Ch 821

Tongtian Ancient City, this is the name of this magnificent ancient city. It has a long history of vicissitudes, full of traces of all kinds of swords, guns, swords and halberds, and it has been weather-beaten.

The city wall alone seemed to have opened up the sky and built Immortal. I don't know what kind of material it was forged. It was covered with bloodstains and ancient times. Some places had collapsed. It shows how tragic the battle took place here.

Now this city that has disappeared in the fairyland is manifesting from the void, the wild and ancient killing and cutting aura, it is like an invincible army, killed from a distant time and space.

This scene shocked everyone.

Whether it is the remnants of the fairyland or the aliens, they all gather towards this place.

Above the sky, there were rainbows, and there were big figures of different races, driving in chariots or all around on the mounts of Immortal Qi.

Among them, the weakest is the supreme who has practiced for millions of years.

In addition, there are mostly young people, most of whom are from foreign lands.

There are only a small part of this western fairyland, the original citizens, but now they have returned to the foreign land and become the affiliated ethnic groups of those big clans in the foreign land.

The former Tianjiao, Holy Maiden, became the servant and maid of the young people in the foreign land.

They have immortal energy on their bodies, they are the creatures born and raised in the fairyland. This immortal energy is not because they entered the realm, but because they grew up in this realm and were nourished by the spiritual Qi in this realm.

"If it is the legendary ascension channel, it means that behind this portal is the world that I have always longed for."

"At that time, our clan will lead the army to kill as soon as possible, seize the origin of this realm, and restore our realm.

"In the future battle of the true world, our world can survive."

A lot of young people from other places are talking, either with horny heads or white faces.

Or have double wings on the back, which is very similar to the Primordial race, but in many places, very human races also have similarities.

However, at this moment, the excitement was shaking, and the fighting spirit was boiling, staring at the portal that was solid from the virtual space.

Shimen is magnificent and magnificent, as if flowing horizontally with a breath of eternity, the world is trembling because of it.

At this moment, this incredibly tall stone gate condenses from nothingness and continuously transforms into a substance, and then begins to be pushed, as if there is someone over there who is about to walk over.

In fact, it is not only the Western Immortal Territory, but several other immortal territories, and now we have also learned about the emergence of the ancient city of Tongtian.

For the creatures of Xianyu, Tongtian Ancient City is the last place of hope.

According to ancient legend, the world connected by the road between Xianyu and Tongtian Ancient City is one. It is the ancestral land and origin of all creatures in Xianyu.

Even the invincible king of the fairyland was once born in that world. After thousands of hardships and countless years of cultivation, he achieved such a foundation in the fairyland and ruled the various races of the fairyland.

It's just that behind, for some reason, the immortal domain and that realm could not be touched anymore.

So far, the fairyland is like that duckweed without roots, and it has lost the foundation of its origin.

Countless years have passed, and the building is about to fall, unable to maintain its previous glory. The five immortal realms proclaim themselves to each other in order to live alive in this troubled world.

The emergence of Tongtian Ancient City is tantamount to an indescribable heavy hammer in the hearts of many immortal people, making their already desperate hearts become excited again, wanting to see hope from there.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous. At the beginning, the immortal realm was separated from the realm of its origin. Although it was a helpless situation, it was also because this realm had experienced a catastrophe, and many immortals existed and had to flee with the people 々[.."

"The ancestor of my clan has already deduced that if the realm of origin appears, the heaven and the earth in it are broken, and it is impossible to give birth to the immortal way."

"After the Jedi Tiantong, the creatures in the realm of Origin want to enter the fairyland again and pursue a higher Realm. It has become empty talk. There is no exact time, no exact location, and I can't think of coming to the fairyland."

Seeing the gathering of cultivator creatures, there are many descendants of immortal realms, and many old generations of foreign lands, all sneer, and there is no worry that there will be an extraordinary existence in the realm of origin over there.


The sky and the earth are dimming, Xiyue is fading away, and a huge horrible figure descends in the distance.It is a creature shaped like a Golden-winged Great Peng, and every feather is shining brightly, like a place of gold. Poured.

This is a strangely enlightened person, powerful to a mess, speed surpassing light, and he appeared here in an instant.

He landed on the ground and turned into a golden middle-aged man, not angry and majestic, surrounded by black mist.

Even foreign enlightened people have appeared, making this place more and more boiling.

In today's fairyland, the fairy Daoist is not visible, and I don't know where to hide. I worry about being punished by the king of a foreign land, so be cautious.

Those descendants of the fairyland, the strongest in Cultivation Base, but the holy realm, even the supreme realm has not been reached.

In front of enlightened people in a foreign land, trembling, just a breath is enough to kill them thousands of times.

"Sure enough, that road"

This middle-aged man in a foreign land seemed to shoot out two heavenly swords in his eyes, clattering.

He stared at the emerging stone gate, but he didn't expect the legendary city and gate to appear.

Soon, there were a few more terrifying figures descending here, all enlightened beings from foreign lands, surrounded by black mist, with blurred faces, like a heavenly Demon shadow, standing at the end of the sky, looking at the ancient city of Tongtian indifferently.

All cultivator creatures, in front of them, have a kind of humble feeling like an ant.

Even the first breath of the enlightened person inadvertently leaked, it is enough to blow up the ordinary supreme, in today's Western fairyland, the foreign enlightened person sits on one side and can suppress everything.

"I'll take a look at what this legendary ancient city of Tongtian is."

"The environment of the world has changed, or someone is making a ghost."

An enlightened person in a foreign land is very indifferent, with golden light gushing out of his eyes.

He sneered, strode out, and went straight to the stone gate that was turning from virtual to real, reflecting the world.

He carried a horrible breath, and his body was full of golden light, like a blaze burning, looking closely at those symbols, they were constructed in an orderly manner.


Behind him, a golden sun bloomed, higher than him, enveloped him, and there was a cry of Golden Crow, shaking the sky.

The entire sky was shaken by his breath, and the stars outside the sky were shaken down.

"The enlightened old man of the Darkblood Golden Crow clan

Many creatures in the foreign land knelt down under this breath and worshipped devoutly.

Especially the younger generation, who admired them to the extreme, whispered there, they wanted to see with their own eyes the enemyless objects on their side, and blasted open the stone gate.

And the people of the Xianyu people are trembling, and the many tribes on the continent below are even more unbearable. Many people just feel that they are going to explode under this kind of breath.

The enlightened person of the dark-blooded Golden Crow clan obviously had no scruples, trying to probe the truth of the stone gate.


However, the stone gate of Tongtian Ancient City was slowly being pushed open at this moment, and a gap had appeared long ago.

At this moment, there was a huge amount of light bursting out. The aura of the two worlds was boiling and colliding, and even a beam of light rushing through the sky directly penetrated the entire star field.

"~ It really is the breath of another world, there is also a way there"

The rest of the enlightened people in the foreign land are shaking in their hearts, staring at the stone gate, to see the scene clearly.

They can feel the vast and expansive atmosphere of the world coming over there, vicissitudes and ancient times, longer than the fairyland.

This made them a little excited, they thought of a lot of rumors, involving the original secrets of this world.

"No, there is a shadow, someone is coming

"Could it be that he opened the door and broke through the earth."

But The next moment, they seemed to notice something, their expressions changed drastically, and they could no longer maintain the emotions they had just now.

"who are you?"

At this time, the voice of the enlightened ancestor of the Darkblood Golden Crow clan suddenly sounded, with horror and trembling, as well as disbelief.

With a bang, ten thousand divine lights erupted there, and each divine light is a (Zhao Zhaohao) rule rune, in which there are Xeon symbols, and the bones of the dark blood Golden Crow family, intertwined, divine power Shock the world.

This is the mighty power of an enlightened person. He is desperately shining all over the world, so that many people here can't open their eyes and can't look directly.

But then it was accompanied by a scream, with a bang, the blood mist exploded there, and all the light was fading, seeming to be swallowed by endless darkness.

"Do not "

All the enlightened people in the foreign land have changed their complexion, their whole body is chilly, and their hair is terrified.

The rest of the foreign creatures gathered here, the descendants of the fairyland, also suddenly lost their voices, became dead and quiet, watching the magnificent scene behind the stone door settle down, and the light faded.

Above the ancient city of Tongtian, the wall is still towering, but now the blood of an enlightened person is on the wine again, and there is no bones left.

The stone gate opened, and a young man walked out of it, in a cyan silk shirt, very handsome and tall, with five colors of immortality around him, but soon disappeared, returning to the original, the Transcendent demon.

He just walked in this simple way, without hurries or slowness, behind him was a big red bird with flapping wings, his eyes were very calm, like the vast deep sea and the boundless void.

But the whole world was shaking violently, and the sky was about to collapse, and it seemed that it was difficult to bear his breath.

823 Immortal Realm or Foreign Realm is the same, or is it a young king?

The ancient city of Tongtian was shaken, and the magnificent and tall Shimen is the gateway in myths and legends.

Today once again manifested in the world, and was pushed away, rumbling, emitting a vast and vast light.

All the creatures felt that they were going to turn into ashes under the collision of the breath of the two worlds, with no bones left.

This kind of mighty air force is almost like two big universes, having an unimaginable collision, swept through the ages, and passed on to this world.

The Stars outside the sky are shaking, about to fall down.

However, the most incredible thing is that this stone gate was pushed open by a creature from another world. He walked calmly, his steps were not fast, but his heart was about to explode.

This world seems to be unable to carry his breath.

The entire Tongtian ancient city, because of his arrival, has been shaking constantly, and the traces covering the city wall are even more manifesting.

The torrent of rune, intertwined with light beams in the sky, is bright and dazzling, no one can look directly.

All the cultivator creatures in front of them, whether they came from a foreign land or a descendant of the fairy land, all shuddered and were shocked by the sight in front of them, unable to speak.

For the enlightened people in a foreign land, they were horrified to the extreme, and their scalp was numb. At this moment, they just wanted to turn into divine light to escape, and didn't want to stay here at all.

Just now 773 pieces of powerful dark blood Golden Crow enlightened people were returned. Now they have turned into a cloud of blood, with no bones left, and died tragically in front of the stone gate.

Although they did not see clearly what happened, they knew that the enlightened person of the Darkblooded Golden Crow must be slapped to death by the handsome man, just like slapped to death a buzzing fly.

It's so simple, there is no trace even if there is only time to make a scream.

This is the ancestor of the Darkblooded Golden Crow tribe. Overlooking a big world, he has practiced the path for millions of years. He is extremely strong, and he is in his prime of life. As a result, he died so tragically.

In their hearts, only the great horror appeared at this moment, and their hearts were trembling.

Moreover, under the gaze of this young man, their souls seemed to be frozen, and there was no idea of ​​escape at all.

In other words, if they dare to escape, then their fate will definitely be the same as the ancestor of the Darkblood Golden Crow clan just now, and they will die in an instant.

"Isn't it that the world has long been broken, the rules are incomplete, and it is impossible to give birth to a person who transcends the immortal way?"

"Who is this person?"

"The ancient ancestor once said that that piece of heaven and earth is already in tatters, and that the gate of the Jedi Heavenly Tong could not be opened by people in that realm."

Many powerful people in the foreign land are frightened, and their whole body is cold. Being shocked by these sights, they can't speak, their voices are trembling.

"This is the strong man who walked out of the original land."

The descendants of the Immortal Territory were excited and excited. On the broken continent everywhere, many eyes fell and saw the sights just now.

This is so shocking, in the eyes of many people, it is simply unbelievable.

"Xianyu has really changed

The big red bird followed Gu Changge excitedly, and once again felt the breath of the fairyland.

But this time, it is more about the experience of the world environment that is different from before. The surrounding creatures and cultivators are not the people of the immortal territory, but the creatures from a foreign land.

Of course, it can understand the language of the creatures in the fairyland, judging from their words.

Nowadays, the fairyland has undergone major changes. I am afraid that the foreign land has already been captured, causing the fairyland to fall.

Regarding this, although it regrets the account, it also knows that it is helpless.

"An enlightened person in a foreign land?"

Gu Changge walked slowly from Shimen, his expression was very calm, and there was not the slightest change in the waves because of the many creatures who watched.

The fluctuations in his body disappeared, returning to the original nature, and the whole person was like a vast expanse of void, but also like an ordinary creature.

But I saw it with my own eyes that an enlightened man died tragically in front of him, and no creatures here dare to treat him as an ordinary person.

Seeing Gu Changge walking unhurriedly, all the alien creatures trembled in their hearts and couldn't help but backed away a few steps.

The creatures who came with the gods were even more frightened, feeling the mount was extremely frightened, trembling there, and then had to fall from the air.

Many young people from other lands also looked terrified. After all, from the outside, Gu Changge is about the same age as them, and even younger than them (cedh).

Moreover, there is no such old breath in him, and his true age is definitely not that old.

As the best of their peers in the foreign land, they shined brightly when they fought in the fairyland. Many young arrogants on the side of the fairyland were spleen free.

But I never thought that I would see a young man with his own eyes, slap an enlightened person to death, and opened the legendary, unbreakable Jedi Heavenly Gate.

Could this be a young king of the fairyland?

At the thought of this, they all turned pale, and they couldn't believe it or imagine it.

In their opinion, that world, even though it is called the realm of the origin of Immortal Territory, but after countless years of taboos and scourges, everything is shattered, and the extremely bitter cold makes it impossible to give birth to an existence beyond Immortal Dao.

At most, it is in the realm of enlightened people, going far away.

"Today's fairyland, who is the king?"

Gu Changge opened his mouth calmly and walked out of Tongtian Ancient City. The city gate is very magnificent. Even the caves of the city gate are magnificent and amazing. Walking here, it is endless and unbelievably magnificent.

The gray-brown stone ground and the flat road seemed to reach the end, as he slowly walked in, the stone gate was slowly closing, and it would not keep opening.

When he spoke, his gaze fell on some descendants of the Immortal Territory in the broken continent ahead.

In terms of his current Realm, he can naturally understand what happened, and can also judge which cultivator creatures came from the fairyland, and which came from the Yinzhen realm, that is, a foreign land.

"Return to my lord"

"Nowadays, there is no king in the Western Immortal Territory. Millions of years ago, the Tianye Immortal King of the Western Immortal Territory was besieged and killed by a number of foreign kings, and the corpse returned. The ancient city of Tongtian was also hidden by the seal of Tianye Immortal King "

Hearing what Gu Changge said, among the descendants of the immortal realm, a gray-haired old man stood up, Yan Sheng replied, with grief.

The fairy king Tianye is the king of the Western fairyland. He once ruled the western fairyland. Of course, in addition to the Tianye fairy king, there are other fairy kings in the western fairyland, but they have long since disappeared.

Some people suspect that they are in seclusion and do not know where to go. Others feel that they may have gone to another real world and abandoned the immortal realm.

Of course, there are also people who feel that they have long since fallen and suffered dark damage from a foreign land.

"Already no king?

Gu Changge nodded, not surprisingly, if it had happened millions of years ago, it would be normal for the immortal domain to evolve into such a miserable state.

However, when he appeared in Xianyu, he didn't intend to speak for the descendants of Xianyu to seek justice.

In his eyes, both the fairyland and the foreign land are the same, and they are all part of the real world of mountains and seas.

It's just that from the current situation, the real world of mountains and seas is separated.

In the foreign land, there may be some ethnic groups that have secretly sought refuge in the original realm, or have taken refuge in other real worlds, trying to find the origin of the mountain and sea real world, swallow it, and achieve the only real world.

This only real world is a truth that has been passed down since ancient times. When the only real world is born, the original realm will suffer a huge impact, and this is also the most critical act of conquering the sky.