Ch 866

868 The trembling of all the immortal kings, doesn't it mean that he will calm down for hundreds of years? (Subscription required)

The power of a true immortal emerged like a vast ocean, carrying a full of oppressive pressure, and it was passed from the Tiangong side.

The ancient true immortal of the Ming Palace, dressed in gray, looked very vicissitudes, but the breath on his body made everyone in front of the ancient city of Zhenjie terrified and did not dare to neglect.

Behind him, the rest of Duke Ming's mansion followed, quickly crossing the chaotic storm and rushing over.

In addition to this true immortal, there were two other silent old men in the team, with immortal energy lingering around their bodies, and their strength was no weaker than that of the person who spoke.

"The decree of the Exotic King?"

The faces of the powerful men sitting cross-legged in front of the ancient city of Zhenjie became solemn. Although they guarded this place, they were by no means the opponents of true immortals.

In the immortal king family in the Central Immortal Region, the true immortals are also the mainstay of the ancestors, and they are rarely exposed.

Especially when I heard that the other party is from a foreign land, and it is still under the order of King Ming?

Who is Duke Ming? However, the fierce and mighty Immortal Kings of the alien generation, there were several Immortal Kings who fell into his hands, but they were real werewolves.

Even the existence of those immortal kings in the Central Immortal Territory today is extremely dreadful towards the Ming king and dare not despise them.

Originally, they wanted to stop these people, but after hearing this, they didn't dare to ignore them, got up and went to the ancient city of Zhenjie to greet them.

"This is the decree of the ancestors of our clan King Ming."

The headed true immortal did not want to waste time here, and took out the order directly.

The mighty Immortal King's might permeates the air, causing the faces of the powerhouses in front of them to change dramatically, their souls tremble, and their skins are about to explode.

"I'll wait to pass the news to Luo Wangfu."

With a solemn expression, a strong man instructed him to open the gate of the ancient city of Zhenjie, let everyone release, and at the same time pass the news to Luo Wangfu.

Although there are constant frictions between the alien domain and the immortal domain, and wars have occurred since ancient times, but in today's era, the immortal domain is not enough to protect itself, and there is no strength to fight against the alien domain.

Therefore, when encountering such a thing, Xianyu will retreat if he can retreat, and will not say that he chooses foreign countries and confronts them head-on.

What's more, the Exotic Domain is different from the Immortal Domain. It has not experienced the battle of the Forbidden Era, and the peak combat power preserved is by no means comparable to the current Immortal Domain.

"This matter is of great importance. I will meet King Luo in person."

"There is not much time to delay.

The true immortal of Ming Mansion said that he didn't want to waste time because of the pass, and directly asked the people here to lead the way and lead them to the border 290 region of Luowang Mansion.

Mingyi and the others followed these powerful men into the ancient city of Zhenjie, which was a real step into the territory of Zhongxianyu.

The environment of heaven and earth here is indeed different from the outside world. Even if it is dealing with creatures from other regions, there is not much oppression.

They guessed that this was because there were several immortal kings in the Central Immortal Region, suppressing the heaven and earth here.

"Please take us to the teleportation altar in this city, and don't waste time on the way."

"What we are going to tell King Luo this time is related to the fate of the immortal realm and the exotic realm…"

Mingyi was tall and slender, with long silver hair like moonlight, dazzling and dazzling, astonishingly beautiful.

On her cold and glamorous face, she rarely showed a cautious expression, and explained to the powerhouses in front of her that she did not want to waste time because of many tedious processes.

Also, she doesn't feel like she's saying the wrong thing.

Even the ancestor of King Ming personally went to the imperial clan to discuss with the ancestor of the imperial clan.

This kind of thing involves the fate of the future fairyland and foreign land, and it is not a false talk.

In her opinion, it was even more than that.

"It's about the future destiny…"

The expressions of the powerhouses who were leading the way in front of them all changed, and they didn't think that Mingyi's group would fool them at this time, or else they wouldn't have come all the way from a foreign land.

You must know that this is a great risk to life for alien creatures.

They did not dare to neglect, and took Mingyi and others to the teleportation altar in the ancient city of Zhenjie, which could lead directly to the depths of Zhongtianyu.

The brilliance bursts, the space on the ancient altar fluctuates, and Mingyi and his party quickly disappeared above, and soon disappeared.

At the beginning, "I heard that in the Western Immortal Realm, only the Ming Wang-ren escaped…"

"The other four Immortal Kings died tragically, and encountered the taboo existence in the rumors."

"If it is really involved in that matter, it will be an unimaginable disaster for both the fairyland and the exotic."

The expressions of these powerhouses were very solemn, and from the words of Mingyi and others, they guessed their intentions.

What shocked them then was that not long after Mingyi and the others left, there was another wave in the chaotic storm in the distance, and there were many powerful auras approaching this place.

One after another divine light fell, separating the chaotic storm, extending a (ccfh) avenue to the sky, and spreading directly to the ancient city of the town.


They were shocked. They didn't expect that many people would come here in such a short time, and they all wanted to discuss with the Immortal King of Immortal Domain.

Today's Immortal Realm, the Western Immortal Realm has already fallen, and it has long been conquered by the foreign realm.

After the tragic death of the four foreign kings there, it was directly reduced to a dead place.

The remaining Eastern Immortal Territory and Northern Immortal Territory combined are far less powerful than the Central Immortal Territory, so they can accept that foreign territories will send people here to discuss with them.

But why did the Southern Immortal Territory also send people here at this time?

"Quickly give way, I have something important to discuss with many immortal kings in Xianyu.

Bai Chuan rode a silver-white Pegasus, descended on Tongtian Avenue, came to the ancient city of Zhenjie, and said.

The silver-white Pegasus under his feet has the strength of a true fairyland, surrounded by immortal energy, powerful and unparalleled, and extraordinary.

"A quasi-immortal king…"

The powerhouses guarding the ancient city of Zhenjie were all shocked by the breath of Bai Chuan, and their faces changed drastically.

This is an invincible existence under the Immortal King, and they even came in person.

"I'm afraid something big is about to happen…"

"Not only the sky has changed, but now the Immortal Realm is going to change.

The voices of these strong men trembled, and they suppressed this place for millions of years in front of the ancient city of Zhenjie, and their hearts were as cold and hard as a rock.

But now it is trembling, giving birth to inexplicable fear.

"If the incident from countless epochs really happened again, it would only be a terrifying catastrophe for today's Immortal Realm. Who can stop it? 99

Some people think of this, and there is a bit of fear and despair on their faces, and some understand why those people in the foreign land are so urgent.

At this time, Luowangcheng.

This city is a very famous ancient immortal city in the depths of the Central Immortal Territory. It lies in the cosmos, with a magnificent style, surrounded by a vast chaotic air, suspended in the deep space like a big star.

Some stars are in front of him, they are as small as sand, and the city gate alone is like a pillar supporting the sky.

King Luo was a rising star several epochs ago. It only took more than 20 million years to become an Immortal King. He ruled the surrounding territories for several epochs, and under his rule, creatures of all races prospered.

During this time, he invited friends from all over the world to participate in his birthday, and the famous Taoist forces from all over the Central Heaven Region were invited over.

Some immortal kings even came in person in person, and discussed the Taoism in Luowangcheng with Luowang.

The sound of the Tao reverberated for hundreds of millions of miles, the golden lotus in the sky, and the clear spring in the ground, benefiting all monks and beings.

This immortal city can accommodate countless creatures, but only the true clansmen of Luo Wangfu are qualified to enter the interior of this city.

The scene was extremely lively, ancient chariots rumbled across the universe, and ancient existences of various ethnic groups appeared, carrying gifts and congratulating King Luo.

In the center of this immortal city, a mansion is located, shrouded in immortal mist, and it is unimaginable.

It seems to be the center of the universe, carrying the splendor of billions of years. It is surrounded by all heavens and ten thousand Taos. The laws are boundless, and they are like a waterfall of stars and rivers.

This is the residence of a generation of King Luo, where King Luo's real body is.

In the depths of this mansion, in the endless void, Luo Wang sat cross-legged, and there were several other beings of the same level beside him, suppressing the avenue, and the surrounding rules were shaking.

In the empty space in front of them, there are peach, immortal wine and other objects, and they are talking about this matter.

"I've been feeling restless these days. I wonder if you, fellow Daoists, are in this mood?"

On the futon beside Luo Wang, a vague figure opened his mouth, hazy, and could not see clearly. It was the Immortal King of the Wang family, and his seniority was far above that of Luo Wang.

His voice is very calm, with some detached breath, and there is no meaning of vicissitudes.

"The celestial phenomena are changing, the Great Dao is disordered, and even the rules of the Heavenly Dao are disappearing, this is a bad omen. 99

"Perhaps those characters in the reincarnation will gradually return. There was a prophecy at the beginning that the tree of the era will reappear, the fruit of the era will mature, and the six paths of reincarnation that have disappeared will reappear.

Another Immortal King was speaking, looking like a child, but the vicissitudes in his eyes betrayed him.

This is also an ancient figure who has achieved the position of the Immortal King for many epochs, and his true age is unverifiable.

"A young genius of my clan suddenly awakened Su Hui recently. The soul light is amazing. My clan's true immortal tried to investigate, but was almost injured by his soul light…

Another Immortal King on the futon opened his mouth and said slowly, telling about another thing that happened in his family.

His words silenced all the Immortal Kings here.

"Blood luck is indeed an image of the great world, and perhaps for us, it is also a good fortune, but we can go further.

"In the past countless years, I haven't heard of anyone touching a higher realm, and they were all blocked at this step. Those characters who survived from the taboo era have long since disappeared.

"The road ahead is unexplored…"

When they talked about this matter, they were all silent. Although their moods were different, they were a little unwilling. They felt that they were limited by heaven and earth.

And while several immortal kings were talking about this, outside the city of Luowang, several divine lights descended, pierced through the universe, and rushed over quickly. come over.

"Master Luo, there is a message from the ancient town of Zhenjie…

Outside this mansion, two Taoist boys at the level of true immortals appeared.

They are not young, they achieved the status of true immortals several epochs ago, and they are the children of King Luo.

They held the immortal slip and waited at the door. Then Luo Wang made a big move and took the immortal slip. However, after scanning the words on it, his complexion changed. Also a bit of surprise.

"Daoist what's the matter?"

The rest of the Immortal Kings here were all surprised by King Luo's expression. They didn't know what he saw that would make such an expression appear on his face.

They are the kings standing on the top of the fairyland. Is there anything else in this world that makes them look like this?

"See for yourself."

Luo Wang's complexion became cloudy and uncertain, and there was a bit of fear in the depths of his eyes that he didn't even notice. While speaking, he handed this fairy slip to the other fairy kings.


The expressions of the people who were originally calm and peaceful changed their expressions after swiping the words on this slip, and some people even stood up with a sigh, which was unbelievable.

"How can it be?

The Immortal King, who looked like a boy, murmured even more, his pupils shrank for a while on his face shrouded in chaotic mist.

"Last time, there was no daoist deduction, saying that within a few hundred years, he would not reappear in the Immortal Realm. 99

"The origins of the Four Immortal Kings of the Exotic Land are enough for him to calm down for a while…"

Although this Immortal King was forcing himself to calm down, he still couldn't hide the slight tremor in his words.

King Luo got up and left the cave immediately, not caring that it was still on his birthday, and said, "The situation is urgent, I'm going to see what King Ming's intentions are. 39

At this time, not only him, but the rest of the Immortal Kings here were also panicked, not as calm and indifferent as they were just now.

In the face of a terrifying existence that regards the Immortal King as the source of nourishment, who is not afraid?

At this time, all the guests in Luowang's mansion were completely unaware of this, and were still chatting and laughing.

The young geniuses of all ethnic groups were drinking and chatting, seeming to be quite at ease.

"Some time ago, on the vast battlefield, Lord Wushen killed all the enemies and turned horrified, and raised my prestige in the Immortal Domain.

In the vast purple bamboo forest, the mist was wafting, and a beautiful woman with a smile on her face raised her glass to the young man in front of her.

He was dressed in white, handsome in appearance, tall and straight, with a touch of gold in his eyes, with a kind of detached temperament.

With a smile on his face, it gives people a gentle meaning, and the edge of the body is surrounded by immortal energy.

"Everyone has won the prize, but I would like to thank Brother Luo Xuan for that battle.

"If it wasn't for his assistance, it would have been very difficult for me to kill that person." He showed a modest smile and waved his hand slightly.

The figure beside him was a little taller and taller, with a straight face and a majestic appearance, his body was filled with a faint golden glow, and even his hair was like a god, flowing with golden light.

It is Luo Xuan, the leader of this generation of Luo Wangfu, who is expected to become the Immortal King in the future.

"Brother Wang has praised it wrongly, this time on the vast battlefield, it was actually thanks to Miss Zijin.

"If it wasn't for her delaying the degenerate who came across the border, we probably wouldn't be able to deal with the enemy so easily."

Hearing this, Luo Xuan retracted his vision and said with a smile on his face.

He has been looking at not far away, the woman in the white dress who is drinking alone on the white jade table.

This woman in a white dress, with an immortal rhythm from the dust, bright eyes and white teeth, her complexion is like jade, she was born extremely beautiful, and her face makes the gods jealous.