Ch 867

869 I have a sweetheart, no one can be presumptuous here (please subscribe)

The birthday banquet in Luowang's mansion invited all the immortal forces in the Central Immortal Realm, and several immortal kings came here in person to congratulate him.

The younger generation in the mansion is more numerous, and they are basically the leaders of various ethnic groups and forces. Several people are terrifyingly talented and possess the resources of the Immortal King, and are known as young adults of the same generation.

Luo Xuan and Wang Wubing in front of them were the two most outstanding among them, their brilliance was dazzling, and all their peers were obscured by their brilliance.

In the vast battlefield, they even killed many of the same-generation seeds of other great realms, and pressed many people to breathe.

Some time ago, they even joined forces to kill a nearby stowaways, shaking the Central Immortal Region.

At their age, many of their peers were only the cultivation of the quasi-emperor, and faced with a near-immortal figure, there was only one dead end.

But the two of them went against the ordinary and defeated the immortals, and achieved this feat. They were called the hope of the future of the Central Heaven Region, and they were expected to become the Immortal Kings within millions of years.

The Wang family and the Luo residence are in close contact. This time, not only did an ancestor of the immortal king appear here, but he also dispatched many geniuses from the Wang family.

Among them is Prince Jin.

She is also the seed character of the current Wang family, and is favored by another immortal king ancestor, who has spent a lot of money to bring her up from the realm of origin.

At this moment, Wang Zijin was sitting in a pavilion far away from the crowd, his white dress was spotless, his thin face was expressionless, and he poured wine on his own, as if he wanted to drink wine to drown his sorrows.

Many young men were watching her from a distance, with various expressions in their eyes.

It is no secret that Luo Xuan, a young adult in Luo Fu, is pursuing Wang Zijin, and it seems that Luo Fu and Wang Family are also intending to marry, so that Luo Xuan and Wang Zizhen will become Taoist companions.

However, Wang Zijin was very resistant to this, and the other immortal king ancestor of the Wang family also relied on her and hadn't made a decision yet.

There are various rumors in the Central Immortal Region, saying that Wang Zijin is the reincarnation of a peerless female fairy in the ancient era. She wants to Nirvana in this life, reshape the foundation of the fairy king, and is destined to be a female fairy king in the future.

In the vast battlefield, she used her own strength to delay the enlightened person who had fallen into darkness, allowing Luo Xuan and Wang Wushang to work together to kill the near-immortal existence.

If it weren't for Luo Xuan's pursuit of Wang Zijin, the threshold of the Wang family would have been broken by many people today.

Many families want to marry him.

"If Miss Zijin really wants to go to the Western Immortal Realm, I can actually accompany you."

"Even if you go through fire and water, and there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, you will not hesitate."

At this time, under everyone's attention, Luo Xuan got up, picked up the wine glass, and walked towards the prince.

He had a soft smile on his face.

Originally, he was taller, his face was cold and straight, his eyes were deep, and he had an impressive majesty.

But now showing such an expression, many of the heavenly arrogances here are a little bit tongue-tied, and many heavenly girls are even more envious.

Heroes from ancient times have been saddened by Beauty Pass.

On Luo Xuan's side, this was even more deeply expressed.

Even though he is dazzling, the younger generation of the Immortal Realm in the eyes of his spleen, and he is also terrifying in the vast battlefield, he will still show tenderness to a certain woman, and he is very patient and gentle.

Of course, what he said was even more surprising, and many Tianjiao, including Wang Wubing, showed surprise.

The Western Immortal Territory is now a dead land, and even the true immortals are reluctant to set foot there, worrying that they will encounter disasters there, and there will be bloodshed.

However, Luo Xuan is willing to accompany Wang Zijin to go there and put his life and death aside?

"Brother Luo's heart is really rare…"

"Many sweet girls of heaven have been turned down by him to pursue Lord Luo Xuan, but who would have thought that he would have such an infatuated side.

Many young creatures shrouded in divine brilliance are opening their mouths, sighing very much.

Wang Wubing was dressed in white, with a refined face and looked very handsome. At this moment, he also smiled, "Brother Luo's sincerity, I don't think anyone in the world can match it."

Although he is a young adult of the Wang family's generation, if he wants to take charge of the Wang family in the future, he still needs the approval of several other ancestors, which is not so easy.

If he facilitated the marriage between Luo Xuan and Wang Zijin, then with Luo Xuan's help, his voice in the family would be heavier.

The possibility of taking charge of the Wang family in the future is also much greater.

So Wang Wubing naturally wanted to see Luo Xuan and Wang Zijin get closer.

However, Wang Zijin, who was drinking by himself, frowned when he heard Luo Xuan's words, and put down the wine glass in his hand.

"Luo Xuan, as I said, I don't like you, and I don't have any feelings for you.

"What do you like about me? Can't I change it? Don't keep running around in front of me like a fly. Don't you know that you pretend to be elegant and greasy?"

She was irritated about not being able to return to the realm of origin, when she suddenly saw Luo Xuan following him like a shadow, like a maggot of sweet bones, unable to get rid of it.

The anger in Wang Zijin's heart suddenly came up, and he didn't care that the other party was the host of this Luofu, or a young adult of the Xianyu generation, and he frowned and scolded.

Before that, Luo Xuan fell in love with her for some reason.

He also proposed a plan to marry the Wang family, and even wanted Luo Wang to come forward and propose a marriage to the Wang family in person.

If Wang Zijin hadn't kept begging the ancestor of the Wang family to refuse, she might have become Luo Xuan's fiancee now.

Although Wang Zijin was careless at times, he seemed to be outspoken.

But she is actually very careful and has a lot of thoughts in her heart. In addition, she was born holy, and because she is a transmigrator, she is arrogant and arrogant.

In fact, there is no interest in these descendants of the Immortal Realm who claim to be superior.

Moreover, in her opinion, these natives are all the same, just like this Luo Xuan, as a young adult in Luofu, he is expected to become an Immortal King in the future. It's like a supporting role playing soy sauce.

Maybe one day, a guy with the protagonist's halo will step on his feet and trample him at will.

On the contrary, her cheap cousin, in her opinion, was a bit complicated. He seemed to be easy-going and elegant, but he was actually ruthless and not as gentle as he appeared on the surface.

This is a bit similar to the Gu Changge she met in the upper bound.

However, in Wang Zijin's view, Wang Wubing is still far from Gu Changge, far less cold-hearted and thoughtful than him.

Because of these little tricks of Wang Wubing, they can only hide from some idiots, and sooner or later they will be revealed in front of the real smart people.

For example, the ancestor of the immortal king of the Wang family actually took many of Wang Wusing's actions into his eyes, but he has not broken it.

Even Wang Zijin can see through her, let alone the rest.

"Girl Zijin…"

Luo Xuan was scolded by Wang Zijin so loudly, but he was stunned, his face was not annoyed, but a bit of a wry smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Why do you always say that about me? Is there something wrong with me? ?

"If Miss Zijin hates something about me, I will definitely change it.

He was also used to such ugly words from Wang Zijin.

Even in his opinion, this is very novel, because basically all the celestial daughters in the Central Heaven Domain will show a gentle look when facing him.

Even if he has a normal relationship, he will give him a smiling face and a ladylike appearance.

On the contrary, after meeting Wang Zijin, he suddenly realized that there are such beautiful and refined women in this world, and he is not afraid of his talent and power.

On the contrary, when he saw that he was unhappy, he scolded him directly, with no mercy at all.

Such a strange woman is really rare, and Luo Xuan couldn't help but be moved. He thought that his whole life was born to cultivate Taoism and would not be affected by his emotions.

But everything changed after meeting Wang Zijin.

Even when he was scolding him, his appearance was too charming and cute.

"You really don't have any self-knowledge at all."

Wang Zijin's voice was a little cold, for this Luo Xuan, there was really no way to do it, no matter how fierce she was scolding, he had a look of joy.

Sometimes, even she would think it was incredible, it was like the Mary Sue plot that she was familiar with in her previous life.

Could this Luo Xuan have some kind of masochistic tendencies, and wanted to be scolded like this?

Everyone here has long been surprised by this scene, knowing that Wang Zijin has always been cold and arrogant, and treats everyone like this, so there will be no good words for her, even her cousin Wang Wusing has been scolded by her. too hypocritical.

"Brother Luo is not only a talented person, but also a powerful and destined immortal king in the future."

"Cousin Zijin, what's the trouble with you? Brother Luo is infatuated with you. Could it be that your heart is made of iron?"

At this moment, Wang Wu shook his head slightly and walked over with a wine glass in his hand, but the other hand was on Luo Xuan's shoulder, indicating that the relationship between the two was very close.

・・・For flowers..

Wang Zijin didn't like Wang Wushang, but he didn't like it much.

Hearing the words, he said indifferently, "Since cousin Wu has such a favorable impression of Luo Xuan, why don't you marry him? Brother Daxianyu, it can be said that there are no wonders, there is no way to change the gender, it is not impossible, you can find it. Immortal King Patriarch to help…"

As soon as she said these words, the smile on Wang Wu's face froze, and the movement in her hand was like an electric shock, retracting it from Luo Xuan's shoulder.


All the heavens here, including Luo Xuan, were also shocked. Many people's eyes widened, and it was difficult to believe their ears.

Luo Xuan's expression was a little embarrassed, and then he took a step to the side, as if he was really afraid of being misunderstood like this.

"Miss Zijin…" He was about to explain.

Wang Zijin waved his hand indifferently, and said, "I have no cousin, I am quite concerned about you, Luo Xuan, and usually say good things about you in front of me."

"You might as well consider him. Perhaps you would be more suitable. 39

She is a transmigrator, and she has never seen any strong winds and waves in her previous life.

When these words are said, ordinary women will definitely have their ears hot and their faces red when they hear them.

But she looked calm, she didn't even bother to lift her eyelids, and on her beautiful little face, she had a look of arrogance and arrogance.

"Cough cough…

"Cousin Zijin, what nonsense are you talking about? How can you joke about a cousin like this?


Although Wang Wuxin had a lot of anger and felt that he had lost face in front of everyone, he still maintained his usual gentle expression and said helplessly.

Seeing that he had said so, this Wang Wubing was still so calm, Wang Zijin let out a sigh in his heart, then turned to look at Luo Xuandao, "Luo Xuan, just give up, I don't have any good feelings for you, and I Is a sweetheart.

"In front of him, you're not even shit.

And after she finished speaking, ignoring the reactions of the people here, she walked lightly, with a tall and slender figure, and walked straight to the backyard, leaving behind Luo Xuan who looked extremely shocked and unbelievable.

"A sweetheart?"

Luo Xuan's head was buzzing, and he couldn't believe his ears. After he reacted, his expression became livid, and his eyes were gloomy.

At this moment, he felt that his belongings were taken away by others.

Wang Wubing's brows furrowed all of a sudden, and he didn't really believe Wang Zijin's words.

"Is Zijin mad at you on purpose?" he asked Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan's expression was a little gloomy, and he shook his head and said, "Whether it's true or false, the person who has been in contact with Miss Zijin during this time is the boy she accidentally rescued on the vast battlefield some time ago. 33

"I've always thought the guy was an eyesore. His voice was cold.

However, when all the arrogances in this place were shaken by Wang Zijin's words, an astonishing sound suddenly came from the high sky of Luowang Mansion.

The heaven and the earth trembled slightly, and several vague and hazy figures could be seen, sitting high in the middle, suppressing the heaven and earth, and the surrounding time and space were distorted.


Wang Wubing and Luo Xuanqi exclaimed, and they recognized the ancestors of the Immortal Kings behind them. Besides, there were several Immortal Kings who came here for the banquet. before the epoch.

"All the ancestors have appeared, is this what happened?"

Many Tianjiao here exclaimed, and even the guests in another place were shocked.

And just when everyone guessed and didn't know what happened.

In the distance at the end of the world, an inexplicable qi machine emerged, and then the sound of soldiers and horses stepping into the air could be heard, rumbling, and a divine rainbow pierced through the universe and fell here.

"Exotic breath…"

The expressions of several true immortals here changed, and they were extremely shocked, and couldn't help but say, "Why do people from other regions suddenly appear in the territory of my immortal region, and no one stops them on the way?

Everyone, including Wang Wubing and Luo Xuan, was deeply shocked, and flew out of this bamboo forest at once, and came to a high altitude, looking into the distance.

However, some people still noticed the silhouettes of several immortal king ancestors sitting cross-legged in the depths of the void, and immediately reacted.

This foreign horse, I am afraid that it is directed at the ancestors of several immortal kings.

"It shouldn't be to start a war, there are immortal kings sitting here, no one can be presumptuous. 93 Some people whispered morality,