20. Levin

Looking at the female version of Kevin, I wondered how it happened. About the fact that she is 16 years old, instead of 11, I can still understand. But why is she such a hot beauty?

Hopefully she's not the same as the original Kevin and didn't get a headache. It would be a pity to send such beauty to the Null Void.

But first we need to talk and get to know her better, I have an idea how to fix it, if that.

Something I'm dull today, I've been staring at her for two minutes. And she is not far from me, she is also staring.

- So what did you say? - having come to the senses, I asked.

- What? Oh yes. I say the automates are stupid here, they always swallow tokens, and the workers don't even care about that. Do you want to help? - Girl Kevin asked me.

- How can you help? - I asked for appearance. And it's so clear how she will help.

- Look. You owe me. - She said and touched her hand to the video game.

A charge of electricity passed through her hand, because of this, the machine was short-circuited and he spat out all the tokens.

- Electricity management? - with a raised eyebrow, I asked calmly.

- Generally, absorbing any energy and using it after. - on the machine said the girl. At this point, Gwen came up to us.

Realizing that my reaction was too calm, the female version of Kevin asked in shock:

- What is this all your reaction? Where is admiration or fear? Anything?

- We've seen stranger things too. And we ourselves are not quite ordinary people. - Gwen said casually.

Here, behind, we heard footsteps. When I turned around, I saw several boogie from 15 to 18 years old. What did they forget at that age in the arcade, I do not understand.

Seeing them femKevin began to back away.

- Long time no see. Where are you going girly. Do you want to charge the batteries? - said, apparently, their leader. He's still a freak. Why does he need a blue mohawk, I also don't understand.

- Your acquaintances? - I asked. Still, even though this is not the Kevin I know, I still don't trust her. Although I am very sympathetic to her.

- They saw me use my abilities a couple of times. Now they want to force me to use them at ATMs. But I do not want. - She said seriously.

Hmmm ... Looks like she's not Kevin at the age of ten after all. You need to stop being prejudiced against her.

- Take her. - Said the Blue Mohawk. Looks like he's tired of enduring our conversations.

- Get out of here. I will delay them. - said FemKevin and launched an electric attack at one of the thugs. But then she got on another dude with her fists. Apparently the charge is over.

- Will we help? - I asked Gwen.

- Let's. She seems to me to be a pretty good person, despite the terrible taste in clothes. - said Gwen and creating a magic disk threw it at one of the bandits.

Here's the devil. I was gone only two days, and she already knows how to make discs. But I didn't even explain how it's done. This is what is called talent.

- Hey. I dress well. - Shouted Girl-Kevin, at the words of Gwen.

And most FVK (Female version of Kevin) already needed help. She was still able to knock out two of the thugs, but now she was cornered.

Therefore, I decided to help her using my telekinesis. And then something I rarely use it.

My magic disks are still too unstable, I can kill these bandits. I don't want to get my hands dirty about them.

And to use the Omnitrix against such freaks is not 'comme il faut'. Using a shocker is just boring.

Therefore, raising my hands and using telekinesis, I pulled the two bugs to my hands. Catching from the neck, I banged their heads together. From this they passed out with foam at the mouth.

By this point, Gwen had knocked out three more. There are only three left. I lifted them with telekinesis and hit the ceiling with force. Having released them, they fell from a four-meter height. Probably they broke something. Well, I don't care about these garbage.

FVK looked at me and Gwen in shock, and with her mouth wide open.

- Well, here we finished. Let's get out of here before someone calls the police. - I said and went to the exit.

Gwen followed me right away, while FVK stood a little, looked at all the bandits and followed us.

After passing a couple of blocks in silence, FVK finally broke down and asked:

- So who are you?

- My name is Alexander Tennyson, I prefer to be called Lex. And this is my cousin Gwen. - I introduced myself in a calm voice.

- Nice to meet you. - said Gwen and waved her hand a little.

- Oh, yes. My name is Catherine Ashley Levin. You can just call me Ashley, nice to meet you. - said FVK, that is, Ashley. I'm used to just calling it that.

- Wait ... So how did you do it? - Remembering what she wanted to ask, said Ashley.

- Well, everyone has their own abilities. For example, you can absorb energy. Gwen is learning to use magic. I also have strength. - I said casually.

- Magic? There is no magic. - Ashley said with conviction, snorting a little.

- This is the one who knows how to control electricity. - Gwen said sarcastically, pointing out obvious problems with logic.

- It is truth too. - Ashley said, finally calming down.

- Wait. - I said, and stopped to add afterwards: - Did you say Levin? Do you know Devin Levin?

Finally I decided to start this conversation. I hope my plan works.

- Yes. This is my father. He died when I was 5 years old. - with a not very happy face, said Ashley.

- Was he a Space Plumber? - I asked again.

- Yes. How do you know about this? - already with some threat in her voice asked Ashley.

- My grandfather was also an Plumber. And he told me about your father as a child. - I said the truth. And so it was.

- What did he tell you? - the girl grabbed me by the collar and began to shake.

- Let him go. While you shake him, he will not be able to answer you. - said Gwen, trying to help me.

Ashley was clearly embarrassed by her actions and quickly let go of me.

- Sorry, I just don't know much about him. My mom didn't want to talk about him. All I know about him is that he died while working as an orderly. - Ashley said shyly.

- Nothing, I understand. Let's go to my grandfather. He will tell you everything, he knows more than me. You can go, can't you? - I suggested.

- Yes I can. - said happy Ashley.

- Let's go then. It's not far here. Only three blocks. - I said and went forward.

As we walked, I managed to read Ashley's thoughts. Despite the fact that my telepathy is weak, I was enough for one person.

From what I've learned, Ashley really doesn't look like Kevin at all. She even goes to school.

She is a nice and kind-hearted girl. But she has no friends at all. She is a clear outcast. Although it is unclear why she is so normal compared to Kevin.

I have a couple of ideas.

Or it's because she's a girl. Or due to the fact that she discovered her abilities at a later age.

Most likely both options. She hasn't been using her power for very long, so it didn't get hit in the head like Kevin did. Plus, due to the fact that she is a girl, she matured faster and did not succumb to her strength as easily as a ten-year-old boy.

In fact, I'm glad she's a good girl. There will be fewer problems.

Ten minutes later we reached the bus. Before entering, I said:

- Wait here, Grandpa is probably asleep, because it's already quite late. I will wake him up and explain the whole situation.

At my words, the girls only nodded. But I saw Ashley trembling with impatience.

When I got on the bus, I saw my grandfather sleeping. He snored as usual.

- Grandpa wake up. - I said, pushing Max in the shoulder.

- Mmmm… Lex. What time is it? Something happened? - asked, still sleepy, grandfather.

- It's ten in the evening. And no, nothing happened. Gwen and I met someone in the arcade. She wants to talk to you. - I said.

- Who is this? - asked the grandfather, still not fully awake.

- Her name is Ashley Levin. She is the daughter of your old partner Devin Levin. - I said.

My grandfather immediately woke up from my words and sat up straight. He almost hit me on the nose.

- Are you sure? - Max asked very seriously.

- Absolutely. I checked. And she also knows practically nothing about him. Looks like her mother decided to shut Ashley off from all this. But recently, she has acquired the abilities of an Osmosian. They had a very serious fight about this and Ashley ran away from home. For a month and a half she has been cuckolding at an abandoned metro station. - I told, received from the head of Ashley, a story.

- Are abilities already affecting her mind? - Grandpa asked seriously.

- Only if a little. There is just a little thirst to use them. Already practically cannot do without them. But it's okay if we can help. There is still plenty of time. - I said.

Grandpa, after my words, clearly relaxed. But not very much. It is clearly very difficult for him now. All the same, the story there is murky.

- Okay. Call her here, I'll tell her everything. - asked Max.

I nodded and went to call Ashley and Gwen. Serious conversation ahead.