Ch 863

865 He is here again, the horror of the foreign king (please subscribe)

The ancient city of Tongtian stands towering, revealing mottled vicissitudes and majestic atmosphere.

Some places are very dilapidated, there are traces of swords, spears, swords and halberds, and many places are stained with blood, telling the desolation of the past.

At this time, the ancient city gate was slowly pushed open, like a magic box that had been sealed for a long time, and it swept through the clouds with the suffocating energy.

Gu Changge appeared here with Tianlu Xuannv, and the rich immortal factors permeated her, making her face hard to hide surprise.

"Is this the fairyland?"

Tianlu Xuannv murmured, her eyes full of inconceivable.

Especially when they perceive the rules of heaven and earth here, it is more suitable for monks to comprehend Taoism, and there are many mysteries.

The shackles of the realm that she had been stuck on began to loosen, and a large amount of immortal energy was surging in her meridians and lungs, and some kind of transformation was about to take place.

However, when she swept across the barren, almost deadly, devastated hills and ravines in front of her, she couldn't help but be taken aback.

"What ever happened here?"

She was very surprised, this "290" thought that what she saw would be prosperous, and she could see all the ancient mountains and the spiritual veins of the immortal island, but she never thought that it would be so dilapidated and have no vitality.

Gu Changge didn't explain much. He set foot in the Immortal Domain again. He didn't want to let Tianlu Xuannv bathe in the immortal calamity, but brought her here.

"Today's Immortal Realm is no longer the transcendent realm that everyone envied and pursued in the past.

"Ancient has passed away, everyone is in danger, the once fairyland has long been reduced to a barren land, and there is no one inhabited."

"You break through the fairyland here, and no one will disturb you."

He shook his head, letting Fairy Tianlu transcend the calamity here, and no one would come to interfere with her, while he left the ancient city of Tongtian and walked towards the distance.



Tianlu Xuannv watched Gu Changge go away, she wanted to say something, but there were many puzzles and questions, but she couldn't care about it at this time.

Her cultivation had already reached a bottleneck, and when she was in the Upper Realm, she lacked an opportunity.

Now, after passing through the passage that Gu Changge said about Feixian, it was like a fish on the beach, and suddenly fell into the water.

Every pore on her body was greedily absorbing these immortal energy.

Above the sky, there is a dull thunder disappearing, and the terrifying thunder light is gathering, and then it quickly becomes a sea of ​​thunder.

Immortal Dao Qi swept through the universe, making many creatures in distant places feel it, but when they sensed that the fluctuations came from the Western Immortal Realm, their complexions changed.


No one dares to investigate, even if they know, there may be an enlightened person who will transcend tribulation and become immortal here.

In front of this ancient city, many immortal kings fell with blood, including the kings of the western immortal realm, and the four foreign kings who fell here a few years ago.

Today, the ancient city of Tongtian has turned into a dead place, full of terrifying crises, without any living beings.

Tens of thousands of miles around, all turned into red land, many places have fallen stars, covered with all kinds of terrifying ravines and rift valleys.

There were also creatures from other regions who worshiped in distant places, hoping that the grievances of the kings of foreign regions could be calmed down as soon as possible.

When the four kings came to this place, they were all beheaded by a forbidden figure, turned into nourishment, and devoured them.

This news caused a sensation in the whole foreign land, and many ancient royal families were terrified by it.

Some people even went to the deepest part to visit the ancestors of the imperial family who had been sleeping since ancient times, wanting to tell this.

The only survivor at that time, King Ming of a foreign land, after escaping back to a foreign land, he tried to find a way to restore the scene at that time and tell the truth, but he was backlashed, coughing up blood one after another, and panicking.

Many people have learned from his mouth that behind the ancient city of Tongtian, the taboo exists.

Perhaps it was the one who caused the collapse of the Immortal Domain, the realm of origin was destroyed, and the Immortal Palace was destroyed by this countless epochs.

This kind of news, how terrifying and terrifying, made the whole foreign land into a panic.

At first, many people thought that it would be an ancient figure who came out of reincarnation, a former supreme powerhouse in the Immortal Realm, but they never thought that it would be that taboo existence.

Countless years passed and he reappeared. what does that mean?

Disaster, catastrophe, doomsday?

Endless panic spreads across the vast expanse of the foreign land, and the major ethnic groups and forces are all trembling.

Because they were well aware of the horror of that battle at the time, they were more able to experience that kind of fear.

No one is getting this kind of news and can still be calm.

Even the king of a foreign land is no exception, and it is simply uneasy.

This is the holy land that is like an ancient and eternal piece of beans, shrouded in a mighty gray fog, with ancient cities, majestic ancient stars of life, and many pavilions and palaces above the sky.

Countless people and monks live and multiply in this holy king. There are statues standing all over the place, and many believers kneel down, worship and kowtow.

Prince Ming's mansion hangs high in nothingness, shrouded in chaotic mist, magnificent and majestic. After escaping from the Western Immortal Realm, Prince Ming hid in the mansion and cultivated his health.

Only some descendants who are highly valued by him, or other friends of the Immortal King, can be summoned by him.

"This breath…"

But now, King Ming, who was sitting cross-legged on Pan Tuan, suddenly opened his eyes, his expression was a bit uncertain, even frightened.

"Impossible, how is this possible…"

His mood fluctuated and changed drastically.

For a time, in the sky above this vast territory, the nebula began to change, and many big stars surged like a vast ocean, and when they collided, they burst into powder in an instant.

Countless people and cultivators knelt on the ground in fear, constantly kowtow, not knowing what happened.

"What happened to the ancestor of King Ming?"

Several ancient true immortals opened their eyes, and their expressions were full of shock. They left the cave and appeared in the sky above the outside world.

"He's here again!!!"

"He has set foot in the Immortal Realm again, and he can't be wrong."

In the mansion, Duke Ming reacted, and his voice trembled slightly.

At the same time, the center of his eyebrows was tingling, and his cheekbones were glowing, as if they were about to explode. There was some kind of aura on the primordial spirit. It was originally dim, but now it was shining brightly.

He understood that why he was able to escape alive at that time was not a fluke.

But Gu Changge did it deliberately, leaving a certain coordinate on him, which can determine his position, and then came to the foreign land.

After he came back, he also specially went to visit an ancestor of the imperial family and asked him to investigate what was abnormal in him.

In the end, everything was fine, but he was the one who thought too much, which made King Ming breathe a sigh of relief.

Moreover, after returning to the territory, he immediately went to read the ancient books in the past, wanting to know more about Gu Changge.

But no matter what kind of record he got, the final conclusion made him terrified and shuddered.

So that for a while, as long as he closed his eyes, the terrifying scene in front of the ancient city of Tongtian would appear in his mind.

That has almost become his dream demon and heart demon.

"I didn't expect that he came to Xianyu again on 5.7. What is his purpose this time?"

King Ming gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down, his mind was as calm as water.

As the existence of the Immortal King, his fear was only at that moment, and he quickly calmed down, knowing that the more fearful he was at this time, the more uneasy he would be.

In the past, his mood would not fluctuate for tens of thousands of years, and it was as unshakable as a rock.

But after knowing the existence of Gu Changge, he realized that in the eyes of that existence, he is actually similar to a moth ant, just like a mortal in his eyes.

"Ancestor Ming Wang…"

At this time, the sound of the report came from outside the mansion. Many ancient true immortals in the territory and the younger generation of the Ming family came over because of the movement just now, waiting outside, wanting to know what happened.

King Ming is the immortal pillar of the Ming family, enabling the Ming family to become a royal family in a foreign land.

Therefore, his thoughts and emotions decided that it was related to the future of a family.