63. New Aliens

Leaving Pittsburgh, we drove south. Grandpa decided that we should also visit Mexico. That's where we're going now.

True, the road itself will take us two whole days. This includes stops for food and sleep. It's a long time to say, but I'll find nothing to do with myself.

Once we were out of town, I pulled out my laptop and the new game Ashley had given me. I turned on my computer and started playing.

It took me several hours to complete the entire game. I finished by six in the evening. I only stopped to go to the bathroom and eat.

I really liked this game. It was much better than the one I played before. But still not a masterpiece.

Almost comparable to the first Mass Effect.. For this world, this is actually a very good result.

Although I complain, I understand perfectly well that I can hardly find a better game here. In this world, there are big problems with entertainment and many of the classics that were common in my past world do not exist.

Of course, I could create everything anew, but I'm frankly too lazy to do it. And it will not bring me any benefit, except for money. Well, I'm just wasting my time.

I don't like games enough to waste time and create new one. Well, or not quite new, but a copy from my old world.

And, to be honest, it will not be the same at all. It's one thing when you play a game that another person created, but it's quite another when you made this game.

It won't be that interesting. I will know absolutely everything about the game. All her mysteries and secrets. It's boring.

Same thing with a book. Reading your own book is not that interesting. Even vice versa. Because when you read, you are constantly looking for flaws in it. And it's pretty hard to enjoy reading your own work, even if it's good.

So, I will play local games. Still, I don't do it that often. I can endure.

Turning off my laptop, I got up from my seat and stretched. I sat up for something.

- Well, how? - Ashley asked when she saw that I had beaten the game.

- Not bad. I like it. Better than the last game. - I said honestly.

- Not bad? It's a masterpiece!!! And you speak not bad. - Ashley yelled indignantly.

- I'm just not as big of a fan of the series as you are. Besides, I don't really like sumo slammers. To each his own. - I said calmly.

Ashley wanted to continue her tirade about the brilliance of the game, but after hearing my words, she thought a little and nodded.

- You're right. To each his own. - Ashley said and returned to the book she had been reading before.

I went to the bed where Gwen was now lying and also reading something. Seeing that I was walking towards her, she smiled and asked:

- Have you finished playing yet? Can I take your laptop? I wanted to watch one new movie.

- You have your own computer. You can use it. - I said sitting on the bed.

- My laptop has a small screen, so it is inconvenient to watch movies on it. And yours is big and comfortable. He's generally much better. - Gwen said.

- Well, of course. I created it myself. He should be like this. ; I said with a grin.

Gwen just rolled her eyes at my words and asked again:

- So can I take it?

- Certainly. Can use it as much as he wants. At least today, I won't need it anymore. - I said.

- Thank you. - Gwen said and got out of bed and went to my laptop.

Taking her hand to stop her, I said softly:

- Later I'll make you the same laptop, maybe even better. This will be my gift.

Gwen smiled brightly at me and kissed me on the lips. But so that Grandfather does not see anything.

- Thanks again. - Gwen said and walked on.

I collapsed on the bed and looked at the Omnitrix. Since I still have about two hours left to stop, I decided to check out all the aliens I got from Ben.

I didn't do it before because I wanted to relax and have some fun.

And now the time has come.

The last time, before I got into the Forge of Creation and all this adventure with the Aggregor, I had 28 aliens.

The most recent aliens I got were Ultimos and Squid. I checked their strength, but not very carefully, due to the fact that at that time I was very tired.

I have never used them in battle either. Will need to fix this in the future.

After activating the watch, I looked at the dial, on which the silhouette of Heatblast appeared. Everything is like the first time. It feels like I just haven't used the Omnitrix the old fashioned way for a huge amount of time.

It seems that even a month and a half has not passed since I found this magic watch, but it seems that several years have passed.

Using the watch in this way makes me feel nostalgic. I don't know why, but it's quite a pleasant feeling. So, I remember the whole past path and my achievements.

I've achieved a lot. I don't even believe it. Found the Omnitrix, learned magic, got two girls, beat up Vilgax, met Ben-Prime and Professor Paradox, got two tattoos. And this is only the most important thing.

At such moments, I feel like an old man, not a teenager who just turned 16 yesterday.

But, it helps a lot to better look at your actions and mistakes, if any. And think about your plans for the future better.

With that, I decided to stop philosophizing and turned my attention to my watch.

Turning the dial, I saw the Four Arms, and then again turned the dial twenty-eight more times.

After Squid, the first new alien showed up. Judging by the silhouette, it was Swampfire, a representative of the Methanosian race from the planet Methanos.

It's rather unusual to see aliens from the «Alien Force» and «Ultimate Alien» in the old-fashioned Omnitrix.

Instead of a holographic silhouette like Ben had, I just have the shadow of an alien.

Swampfire is a pretty good alien. Although, if you think about it, he's just a mixture of Heatblast and Wildvine. I don't have access to the last one yet.

Until I transformed into this alien, I couldn't say much about him, so I immediately moved on to the next alien.

The thirtieth alien available to me was Big Chill. Pretty cool alien. Again, we can say that this is a mixture of two aliens, namely the Ghostfreak and Icepick. This is not entirely true, of course, but it's still an example.

The thirty-first alien is the Brainstorm. An alien similar to a Grey Matter in terms of intelligence. But he is stronger and with additional abilities.

Alien number thirty-two is Chromastone. Exactly the alien that Tetrax was waiting for. It will be necessary to inform him later and help restore his planet.

But it's not entirely clear how I got this alien. After all, Ben lost the ability to turn into a Chromastone when he helped Tetrax with his planet.

Well, okay. Since I received the Chromastone, then I should be pleased.

The next alien is Echo-Echo. Ditto, without a major flaw, with the ability to scream at high frequencies.

Thirty-fourth alien - Goop. A very good alien, but with a huge weak point, in the form of an anti-gravity projector.

The next alien is Lodestar. Its main power is magnetic field control. In fact, Magneto is at the minimum.

Number thirty-six is the Spidermonkey. Again, Spider-Man is on the minimum.

It looks like the creators of this universe were Marvel's fans.

Number thirty-seven is Humungousaur. Another enforcer. I have enough of these. But such an alien is never superfluous. Moreover, he is larger than all my aliens.

Number thirty-eight - Alien X.

Even though Ben blocked this hero, it was pretty easy for me to get it. Still, the whole battle with the Aggregor took place on the palms of the Celestialsapien.

But I don't even plan on turning into this alien anytime soon. I don't want to be stuck with two Allen X personalities.

Number thirty-nine is Chamalien. Useful alien. After all, I only have one hero with the invisibility ability.

Although Chamalien's ability is not invisibility, but merging with the environment, which is implied by his nickname, but this is not too important.

And again, it is not clear how I got it, because the event with Prisoner 775, from whom Ben took this DNA sample, occurred after the battle with the Aggregor.

The only explanation is that it is not, and Ben's team met this alien earlier.

More confirmation that I can not rely on the knowledge of the series and always expect a catch. After all, this is the real world, not a cartoon for children.

Okay, it doesn't matter, let's move on. The fortieth and forty-first aliens are very similar. They have a similar concept of forces.

Upchuck and Eatle.

It's not entirely clear what kind of Upchuck I got. After all, there are two types of this alien, Perk Gourmand and Murk Gourmand. Well, when I change, I'll find out.

Eatle and Upchuck have almost the same abilities. They eat any garbage, digest it, and fire an energy blast.

Eatle does it from a horn on its head, and Upchuck does it from its mouth. And that's all.

Alien number forty-two - Fasttrack. In fact, the same speedster as the XLR8.

But Fasttrack is slower, but physically stronger. It can carry a lot of weight, unlike the same XLR8.

And since he's a feline humanoid, Fasttrack has tremendous agility, flexibility, and superhuman senses.

Number forty-three is Juryrigg. In fact, an incredibly useful hero, technologically. He can help me dismantle the spaceship.

Aliens numbered forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven and forty-eight are aliens from the Andromeda Galaxy who were kidnapped by the Aggregor.

Water Hazard, Terraspin, NRG, Ampfibian, Armodrillo. I have already talked a little about them, so everything is clear.

And I received an analogue of the Water Hazard, in the form of Overflow, a month ago and I am already perfectly familiar with this hero.

The forty-ninth alien is a mixture of these five aliens. And as I said, I decided to call him Andromed.

Despite the fact that the Professor took 50% of Andromed's strength, he is still incredibly strong and useful.

Most likely, he is the second most powerful alien I have, after Alien X.

The last one is the Osmosian. Everything about him is clear.

Well, what can I say - cool. As many as fifty heroes. It's really a lot.

After I finished checking, I decided to get some sleep. So, lay down comfortably and fell asleep.



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