Ch 864

866 After half a month, ask all the immortal kings to come to see you, can you do it? (Subscription required)

Just now, there was a terrifying vision outside Duke Ming's mansion, and many nebulae exploded, attracting many monks and souls to kneel toward this place in panic, not knowing what happened.

Many ancient true immortals appeared outside the mansion, as well as many descendants of the Ming clan.

Among them, there are several descendants that King Ming is most optimistic about, all of them are the arrogant figures of this generation, and they are expected to enter higher fields in the future.

"Since the last time the ancestor of King Ming escaped from the fairyland, the situation in our world has changed greatly. Many families are paying close attention to our family, and even the ancestor of the emperor has recovered because of this…"

"Now that my world is full of events, many characters in the reincarnation of the fairyland will return.

Otherwise, there will be a decisive battle between our two worlds, and all the royal families will not be spared and will be dispatched. 99

"Because of this matter, the ancestor of King Ming was afraid that he was greatly stimulated. 99

Outside the mansion, many true immortals of King Ming's family were talking and talking with serious expressions. They were considered to be the core high-level figures of King Ming's family, so they knew what King Ming had encountered in the Immortal Realm.

Even the Immortal Kings would tremble because of this, not to mention the True Immortals.

"Come in."

At this time, indifferent words came from the depths of the mansion, and King Ming sat high on the futon.

His figure was shrouded in a hazy chaotic mist, and his eyes were like two immovable magic lamps, dazzling.

In front of outsiders, even if it is a clan, he is so aloof and does not show emotional fluctuations.

Just now, the mood changed greatly, and it was completely because of trembling and incredible, and the feeling of fear in the heart of the Tao, which was imprinted by Gu Changge, as the coordinates of the arrival in the foreign land.

"Meet my king."

A group of true immortals and descendants of Prince Ming's mansion came to the outside of the cave, and they all knelt down here, not daring to look up at King Ming.

"The man has come to Immortal Realm again."

King Ming's words are very concise, and his eyes are as deep as the boundless universe.

But at this moment, there is a scene of disillusionment among all beings, and you can even hear the sound of the galloping river of time. "In the next few months, I will go to the emperor's clan to discuss this matter with the ancestor of the emperor's 22nd clan."

Although he looked indifferent, he knew in his heart that the time was urgent.

Gu Changge suddenly came to Xianyu, and no one knew his purpose.

And King Ming is even more worried that Gu Changge will come directly to the foreign land through this brand, and use him as the bridge coordinate to appear here.

So he planned to go to visit the ancestors of the imperial family and seek countermeasures.

After all, the existence of Gu Changge can be said to be an unimaginable catastrophe for the entire exotic and immortal domains.

No one dares to despise and careless.

Moreover, judging from the scene in front of the ancient city of Tongtian in the western fairyland at that time, Gu Changge obviously regarded the fairy king as the prey for hunting.

In front of him, he devoured the origin of the four Immortal Kings and used them as nourishment.

The immortal realm and the foreign realm have been fighting endlessly for countless years and countless epochs, but in front of this taboo character, these grievances and hatreds can be put aside for the time being.

"No one can guarantee that the foreign domain will not repeat the mistakes of the immortal domain?"

King Ming's eyes are very deep. At the beginning, the foreign realm had seen the terrifying catastrophe in the fairy realm with his own eyes. The fairy died, the heaven collapsed, and the entire era fell into darkness.

The existence that is as strong as the Immortal King, even far above the Immortal King, fell one after another like weeds in that catastrophe.

Hearing this, all the true immortals in Prince Ming's mansion were all horrified and knew who the person Prince Ming mentioned was.

It can be said that the four kings who fell to the Western Immortal Territory before were all from that person.

In today's era, one person killed four kings, even if he didn't know his identity, he knew how terrifying he was.

At this time, King Ming stretched out his big hand and drew several traces in the virtual space, turning it into an decree and falling, filled with a thick chaotic air, every word was flashing with divine light, like a divine script of opening the sky.

"Mingyi, you bring this order to the Central Immortal Region and give this order to him.

Duke Ming's eyes were always indifferent, and he fell to a descendant of the descendant below.

This is a tall and slender woman with long silver-white hair. The whole figure is cast from ice and snow, and her complexion is snow-white, but her expression seems to have an ancient arrogance.

"Yes, you obey your orders."

She stretched out her hand to take the order, and stood respectfully with her brows down.

Mingyi is a celestial figure of the generation of Ming Wangfu, and he is very optimistic about Ming Wang. He has only broken through the Supreme Realm after practicing Taoism for hundreds of years, and he is expected to take the step of the Immortal King in the future.

King Luo was holding a birthday banquet during this time, and he invited ancient existences from all over the Immortal Domain.

Although Prince Ming's Mansion is far away, he still hears about it.

And the most important thing is that King Ming had dealt with King Luo, and although the two were not friends, they didn't have any unresolved hatred.

This time, King Ming intends to connect with Xianyu through King Luo to discuss how to deal with Gu Changge's arrival in Xianyu.

"This time to the Central Immortal Region, the clan will send three true immortals to follow you, and I will also let Mingyang protect you in secret."

King Ming spoke again, and the words were still very simple.

The Ming Yang in his mouth is the existence of a half-step immortal king in the Ming Palace.

On weekdays, only when a very important event occurs, the King Ming will send Ming Yang to be born.

"Ming Yi will not disappoint the ancestors of King Ming, and will definitely complete this matter."

Mingyi's expression was slightly solemn, and he understood that this matter was of great importance, otherwise it would be impossible for Ming Wang's ancestor to look like he was facing a great enemy.

Although she has not experienced the taboo era, she has also learned a lot about that era from the records of many ancient books.

In that era, the Immortal Territory was extremely prosperous, and the Immortal Palace unified the heavens.

Even the ancestors of the foreign imperial clan needed to avoid their edge and ceded a large area of ​​foreign territory.

But in such a prosperous and splendid era, because a taboo figure was completely destroyed, the world became a ruin, and the river of time was broken, and it became a taboo in the mouths of future generations.

Ming Wang was expressionless, trying to deduce Gu Changge's trace, and then remove that trace.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, and the chaotic energy rose and fell like Wang Yang.

It can be said that the mana is unparalleled.

A pair of deep and frightening eyes gradually resembled two black holes, absorbing the fragments of the Dao of the Heavens, and the laws fell, wrapping him.

However, his figure sitting cross-legged on the futon soon trembled, as if unstable, about to fall from the sky.

This scene greatly changed the expressions of Ming Yi and many other clansmen in Prince Ming's Mansion.


However, Prince Ming was not surprised. Although there was helplessness in his heart, he recognized the reality.

In front of that existence, this so-called brand is like being carved into the deepest part of the soul, and it is impossible to get rid of it, and can only accept fate.

Afterwards, he rolled up his sleeves, and a crack appeared outside the void, King Ming stepped into it, and soon disappeared.

"Ming Yi, since the ancestor has an order, then you can set off and go to the Central Immortal Region to visit King Luo.

"With the decree given by the ancestors, no one dares to embarrass you in today's Immortal Realm."

After Duke Ming left, a true immortal here spoke with a very solemn expression, telling Mingyi to hurry over.

Although Xianyu has a lot of frictions and battles with foreign countries, in fact, there is a tacit understanding among the immortal kings.

Otherwise, it is not difficult to break through the many portals of the Immortal Realm with the background of today's exotic realm.

The silver-haired woman named Mingyi nodded and did not delay. With King Ming's order in hand, she was indeed not afraid of the forces of the Immortal Realm looking for trouble for her.

Over the years, the alien creatures have long been able to hide their secrets and auras, and enter the fairyland, Mingyi has not yet reached the fairyland, and there are not many worries.

Southern Immortal Domain, Moon Palace.

This is a mansion that stands in the depths of the starry sky. It is magnificent and majestic. It hangs high above the void, surrounded by chaotic energy, the mother energy of all things, and the immortal energy.

As the true ruler of the Southern Immortal Territory today, the Moon King not only has amazing skills, but also has an extremely terrifying talent for cultivation.

He once overwhelmed an era and achieved the position of the Immortal King.

She is like a moon god, dressed in veil, blue silk like a waterfall, and her facial features are carved like fairy jade, noble and elegant.

But deep in the neck, there is an aloof indifference, overlooking all the creatures in this world.

The king of the Immortal Realm once pursued her and wanted to become a Taoist partner with her, but was ruthlessly rejected, feeling that the Immortal King was inferior to himself and unworthy of her.

The two fought for this, and the outcome was unknown. No one knew what happened in that battle, but then the Immortal King never looked for her again.

The Moon King is arrogant and arrogant, despising the many Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm, which naturally has her confidence and qualifications.

"Who is my territory?"

At this moment, she was sitting on a Taoist platform, her eyes suddenly opened, her whole body was blurry, hazy, and she couldn't see clearly, as if the moonlight from the heavens was shrouded here.

The Moon King – stood up all of a sudden, walked out of the Moon King Mansion, and appeared thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

Her perception is very accurate. Outside of her territory, there is an aura that makes her uneasy. When it comes to this place, it is not in a hurry, nor is it concealed, it is extremely natural and casual.

"Could it be that person…"

The Moon King didn't show up, and Juemei's face became cloudy for a while, and she felt a little drum in her heart, remembering what Jin Yuan said before.

Does that taboo exist really want her to hand over the Nannan Xianyu?

After running the Southern Immortal Territory for so many years, how could she be reconciled if she just surrendered everything like this?

However, the Moon King knew that if that taboo was really coming.

If she dared to refuse, she felt that it was a dead end, and there was no other possibility.

She still has this self-knowledge, and even the four foreign kings died tragically at his hands, how could she be his opponent?

"Why is he staring at me?"

In fact, King Yue felt extremely regretful in his heart, why did he send Jin Yuan to intervene, and he ended up taking himself in.

But she has already come here, even if her heart is beating, she doesn't dare to take a step back.

Boom, boom, boom…

At the end of this sky, there were clear footsteps, as if echoing in a universe, and the stars in the radius of millions of miles were trembling.

This was not intentional, but because the rules of heaven and earth touched, due to the spread of the aftermath of a certain terrorist force.

From a distance, the Moon King saw a young man approaching, with a slender figure, a white robe that surpassed the snow, a god-bone immortal figure, and a very calm expression.

His pace is not fast, but it seems that there are hundreds of millions of stars changing under his feet.

"Is this the true face of that forbidden character?"

King Yue's heart froze. He only knew how young he was from Jin Yuan's remarks before, but this is the first time he has really seen his true face.

With such an existence, ordinary people can't deduce and restore its appearance at all, even if it is a photo stone, it will collapse into powder.

Maybe even after seeing it for the first time, you may forget what it looks like at the second glance.

290″ seen adults. 5

The Moon King didn't reveal the slightest abnormality, waiting here for Gu Changge's arrival.

Gu Changge looked calm, glanced at her, and asked, "Are you the ruler of the southern fairyland today?

In terms of seniority, the woman in front of her could be regarded as the ancestor of Yue Mingkong's lineage, her age was frighteningly old, but the two could not be related by blood.

Of course, Gu Changge didn't come to Xianyu for the Moon King, he just wanted to give a signal to the current Xianyu.

He reappears in the world, perhaps to give this life a big reckoning, or to reshuffle Xianyu again.

"Return to your lord."

"I am one of the only two remaining Immortal Kings in the Southern Immortal Territory today, and I cannot be called the true ruler.

"I have already arranged the many territories under the jurisdiction of the Moon King's Mansion in accordance with your previous instructions, and I can entrust them to your lord at any time.

The Moon King's expression was very respectful, and he did not have any disrespect because he was an Immortal King.

Although she is arrogant and arrogant on weekdays and looks down on other Immortal Kings, it does not mean that she has no vision.

In front of this person, what the Immortal King counts, I am afraid it is as small as a mortal ant.

Gu Changge nodded and didn't say much.

After all, after living for countless years, these immortal kings are not stupid, their eyelashes are empty, it is impossible to fight against him when they know there is no hope.

At least the Moon King in front of him did not dare to do this.

Furthermore, Gu Changge had no interest in the so-called Southern Immortal Territory, he just wanted to use it as his current foothold, so that the Upper Realm would be bordered by Immortal Territory without any interference.

Although there are boundary barriers and chaotic turbulent currents in all immortal realms, which are preventing the powerful creatures of the other big realms from entering, they cannot stop him.

"Am I some kind of beast?"

"Why are you so afraid of me as rumored."

Gu Changge glanced at the Moon King, knowing the vigilance in her heart, and said casually.

King Yue is actually quite jealous. Although she is the king of the Southern Immortal Realm, singing in front of Gu Chang always makes her tremble, like a mortal who has lost her cultivation. Consult the many ancient books linked.

In those ancient book records, Gu Changge, the peerless demon master, was a ferocious monster with many heads and countless arms. He fed on immortals, and the immortal king was no more than his ration.

Although she knew that these ancient books were inaccurate, it was still difficult to imagine that the person who made the whole world tremble with fear would be this innocent and handsome young man.

"After half a month, I want all the Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm to come here to see me.

"can you do it?"

Gu Changge ignored the many emotions and thoughts in the Moon King's heart, and still said casually,