04. The Beginning of the Journey (Edited)



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Editor: Kyran_Ambrosius


(3rd POV)

June 1, 2010

At the moment, a handsome 15-year-old guy with glasses, black hair, and dark blue eyes, 175 cm tall, came out of the main entrance of Bellwood High School.

He was dressed in a striped black and blue short-sleeved shirt, black jeans, and sneakers. He carried a backpack on his shoulder.

Judging by his body, one could say that he was an athlete because, despite the shirt, you can see his powerful muscled physique.

This guy was our main character, Alexander Benjamin Tennyson, or just Lex.

Just now, he officially graduated from school. It remains only to wait for the results of the exams, which will undoubtedly have the highest scores.

Lex was now walking towards the school parking lot, an old beige mobile home.

But don't be fooled; despite the shabby appearance, this bus was just crammed with various alien technology.

This RV belongs to the former Plumbers of the Space, the hero of the Earth, and just a great man. This man's name was Max Tennyson; he is the grandfather of our protagonist and his guardian.

This summer, Grandpa Max decided that Lex needed a break from his studies and decided to take a trip around the country in his RV.

He decided that this would help Lex relax before going to university and help his relationship with Gwen.

Max hoped that they could all have fun and carefree, but to his most profound regret, for him, this was not destined to come true because fate had long been decided, and this summer will be the most unusual in the life of the three Tennysons.

When Lex approached the bus, an elderly man in his 60s got off, wearing a red Hawaiian shirt with a beer belly. As soon as he saw Lex, he smiled warmly and greeted him.

- Come on, Lex, let's go; I want to get to camp before evening. - Grandpa Max said with a smile.

- All right, grandfather. - answered Lex and quickly walked to the bus.

He saw a beautiful 15-year-old girl with green eyes and red hair pulled back in a ponytail when Lex went inside. It was his cousin, Gwen.

When Gwen saw Lex, she immediately threw herself into his arms and greeted him with joy in her voice.

- Hey, Lex, good to see you. - Hugging her brother, Gwen said with a smile.

- Nice to see you too, Gwen. - Lex said and hugged her back.

When the hugs ended, they sat down on the sofas opposite each other and continued the conversation.

- So you're glad you're coming with us? - Lex asked as he sat down on the couch and kicked off his backpack.

- Highly. I hope this will be a good trip and we will see a lot of exciting things. - Gwen answered with a happy smile.

- No doubt. And so it will be. - said Lex's cousin, smiling mysteriously.

Looking in the rearview mirror, Max smiled as he saw the interaction of his grandchildren and started the bus engine, after which he hit the road out of town.

After twenty minutes of driving and talking with Gwen, Lex decided to rest. After informing his sister about this, he went to bed, where he fell asleep 10 minutes later. Gwen, however, moved to the front seat of the bus and began to look at the road, enjoying the view.

3 hours later, when the bus stopped at a gas station, Lex woke up.

Stretching sweetly, he got out of bed and went outside, where he saw Gwen standing and drinking lemonade. Lex walked over to her and said:

- Gwen, let's go to the store and buy provisions for the next couple of days. You know the specific tastes of grandfather, I'm already used to this and ate all kinds of things while I lived with him, but you're not used to that. - Lex said in all seriousness.

Hearing Lex's words, Gwen turned pale and nodded her head sharply, agreeing with her brother's thought.

After buying everything they needed, primarily long-lasting food, they headed back to the RV. After 5 minutes, Max finished refueling the bus, hitting the road again.


At that moment, when our heroes had just begun their journey, a battle of two spaceships was taking place on the border of the Solar System.

The giant ship, led by Vilgax, continued its pursuit of the smaller vessel, now carrying the Omnitrix.

Vilgax, representative of the Chimera Sui Generis race, warlord and conqueror of 10 worlds, ruler of the planet Vilgaxia.

He has been hunting the Omnitrix for a long time to get an army of aliens of different types and continue his campaign of conquest.

Vilgax's ship attacked another ship but received a retaliation attack. His ship was damaged by 20%, as one of his soldiers reported to him. To the soldier's words, Vilgax replied:

- I want to achieve my goal. The Omnitrix will be mine, and I will not let any creature get in its way!

And the chase continued.


Arriving at the campsite at sunset, our heroes began to prepare for dinner. As Lex predicted, Grandpa Max decided to treat his grandchildren with exotic food, namely living octopus tentacles.

Lex, accustomed to this kind of food, quickly finished his portion. Oddly enough, it was delicious. On the other hand, Gwen limited herself to food purchased at the gas station.

When Grandpa Max offered to fry the marshmallow an hour after dinner, Lex knew that the time had come.

Therefore, getting up from the stump on which he was sitting, he said:

- No, grandpa, thanks, but I don't want to eat sweets for the night, and I'd instead go for a walk in the woods before bed.

Gwen wanted to join Lex on the walk, but he barely persuaded her to stay. So, he went for a walk in the forest, which will change his whole life, which he has been waiting for for the last 10 years.


The ships were approaching the Earth and still continued their pursuit. Vilgax's ship was still attacking the Omnitrix ship, hoping to incapacitate it.

Finally, a laser beam from Vilgax's ship hit the rear of the small ship, knocking out the engine.

Almost celebrating his victory, Vilgax wanted to go after the Omnitrix. Still, unexpectedly, the enemy ship attacked from a hidden weapon and destroyed the command bridge, where Vilgax was currently located.

Unfortunately, Vilgax survived but was seriously injured. It will take several weeks to fully recover.

Due to the malfunctioning systems of the Vilgax ship, he fired his most potent attack and destroyed almost the entire small ship.

Before the complete destruction of the ship, the pilot managed to send the Omnitrix to Earth in a small capsule. The pilot himself was also able to evacuate.


Having already walked half a kilometer into the depths of the forest, Lex looked into the sky and waited for the capsule with the Omnitrix to appear.

Five minutes later, a shooting star appeared in the sky, which abruptly turned from its path and began to fall directly into Lex.

Expecting this, Lex quickly ran away from the landing site and dodged all the fragments of the Earth.

After waiting a couple of minutes for the capsule to cool down, Lex descended into the crater.

When he approached her, the capsule opened. In it, one could see what Lex had been waiting for, what he was preparing for and putting all his strength into, to get the result. It was a space clock called the Omnitrix.

Unlike what Lex had expected, the clock was not bright green but dark blue. This once again proved the difference between this reality and others.

Finally making up his mind, Lex held out his right hand to the clock, and as he expected, the watch itself pounced on his hand. But what he did not expect was a wild pain in this very hand. It felt like a thousand microscopic needles were digging into his arm.

When the pain stopped, the Omnitrix emitted a bright, blue light. Having finished the end of the world, the clock emitted a sound indicating readiness for work.