Ch 814

This ceremony of enshrining immortals finally ended with the existence of eight fairylands.

Although the following Taoist families sacrificed a lot of heritage, they could no longer inspire the Fengxianbang.

The existence of those imperial seals in the Seal of Immortals are all inspiring. They are blessed by the incense of the kingdom of God, and they can have the power of the immortal way. This is simply a great opportunity for people to shed the immortal and climb the immortal in one step.

Their figures are like vague gods, reflecting on the Seal of Immortals, surrounded by fairy lights. Sacred and tall, they can easily overlook all races and are powerful.

But they all kneel down in front of Gu Changge, Yue Mingkong and others respectfully, knowing who gave them all this.

And because a wisp of origin and true soul is placed on the Seal of Immortals, in the eyes of these cultivators, Gu Changge's existence is no different from the lord of heaven and earth in the most ancient period, dominating the immortals.

Although they already possess the power of immortality, in the eyes of Gu Changge, they are no different from the ants.

This matter ended, and many forces who missed this opportunity were deeply saddened and regretful. After knowing that this immortal sealing ceremony is over, if they want to touch the immortal list again, the price they will spend is probably not that simple. NS.

Even if it is the Immortal Orthodoxy, it is estimated that the family will be bankrupted, and with the power of the whole family, it is difficult to say that it will be awarded an immortal order.

Because of this ceremony, several immortal artifacts were thrown into the altar in the later period, and there was no response from the "seven to seventy". The Tianbei never responded, and the Fengxianbang did not fall into the immortal glory.

This made those forces that took the lead in showing loyalty, all secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, they were the first batch of sacrifices. Otherwise, I don't know how difficult it is to get an order for immortality.

Of course, Gu Changge still gave them a chance. Every hundred years, the Seal of Immortals will be revealed again to save the seal.

In the past hundred years, all races and traditions can prepare for the next immortal ceremony. Compared with cultivating Immortal Ascension and experiencing countless catastrophes, they may not be able to reach this point in the end.

To enter the enchantment list, you must be entrusted, palm the power of immortality, and enjoy the endless life.

This is an unimaginable temptation for all the creatures of all races and traditions, and even the heavens and domains, and no one is immune.

Just after the incident, there were still a lot of people from the background showing up. Outside the palace, I asked Gu Changge to get a seal of immortality, no matter what the price was.

They also crave Immortal Ascension, and since ancient times, even if they use various secret methods to prolong their life, they will eventually dry up.

In this era, Gu Changge is in charge of the kingdom of God, and even the evil immortals that have emerged in the long river of time are also lifted and destroyed.

The existence of these exhaustion of longevity, who dares to start a dark turmoil?

However, in the face of the thirst of a group of characters, Gu Changge ignored it and bluntly stated that the next immortal ceremony would be held a hundred years later.

If they want to accept the imperial seal, they must find something suitable within these hundred years, which can trigger the Tianbei and be recognized by the enchantment list.

The heavens and domains are extremely vast, and many areas have not been explored. There are definitely many ancient things or immortal treasures buried in the chaos.

If these characters with the background want to get the enchantment order, then they must find a way to risk their lives and go to those places to search for strange things.

The ordinary Cultivation Technique magical powers can no longer be recognized by the Tianbei.

After the ceremony was over, this incident undoubtedly shook the heavens, although on the day of the square, almost all the powerful and leaders of all ethnic groups and forces gathered.

But the heavens are so vast and vast, many ethnic groups did not come to the scene in person, let alone witness this grand ceremony with their own eyes.

Of course, there are still news about this matter spreading in various places, and some pictures are recorded in photo stones and ancient books for later generations to observe.

During this period of time, many cultivator creatures spontaneously built temples for Gu Changge, and many cultivator creatures came to worship every day.

Between the heavens and the realms, there are voices of sacrificial prayers everywhere. It has only not been long since the disaster of Kunji has passed, and the prosperity and tranquility of the past have been restored.

After the ceremony of sealing the immortals, among the ancient holy cities, the Heavenly Dao monuments rose from the ground, simple and vicissitudes of life, made of incredible materials.

Starting from the physical realm, the strongest Tianjiao of the same realm since the ages is listed. If they are listed on this monument, they can be recognized by the monument and get the supreme reward.

Ordinary cultivator has not yet approached, will feel the tyrannical and terrifying coercion, almost bend the legs of a person, and make the flesh explode.

Facing the Heavenly Dao stele, it was like facing an ancient true god, even a cultivator of the Supreme Realm, and felt heart palpitations, and could only look far away, not daring to approach it.

Once the Heavenly Dao monument appeared, it immediately caused a horrible sensation among the heavens and tens of thousands of domains.

This is a feat that is even more shocking and horrifying than the Fengxian Bang.

After all, it is the strongest arrogant that has been listed for eternity. How long has it been since ancient times?

No one can tell this, even if it is the existence of those who have achieved the celestial throne, they dare not speak bluntly, know and understand all the secrets.

However, after Gu Changge established and took charge of the Kingdom of God, he first set up a list of immortals to break the rules of practice, and then listed the strongest princes since the ages, and wanted to erect the Heavenly Dao monument.

Many forces are aware that Gu Changge's move is very big, he is afraid that he really intends to completely ban the power of Heavenly Dao.

If it is really successful, then these heavens and domains will become his back garden alone.

However, for the younger generation, this is an unimaginable opportunity. Not only can they clearly know how far they are from the many strongest arrogances of the ages.

Moreover, being able to enter the Heavenly Dao monument can also get a great opportunity, which can make their Cultivation Base go a step further.

However, in terms of the current situation, the Heavenly Dao monument has just emerged in a rudimentary form, and has not really evolved its mystery, let alone list all the Tianjiao since the ages.

Gu Changge's move is just equivalent to giving the world sentient beings, first throw out a sign.

This matter also allowed them to understand clearly that in the near future, the Heavenly Dao monument will appear in the heavens and ten thousand domains like a list of immortals, causing tremendous changes.

In addition, Gu Changge is also planning on the matter of the virtual world.

He personally evolved a ray of Dao Law Bodies to dominate the mighty army, sweeping away the broken worlds that remained in the deepest part of each universe since the Era of Taboo.

Then they took the origins of those broken worlds and smelted them into a furnace, intending to sacrifice them as the virtual world, guiding the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the ghosts of the dead, and the sentient beings to go back and forth.

The virtual world corresponds to the Yincao Difu and The Underworld in the myth. If the virtual world is born, it will definitely affect the operation of the rules of heaven and earth.

Because the heaven and the earth have been operating as a whole since the ages, whether the sentient beings Samsara really exist, this is another matter.

But Gu Changge's move is equivalent to grabbing the authority of Heavenly Dao and incorporating what he thought into the trajectory of the universe.

When the virtual world completely banned the legendary Jiuyou Hells, then the lives of Samsara in this world will go back and forth, life or death, in fact, it is between Gu Changge's thoughts.

Even if it is Shouyuan dry wine, his life is exhausted, he has a way to re-enter Samsara, live another life, and even live forever.

Just doing so may pay an unimaginable price.

Therefore, the birth of the virtual world is too difficult, even in Gu Changge's opinion, it is no different from reopening the fairyland, and then divided into chaos.

Merely commemorating the origin of the world, we encountered unprecedented troubles

"If the virtual world is standing, Six Paths of Reincarnation, Yellow Springs nine doctors must also be included."

"This is a huge project, which cannot be completed in a short time.

The deity Gu Changge sat cross-legged at the end of the boundless void, with a shining light in front of him, and a group of misty brilliance filled the wine.

There are fist-sized, colorful fragments of the ancient realm's origins floating around.

He is smelting these origins and trying to sacrifice the virtual world, but in this process, not only is there no so-called merit gestation between heaven and earth.

There was no sign of birth, but in the dark, several chaotic real thunders fell, slashing in his direction.

Six Paths of Reincarnation itself is within the operation of Heavenly Dao's authority. Gu Changge's current actions are no different from the desire to completely ban the will of the heavens.

He was not surprised to suffer from such a backlash, but he had a premonition of something wrong.

"This trip is too difficult. With my current strength, if I forcefully push it, I'm afraid my body will split."

Gu Changge noticed the position of his eyebrows, and didn't know when a crack appeared.

What followed was the Dharma body that he reflected in the heavens, and a crack also appeared.

In the main temple, incense is lingering, and many cultivator creatures are worshipping the statue of the god, but when I see a crack on it, I am shocked.

However, the cracks only recovered in an instant, making many people think it was an illusion.

In the depths of nothingness, Gu Changge took away the origin of the world that was being consecrated. The cracks in the eyebrows also slowly healed and disappeared in an instant.

He fell into thinking about paying.

This kind of backlash is incredible, even if he didn't notice it, it just happened without a hint of warning.

If he continues, I am afraid his Law Bodies will be shattered.

"Is the time not yet ripe, or is it heaven-defying that Cultivation Base is currently unbearable?"

Gu Changge thought, his Soul Realm is very powerful, far surpassing his current strength, but the current physical body has not yet experienced the real baptism of the immortal, and it will inevitably lead to abnormal changes.

Thinking about this, Gu Changge decided to shelve the matter for the time being.

During this period of time, the accumulation is almost the same, and it should be the arrival of the real fairyland, making oneself step into the immaculate fairyland.

And just when Gu Changge planned to lead the Immortal Territory to come, bordering the upper realm.

Boom 3.7 Rum!!!

In the vast and vast sea of ​​the world, there was a shocking wave suddenly appearing, one swoop, and the layers of ancient world in front of it collapsed and broke, turning into a sky full of children's powder.

In this boundless sea of ​​world, there are vague ships crossing, but the road storm here is extremely terrifying, and even the real thunder that fell down is terrifying and devastating.

The sky and the earth are vast, and the fog needs to sink, one after another, lingering everywhere, one can see that the ancient world and the big universe are ups and downs, and in the distance between the sky and the earth, a layer of fuzzy mirror surface emerges.

Outside the mirror surface, there is a relative ancient world, and the big universe is reflected up and down, overlapping up and down, like a symbiosis.

But now, the world inside and outside the mirror surface is slowly touching. When some unknowable and weird change occurs, the place where it touches, there is collapse and disintegration, and there is also integration and banning.

At the moment of collapse, the world barrier disappeared, and at the moment of banning, there was the intention of rebirth, which was extremely mysterious and magical.

All this seems to be slow, but it is proceeding in an orderly manner, colliding with each other, and then dissolving.

"The birth of the only real world is fast, really fast."

On those vague ships, the whispers of the ancient gods sounded, and the indifferent eyes of the Xiantian gods were watching, ancient and cold. .