Ch 795

The upper realm was a sensation, and the mighty army fled back from the distant Kunji Universe, bringing back news that made everyone feel horrified and trembling.

All the Orthodox forces are in fear, thinking that it will not be long before there will be catastrophes that will endanger the entire upper realm, and no one can be spared.

The big black hand hidden behind the scenes, he achieved the position of immortality and ruled the dark Heaven Court, and the entire upper realm would live under his shadow.

Many of the characters who had escaped from the background were trembling, and they tried every means to return to the clan and prepare many forbidden devices. They were extremely worried.

Because that ruthless man, after returning to the upper realm, is bound to carry out a major cleanup, and all the power groups will not escape this fate.

And they are the first to bear the brunt. After all, they are the characters of the foundation, the strongest under the fairyland, if they don't surrender, it is definitely a dead end.

Although the world environment of the upper realm is changing drastically now, it is changing and recovering at a faster rate than before.

But if you have to wait 24 to the environment of heaven and earth, and really adapt, and can accommodate more immortals, it will take at least hundreds of years, or even longer.

Unless they have a way, like that ruthless person, Immortal Ascension in such a world environment.

But how small is such a possibility? It is extremely slim, and there is almost no possibility.

During this time, all the Orthodox forces in the upper realm were in fear, extremely worried, trembling every day, living in fear and uneasiness, unable to be as comfortable as before.

Even the most ancient, long-lasting and profoundly profound ethnic families are hiding in the Minor World, choosing to close their contact with the outside world, which is considered self-protection.

But they also know that such a method has limited effects. If a real immortal Dao exists and wants to penetrate in, it can't stop him.

There are also many people who are speculating that the true identity of that ruthless person was contacted by Samsara Gu Tianzun.

But recently, I saw him in the Dark Heaven Court. I dispelled the speculation. The people behind were suddenly surprised. It turned out that even Samsara Gu Tianzun was also a member of the Dark Heaven Court.

This news is even more shocking, but no one knows that this Samsara Ancient Heavenly Venerable is just a body.

The upper realm became more and more chaotic, and everyone was in danger, but after Gu Changge returned to the upper realm, he was very quiet, silent, no momentum appeared, and no one was disturbed.

He appeared in the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty and met Yue Mingkong. After the two got married, they didn't spend much time together.

Later, because of the appearance of the flying fairy light, the upper realm began to mess up, and Yuemingkong could only return to the Wushuangxian Dynasty for the first time and deal with many things.

As for Tao Tian, ​​she returned to Tao Village. Empress Huang Yu went to the universe where the Yuhua God Dynasty was now in the middle of the journey. She was a little worried, and Gu Changge naturally ignored her.

"I know you will succeed, but you still have to worry about it."

In the depths of the palace, Yue Mingkong was dressed in gauze, her delicate body was exquisitely raised, and her beauty was amazing. Lying in Gu Changge's arms, her beautiful eyes were staring at his face, as if she had been fascinated.

Gu Changge smiled slightly, put his chin on her head, and said, "How can I fail? No one in this world can stop me. I will soon be able to get through the immortal realm and make you all Immortal Ascension."

"Immortal Ascension is too far away, I still have a long way to go before enlightenment."

"I actually don't have much desire for Immortal Ascension, as long as I'm by your side, it's fine."

Yue Mingkong whispered, at this moment unprecedented peace of mind, all the worries during this period of time have disappeared, and you can sleep peacefully.

She hadn't wanted much for a long time, even after taking charge of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, she was still trying everything she could to help Gu Changge.

For her, the importance of rights and so on are dispensable.

"If you are tired, give Wushuang Xianchao to someone else and take a good rest."

"I don't need you to do so much for me."

Gu Changge looked at her sleeping side face and gently smoothed her raised brows, feeling a little distressed.

However, Yue Mingkong just replied like a dream. He was obviously tired. Gu Changge smiled, with a soft expression on his face.

It was indeed a bit toss her just now.

A few days later, he left the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty and went to the Renzu Hall to meet Jiang Chuchu. Long ago, he promised her that he would marry her, but this promise has not been fulfilled.

Gu Changge always remembered that he had promised many people's promises, but there were not many that he really wanted to realize.

Jiang Chuchu's promise, he will not break his promise.

"After you Immortal Ascension, will you leave the upper realm?"

The curtain is like a cloud, and the fairy mist is misty.

In the palace, Jiang Chuchu asked with his beautiful eyes open, and then pushed him a little embarrassedly, "You are pressing my hair."

Gu Changge was lying on the bed with a lazy look. He didn't even bother to move when he heard the words. He just said, "It depends on the situation, there is no plan to leave the upper bound yet.

"What's more, the fairyland has never been bordered. After so many epochs, who knows what the current state of the fairyland is."


Jiang Chuchu seemed to understand, and then a fawn-like expectation appeared in his eyes, "That is to say, you will stay in the upper realm during this time.

Gu Changge hummed, and didn't know what she was expecting, but Jiang Chuchu was very clingy to him, which was a fact.

After Immortal Ascension, the integration of the Purging Upper Realm is actually very simple for Gu Changge, and there is no need to worry about it.

After he returned to the upper realm, he had already ordered to go down, Ah Da, Ah Er, Yin Mei and others were in charge of the Dark Heaven Court, and they worked very efficiently.

Even if he didn't show up now, almost all the Daoist forces in the upper realm knew that the master behind the Dark Heaven Court was a true immortal.

Who would dare to face the Dark Heaven Court, after all, no one is stupid? The surrender who surrenders, and the one who doesn't surrender will be destroyed.

"Speaking of which, the fellow traverser should not be in the upper realm now.

Gu Changge thought of Wang Zizhen at this time. It has been a long time since I heard from her.

In his opinion, Wang Zizhen is also quite mysterious, possessing a strange physique. He had been trying to figure out the origin of her physique before, but he couldn't stop it later.

In the next few days, Gu Changge stayed in the Hall of the Ancestors, accompanied by Jiang Chuchu, which can be regarded as making up for the debts he has been owed.

Later, he went to the Purple Pill Pill Sect again and asked Xia Lin Qiuhan about the Purple Pill Pill. After learning the whereabouts of part of the pill recipe, he went to fetch it for her.

After all, this pill is about the rapid ascension of everyone around him, and Gu Changge is still very concerned. .