Ch 794

Gu Changge is dressed in white, and all his breath is converging, becoming simple and unwavering, his face is clear and handsome, his eyes are deep and peaceful, and his hair is crystal clear and light is intertwined, which is very Transcendent.

He walked from the depths of the Kunji Universe, returning to the basics, without immortal light, the whole person looks very natural, but the whole universe seems to be rhythmic with his breathing.

"Senior is he Immortal Ascension?"

In the land of the god ruins, the era tree is still gushing divine light, making a rumbling sound, but it doesn't have the previous turbulence, because the era fruit has been picked by Gu Changge.

Empress Huang Yu looked at all this in shock. It was unimaginable that she would witness such a shocking Immortal Ascension scene with her own eyes one day.

But Tao Tian was more calm and natural, because he had expected it a long time ago and knew that with Gu Changge's methods, he would not tolerate failure.

All this is doomed from the beginning, and there will be no accidents.

"Seven Six Zero" Gu Changge nodded slightly, glanced at the two of them, did not say much, then waved his sleeves and put the Era Tree into his own Universe. The primordial god Immortal Ascension, to him, is actually not much different from the real Immortal Ascension.

When the matter here is resolved, he will also return to the upper realm and begin to clear everything out.

At the same time, the Kunji Universe in front of him quickly shrank with his thoughts, as if a kind of supreme power appeared, removing this universe from nothingness.

He took the Kunji Universe away, and at the same time erased all traces of this place, as if this piece of heaven and earth had never appeared before, he had never appeared here.

Of course, except for the wrecks of ancient warships scattered outside the Kunji Universe.

These scenes are too amazing. Many cultivator creatures in the distant universe are deeply shocked and shocked.

After the light of Immortal Ascension rushed out of Kunji Universe, the surrounding space quickly collapsed, as if it was trapped in an eternal black hole. All the rules of matter were annihilated.

Now even Kunji Universe has disappeared, completely erased from this world.

This method makes them feel horrified and shocked, and only real immortals can achieve this level.

There is no doubt that a fairy was born before. The vast and endless fluctuations spread throughout the heavens and domains. Diffuse.

After the Taboo Era, no one knows the origin of the first immortal born in the world, only knowing that countless creatures have been destroyed here, and there are simply innumerable.

Even enlightened people, as cannon fodder, are like leeks, dying one after another.

Dozens of people in the background died tragically, like a mud cow entering the sea, and after finally rushing into the fairy gate, there was no trace.

The things here will definitely shock the heavens and domains, and the rest of the ancient world except the upper realm will be shocked by it.

The light of Immortal Ascension ended, but the current Upper Realm was not at all peaceful. The army that had rushed to the Kunji Universe before had completely returned to the Upper Realm. Almost immediately, they informed what had happened there.

The Upper Realm, which was already in chaos, was even more blasted, as if it had been ignited, and an unprecedented storm broke out.

There is no orthodox force that can sit still at this time. Even the existence in the oldest forbidden zone is shuddering and feels extremely fearful.

The opportunity of Immortal Ascension has changed, and it is not a real manifestation.

Is Jiyuan Daoguo just a bait?

All the orthodox forces and foundations that rushed away have become big fish and are buried in it?

Immortal Ascension is not the existence of those who rushed away, but another mysterious person, he is the big black hand behind the overlap of epochs, is a ruthless person who calculates the heavens and the universe.

This is an extremely cruel truth. Many people shouted when they learned it and couldn't accept it. Some even fainted directly with endless grief in their hearts.

Perhaps it was to confirm the truth of this news. Some orthodox lands, there were visions in the sky, bloody rain was overwhelming, accompanied by wailing and crying, the whole star field stretched, and the scene was terrifying.

And the sacred mountain where there was a ray of soul sitting on it before, it collapsed and exploded in the first place, and it was torn apart.

Among them, the sorrows of sentient beings spread, and the blood mist drifted away, as if it were reflecting the scene of the Kunji Universe, and the avenues of life were disappearing and dying.

Accompanied by a great road of life going away, it means the fall of a figure of the inside. This is the unimaginable sorrow of the upper realm, but the real sadness, and the most unbearable pain of all orthodoxy.

In addition to the death of the characters in the background, the immortal artifacts of those forces were also left in that battle, and their traces are unknown.

This is an unbearable horrible pain. There are no characters to sit in, no fairy tools to suppress the luck, and it does not even take a hundred years. In the chaotic upper realm, in just a few years, it may be completely wiped out from the long river of history. .

This is the end of a solitary one

Of course, in today's chaotic upper realm, the forces that die out every day are almost like the sands of the Ganges River, and there are too many to count.

It's just that the Orthodoxy forces are far less old than Immortal Orthodoxy.

"This is a tragic disaster. Almost everyone who went to Immortal Ascension died.

"A ruthless man has calculated the Upper Realm for countless years. From the very beginning, after the era tree was stolen, he began to calculate, like a shadow, hiding behind a long river of time, until this moment, he also revealed his true face."

"The darkness Heaven Court that suddenly appeared during this period of time may have been erected by that ruthless man."

"Before everyone could not guess the origin of this dark Heaven Court, but now I feel terrified when I think about it, because the Lord of the Dark Heaven Court is a real fairy."

Many people who have never participated in this opportunity of Immortal Ascension exist, and they all feel chills all over, and they are extremely lucky.

But I'm also afraid, if they didn't hold back before, I'm afraid they would have fallen there now.

Those characters who returned from Kunji Universe were even more frightened, worried that they would be liquidated by the ruthless man. Although they finally escaped, in the eyes of the existence of Xiandao, it is the same whether they can escape or not.

From this day on, the upper realm was shrouded in an atmosphere of extreme fear and anxiety, and everyone was in danger.

Ren Ancestral Hall, in the magnificent palace, Jiang Chuchu with a thin face, looking at the stars in the distance, whispered softly, "Have you succeeded?"

Although Gu Changge hadn't told this matter, she knew very well that the man who planned the heavens was Gu Changge.

3.7 The Ancestral Hall of the People is detached from things. Although the upper realm of this time is in a catastrophic situation, it has not been affected.

Moreover, because of Gu Changge, the Ancestral Hall was also sheltered and remained detached.

But Jiang Chuchu was very haggard. Although he knew that what Gu Changge was doing was a bad thing that harmed the heavens, he couldn't help but worry.

Because this matter is too extensive, so many characters have been born, how should he face it?

At the same time, she was confused and at a loss.

She is the Holy Maiden of Human Ancestral Hall, cannot save the common people, the doctrine of Human Ancestral Hall, at this time, actually appears extremely fragile.

In the end, she accepted it frankly, feeling that what Gu Changge said was right, and it is right for a person to live for one's own life.

"Should you come to see me? You promised me.

With a small smile on his face, Jiang Chuchu looked at the boundless starry sky, waiting for Gu Changge to return.