Ch 833

This is definitely the most terrifying existence throughout the ages, and there is no one.

At least in the real world of Shanhai.

Even though he was the great palace master who was once as powerful as the fairy palace, he finally fell because of it, and the ancestor of the strongest emperor in the foreign land was killed by him.

In the old ancient books, there are even records that said that this taboo was actually born in an unknown world. The depth of Cultivation Base has surpassed secular cognition.

This is the limit that one real world cannot bear.

There was dead silence in front of Tongtian Ancient City. Immortal King Kunxuan, Immortal King Qingming, and even King Ming were uneasy, and their faces were full of disbelief and fear.

This news is too terrifying. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes today, they wouldn't dare to believe it.

If the ancestors of the imperial clan appeared here, it would be the same, and they would be palpitated and fearful.

The culprit that once led to the taboo era reappears in the world again, stepping out of the realm of origin, pushing "seven or eighty zero" to open the door to the legend.

He is not in Samsara, he is the one who almost collapsed Samsara.

Before that, they even thought about hunting Gu Changge. This is simply a horror of the world, because they think their life span is too long.

Many foreign creatures, although they don't know what this means, but from the looks of the Immortal King Kunxuan, the Immortal King Qingming, etc., it can be guessed that the origin of Gu Changge is probably more than they thought. horrible.


Jin Yuan was also trembling at the moment, his face turned pale, and he turned his head very hard, trying to see Gu Changge's face clearly.

He really did not expect that Gu Changge would be the one in the legend.

This news is too horrible, even if the other fairy kings are here, they will be scared enough to be unacceptable.

At this moment, he also wanted to understand why, before that, Gu Changge had said that he tried to raise Immortal King Kunxuan, Immortal King Qingming and others as his source.

Even the most powerful creatures today are enough to look down upon the past, present and the future, but in front of Gu Changge, I am afraid they have to tremble.

The fairyland is huge, although it is now sealed into five areas, but some news between each other is not blocked.

Such a big thing happened in the Western Immortal Territory, the four kings of the alien land came and broke through the West Heaven Gate, which has already alarmed the other powerful immortal territories.

Some true celestial beings spied from a long distance, and some fairy kings even used some means to try to understand the situation here.

Jin Yuan came with sincerity, hoping to win over Gu Changge and let him return to the southern fairyland.

In this month, the king was even willing to say, willing to share the world with Gu Changge.

In this era, the existence of a fairy king is of great significance, especially in the southern fairyland where there are only two fairy kings sitting on the surface.

So Jin Yuan himself felt that Gu Changge would consider the conditions of the Moon King as long as he was rational.

But he never thought that Gu Changge had a great origin, but the existence of the one who was called taboo.

If this matter was learned by the Moon King, she would definitely be uneasy, and the entire Immortal Domain would fall into panic.

After all, for the immortal domain, Gu Changge's existence is even more terrifying than other foreign domains. If it weren't for him, how could the immortal domain collapse? How could the peak powerhouses of ancient times fall?

Once dominated the heavens, so that the foreign land did not dare to cross the fairy palace half a step from Leichi, how could it be buried in the long river of history?

At this time, everyone was horrified, even if they were just standing next to Gu Changge, they were trembling and sweating all over.

Those true immortals who came with Jin Yuan thought that they could see an unprecedented battle. After seeing the fallen true hole immortal king, being killed by Gu Changge and devouring the origin, they didn't feel palpitations at all, but they were happy. .

Because from the beginning, I felt that Gu Changge was the king of the fairyland, facing the foreign land.

But now, after learning about the secrets of these taboos, they are all horrified, and their backs are simply chilly. Just now, they blindly thought that Gu Changge might come out for the western fairyland.

But in fact, Gu Changge probably ignored them at all, let alone uphold justice.

From the beginning, they thought too much, and they were all unrealistic ideas. Obviously Gu Changge shot and killed the immortal king in a foreign land, maybe he really just wanted to kill the immortal king, and then skimmed over its origin.

When they think of this, they are even more frightened. This existence really regards the fairy king as nourishment.

Those immortal kings in Xianyu today will feel uneasy and sleepless if they get news.


The war broke out again here soon, Xingyu shook, and after the immortal King Kunxuan, the Immortal King Qingming and others were frightened, they also reacted.

Since Gu Changge is the taboo, he must not be joking with them.

At this time, no matter how frightened they were, they had to resist, otherwise they would only become like the fallen true hole fairy king and become the source of their plunder.

King Ming was even more determined. He turned around and rips the universe apart without saying a word. He wanted to run away, and he couldn't even think of competing with Gu Changge.

I also felt that I could rely on imitations of the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd to cross the world and bring Gu Changge down.

However, his only thought now is to escape back to a foreign land and seek the asylum of the ancestor of the emperor.

However, after Gu Changge revealed his identity, he did not intend to let them escape.

Seeing that the kings of the foreign land were about to flee, he only smiled faintly, and the whole western fairyland was trembling, and the sky was undulating like crunchy paper.

Then it cracked with a sneer, and the endless wind and chaotic energy blew out from it, as if the world was annihilated.

The big stars rushed past like quicksand, as if torn a hole in the sky and the earth.

There are endless fairy lights rushing into the sky, and the black sea condensed by the large vases, is a wave of tumbling, flooding the sky and the earth.

At this time, even the real immortal couldn't see the scene there, and only saw Gu Changge stepping away, his figure blurred and blurred, as if he was suppressing this magnificent world, the eternal time and space were shattered, and the river of time was ups and downs around.

Immortal King Kunxuan, Immortal King Qingming, and others are rebelling, and the whole body is gushing with fairy light, and the avenues are all around, raising their hands and feet, as if they are about to break through the world.

They tried their best, but there was still blood spattered, like a huge wave, washing the world into a bloody color.

However, the result was cruel. Gu Changge did not intend to let them go after offering the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd. The battle ended quickly and did not last long.

The blood was gushing, the vision of the fairy king's fall appeared, the big star was incomplete, the blood moon was high, and the entire universe seemed to be weeping blood.

In the distant Universe, the dojo where Immortal King Kunxuan and others are located, there is a pouring rain of blood falling 3.7, and there are voices of mourning everywhere, which is difficult for countless foreigners to accept.

After the foreign immortal king conquered the immortal domain, he fell there unexpectedly, with the same sorrow for the whole world.

King Ming was terrified in his heart. Fortunately, Immortal King Kunxuan, Immortal King Qingming and others delayed Gu Changge's footsteps, allowing him to quickly tear the Universe and escape back to a foreign land.

Of course, in fact, Gu Changge deliberately let him leave, the purpose is to make King Ming return to the foreign land, so that the news spread, triggering panic on the foreign land.

Although Gu Changge is strong now, if he faces the ancestor of the emperor, he still has little chance of winning.

The gap between the immortal king and the immortal emperor is far more terrifying than the true immortal and the enlightened person, not to mention the ancestor of the emperor, and it is not the ordinary immortal emperor. Among them, the deepest existence of Taoism is already at the level of the immortal emperor.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Changge intends to use these origins to reshape the fairy body, making his body perfect and flawless. .