Ch 796

The Purple Pill is a kind of Medicine Pill in the legend of the upper realm. It can be called the elixir, because of its special refining method, which has been circulated in countless epochs.

Later, because of its amazing efficacy, it can help the cultivator break through one after another, and even say that it can break through the roots of the talent and step into another world.

But precisely because of the peculiarities of this Medicine Pill, it was condemned by God, and even the pill recipe was destroyed and disappeared in the long river of time since then.

The Purple Pill Pill Sect can become a major pill sect in the upper realm, and it is quite famous. In fact, it has a deep connection with this Purple Pill Pill.

When Gu Changge sent Lin Qiuhan to the Purple Pole Danzong, he was only considering not to waste her Alchemy talent, and also wanted to train her through the hands of the Purple Pole Danzong.

As for the Purple Extreme Immortal Pill, Lin Qiuhan told him later, and he only knew about it.

"As long as you get the pill recipe, find the right materials and pill furnace, you can start refining, but it may fail at first.

"Today's environment of the world has not yet recovered from the ancient time. Maybe when you refine this pill, you won't encounter the pill calamity. Although it may affect some of the medicinal effects, it is amazing enough."

Lin Qiuhan wears a plain robe, tall and slim, with a thin powder coating on the face.

When it comes to refining the Purple Pill Pill, he is full of excitement, and his eyes are shining.

After all, this is the legendary elixir, basically every pill refining teacher has been pursuing the elixir all his life.

Even if you just witness the pill recipe, you will have no regrets in this life. If you hear about it, you will die and you will not regret it.

"Regarding the pill furnace, I will tell people to find one. If it doesn't work, you can sacrifice another one.

Gu Changge nodded slightly.

Refining Medicine Pill of the level of the Purple Pill Pill, the pill furnace level must not be too bad, many are comparable to Dao Item, but it can't be too bad.

The people around him cannot practice so fast like him, but Gu Changge will still find a way to help them as much as possible.

Yue Mingkong, Jiang Chuchu, and Gu Xian'er are stronger than the younger generation, but in Gu Changge's view, they are still too weak and too weak.

It is still far away from the Supreme, let alone the quasi-emperor, the enlightened person, and even Immortal Ascension.

The coming of Immortal Ascension is actually an opportunity for every cultivator.

Today's young people have terrifying talents and are trying hard to catch up, wanting to seize the opportunity.

"I will not let you down, son "."

Lin Qiuhan's eyes are full of solemnity. With her current pill refining skills, she is still a little sure about refining the Purple Pill.

Gu Changge nodded, and felt relieved for her. After all, she had brought her from the lower realm. Over the years, although she had rarely come to see her, her loyalty to own has never changed.

"I have already ordered the matter of materials, and someone will send it to the Ziji Danzong."

"I will arrange the star fields around here, and no one will disturb you pill refining."

He also said that all Karma that might affect the matter was first eliminated.

Lin Qiuhan knew that in the upper realm today, great chaos was taking place, and some Alchemy Sects had been wiped out.

These days, the Sect Leader, Elder and others of the Purple Pole Danzong are very upset, afraid that Sect will be swallowed and occupied.

If it were in a peaceful age, with this Danzong's transcendent status and connections, naturally no one would dare to provoke it easily.

But now, even those Immortal Orthodox and Supreme Masters have been destroyed one after another.

This time, I went to the remote Kunji Universe to try to seize the opportunity of Immortal Ascension, but they all died there, rarely survived.

A force called the Dark Heaven Court rose rapidly and swept across the heavens and all realms.

Many Taoist traditions have been swallowed or destroyed one after another, and almost all cultivators who hear these four words will feel terrible heart palpitations.

Naturally, Lin Qiuhan also knew about this kind of thing, and he was worried and uneasy in his heart.

Of course, she didn't know that the Lord of Heaven Court, who made the entire upper realm feel terrified and uneasy, was now standing in front of her.

Gu Changge has no plans to tell her this now.

After leaving the Ziji Danzong, Gu Changge went to Chaos Starfield again and met the sisters Ji Qingxuan and Su Qingge.

After the Cultivation Base was blocked, Su Qingge has been living in this life. In the quiet courtyard, playing the piano every day, the mood gradually calmed down.

Before practicing magic arts, it affected the state of mind. In addition, she has always regarded Gu Changge as hope and support in life. Know how to create obstacles.

When I was in the Demon Mountain, I was also bewitched by Chan Hongyi's words and almost fell into the demon.

Now she, on the contrary, has a kind of indifferent to see through all the red dust. After Gu Changge's arrival, she has neither fear nor regret, or the same as before, as if the previous things had never happened.

"Congratulations to the young master and Empress Mingkong on their marriage, but it's a pity that I didn't see the wedding with my own eyes.

Su Qingge is dressed in white, her hair is supple, her face is as white as jade, her facial features are even more delicate, her temperament is cold and refined, just as she was in Sacred Land at the beginning of the Lower Realm.

Gu Changge smiled, but didn't say anything. In fact, when he treated Su Qingge, he was just thinking of making use of it.

In fact, it is not Su Qingge, but everyone around him is like this.

Even later, after he learned of the identity of the inheritor of Su Qingge's magic skills, he also acted along the way and used her as a chess piece.

Su Qingge regards him as the only support and sustenance, and feels that he has been good to her sincerely.

But after Chan Hongyi learned the truth, she would feel that all this is too cruel, the world has collapsed, and her heart is devilish.

Naturally, Gu Changge would not blame her, otherwise he had already killed her on the Hundred Realms Battlefield, and would not bring her into the chaotic Star Territory.

In his life, he has counted many people and used many people, and he rarely entrusted him with his sincerity, not very few, and almost none.

Even at the beginning, he treated Yuemingkong, Jiang Chuchu, and Gu Xian'er with a mindset of utilization.

Naturally, Gu Changge was not qualified to say how others would treat him. At that time, he did not regret (Wang Zhao's) doing so.

"~ During this time, your complexion is much better than before.

He looked at the pretty face close at hand, smiled softly, and then released her from the Cultivation Base, without saying more or explaining.

Su Qingge stared blankly at Gu Changge's feather sleeves, and went away. It took a long time to come back to his senses.

"Thank you, son."

There was a moment of silence, she whispered in her heart.

According to what she knew about Gu Changge, she didn't kill her in the first place. In fact, it was the greatest kindness or gentleness to her.

During this period of time, she played the piano every day, in fact, she had figured out everything a long time ago.

In this world, everyone is struggling to cross, want to go to the other side, or cross people, or cross oneself.

Gu Changge has own crossing method, she also has own crossing method, she has no right to say what she wants others to do.

Everything is an own choice, and what kind of consequences there are, it also belongs to oneself. tail,