Ch 813

The Nine Heavens heavy armor and the square flag of the cloud world are both unimaginable treasures, which can suppress a family's heritage for countless years, and now they have turned into two divine lights, submerged in the altar of Fengxian.

There was a burst of brilliance there, and even the sound of the avenue appeared, resounding through the heavens and the universe, the golden lotus revolved, and then bloomed with brilliant light. All the ministers and people looked at it in shock.

The Fengxian Altar is like an invisible black hole, dark and bottomless, and it seems to be connected to a vast world.

The wisp of air that escaped from it made everyone tremble slightly, and they didn't dare to approach at all, for fear of being swallowed in.

Even Gu Changge, Yue Mingkong and others behind him watched this scene quietly, waiting for a halo to appear in the monument.

"The exchange of two immortal artifacts for one immortal seal order is considered appropriate nowadays.

Yin Mei was dressed in formal attire, dignified and elegant, and Jiang Chuchu stood behind Gu Changge, slightly behind Yuemingkong.

Looking at the brilliance that appeared there, I was muttering to myself softly.

She is solely responsible for the casting process of the Tianbei, so she is very clear about the current exchange standards.

"Will it be difficult to exchange the enchantment order in the future?" Jiang Chuchu blinked and couldn't help asking Gu Changge.

Gu Changge nodded and said, "The enchantment order is not so easy to obtain, and now, it is the time for these forces to show their determination."

"They will hesitate and hesitate, and worry that their lifeline will be controlled by me in the future, and they will not be able to turn over forever, but these are the forces that I give them the only benefit and opportunity to watch behind. ."

"But it's just that, it will make them miss this best opportunity."

"If you want to be included in the immortal list in the future, the price you have to pay is more than that simple.

Speaking of the back, Gu Changge smiled meaningfully.

He explained that, Jiang Chuchu immediately understood, this is actually similar to a standing bet. At first, it was a small bogey. If the people behind want to continue to share a piece of the pie, the price to be paid is even greater.

This is actually the simplest human nature.

And as Gu Changge's words fell, the square suddenly rushed out of vast fairy lights, and even ancient palaces and pavilions and other phantoms, condensed there.

This was a vast and shocking scene. Everyone saw an ancient fairy que appearing there. The palaces and pavilions were magnificent, the temples and temples were scattered, the fairy mountains were majestic, and the fairy fog was dense.

Blocks of monuments were shaking, and the brilliance that gushed out was so bright that it illuminates the entire world.

"Is this a real fairyland or a phantom?

Even if the foundation exists, it is also a yearning. Looking at the luminous world, there is a strong long biomass permeating.

The Patriarch of the Changshengji Patriarch, who was kneeling at the forefront, felt unprecedented excitement and excitement in his heart. He felt that there was a strong Immortal Ascension factor that enveloped his whole person. Every inch of pores was swallowed and absorbed, giving birth to a strong desire.

These Immortal Ascension factors penetrated from the skin into the lungs, blood vessels, bones, and finally gathered in the spirit sea.

Everyone saw the Patriarch of the Changshengji Family, his whole body was glowing, and in the Spirit Sea position on the abdomen, there was a fairy light gushing, and even a vague and hazy fairy phantom appeared, sitting there, overlooking the heaven and earth. .

This is the horrible atmosphere that has not yet condensed, and has shocked the Eight Wastes, making all the ministers and people on the square shocked and shocked.

"This is the power of immortals, and I am recognized by the Fengxian Ranking."

The Patriarch of the Longevity Ji Family couldn't hide the surprise and excitement on his face, and the whole person seemed to be soaring.

Many of the ancestors of the Changshengji family behind him have changed their complexions and are excited, but they also have emotions such as envy, regret, and regret. The Changshengji family has actually considered this decision for a long time.

After all, these are two immortal artifacts that can suppress the secrets. It is impossible to say that it is not heartbreaking.

Moreover, who knows what will happen after being on the list of immortals. Orange and restriction? Being entrusted by the kingdom of God and becoming a true immortal, is it true or false?

Therefore, after considering the business theory for a long time, they unanimously decided to recommend the Patriarch of this generation to test. The strength of the Patriarch, who has just reached the Supreme Realm, is far away from the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

Even in the longevity Ji's house, it is only a junior, and can be replaced by the decision-making ancestors and others at any time.

"This is indeed the power of immortals."

The complexion of the characters of the longevity Ji family changed, with sighs and regrets, they deeply felt the kind of breath that made their heart palpitations.

Compared with the reaction of the Ji Family of Longevity, the people of the rest of the Taoist family had a more dramatic reaction, simply staring at the scene in front of them.


The sky cracked open, and the Fengxian Bang was blooming with immense brilliance, and then a group of radiant brilliance fell. One of the tokens was enveloped by the colorful xenon hydrogen brilliance, and finally fell on the body of the longevity Ji Patriarch.

"Look "

"That's the name of the Patriarch of the Longevity Season Family."

Many ministers exclaimed, watching with their own eyes on the list of immortals, there are ancient and vast handwritings emerging, silver hooks and iron marks, with the dignified but Sacred brilliance.

That was the name of the Patriarch of the Longevity Ji Family, and it is now being recorded by Fengxian Bang and engraved on it. After offering two immortal artifacts, it was recognized by Fengxian.

This scene is reflected in the heavens. Many cultivator creatures of the Universe see the shocking scene at an endless distance.

Fengxian Guanghui is too bright, and it keeps gathering on the square, making many people unable to open their eyes.

"This is a success?

"I'm waiting to witness the birth of a fairy?"

Above the square, the fairy fog drifted, and the figures were like a sea. All the ministers were shocked and appalled.

They looked at the Patriarch of the Changshengji Patriarch, who was kneeling in front of the palace, and watching the excited ecstasy on his face, they kept bowing to Gu Changge in worship.

"I'm Immortal Ascension, this is the power of immortals

"Thank your majesty for your grace, the longevity Ji family wishes to be driven by the kingdom of God forever."

The Patriarch of the Longevity Ji Family was already incoherent with excitement.

He was originally a chess piece drawn to test the waters after the family's decision-making and discussion.

But who would have thought that he really has to be on the top of the immortal ranking list, gaining unimaginable power, and he is eligible in a blink of an eye, really overlooking the longevity Ji family, making those ancestors lower their eyebrows and bow their heads.

At this moment, his spiritual platform is empty, the fairy light is faint, and the chains of order, appearing around his hands and feet, are extremely powerful.

Even the enlightened people whom he had awe of before, had the background, and his heart palpitated because of his gaze.

But under Gu Changge's gaze, he still had a deep fear. It seemed that a thought from the other party could wipe him out countless times.

"If I have the power of immortality, then your majesty his current strength."

"I'm afraid it's already above Immortal Dao, which is incredible.

The Patriarch of the Changshengji Family was completely filled with excitement.

"This is the power of immortals, I'm already standing on the top of this world."

I have to say that this kind of power is extremely attractive and tempting, even if it knows that the front is raising fire, it still pounces on like a moth regardless of life and death.

...For flowers...

The ancestors of the Changshengji family are extremely complex at this moment. They are both thrilled and bitter.

A younger generation who was in charge of fate at will, in a blink of an eye, became a presence overlooking them, even they need to be in awe.

This is a real immortal.

Even if it is enshrined by the kingdom of God, there is a big difference from the existence of real immortals, but they are like butterfly ants in front of them.

Looking at the Patriarch of the Changshengji Patriarch, who was kneeling on the ground and constantly bowing to Gu Changge, the many ministers and subjects in the back couldn't restrain themselves and went crazy.

Many Immortal Dao traditions are even more excited and trembling to the extreme. Their ancestors did not have an immortal Dao existence, so they could not be called immortal-level Dao traditions.

Today, however, all this seems to be able to change.

"The One Hundred and Eighth Sea Clan of Wuliangshan presented an immortal alchemy golden hazel and a piece of Shengming Nine Heavens mysterious jade.

"Converted to the temple, present 36 mouths of Taibai Dao sword, one Nine-Leaf Immortal Flower, and one mouthful of Earth Immortals Pure Moon Bottle.

"The Golden Protoss presents the remnant body of the Hongmengzhang Tianta, a copy of the Purple Crimson Book of the Immortal, and a golden body of Wu Tian Wuliang to decide."

At this moment, there was a boil on the square, and the heavens and all parts of the world were also in a shocking uproar. The leaders of all races all stood up, and it was impossible for all the ministers to sit still.

Even the ancestors of the Wushuang Xian Dynasty, who are like the relatives of the emperor, have eager eyes, let alone the rest.

The Fengxian Bang shines across the heavens and the earth, giving a ray of celestial light, and the imprints of the ray of light in the world are branded and recorded on it.

Gu Changge stood calmly at the gate of the palace, watching the scenes, his eyes were not waved.

Fengxianbang came out, in his opinion, it was just the kingdom of God unifying the heavens and opening the prelude to the next step of the plan.

He was sitting there in the emptiness, a long and fuzzy river appeared, and different thoughts rose in it.

"What is immortalization? It's just a group of pseudo-immortals. They cannot be recognized by the world. They are banned by a country. Like floating without roots, they rely on others for their lives."

"Since ages, there has not been such a move. It is tantamount to holding the future of this world in his hands.

"Sooner or later I will overthrow this dark kingdom"

With a move of Gu Changge's deep and indifferent eyes, he caught the origin of this ray of thought, which turned out to come from a certain period of time and space in the future.

He had a slightly strange expression. As soon as the Seal of Immortals came out, he shining across the heavens and domains, even the long river of time was reflected.

But I still didn't expect that it would change the future and the birth of heaven and earth.

"Is this the power of destiny?"

Gu Changge whispered softly, across the endless emptiness, facing the time and space in the future, a palm fell.

The sky collapsed, the universe was silent, there was a bang, and the river of fate was blurry, and the young man who uttered brave words watched in amazement as a palm fell from the heavenly palace.

The rules of heaven and earth are retreating, and all the ways are mingling together.

Before he had time to realize his own Zhuang language, he exploded and annihilated silently, as if he had encountered the backlash of God's condemnation, and fell silent again with Houtian.

This did not involve the power of the long river of time, but the fate of Karma played a role, which made Gu Changge feel that the future time and space will change.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to travel for a long time, but he needs to withstand a huge backlash, which is not so easy.

The way of fate is more mysterious than time.

And because it is an anomaly, detachment is in the established trajectory, even if it is erased, it will not have any impact on the trajectory of the world, and naturally there will be no backlash. superior,