Ch 818

At the end of this road, you can see the red clouds in the sky, where the endless blood is permeating, like the world is weeping blood, it is extremely amazing.

Even with the entire sky, he fell into that strange and palpitating blood.

This is an unimaginable road to a dead end, like walking on the edge of a cliff, with blood-red fog filled with a slightly fishy cold wind.

There are ancient traces around. It is the broken wall of the Tianyue Pavilion, and some Star wrecks that have fallen from nowhere, smashed into a deep pit, and some lakes have already dried up. It is no better than Gu Changge's last time. The sight seen.

Among those lakes, there are still some corpses, which are as tall as a golden giant, and such a majestic mountain, collapsed in that place.

There are also some jade-like bones, flowing with radiance, small and beautiful, they should be peerless beauty during their lifetime.

In addition, there are bones of various ethnic groups, such as huge groups of corpses like real dragons, and various phoenixes. There are too many bones buried in the deep pits on both sides here, densely packed.

The last time Gu Changge came here, he saw a vast and verdant scene. The heavens and the earth were shining, and the atmosphere of immortality was intertwined, but now there is a desolation and ruin.

During this period, terrible battles took place here, and the blood and light were still fresh, not from the ancient times.

Now, even the end of this road is broken, and there is a terrible big rift valley, which completely separates the sky and the earth.

Some Stars are hanging here, the vast chaos is permeated, and those bloody mists that don't know where they are blowing.

Even the creatures who set foot here can hardly find a way forward and find the real fairyland.

"Before the age of immortal burial, this road was actually the heavenly road opened by all living beings to the original realm. That day."

The big red bird flapped its wings, followed behind Gu Changge, looking at these sights, his expression was extremely complicated and authentic.

In a daze, it saw the mighty, unrelenting, and all the sages who fell before the sky, and they continued to succeed, regardless of the age of life and death. The blood that was already cold, gradually became hot.

"You should remember the result of the battle against the sky."

"They are all losers, there is nothing to remember."

Gu Changge's plain words, but like a basin of cold water, suddenly poured on the head of the big red bird, cooling its blood, full of stunned and wry smile.

Indeed, these are the losers in the battle to cut the sky.

Even if they tried their best, they didn't fall on that road in the end, and they didn't even have the qualifications to enter the Origin Realm.

A group of losers who are unwilling to die.

Gu Changge is not as sentimental as the big red bird, and it is impossible to feel deeply about it like it.

Although in the eyes of Big Red Bird, he is regarded as one of the best leaders in the battle of cutting the sky, but in the eyes of Gu Changge, these defeaters are no different from ordinary ants.

He couldn't understand their so-called passion, because in his vision, in an unimaginable and long era, how many times did the battle of cutting the sky happen?

Really countless.

The real world in this world is vast, and before the calamity comes, there are always some fish that slipped through the net from the calamity in the past to survive.

Or some powerful people who know the truth in advance, gather spontaneously, trying to change this eternal destiny.

Time and time again, like Samsara, but not Samsara

In the eyes of the original ancestor, these are some fish that tried to jump out of the river, but when they jumped out of the river, they dried up and died on the tidal flat.

"Xianyu can't contact the upper realm now, I'm afraid that a shock has occurred."

"Is it because of the rest of the real world? Or is it a foreign land?"

Gu Changge and Dahongniao walked all the way. At the end of the front, they saw a magnificent stone gate, but there was a severed abyss in the middle.

The stone gate was magnificent and tall, standing at the end of the road, stained with blood, blood stained from the cracks in the door, and there were traces of wars surrounding it, and it was filled with a horrible atmosphere that made the heart palpitating.

It seems that as long as it gets close, the flesh will burst and explode.

It can be seen how terrifying the masters of those bloodstains are.

"This is the road from earth to heaven"

"If there is no Immortal King Cultivation Base, it is impossible to cross the past, and it is also the largest barrier separating the upper realm from the immortal realm. In this abyss, there are buried peak powerhouses that I don't know how many tried to cross but fell to death in it."

The big red bird said with a somewhat complicated expression.It was once used as the spirit of the stone gate in front. After awakening the memory of later generations, through a very special method, some of the souls were differentiated and passed through the Restrictions in front to be able to reach the upper realm. .

...For flowers...…

Its real body is actually still in the stone gate ahead.

Gu Changge nodded. He was very clear about the things that the big red bird said. The road to heaven and earth was originally established by Gu Qingyi.

There is a million-mile forbidden airspace here. If it is complete, it can prevent the fairy king from crossing. Now that countless epochs have passed, I am afraid that it has become invalid.

And a large part of the reason for the emergence of Di Jue Tian Tong is not that the rules of the upper realm are broken and cannot accommodate the power of transcending the fairyland, but the upper realm needs a relatively safe and stable environment for future generations to thrive and recover.

In this vast real world, in addition to facing the calamity of the epoch, in fact, it is also necessary to beware of some invasions of the real world.


The origin world spreads across the heavens. Because of the existence of the three true ancestors of the origin, many terrible ethnic forces have been born under the Moxia. Those ethnic forces either occupy some real worlds or launch the gray, white and black three-color festivals from within the origin world. , Eliminate some disturbing factors in advance.

After all, the existence of Era Liangjie is to clean the real world of the heavens and restore all order to the point recognized by the original ancestor.

This so-called great sacrifice is aimed at destroying the world and reshaping order, but in fact, it is still to destroy the world, or to sacrifice all living beings, to pray to the three original ancestors to gain supreme power or power.

The original ancestor is omnipotent, and naturally can easily bestow immortality and higher Realm on those races.

Facing the amount of calamity, not everyone has the courage to become a heavenly killer.


Afterwards, Gu Changge took the big red bird and walked away, trying to cross the abyss, and a terrible sound came from below.

All kinds of Restrictions were triggered, and the unparalleled killing intent, like the supreme Sword Qi, directly penetrated this space, fell into the upper realm, cut down countless stars, and shocked countless creatures and cultivators.

However, Gu Changge's complexion remained unchanged, as if he was walking on the ground, and there seemed to be a vague air flow around him.

All the brilliance fell on him, disappeared invisible, and could not stop his footsteps.

He quickly brought the big red bird to the door in front of him, and stopped here, as if he could see the situation on the other side through the door.

"I can open this door." The big red bird eyes reveal cherishes memory, and then he is determined to be authentic, because it is here. superior.