Ch 812

Outside the palace, there is a vast square, full of mist and boundless.

There are densely crowded figures all around, but they are all kept quiet. Many ministers are waiting here respectfully, waiting for the Lord to show up to hold this immortal ceremony.

As the name suggests, this grand ceremony was held exclusively for entrusting immortals. Almost every corner of the heavens and ten thousand domains, there are cultivators coming to see this feat with your own eyes.

Many people are also curious, wanting to know whether this so-called Immortal Ascension is as magical and impressive as Gu Changge said, and whether it can make the cultivator above the supreme, from the fan to the immortal.

In the front of the palace, the ministers stood the most forward.

And the forces behind them are the longest and most terrifying. There are several figures of heritage sitting in the center. In addition, there are immortals that survive in the world. Even in the upper realm today, they are still well-deserved overlords.

In the kingdom of God, it also enjoys a respected status, with vast fiefdoms and powerful powers.

Of course, the more advanced ones belong to the Taixu Protoss, Yinshi'an and Taichu Protoss.

The current Patriarch of the Taixu Protoss is named Taixuhou and is highly regarded. In addition, a figure of the Taixu Protoss, Jinyang Tiannv, is said to have a close relationship with a divine concubine.

This also caused the Taixu God Race to have a high status in the Kingdom of God. Even the other Immortal forces and the Supreme Orthodoxy were very polite.

The primordial religion, that is, the primordial demon cult in the world population, can be said to be the most trusted power of the gods.

As for the longevity Gu family, he is a well-deserved royal family in the kingdom of God

At the forefront of the palace, the head of the Fengxian Hall appeared. He was a tall figure wearing a bronze mask, wearing a cyan robe, unable to see his face, and his eyes were deep and cold, as if there was no ordinary emotion.

His Cultivation Base is extremely terrifying, and ordinary characters will tremble and take a break.

This person is Yan Luo, the former fourth temple lord of The Underworld, who was also named Asan by Gu Changge. His Cultivation Base had reached the realm of incomplete immortals a long time ago.

With the exception of Gu Changge, few in the Upper Realm can easily defeat him.

Behind the head of the Hall of Immortality, there are many eunuchs who have no white beards. There are creatures of all races, and the Cultivation Base is unfathomable. They all come out in a row and stand respectfully outside the palace.

In addition to Fengxian Hall, Shura Hall, Tianji Hall, and the Four Halls of Swords, Spears, Swords and Halberds, many powers belonging to the royal family appeared, either leaders or generals, all standing respectfully outside the palace.

This ceremonial ceremony of immortality is extremely vast, and it is a major event of all heavens and domains.

Even several concubines and empresses will show up.

On the vast square, all the ministers were shocked by this scene, and they saw the tip of the iceberg most intuitively.

"Your Majesty!!!"

At this time, with the sound of a huge bell, the entire universe was trembling, and countless cultivator creatures heard the magnificent world sound.

In the corners of these heavens and domains, there are sacrificial sounds.

A slender figure that seemed to be shrouded by the radiant fairy light appeared outside the palace, and even the hair was overflowing with the five-color fairy light. Judging from the face, it was extremely young, the gods were as rich as jade, and the eyes were peaceful and deep. See through all the secrets between the heavens and the past, and gain insights into the future and the present.

His Dharma body appeared on the top of the kingdom of God, as high as the sky, even Star was as small as dust around it.

Even outside of the kingdom of God, the creatures in the vast universe are also induced, shocked and in awe, and kneel down in the direction of the kingdom of God respectfully.

Behind Gu Changge, Empress Yue Mingkong, concubine Yin Mei, and Jiang Chuchu all followed, and appeared outside the palace together with him.

"I will wait to see the Lord."

"The Kingdom of God, Immortal, will last forever."

The vast and respectful voices resounded in this square in unison.

All the ministers and creatures knelt down to the front, and they did not dare to show disrespect.

This is a scene that is enough to shake the heavens and ten thousand domains, and the heavens and the earth are filled with a vast expanse of sacrificial light.

Strands of silver faith power gathered in the sky above the kingdom of God, like a bottomless Wang Yang, and finally poured into the bright sun.

Crystal light rain, wine falls, golden lotus blooms, and Taoist sounds resound between heaven and earth. Almost all cultivator creatures have the feeling of translucent souls and ethereal spirits, and their expressions become more pious.

At this moment, the national destiny of the Kingdom of God soared to the sky, and even at the end of the sky, the sun and the moon were shining, and the heavens were dimmed, and then it reflected a long river of time, and the surging river rolled into big waves.

From one end of the long river of time to the other end, the powerful creatures of the past and the future all have induction, full of (cedh) shock.

"Everyone, please.

Gu Changge lightly headed his forehead, his eyes were calm and motionless, and he signaled everyone in the square to get up, and finally looked at the Fang Fengxian altar.

In his opinion, this immortal ceremony is the best opportunity to show the whole upper realm the opportunity of Immortal Ascension, so it must be huge.

And as the ministers got up, Gu Changge waved his hand gently, and the heavens and the earth bloomed with immeasurable light, and a gold list emerged. The brilliant and ancient word Fengxian, brilliance shines on the heavens, and is extremely bright.

There is a strong power of faith on it to the extreme, and even the corners are filled with the meaning of flying immortals.

At this moment, even the characters in the background were eager, and felt that there was definitely an opportunity for Immortal Ascension in this immortal ranking list.

Both the Era Tree and the Era Dao Fruit are in the hands of Gu Changge. By refining these two things, he can naturally easily control the Immortal Ascension opportunity.

Even if the environment of the world is perfected to the stage of the Immortal Ancient Era, most people may not be qualified to touch the road of Immortal Ascension.

Can he see with his own eyes that a true immortal rises, threatening himself?

The birth of this immortal list actually predestined all of this. After Gu Changge has ruled the heavens, this will be the only opportunity for Immortal Ascension to be saved by the kingdom of God and enjoy the incense belief of the kingdom of God, but also by the kingdom of God and Gu Changge was restrained, his life was held in his hands.

At this moment, all the ministers and subjects of the Kingdom of God, looking at the golden list at the top, boundlessly, standing on the top of the cloud, seemingly spanning half of the Universe.

"The ceremony begins.

Following a loud shout from an enlightened eunuch, the ministers at the front of the palace were shocked, and then they walked out without hesitation.

They looked at Gu Changge respectfully, and they all said without hesitation, "I am waiting for generations to follow the gods and surrender to the kingdom of God. This heart can be learned from the world and all beings can hear."

And as their words fell, there seemed to be a feeling in the dark.

On the monuments above the Palace Square, golden light and wine began to fall, and reflections covered them.

"The Longevity Ji Family presents a pair of Nine Heavens armor, a square flag in the cloud world, and I want a celestial order.

A mighty and tall middle-aged man walked out, and he was the head of the Changshengji family.

He respectfully said that an ancient Minor World appeared behind him, and a strong light of immortality appeared, wrapping the two things with brilliance, and then turning into two streams of light, directly submerged in the altar of Fengxian.


The heavenly stele trembled, sending out a vibrating momentum of heaven and earth, and mysterious brilliance and rules were flowing on it, which seemed to be a measure of the value of these two things and whether they could get an enchantment order.

All the ministers watched this scene in shock. The Nine Heavens sea armor is one of the longevity season family heritage. Once worn, even if it is a fairy Daoist, it is difficult to break.

The Sifang Flag of the Cloud Realm is even more famous Xiantian in the upper realm. It is said to be an ancient time, bred by the qi of the square of the Cloud Realm. There are four shots in total. Closing the town is infinitely mysterious.

If the Four Flags gather together, you can set up a large square formation, and even immortals can be killed.

For the longevity Ji family, it can be said that they have really laid the blood for a decree of immortality. This has caused the complexion of many Patriarchs of the longevity family to change slightly. .