Ch 832

"This is something you can't look at directly."

Immortal King Kunxuan, Immortal King Qingming and others, Dao heart was trembling, his eyes were full of shock and incredible, his voice trembled, and there was great fear.

Just now, they just glanced at the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd in Gu Changge's hand, and their eyes were tingling, and they were about to shed blood and tears, and hurriedly looked away.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there was even a tearing pain, as if there was a real halberd light, splitting towards them through the sea of ​​stars, to make them disappear.

At the level of the immortal king, they know a lot about the secrets of this world.

Some things, maybe mortal or ordinary cultivator, can't see the difference yet, and won't have any effect.

But in the eyes of those high-level, higher-latitude creatures, it is a great horror. It cannot be said that it is in danger of death at every turn.

It can easily cause the cultivator to fall into a state of madness, which is even scarier than the collapse of Dao heart.

If the existence of Cultivation Base higher than theirs witnessed this, it might not be as simple as the bleeding of the eyes. Maybe the spirits will be turbulent, and there will be a life-and-death crisis.

At this moment, Immortal King Kunxuan, Immortal King Qingming and others trembled. They didn't expect that one day they would encounter something that is not to be looked at in the legend.

Generally speaking, such things that cannot be looked at directly and are indescribable will only appear in the original realm.

Just like the fallen true hole fairy king killed by Gu Changge before, it is because it is contaminated with the absolute Yin Qi from the source world that it will cause a certain transformation of the flesh, and it will be tyrannical and indestructible.

The place where the Qi of Absolute Yin comes from is the Origin Realm, which is also an unspeakable thing in the world.

They have heard of some ancient fairy books, and there is a kind of mist in which the fairy king has encountered the indescribable.

Just seeing it from a long distance away, the mind is out of control, walks towards there, gathers around the mist, and becomes a walking corpse.

You have to know that it is the fairy king, just because of a long distance, you will suffer this catastrophe, and you will never be able to live beyond it.

It is chilling to think about it, and it is difficult to trace the origin and origin of those weird things.

"Why does he own such things that cannot be seen directly

"Or, in fact, from the beginning, I waited wrong."

Thinking of this, they looked at Gu Changge's gaze, which had changed drastically, thinking of a possibility that they hadn't dared to think about before.

At this time, it was different from the trembling of Immortal King Kunxuan and Immortal King Qingming.

"That's it"

King Ming was already shocked to the extreme, and his scalp was tingling.

He was trembling all over, and he was speechless, looking at Gu Changge on the other side of the black sea.

The hand holding the Euphorbia was trembling slightly.

Even though it is the King of Ming, who has crossed many epochs in foreign land, he is jealous of many immortal kings, and is called the fierce king by the world.

But at this moment, I still feel endless fear and amazement.

I can't believe my own eyes.

"That's true, are you?"

King Ming naturally recognized the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd, although it only traced a halberd light at the beginning.

But he was able to see the scene of the collapse of the heavens, and the halberd smashed and fell from the sky above the eternal blue sky, shattering everything.

If he hadn't seen its body, how could he imitate it in later generations.

But King Ming really didn't expect that one day he would really see the real product, and he would be so close to him.

However, what made King Ming feel most timid and frightened was that now the owner of this genuine product was standing in front of him. Just now, they even thought about hunting him.

Before this, King Ming hadn't thought about that at all, after all, it was too unbelievable.

The culprit of the taboo era caused the destruction of the fairy palace, the origin of the world is separated from the fairy domain, and the taboo existence of the Jedi Tiantong has now appeared in front of him alive.

Who can think of this? Who dares to think about it?

You know, that is a taboo that destroys three thousand states with one hand, and Nine Heavens is a taboo in ten places.

Even the fairy palace that once ruled the heavens is far from enough to see in front of it.The great palace owner of the fairy palace fell because of it, and the fairyland declined because of it. Caused by the reason.

Even on the alien side, even the ancestor of Immortal's imperial clan, when mentioning its existence, was awed, jealous, and even fearful.

At this moment, King Ming felt that his body was full of chills, his hands and feet were chilling, after he had insight into the truth, he even lost the courage to speak.

His face was full of fear and anxiety, and he no longer had the arrogance and self-confidence he had just now.

...For flowers...…

"It seems you should recognize it."

"Since you know who I am, you should also understand that I was not joking with you just now."

Gu Changge's mouth was still choking with a faint smile, and then the Eight Desolation Demon Halberd swept across the air.

The monstrous Killing intent is almost about to collapse the universe in front of him, and some of the divine thoughts spied around.

Suddenly it broke into powder ashes, only to hear a lot of stunned snoring, and then the sky became deadly silent.

"Is it really that one

The voices of Immortal King Qingming, Immortal King Kunxuan and others were also trembling.

After witnessing the change in King Ming's expression, he also understood that things were really as they had guessed.

At the same time they were horrified, they only felt that their souls were trembling constantly, which was an emotion they had never experienced before becoming a fairy queen.

Fear, panic, uneasy

That taboo existence reappeared in the world and appeared in front of them.

This kind of horror that resembles the reappearance of ancient mythology, even the fairy king is trembling, even if the ancestor of the emperor appears here, I am afraid they will react in the same way.

If at this moment, the scene is not surprising at all, it is the big red bird who has been by the side.

It knows Gu Changge's identity well, and naturally knows what Gu Changge's representation of the fairyland means to the world today.

Once this news spreads, then the entire fairyland, and even the foreign land, will fall into endless panic.

Before Taboo Era, the demon lord had not yet broken with the fairy palace.

For some reason, he went to a foreign land to slaughter a party of the emperor, and even the ancestor of the emperor was also beheaded by it.

That is the strongest force in the foreign land, which can be traced back to the beginning of its birth, but it has been destroyed, and it has become the only emperor in the foreign land that has been destroyed.

To know that the ancestor of the emperor clan basically means the creature of Immortal, the emperor in the immortal, is the strongest existence that can be born in the real world, has stood on the top, meaning the ceiling.

Even if he is the great palace master of the fairy palace, at the peak of his heyday, he can at best defeat the ancestor of the imperial family.

Therefore, it is conceivable that the destruction of the emperor clan has caused a sensation and impact on the foreign land.

In the back, the fairy palace dominates the heavens, and the foreign land does not dare to set foot in the fairyland because of this relationship. superior.