slashed out, like an immortal sword, directly bursting open the thousands of star fields.

The Universe in front was shattered, and the mighty and invisible army of all races outside the Kunji Universe instantly became children's fans, and disappeared without any sound, without any fluctuations left.

And with his primordial spirit Immortal Ascension, a vision appeared in the heavens and the earth.

Above the Kunji Universe, there was a sudden rush of chaotic fairy light, and in the shining light, a distant and fuzzy real fairyland was reflected.

Peach Demon and Emperor Huang Yu were witnesses to the light of this Immortal Ascension, and their hearts were very restless.


Nine Heavens is turbulent, and the endless bright light penetrates the border of the Universe in an instant, causing turmoil for a long time.

At this moment, a monstrous light rushed from the depths of the Universe, dimming the billions of stars in the endlessly distant upper realm.

"What, that is?!"

"Difficult, is it the legendary chaotic light

"This is impossible, this is the light of Immortal Ascension!"

"What the hell is going on, where is the immortal gate? How could someone be able to Immortal Ascension? Could it be that the people who sought the opportunity of Immortal Ascension succeeded?"

Seeing this scene, countless cultivators and creatures were shocked and shocked.

The distant upper realms, the immortal heritage and the remaining characters of the supreme orthodoxy, are all shocked and horrified, looking at the distant starry sky, the end of the universe, the end of the universe.

"The light of Immortal Ascension, Immortal, shining through the past and present!"

"How is it possible, at the end of this era, the immortal gate is not opened, how can someone Immortal Ascension? Even if they win the era tree, it is impossible to Immortal Ascension at this time, they have to wait until the opportunity of Immortal Ascension comes."

"But this is indeed the breath of Immortal Ascension. Someone is Immortal Ascension at this time."

The voices of these characters were trembling, and they felt that something incredible had happened.

From this direction, the light of Immortal Ascension came from the distant Kunji Universe. It was too far apart, but it was also difficult to stop the glorious world, which could reflect the heavens and the universe.

That is the light of Immortal Ascension that crushes all the characters in the background. The spirit of immortality is above everything.

In the eyes of the existence of Realm, they are ants, because that is the real Immortal existence.

"It's incredible. I saw the light of Immortal Ascension with my own eyes. Although it only bloomed in an instant, there was definitely someone who wanted Immortal Ascension."

Not to mention other cultivators, even the most terrifying life forbidden zone came from shocked voices. I didn't believe it at all, and I was shocked and speechless.

However, this is the real thing. Immortal Ascension shines on the universe, although only for a moment.

But the endless light rain and wine fall, directly sweeping the stars in the upper realm.

…For flowers…

Many enlightened people are at a loss, feel at a loss, and feel incredible.

Why didn't they perceive the opportunity of Immortal Ascension in this world?

Because this is the end of the epoch, the immortal gate has not been opened, and the immortal road has not appeared.

Once Immortal Ascension, it will be unimaginable, and it will directly affect all universes, which are known to all races and religions, and deeply shocked everyone.

Because for eternity, only Xianmen appeared and walked into Xianlu to achieve Xiantai.

In this case, Immortal Ascension can be recognized by the world.

Moreover, there is no immortal gate and immortal road, how about Immortal Ascension?

This has surpassed their cognition and can hardly believe it.

At this moment, various rules emerge in the Kunji Universe.

The nectar falls from the sky, the god springs from the ground, and countless golden lotus flowers grow in the void. The various visions are beyond words. The whole world is Sacred's.

Although separated by an endless distance, it was only a moment of diffuse aura, which shocked countless ancient existences.

All races and traditions were shocked, followed by immense excitement, wanting to know which family's background character Immortal Ascension was.

Immortal Ascension in the red dust, before the end of the epoch, this kind of difficulty is like ascending to the sky, it is almost impossible to complete!

Even if the cultivation of the Tao has been for a long time, it is extremely rare to calculate according to the deduction. It needs the guidance of Immortal Ascension Road and the tempering of the light of Immortal Ascension.

What is the reason why the characters of various ethnic backgrounds compete for the era tree? Naturally, it is to attract the complete rules of the world and make the Immortal Ascension road reappear, so as to enter it and achieve the immortal realm.

However, the Immortal Ascension of the mysterious person now surpassed all their cognition and imagination, and felt that it was impossible.

Because no one felt the lead of Immortal Ascension Road, naturally they did not see the mighty light of Immortal Ascension.

However, the only thing confirmed by the various races and traditions of the upper realm is the people of Immortal Ascension, who must have been the people who killed the Kunji Universe before and sought the foundation of the era tree.

Because they had reached that point a long time ago, they just missed the door. This Immortal Ascension opportunity naturally belongs to them, and no one can take it away.

Now all races and traditions are all excitedly looking forward to seeing the Immortal Ascension person return, because that means that the upper realm now can accommodate a true immortal.

When the great world of Immortal Ascension came, the world changed drastically, and the environment changed drastically. There was an Immortal Ascension person sitting in town, and the result was different. superior,