25. Suits for Girls

Today we decided not to do anything else because everyone was tired. Until the evening we just rested and went about our business.

Ashley watched movies with me, Gwen read, and Grandpa Max, again rummaged in the bus engine.

In honor of the victory, grandfather decided to arrange a surprise for us and, somewhere in the bins of the refrigerator, he found crocodile meat.

Gwen and Ashley were skeptical about this surprise, but I knew how delicious it was if cooked right. And grandfather knew how to make excellent crocodile kebabs.

Fortunately, the place where we stayed had everything we needed. Therefore, I lit the grill, and my grandfather cooked the meat.

In two hours everything was ready. I had to persuade the girls to try, but when they ate one piece at a time, they could not be torn from the meat. In my opinion, the two of them ate more than Grandpa and I.

After supper I decided to get down to business. Taking out my laptop and calling Morgana, I began designing protective suits for Gwen and Ashley. And something for Grandpa.

The suit for Gwen will be able to pass magic. It will not be as strong as mine, but lighter. Still, a shot from a tank will withstand. True, only one.

A protective mask will also be available, but you can remove it completely, or leave it partially.

I decided to abandon the exoskeleton function, since Gwen is, first of all, a ranged fighter. As a last resort, she can saturate her body with Mana in order to increase her physical characteristics.

When I finished the design and calculated all the materials needed, I called Gwen for help. I'm not a fashion designer, and I'm not going to wear it, let the design decide for myself.

Gwen decided on the color, design and added a few more. As a result, the suit will be black with dark pink accents. When she uses magic, lines of hot pink will appear across the suit.

Also, Gwen decided to diversify the costume and added a small hoodie with a hood, a scarf, and a skirt, also black with elements of pink.

After that, it was the turn of Ashley's costume. It will consist of the same materials, but there will be some additions.

When Ashley uses her abilities, the suit will take over them.

That is, if Ashley uses a metal cover on herself, then the suit will also have such a cover. Double protection.

Plus, the suit has the ability to change the shape of the gloves so that Ashley can turn her hands into weapons without removing the suit.

Also, the suit will increase her physical characteristics by 20%. It is not much, but if used at the same time with the cover, it will be a good result.

Then there was the design change, under Ashley's close vision, of course. It is now a dark red suit with silver accents. The mask has the same functions as the Gwen costume. Ashley didn't change or add anything else. She already liked everything.

By this time it was already quite late, so we went to bed. We'll create the costumes tomorrow.


June 16, 2010.

Waking up early in the morning, we had breakfast and went to look for a deserted place to train.

Having found such a twenty kilometers from the campsite, we decided to stop here.

Going out into the open, I looked at Ashley and asked about her results.

According to Ashley, for 5 minutes she could calmly hold the cover on her hand made of stone and metal, without recharge. With a source of material, it can already hold on for half an hour. It was undoubtedly fast.

After listening to her, I decided to give the following assignment:

- Now, take coins in one hand and a stone in the other and try to absorb them at the same time. When it works, do it without a source. Then you will move on to other materials. - After listening to me, Ashley nodded and went to train.

After that, I looked at Gwen and said:

- Now you, Gwen. Try to increase your control over magic a little more today and get to perfection in creating a magic disc.

- But I can create a disc anyway. - said, not understanding anything, Gwen.

- Yes, but you need to learn how to do this. - I said and created a disk of mana with a diameter of 30 centimeters. Then I began to randomly resize it from five centimeters to one meter.

- This is what it means to reach perfection. You see, my disk is always dense and opaque, no matter the size. You don't feel it, but there is no mana drain either. This is what you have to learn today. When you succeed, you can proceed to creating a mana shield. Understood? - I asked.

- Yes. - Gwen nodded and also went to train.

I, after making sure that I had finished all the work, got on the bus, took my laptop and went to the Cave.

Arriving there a couple of seconds later, I connected my laptop to the main computer and sent the blueprints for the suits to it.

When everything was ready, I took out all the materials and turned on the "printer" for the suits. This time, I already had all the materials, so I didn't have to do anything else. The "printer" will create the costumes by itself.

For Gwen's costume, it was also necessary to create a hood and a skirt, which will be created from a very strong, but lightweight fabric and will be completely part of the costume.

While the costumes were being created, I decided to do something for Grandfather. Since he won't wear a suit, and the protection won't hurt him, I came up with something else.

Using the same technology commonly used for spaceship energy shields, I created a belt.

When Grandpa is attacked, an invisible shield will appear from his belt that completely covers his body. This shield can only be pierced by a volley of all the guns of Vilgax's ship.

It is clear that a piece of Taydenite will act as a source of energy. This protective belt looks like an ordinary black leather belt, all the technological filling is hidden. I think grandpa will like it.

The costumes were still not ready, so I decided to waste the time.

First, I turned into a Slug and took his DNA, after which I repeated the same process with Kraab, TenTen, Buzzshock and Sand Man.

After putting all the materials in containers, and then in the refrigerator, I went to the training ground.

I started the check, again with the Slug. First, I tested its flexibility and ductility. After that there was a test of strength and speed.

According to the results, the Slug can run at a speed of 35 km / h and is capable of lifting 4 tons. Very good for a slurry with handles.

Then I checked the main ability of this alien. Metamorphism. At first he turned into himself.

It was kind of weird, I kind of look the same as usual, but I feel so thin.

I did not find any differences in myself, it seems that no one will even understand that I am now an alien, since the Omnitrix symbol is hidden inside me.

Then I began to take on the image of other people. Later he tested the transformation into aliens, and then into animals. I can even turn into a bug.

Apparently, I can only adopt the appearance, but not the ability. Well, at least something.

This is a good, and most importantly useful alien, but I am still worried that in his image I can literally dissolve from the water. In the future, it will be necessary to do something about it.

Then he turned into Kraab and tested his skills. Calmly fired from the claw with a laser and chemicals. Then I traveled underground.

I saw everything in several spectra and even through walls. This is useful.

It was Ten-Ten's turn. When I turned into him, I immediately felt as if I had been honing my shooting skills all my life. Instinctively, he took out a laser pistol that somehow appeared during the transformation and fired at the targets that were on the training ground. As a result, 10 out of 10. Not bad.

Then I flew a little on a jetpack and fired some more.

The next was Buzzshock. In his image, I trained the ability to control and absorb electricity. There was enough energy even to create an electro-clone.

The clone, by the way, was completely under my control, but still could perform actions on its own. It is somewhat similar to the shadow clone from Naruto, although the memories do not return.

The latter tested the ability to travel on power lines. It's very fun and cool, and most importantly, fast. I can get from my base to New York in just a second. A new way of traveling never hurts.

And finally, the Sandman. Everything is simple here, complete control over the sand. Not only over your own, but over any other.

Plus, I can turn any soil into sand. The only thing that upset me was that I can only handle the most common sand. Iron sand is out of my control. It's a pity.

But this alien actually has tremendous potential. Controlling the sand, I turned from an anthropomorphic heap of sand into myself, only sandy. Basically, I'm now a Sand Logia like Sir Crocodile from One Piece.

At this point, I decided to finish checking, especially since the costumes were just ready.

Unlike my suit, which is kept in my backpack, the girls' suits will be kept in the belt.

They will not have access to Morgana, so they will need to press a button on the belt badge to don the suit. Although, of course, additional useful functions were built into their mask.

Taking the suits and belt for Grandfather, I rushed off to the family.

Arriving at the place, I hid the costumes for now, then I will give them back when the occasion appears. I'll hand over the belt now.

Approaching Max, who was now resting in the sun, I handed him the belt, while saying:

- Grandpa, take this. This is a present for you.

- What is it? - He asked, looking curiously at the belt he took in hand.

- This is a safety belt. When you are in danger, an invisible shield will appear around you and protect you from attack. - I said.

- Thanks, Lex. - said the grandfather and smiled, then put on the belt.

I decided to immediately prove its usefulness and, moving away, turned into TenTen and, drawing out my weapon, shot at Grandpa.

Max was taken aback by this and did not even have time to be frightened, as a shield appeared around him and absorbed the attack.

- This is how it works. - I said when I canceled the transformation.

- Don't scare me, no more. - Max grumbled displeased, clutching his heart.

Smiling at him and laughing a little at his reaction, I went for the girls.

I found Ashley twenty meters from the bus, now she was holding a piece of wood in her hand and was trying to absorb it.

- How are you? - I said, going up to her.

- Things are good. I was able to learn to cover each hand with a different material within 3 minutes, but only if I was holding the material itself. But thanks to this, my control has improved, and now I can keep the cover on one hand, without a source of material, for 8 minutes. - said a satisfied Ashley.

- Well done, Ashley. Go to the bus, we are leaving soon.

After listening to me Ashley went to the bus, and I followed Gwen.

She was almost three hundred meters from the bus. When I found her, she was sitting on the ground and breathing heavily.

- How are you? - I asked, sitting down next to her.

- Fine. I was able to slightly improve control and improve my magic disc, but not completely. But I learned to create and hold a Mana Shield. But I ran out of strength. - Gwen said with a smile, trying to catch her breath.

- Excellent result. Come on, we're leaving. - I praised her, stroking her back.

When she had enough rest, we got up and walked to the camper. Sitting in the RV, grandfather started the engine and we drove to the next city.