Ch 822

Gu Changge's expression did not change, he just swept across the broken continent in front of him and the many alien creatures in the distance.

What he wants to consider now is actually how to link the previously arranged bureaus according to the original plan, so as not to miss the slightest flaw.

The shocking change in Xianyu had long been expected by him, and now he appeared in Xianyu, in fact, it is only to verify the guess, and at the same time make himself fit the real Immortal Realm.

After all, at his current physical level, he has not yet experienced the baptism of the rules of immortality, and he cannot be regarded as a real immortal body.

Of course, the moment Gu Changge appeared in the immortal realm, his physical body was actively devouring the rich immortal factors. For him, there is no need to say that he was baptized by the so-called immortal robbery. .

Even if he didn't revive his past memories, just by relying on his current strength, there is no need to worry about the so-called Immortal King.

What's more, he was in the upper realm and reached the top, Cultivation Base has already reached an unfathomable level, which cannot be speculated.

Not to mention that he has many methods.

It's just that, in order to plan just in case, many things have to be considered more far-reaching.

"So young, coming from that world, he may be someone from Samsara

"To report to the true immortal of our world, the portal to the realm of origin reappears, and the young man who is suspected to be the immortal king walks out of it.

Unlike many people of the immortal territory who are excited and excited, many powerful people in the foreign territory are shocked and shocked.

Because only true immortals are qualified to contact the immortal king and inform this matter.

In front of this mysterious young man, the enlightened person is no different from the ant. I am afraid that only the real immortal is qualified to talk to it and figure out its origin and origin.

Moreover, he just asked, who is the current king of Xianyu.

Doesn't it mean that he knows the fairy king of Xianyu?

This thought came into the minds of many alien creatures, making them both horrified and terrified, thinking of long-lasting rumors.

The vast majority of alien creatures are not stupid either. After knowing that even enlightened people have been slapped to death, they converged from their previous strengths, as if they were waiting in place for execution.

Those foreign young people who were still arguing about the realm of origin just now were all pale and silent.

After the fall of the Western Immortal Territory, Alien Territory only sent true immortals to stay here, and there was no fairy king here, otherwise, with the terrible momentum just now, how could the immortal king not know?

In fact, at the moment when the ancient city of Tongtian emerged, the real immortal on the foreign land was immediately aware of it.

Although they are not as vast as the immortal kings, they are also the real strongest existence overlooking the world.

The Western Immortal Territory is incomplete, but the kind of fluctuation just now is really terrible. The fluctuation of the collision between the two realms seems to have a big universe in it.

How can they not feel it?

It's just that after witnessing an enlightened person being slapped to death, they are shuddered, not stupid, knowing that Gu Changge is by no means their enemy, and must report to the foreign fairy king.

This mysterious young man, Cultivation Base is unfathomable. In this era, he has walked out of the realm of origin and even opened the door that can only be broken by the fairy king, showing his strength.

It is definitely the fairy king and even the level above it.

For some true immortals in the foreign land, they know a lot about the truth about this world, and they are qualified to come into contact with that level, so they know that the reason why the foreign land is always looking for the realm of origin is because on the one hand it is because they want to swallow that realm. The original source makes the real world of mountains and seas completely unified.

There is another reason, they are looking for those people in Samsara.

Judging from the current situation, this mysterious young man is likely to be one of those people in Samsara.

"My lord, are you the once king of Xianyu?"

In front of the ancient city of Tongtian, many people from the Immortal Territories rushed to kneel here, worshiping Gu Changge, with excitement on their faces, as if they were facing a god in the myth.

One of the girls, who didn't seem to be too old, couldn't help but ask, with hope and expectation in her eyes.

On this primitive land, towering ancient trees, tall and big knotted knots, a small group of descendants of the human race in the fairyland, have lived here for thousands of years.

They are only a small part of them.

The mainland is extremely incomplete, and traces of the original war can still be seen in some places. The original vast life Galaxy was destroyed and washed away in all directions.

The land in front of you is only a very small part of it.

Gu Changge swept across these descendants of the immortal realm, his expression was unwavering, he did not answer, nor shook his head.

He just looked at the sky in the distance, and it seemed to everyone that he was quietly waiting for the king of a foreign land to come.

The atmosphere here seemed to be frozen. All the alien creatures who came before, no matter what level they were, did not dare to move, were frightened and fearful. They didn't know where Gu Changge came from or where he came from.

The world is quiet, as if even time and space are hidden. There is no interweaving of rules and order, and it becomes absolute peace here.

The big red bird is also quiet at the moment. I don't know the purpose of Gu Changge. In fact, it doesn't know Gu Changge at all until now. It just understands that he is the culprit leading to the Forbidden Era.

It is the demon master who makes the heavens silent.

He is a cruel man who calculates the upper realm and kills everything.

It is not a good person to clean up the realm of origin and unify it.

Although he was very gentle and easy-going towards the beauties of the relatives around him, it was undeniable that his indifference and ruthlessness were enough to make the heavens of the upper realm fearful.


Streams of light across Universe Tianyu!

At this moment, countless alien creatures gathered from all over the self-mutilated western fairyland and rushed to this universe.

Across the starry sky far away, they were not yet close, but they felt in their hearts that they noticed that the environment of that piece of heaven and earth had changed a lot.

"That door appeared? A young man who was suspected of being an immortal king also walked out of it?

In the vast alien universe.

In a vast dojo shrouded in dense fog, a vicissitudes of ancient existence suddenly opened his eyes.

This is the first time he has made a sound in millions of years.

His blood fluctuates like a king sun, standing in the starry sky, like a demon god before the ancient times, terrifying to the extreme.

As a figure of the supreme immortal Dao, he can be called the king of immortals, dominating the vast and endless universe, and his people are billions, which can be described as infinite.

There are very few things in this world that can alarm such an existence.

At this moment, the Universe was trembling. With the revival of this terrible existence, the vast starry sky undulated like an ocean, and large tracts of star battles turned into ancestors.

Before the foreign land conquered the Western Immortal Territory, it had already smashed the West Tianmen, and now the barrier disappeared. Even though the heaven and earth environment suppressed the foreign immortal king, it could not prevent them from coming.

It only takes a thought to descend from the endlessly distant foreign land to the western fairyland.

This alien immortal king was startled, his eyes resembling two terrifying fairy swords, tearing the universe apart, as if he wanted to see the scene there clearly.

The existence of the Realm standing on the fairy king can already be called omnipotent, and it can even travel through the long river of time to change some bearable Karma.

Therefore, the moment he woke up, he began to deduct the things on the western fairyland, wanting to know the origin of the young man who appeared.


And at this moment, the sky above the Western Immortal Territory began to show a terrifying aura, all kinds of terrifying visions appeared, and the rules of the Immortal Dao would be broken.

…For flowers…

The Sun, Moon and Stars were trembling, countless continents collapsed, and directly turned into child fans under this kind of energy.

The Immortal King Qi machine appeared, and the entire universe trembled because of this. Large areas of the star field could not withstand this Qi machine and exploded directly.

Countless cultivator creatures, no matter what level they are, knelt down in front of that place, devoutly and admired.

Even the people of the fairyland, although they don't want to kneel to the foreign fairy king, but at this moment they can't hold it, their legs and feet are soft, and they kneel down directly.

If you don't worship the king, you will collapse easily and be extinct forever.

"It's Immortal King Kunxuan."

"Great, the king of our world has already sensed everything here."

Many foreign real immortals in the Western Immortal Territory felt this aura, and they were all excited and knelt down towards that place.

Even if they are true immortals, in front of the immortal king, they are like ants, and they can be obliterated countless times with their thoughts.

The gap is insurmountable like a moat.

The majestic and majestic ancient city of Tongtian, because of this kind of energy trembling, the blood that was spilled on the city wall before gave out a dazzling dazzling light.

In the faint, there are various ghosts of ancient times appearing, there are real celestials in the fairyland bleeding here, the fairy king is besieged and fallen, the heaven is collapsed, the western fairyland is collapsed, the heavenly gate is cut off, the sky is weeping blood, and all beings mourn.

Many descendants of the Western Immortal Territory, in this kind of breath, are extremely sad and desperate, thinking of the tragic scene of the entire Immortal Territory ruptured after the Xitian Gate was breached.

How many tens of thousands of years?

The reappearance of the foreign fairy king who once led the army into the western fairyland, although it is just a ray of energy, it is still terrifying and unstoppable.

"Who are you from? Samsara? Or the remnants who have fled to that world?"

"It's a bit extraordinary to be able to push open the door and step into the fairyland.

This foreign immortal king has a very cold gaze. Although it is only a ray of energy, he still has no scruples, staring at Gu Changge in front of the ancient city of Tongtian.

Finally, his eyes fell on this legendary ancient city, looking at the gateway.

Through that portal, he could perceive that what came out of it was the realm of origin that they had been looking for.

"Just a ray of air?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge glanced at this foreign immortal king, his eyes did not fluctuate.

"A ray of energy can also kill you."

Immortal King Kunxuan did not notice the aura of the Immortal King in Gu Changge, and did not think that he was an existence standing at the same height as himself, and his eyes were extremely cold.

He just lifted his palm and patted it. A big, chaotic hand, across the sky, obscured the entire universe, and the entire world was covered by him.

The avenue is rumbling, and the universe is resonating.

The many rules and orders of the western fairyland are even more horrible sounds like a knife, which are easily crushed and then cracked.

However, Gu Changge merely pointed out this, and cut it forward lightly.

A Sword Ray swept away, faintly green, as if running through ancient history and washing the future.


The sky shattered, the universe was turbulent, and the entire universe seemed to be fragmented.

The surging Sword Ray, entwined with chaos and fairy light, runs through everything and covers the world.

It's too bright and dazzling, like the blue sky, shining through the ages.

Even the long river of time has disappeared, and all the rules and orders are collapsing and dissipating.

Under this Sword Ray, the world is wailing.

Seeing this sword fall, Immortal King Kunxuan's expression has changed abruptly, his expression has always been indifferent, and his expression has not changed much.

The giant hand protruding out made a pop, broke and collapsed, and instantly disintegrated, and then Sword Ray kept on, a sword fell, directly blasting the head of his table, and his figure exploded with a bang. superior.