Ch 820

"Could it be the way that all races are looking for?"

"I can't go wrong, the Western Immortal Territory will be shattered at the beginning, because I waited for the ancestors of all races to deduced that the road was here."

"This is the portal and passage that Xianyu and that world joined countless years ago."

This group of alien creatures is very powerful, with amazing energy and blood. After panic, they quickly recovered, looking at the vast scenery that appeared in the distance, revealing a surprised and excited expression.

This had to make them so, because the immortal domain nowadays has long been broken, and it is no longer the glory of the past.

In a foreign land, the royal family can easily lead the army and smash the cities of the fairyland. Many star regions are occupied. The descendants of the fairyland in the past were either reduced to slaves or reduced to blood food.

Countless years ago, Xianyu was divided into five places, southeast, northwest and Zhongxianyu, after encountering a war.

Today, the Western Immortal Territory where they are located was broken by a foreign peak powerhouse many years ago.

24 The king of the Western Immortal Territory was stained with blood in the sky, and the corpse in the back was wrapped in a battle flag. So far, the Western Immortal Territory was completely occupied.

In addition to the Western Immortal Territory, the Southern Immortal Territory and the Northern Immortal Territory are also broken, but they are not as thorough as the Western Immortal Territory. In the past few years, there have been many wars, and it will be sooner or later that they will fall.

And the Central Immortal Territory is really far away from this place. Among them, all races and traditions cannot seal the mountain and try to survive, but in the face of the vast and vast foreign army, sooner or later they will be attacked.

The immortal domain is no longer the world that could compete with the foreign land countless years ago. The vitality is withered, the immortal Dao is broken, and even the immortal Daoist objects are hidden in the world.

Even those immortal kings who were once invincible, are now weakened in energy and blood, and the five declines are difficult to overcome.

Once cut off by God's will, with shackles on his body, even if he died in a battle, it is impossible to fight a foreign king.

This is a general trend, and it is impossible for Xianyu to contend with the big decline. In addition to the king, there are even more ancient existences in the foreign land, and even have a connection with the distant Xianyu.

If it weren't for the exclusion of the heaven and earth rules of the fairyland, the invincible existence of the foreign land has already been killed, bloodbathed everything

At this moment, on this fragmented primitive continent.

Except for this group of alien creatures who were stunned by that shocking scene, the other cultivators also looked at it in disbelief.

The brilliance of Sacred rises into the sky from that place, as if there is a vast world, emerging in that direction, the light and rain of the sky, and the whole world is evolving.

All kinds of terrifying visions have emerged one after another. It is the glorious day, the bloody full moon, and all kinds of broken stars. An ancient and vast sky is reflected there.

The magnificent stone gate and the majestic and majestic city wall seem to outline a vague prototype, and the light penetrates the sky and the earth.

The atmosphere of the ancient and wild, overwhelming the sky of the sun and the moon, blooming with immense light, it is too bright, as if it is telling a very ancient and majestic history.

"Hurry up and report the things here to the clan, the road that the ancient ancestors are looking for, the door has appeared

The foreign creatures who had reacted were busy transmitting the news here, which was a big sensation.

Not only was it going to shake the western fairyland, but even the alien creatures here were shocked, becoming excited and ecstatic.

Some powerful people in Cultivation Base were even surrounded by a ball of light, appeared high in the sky, and flew over here.

They are dressed in exotic costumes, and their faces are quite different from the descendants of the fairyland.

However, they did not exude immortal energy, but a kind of vague light, with a black air.

"If it is really that way, I am afraid that even the king will be alarmed."

"It is said that behind that road is the origin of the Immortal Territory. Even if the Immortal Territory is destroyed, as long as the world is still there, it can be bred again. Many powerful people in the Immortal Territory came from there."

They were whispering, with a hot light in their eyes, too bright, like a bright sun, staring at the stone gate that gradually appeared in the sky.

Shimen is magnificent and ancient, extremely tall, surrounded by various terrifying Restrictions, originally hidden in an invisible void.

But now, not only is there shining, but a fuzzy road is emerging.

In the faint, everyone heard the iron-blooded sound of the iron horse and ice river. There were thousands of troops and horses galloping, rushing towards them with murderous aura, under the iron cavalry, they could step through everything.

That is the past history and shadows, which have long ceased to exist.

And at this moment, on both sides of the stone gate, the city walls began to be solidified, covered with traces of swords, spears, and halberds, and there were also bloodstains. I don't know what era it was left behind. It was extremely tall, like an Immortal sacred mountain.

Even if it's just a phantom, it has never really appeared in this world, but it still has the aura of killing, which can shatter all Xiaoxiao.

"This is the legendary ancient city of Tongtian, I didn't expect it to actually appear."

"But it shouldn't be time for it to appear."

The vision there also shocked many descendants of the fairyland.

An old man with white hair and fairy aura appeared on the mountain peak, trembling in disbelief.

Although the western fairyland has been captured by foreign land, there are still many powerful descendants of the fairyland hiding everywhere.

They tried to find some ancient history and ancient books in these places, which recorded the glory of the past, or Cultivation Technique.

The young men and women who searched for ancient books on this fragmented continent before are descendants of the fairyland, with tribes behind them, and now they are living in the depths of this continent.

These sporadic tribes are actually many, although few of them have superpowers, there are elders who know the history of the fairyland very well.

The king of the foreign land, after occupying the 770 realm of the immortal, once used god-tier communication, so that many descendants of the immortal land, their bloodlines were blocked, it was difficult to sense the immortal energy, and could not break through the high Realm.

If there is a powerful person, breaking this curse, they will eventually be sensed by them, and then beheaded.

The king of a foreign land, that is a truly invincible existence, lift up his palm to destroy the Universe Star, and destroy all beings with a single thought.

In front of the ordinary cultivator, even the ants are not qualified enough.


The western fairyland is very large, but it is a combination of many universes. The territories are vast, and there are many life stars and continents in the various star regions.

But at this time, they were completely shocked by the news of the scene of this primitive barren forest.

In one side of the Universe, there are peak powerhouses rushing over, either tearing the starry sky, crossing the Galaxy Cluster, or crossing the void, one step over hundreds of millions of miles.

"Creating sins"

"These damn foreign creatures, they want to exterminate the roots of the fairyland."

On this continent, the descendants of many tribes from the Immortal Territory showed tragic expressions, and their hearts were extremely sad.


At the end of the sky, many figures rushed over. In the nearest cities, all the alien creatures who had received the news showed up.

Among them, there are even many young figures who are heroic and vigorous, and it is difficult to distinguish them from a foreign land from the perspective of their faces.

Because many of them are descendants of some ethnic groups who surrender to a foreign land. .