Ch 817

Gu Changge's eyes were deep, and many memories appeared in his mind.

It was about Gu Qingyi, about the first battle against the sky, and even Taboo Era, which is the reason why he destroyed the heavens with one palm before the second battle against the sky.

All of this was in his layout. Before the arrival of this realm, he was incarnate as a demon lord, as a former sage living in the rest of the real world, no one knew the origin.

He naturally participated in the battle against the heavens, and accompanied the rest of the strong, trying to invade the original realm.

After all, if he wants to hide from the world and the other two original ancestors, he must hide it from himself, otherwise the plan to swallow the other two original ancestors will fail sooner or later.

The three of them are the greatest horror in the world, and they can perceive everything in the world with a single thought. They have long been standing on the unknowable ceiling. Realm, the concept of Karma is invincible, reaching the Realm that cultivator creatures cannot predict.

Checking and balancing each other, and restraining each other, there was even an agreement that for every hundred million calamities, a great purge would be initiated by a true ancestor of the original origin.

Gu Changge, as one of the original ancestors, has planned for countless years for this purpose. Together with the anomalies that travel through memory, it has also been specially created to detach from fate and shape this history.

For these heavenly realms, there are not many anomalies, and the identity of those who pass through has naturally appeared many times.

Since the beginning of the world, there have been too many outliers, and the traversers are just one of them.

What is an anomaly? Born outside of Heavenly Dao's deduction, the true origin is a mystery, and it is difficult to understand everything through deduction.

Abnormal numbers often have huge unknowable luck, which can change the general trend of Heavenly Dao and reach Realm that ordinary cultivator can't reach.

How can this be described?

For the three true ancestors, these cultivator creatures born in the real world of heaven, they only need to look at it to know its past, present, and future, know when he was born, when he fell 770, and when Samsara, or how far.

There are no secrets in this world that they can't know.

They control the future, understand destiny, understand Heavenly Dao, know everything, know everything, one thought can make the real world of the heavens repeat, and one thought can make everything fall into chaos

But among them, the only exceptions are outliers.

Abnormal numbers jump outside of Karma's fate, and their origins are a mystery. Even the original ancestor will be surprised by this. Moreover, the achievements and achievements of abnormal numbers far exceed those of ordinary cultivator creatures.

Since hundreds of millions of calamities, there have been many anomalies in the birth. Some people have even reached the strength of surpassing the true spirit and surpassing the master of the world, and dare to call the original ancestor.

Of course, these anomalous numbers, the final result, are all tragic deaths, and they are continuously separated and learned, so that the original ancestor has a deeper understanding of the anomalous numbers.

Therefore, Gu Changge chose to become a demon master as an alien identity of the traverser, and participate in the battle of the heavens in this real world.

The other two original true ancestors have long understood the existence of these abnormal numbers, and they don't care about it by accident or doubt it.

They are even waiting, waiting for these anomalies to grow to the moment they can stand in front of them.

"Even if you reach the strength of the Lord of the World, you can claim to be an immortal emperor, but in front of the original ancestor, you will still be like a strand of ants."

"Even the true ancestor of the original source has never revealed his true body from beginning to end. The figure that appeared in the original world is just the tip of the iceberg. The true deity is outside the unpredictable and unimaginable countless spaces.

"The so-called battle of cutting the sky, in the eyes of the original ancestor, is actually like a child playing a house."

Gu Changge knows these incomparably and knows the strength of the original ancestor (cedh), for these cultivator creatures, it is as if they shouldn't exist in this world.

Because the level and latitude have long been different, no matter how strong the ant is, it is still an ant. Humans only need to lift it lightly to crush it into a child's powder.

The gap between the original ancestor and the cultivator is much more terrifying than the gap between the ant and the human.

In this world, only odd numbers have the real qualifications to grow up to stand in front of the original ancestor, but that's all.

"So in order to calculate the other two true ancestors of the original origin, I transformed into a demon master in a different way, walked among the true realms of the heavens, and laid out everything."

"The real world of mountains and seas, that is, the realm where I am now, is just one of the real worlds of the heavens."

"As the true spirit born in this realm, Gu Qingyi launched the first battle of slashing the sky when the calamity came, and then incarnate the will of the world, leading the rest of this realm to attack the original realm.

"In that battle, I encountered a counterattack from the Origin Realm and suffered heavy losses, and I became the demon lord, and as a sage before the rest of the real world, I appeared in time and saved her, and led the rest of the mountain and sea real world to retreat."

"Xian'er, is one of the heavenly hunters who fell in that battle. As the son of the real world of Shanhai, he was sent to Samsara by Gu Qingyi. The calamity of the real world of Shanhai was delayed because of this."

"Many sky-slashers fell in the first sky-slashing battle, and Gu Qingyi, including the true spirit, was also seriously injured. The vitality of this world is withered, the Spiritual Qi is thin, and it is in the end of the law, which is what the big red bird said. Said the age of fairy burial."

"After the age of immortal burial, a large blank era appeared in this world, the trail of cultivator was extinct, and it was difficult for living creatures to give birth to spiritual wisdom. After countless years, it took a turn for the better and the world was restored to Spiritual Qi."

"The trail of the cultivator emerged, the Taoist gate was established, the Taoist Sect was planted, the mountain and sea realm was restored to life, and some of the heavenly hunters who were sent to Samsara also began to reincarnate and enter the practice."

"And in order to avoid the suspicion of the other two true ancestors, I personally took action, causing this world to come again early, trying to obliterate the devil's unusual vest. At this time, the true world of Shanhai has not yet returned to its full prosperity, not even one-tenth. arrive."

"Gu Qingyi was worried in her heart and discussed with my demon lord body, trying to find a way to solve it, so there is a taboo era for later generations, and the demon lord destroys this world with a single palm, destroys the heavens, and becomes a taboo.

Many thoughts emerged in Gu Changge's mind.

In fact, many things became clear at this time, like a cloud and mist, everything became clear.

Before the Taboo Era, before the second battle of slashing the sky had begun, the calamity had come.

If you don't make preparations, then this world will completely return to the ruins, Samsara will be shattered, and those strong men who have fallen, even the last touch of true soul will collapse and disappear, truly disappearing in this world.

Therefore, Gu Qingyi would discuss with him and set up a drama to collapse. Therefore, he sank the heavens in this world and caused everything to fall into Samsara again, so that the real world of mountains and seas once again delayed the arrival of the calamity.

As the demon lord, he naturally took care of this action and became a taboo figure who feared and feared for future generations.

Of course, all of this is now very simple to say. In order to achieve all of this, Gu Qingyi also paid a great price.

Because she knew that by doing so, it might arouse the anger of the master of the Origin Realm, and the anger would spread to Gu Changge, and the tangibility and spirit would be destroyed at every turn, and Samsara would not enter the fate of Samsara.

In order to cooperate with the play, Gu Changge even thought afterwards, outside the endless void space, came a anger, Heavenly Tribulation, and personally smashed the unusual vest of the demon lord.

Of course, this matter is also in the layout plan. Gu Qingyi had long expected that it would attract the original world and be punished and angry.

Therefore, we plan to discuss with Gu Changge early and send Gu Changge a strand of true soul to Samsara with a forbidden technique, so as to avoid being completely obliterated and reincarnating in later lives.

However, Gu Qingyi didn't know the true identity of Gu Changge, and had always treated him as a demon lord, waiting for the day when he awakened and regained his memory.

And there are many taboos in the middle. Actually, because of the two words of anomalous number, they are worried about the master of the source world, awakening in advance, and realizing that the anomalous number of the demon lord is not dead.

"So this has always been, I have been cooperating with her acting, and cooperating with the role of an odd number.

"The purpose is to become this anomaly and grow to a level comparable to my own, so as to work together to ban the other two original ancestors."

"After all, I know myself best, and I know what strength I need to have."

Gu Changge's expression returned to calm, and many memories were awakened at this time. For him, it was not a bad thing.

At least for now, he is acting according to the plan and there are no flaws.

To put it simply, he is now using an anomalous way to practice the trumpet, with the goal of growing to a large trumpet.

Then the two bodies were united, and through many layouts, the two original ancestors were banned, thus taking what he thought was the last step.

Afterwards, Gu Changge and the big red bird set off and set foot on the immortal road that exists outside the Immortal Ancient Continent. The radiant light blooms from it, and then there is an amazing immortal intention flowing.

Fairy light is shining, very rich, a vague and faint path, like a big crack, appears at the height of this site.

At this moment, even the entire ethnic group of Immortal Ancient Continent felt such fluctuations and was shocked, thinking that the immortal road was reappearing, and there was a repetition of the ancient scene.

The immortal domain and the upper realm are connected to the heavens, and today the environment has changed drastically. On the way to the border, unpredictable changes have taken place, causing the immortal road to be cut off and it is difficult to really contact.

The big red bird also bluntly said that the fairyland has changed, and after the taboo era, many changes have caused the future of the real world of mountains and seas to be fragmented.

In a complete real world, in addition to the upper realm and the immortal realm, there is also the Yin real realm bred by it, which is the foreign realm spoken by the aborigines of the mountain and sea real world.

However, the fairyland is fragmented, the upper realm world rules are incomplete, and it is impossible to form a complete Yang Zhen realm. It is far away from the real mountain sea real realm.


Gu Changge and Big Red Bird walked in along the blurred passage.

A majestic and terrifying ancient breath suddenly suppressed, but the moment it fell on the two of them, it disappeared invisible.

"This fairy road has been abandoned"

Gu Changge looked at the desolate and dilapidated scene before him and shook his head gently.

Compared with when he first stepped in, I don't know how many times it was worse. You can even see the end of the road, with a dense blood filling the sky, making the sky red. .